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Despite the open pharmacological properties and healing biologically active composition, the golden mustache did not become a pharmacopoeial plant. The reason for this is its dubious safety. In case of an overdose, substances from the plant can accumulate in the body, cause intoxication and lead to undesirable consequences. Such risks turned out to be a compelling argument for traditional medicine to abandon the use of the plant. However, there are many dietary supplements, which include callisia. There is the possibility of self-preparation of drugs, because the golden mustache grows well as a houseplant.
Botanical characteristic
Externally, the culture differs from the usual representation of herbaceous plants. Golden mustache is more like a vine. The morphological characteristic is as follows.
- The stalks. The rounded main stem of the plant stretches up. Due to the accumulation of juice and the growth of foliage, it can become wilted. The length of the main stem can reach 1.5 m. Creeping horizontal shoots, which are popularly called mustache, are moving away from it in different directions. They end with a rosette of young leaves. The stems and shoots are brownish-purple in color, covered with “knees” or “joints”.
- Leaves. They remind corn foliage, whence another popular name for callisia is “corn”. Elongated, with a whole edge, broadly lanceolate leaves can reach a length of 25 cm. Their width rarely exceeds 4 cm. Depending on the conditions, they can be bright green or pale, with a lack of light - yellow.
- Flowers. A golden mustache blooms very rarely, if all the conditions for the plant are optimal - there is enough heat, light, the air is moist and saturated with oxygen. The flowers are white-green or pale pink, exuding a delicate pleasant aroma, somewhat similar to lily of the valley. After flowering, capsules with seeds are formed inside.
According to the condition of the herb, its healing properties are judged. A well-developing, bright plant will be an excellent raw material for the preparation of preparations. Pale leaves and brown stems indicate poor development of the plant and a scanty content of nutrients.
The side mustache and leaves of the golden mustache are used as raw materials. The main stem is considered extremely poisonous, so it is used only externally. Only those shoots that already have nine joints are cut. This indicates a sufficient healing power of raw materials.
Golden mustache is used fresh