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The second name for Zoom teeth whitening is photo whitening. The technique was developed by American dentists and quickly became widespread in professional medicine. The first modifications of the system called Zoom 1 and 2 cannot be considered completely safe. But after the appearance of an improved complex of teeth whitening Zoom 3 reviews showed its most gentle effect on enamel with high efficiency. What are the features of the method?
Zoom 3 Technique
For whitening procedures, gels with 25% hydrogen peroxide or carbamide oxide (in higher concentration) are used. After applying the composition to the teeth, they are exposed to an ultraviolet lamp that starts the chemical processes in the gel. Within 20 minutes there is an active production of oxygen, which is able to penetrate the tissues of the teeth. Once inside the enamel, oxygen destroys the coloring pigments, so that the teeth become much brighter.
According to reviews about teeth whitening using the Zoom 3 method, the technology allows you to:
- lighten enamel by 12 tones in 1.5 hours. The desired color is determined together with the dentist on a VITA scale;
- keep the result with proper oral hygiene up to 5 years. Repeat the procedure to improve the tone every six months;
- whiten teeth in the presence of tissue diseases, including fluorosis. Quickly get rid of stubborn black plaque from smoking, coffee, red wine, eliminate the effect of "tetracycline teeth" after taking antibiotics.
Before bleaching in the dental office, the doctor applies a protective cream on the patient's cheeks and lips, and on the gums - a special composition that instantly hardens in air. They protect the mucous tissues from the damaging effects of acids. Glasses with a highly effective ultraviolet filter are put on the patient’s eyes.
Lightening gel is applied only to the "smile zone", which includes 10 upper and the same lower teeth. The lamp is positioned so that it illuminates only the desired area. The exposure time of the composition reaches 20 minutes, after which it is removed and applied again, repeating the procedure at least three times. Whitening is completed by applying a remineralizing gel, which restores the enamel, eliminating its deep damage.
Preparation and contraindications
- Before the procedure, diagnosis of the oral cavity is necessary. The presence of caries and lesions of the mucous membranes is a contraindication to whitening.
- First you should brush your teeth from plaque and remove the stone, then the effectiveness of the technique will be higher.
Contraindications for teeth whitening using Zoom 3:
- pregnancy and lactation of the patient, age up to 18 years;
- the presence of allergies to substances used in the method;
- severe diseases: psychological, epilepsy, oncology and periods of their treatment;
- moreover, drugs that increase the sensitivity of enamel to ultraviolet light, including oral contraceptives, tetracycline, ibuprofen.
Next Generation Zoom Advantages
Currently, the third generation photobleaching system is used in dentistry. The Zoom 4 system for teeth whitening does not yet exist, and statements about its use in dental offices is rather an indicator of their low professionalism.
The latest modification of the complex creates conditions for comfortable and painless whitening (excluding cases of individual high sensitivity of enamel when heated). Moreover, the new the composition of the whitening gel with 25%, and not with 35% peroxide, does not have a destructive effect on the enamel, since the acid is additionally neutralized by an alkalizing agent not previously used. The use of Relief mineralizing gel protects the enamel, making the procedure safe.
Features of whitening at home
With many advantages, the method has one drawback - high cost. Therefore, Zoom 3 home whitening has become so popular. Reviews about it do not allow you to attribute it to the most convenient and effective techniques. In particular, enamel brightening is possible only by 2-4 tones, and the exposure time of the gel is significantly increased.
So for Zoom teeth whitening at home, they use Night White mouthguards, which should be kept on your teeth all night, or Day White mouthguards, which last for several hours. The lamp is not used in the kit, so the gel is less effective (and less aggressive, which is a plus for home whitening using the Zoom system). The result is stored for 12 months.
To achieve the positive effect of using Zoom 3, the procedure must be performed only in a specialized office with a license for this type of activity. Unprofessional service can cause a deep burn of gum tissue, destruction of enamel and tooth whitening. If you plan to whiten your teeth at home, be sure to go through a dentist examination for enamel and caries defects.