Golden mustache tincture: the use of articular herbal preparation inside and out

Golden mustache can not be called an ancient healing remedy. The experience of its use in traditional medicine does not exceed two hundred years. The scientific name is fragrant callisia. Traditionally, a tropical plant is perceived as a toxic alien from Mexico, whose main role is decorative. However, bold traditional medicine managed to use it for medicinal purposes, which later received the approval of science. The most popular drug is tincture.
Golden mustache plant

The plant is not included in the list of pharmacopeia, and medicines from it are on the register of medicines. In the modern pharmaceutical market there are dietary supplements with a golden mustache - these are balms for external use, tablets and tincture of industrial production. Everyone can get a remedy without any special material costs. It is enough to have an adult plant. The advantage of tincture is versatility - it is used both internally and externally.


It is not in vain that fragrant callisia is not included in the domestic register of medicinal plants - its effectiveness is not well understood, as is the mechanism of a positive effect on the human body. The quality of raw materials depends on the growing conditions. In the wild of the middle band, a golden whisker is not found. Accordingly, there is simply nothing to compare researchers with.

The potential toxicity of the plant is precisely proven. If used incorrectly or overdosed, it causes damage to the vocal cords, disrupts the thyroid gland, and can provoke a respiratory tract spasm. Paradoxically, in folk medicine, the remedy is used for bronchial asthma and for the treatment of throat. This suggests two variants of the manifestation of the action: when used correctly, it is positive, and in inept hands it is extremely negative for health.

When preparing preparations from a plant, the instructions and dosage should be followed. Do not buy a plant from your hands. It is better to use for treatment that golden mustache that has grown on its own windowsill.

It is important to remember contraindications tinctures:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • BPH;
  • liver damage;
  • stones in the kidneys.

With proper and deliberate use, the plant will give a positive effect. Herbal treatment of complex and chronic diseases should be agreed with a doctor or an experienced phytotherapist.

Kallizia is a tropical plant, uncharacteristic for our latitudes, which increases the risks of allergic reactions. The easiest way to test sensitivity is to attach a wrinkled piece of golden mustache to your wrist. If a skin reaction does not follow, you can safely prepare a tincture.

Ingestion of alcohol extracts may be accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, skin rash, headache, hoarseness. In this case, it is necessary to stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Characterization and preparation of raw materials

To prepare tinctures of a golden mustache, not every room callisia is suitable. Only adults can be used as raw materials, since they contain a sufficient amount of biologically active substances. The following characteristics indicate a suitable age and condition of the grass in the pot:

  • main stem - powerful, well leafy;
  • leaves - have emerald green color;
  • side shoots - several "mustaches" depart from the main stem;
  • Colour - shoots are painted in brown purple;
  • mustache - have from ten knees (joints).

If the existing plant corresponds to all points, you can prepare raw materials for the preparation of tincture. The whiskers are cut off at the base, without touching the main stem. Remove the leaf rosettes at the ends. It is important that only the purple part of the shoots remain in the hands, since the green ones do not contain useful components.

One way to improve the quality of the final product is the autumn mustache collection. It is believed that in the autumn they accumulate an increased amount of nutrients. You can also carry out biogenic stimulation of raw materials. To do this, the shoots are wrapped in cellophane and placed in the refrigerator for a week. It is important not to freeze them. After fermentation, the beneficial properties of the plant will increase.

If the task is to prepare alcohol tincture, then further preparation of the raw material is required. With a sharp knife, shoots are cut into pieces up to a centimeter long. Some herbalists advise cutting each piece lengthwise into two to four parts.

As extractant should use high-quality vodka without impurities. If possible, you can get medical alcohol 40% strength. Do not use undiluted alcohol. There is an opinion that excessive ethanol levels the useful properties of the drug.

To prepare the medicine, you need to prepare a clean glass container for infusion. It is better if it is made of dark glass. In the absence of one, you can take an ordinary jar, wrap it with paper. The vessel should be tightly closed by a lid and not leak.


Features If the raw materials are selected and prepared correctly, then the product will be a deep dark purple color with a characteristic grassy odor. Brown tincture indicates too long exposure or access of oxygen to the container. No special precautions are required during cooking. The juice of the plant does not cause burns, but with special sensitivity of the skin it is better to protect your hands with gloves.


  1. 15 knees of the side shoots are prepared and cut as described above. Place in prepared container.
  2. Pour the raw material with vodka or alcohol, tightly cork.
  3. Shake the jar several times, after which they put it in a cool dark place for two weeks. (Once every two to three days it is necessary to vigorously mix the contents of the jar).
  4. After the time of infusion, the product is filtered through several layers of gauze in a bottle, preferably dark.
  5. Store on the refrigerator door.

The composition of herbal medicine

Therapeutic tincture, in addition to alcohol, contains the entire spectrum of biologically active substances present in the plant. The concentrate is its juice. Alcohol provides high-quality extraction of nutrients, so tincture is considered more pharmacologically active and effective than water infusions and decoctions.

  • Flavonoids. The main role belongs to quercetin and kempferol. These compounds provide anti-inflammatory effect of the drug, strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, normalize blood coagulation. They positively affect the functioning of the myocardium, prevent excessive permeability of the vascular walls, improve the outflow of bile, as well as the formation of urine. Flavonoids also act as active antioxidants. They protect the body from radicals. Preventing the aging process, as well as the occurrence of malignant cells.
  • Phytosterols. The compounds are similar to hormones. They establish the work of the endocrine system, and also activate the work of the immune forces. It is in their power to destroy some pathogenic microorganisms, normalize the processing of bile acids and reduce blood cholesterol.
  • Glycoside compounds. Improve myocardial functioning, optimizing the strength and speed of heart contractions. Prevent vascular spasms, protect the human body from heart attack and stroke. Normalize the work of the nervous system, help the body adapt to adverse external conditions.Positive effect on the ability to concentrate.
  • Vitamins Golden mustache juice contains high concentrations B vitaminsas well as ascorbic acid, vitamin e, carotenoids. This allows the plant-based preparation to prevent the development of vitamin deficiencies, positively affect metabolic processes, and normalize the transmission of nerve impulses. An important role of vitamins is to regulate the endocrine system, eliminate genital pathologies. Thanks to nutrients, the tincture of the golden mustache has a restorative effect, improves the condition of the epithelial tissue of the mucous membranes and skin, favors the density of the hair and the strength of the nails.
  • Minerals Tincture supplies the body with various minerals, among which the main concentrations belong to magnesium, selenium, chromium, copper, nickel, potassium, calcium, iron. These substances are necessary for many metabolic reactions within the body, the normal synthesis of hormones. They also participate in the regeneration of bone and articular tissue. Iodine ensures the normalization of the functioning of the thyroid gland, improves mental processes, strengthens memory.
  • Tannins. Golden mustache tannins have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, have astringent ability, as well as antimicrobial properties. This allows you to eliminate inflammation of various localization, acting on the cause of their occurrence, accelerate the healing of injuries, and strengthen the immunity of the mucous membranes.
  • Pectins. These compounds give tincture of a golden mustache antitoxic properties. Pectins are able to bind free radicals, decay products, heavy metals, and then effectively removes them from the body. The cleansing properties of the tincture have a beneficial effect on the work of the entire human body.

The composition of the golden mustache is not fully understood. It is believed that the plant may also contain resins, anthocyanins, catechins, iridoids. Perhaps due to the combination of these components and antioxidants, it exhibits antitumor and biostimulating properties.

Joint Disease Therapy

Fragrant callisia is positioned as an articular plant. The tool is used to treat:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • heel spurs;
  • gout
  • fractures;
  • dislocations;
  • sprains;
  • bruises;
  • sciatica;
  • neuralgia.

Both internal and external application are relevant. The effectiveness of therapy will increase if two methods are combined. Internal reception can be carried out in different ways.

  • First option. Tincture begins to be taken with ten drops. Daily dose is increased by one drop. Continue to increase the dosage until the end of the first month of therapy. Starting from the second month, the dose is daily reduced by one drop. By the end of the month it should be ten drops again. It is advisable to take the drug in the morning on an empty stomach. So the effect of therapy with small doses of the drug will be maximally manifested. If necessary, the two-month course is repeated after a break of 30 days.
  • The second option. According to the shock technique, tincture is taken daily twice a day, 30 drops each. The course of intensive treatment should not exceed ten days. After a ten day break, it can be repeated to improve the result or consolidate the effect.

Outwardly, the drug is used for compresses and rubbing. In the first case, the tincture diluted in half is applied to gauze, applied to a sore spot, covered with a bag. You can insulate the compress with a warm scarf. For grinding take a clean tincture. Rub it gently with your hands, and then wrap the place of application. If the procedure must be carried out more often twice a day, the tincture is mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil. This will prevent dryness and irritation of the skin, and also will not allow burns if the remedy insisted on alcohol.

Golden mustache tincture

Effectiveness in other pathologies

Tincture can be used not only for the treatment of joint diseases. She is able to overcome many other ailments.

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Golden mustache in the form of tincture is used as part of the complex therapy of gastritis, acidity disorders, weak evacuation function of the stomach. The tool also eliminates pancreatitis, normalizes the synthesis and outflow of bile. Tincture cleanses the intestines, eliminates the inflammatory processes in it. It is believed that a golden mustache is able to defeat even oncology of the digestive system. It is successfully used to treat proctitis, hemorrhoids.
  • Gynecological problems. Tincture of a golden mustache is recommended by herbalists to eliminate complex chronic inflammations in the field of gynecology. Means treat fibroids, fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, cycle disorders, mastopathy, malignant breast lesions, mastitis. It is believed that the anti-aging effect of the drug can prevent the onset and reduce the symptoms of menopause.
  • Endocrine disorders. It is believed that an alcoholic extract from callisia can improve the course of diabetes, while reducing the dosage of the drugs taken. But it should be remembered that alcohol is contraindicated in diabetes. The tool normalizes the thyroid gland, restoring the metabolic processes regulated by it. The metabolic effect of the plant is used for weight loss, since the components of the golden mustache are able to regulate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Colds. Tincture of a golden mustache treats cough, relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes, facilitates the elimination of sputum. The tool is used for frequent exposure to colds and infectious diseases, as well as for pulmonary inflammation. It cures tonsillitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, rhinitis, pharyngitis. However, with overdoses, a negative effect on the state of the upper and lower respiratory organs is also possible. In particular, asthmatics should use this remedy to prevent attacks very carefully.
  • Vascular disorders Callisia tincture can be used to treat fragility of capillaries, excessive vascular permeability, migraine pain, atherosclerosis, and also varicose veins. The tool is also effective for thrombophlebitis. It is believed that the positive effect of the drug on the eyes is based on its ability to improve blood circulation. Golden mustache is able to regulate pressure. In hypertensive patients, it reduces it, and in hypotensive patients it increases.
  • Skin lesions. Due to the regenerating, healing and antibacterial properties of the plant, the tincture based on it is able to treat any skin lesions - from fungal to allergic. The tool is used externally for psoriasis and eczema, purulent wounds and abscesses, pressure sores and trophic ulcers. Appropriate for the face from acne, as well as for hair from loss. Tincture also treats nail fungus.
  • Nervous Disorders. Tincture eliminates chronic overwork, apathy, asthenia, and depression. It improves thinking processes, facilitates memorization. Increases mental performance.

Take phytomedicine to eliminate the above pathologies can be in the same way as for joints. In mild and chronic diseases, a gentle treatment regimen should be chosen, and in acute severe conditions, shock. In this case, one should remember the need to coordinate herbal therapy with a doctor.

Skin problems are treated with pure tincture if there is no obvious damage to the epithelium. A drug diluted in half is used in case of wounds and severe irritation.

Also, undiluted preparation can be applied to the sites of bruises. This will prevent bruising and bruising.


My mother grows a golden mustache and makes tinctures. And he distributes sprouts to everyone.
We have a tincture always at hand, for all occasions. And from a mosquito bite, and for a compress with bruises. I somehow cured him with a knee that had hurt for two years.


Of course, I can’t say about cancer, and I doubt a bit. Still, doctors can not cure him, but here is some kind of tincture. But when I was pregnant, I rubbed my legs from edema. My legs have swollen for the past two months.Every evening she rubbed her feet with alcohol tincture and swelling subsided. I didn’t take it inside, because I was afraid. It seems like there is nothing so terrible in it, but, nevertheless, you never know how it can affect the condition of the baby.


My grandmother did tincture of a golden mustache on alcohol, applied it to her wounds, made tincture for her eyes, baths and lotions, and her eyesight became much better. Used also for internal use when she had problems with the intestines, she simply doesn’t have a soul in this plant and grows on her window

Alla Alla,

I learned about the healing properties of the golden mustache recently. They advised me at the pharmacy when, once again, I went for medicines. I have a stomach problem. Medications did not always help right away, and some have contraindications. The second week I take tincture of a golden mustache, less often the cutting pains and stomach cramps began to disturb, There are no contraindications. I will continue to continue treatment with a golden mustache.

Natalya Karakash,

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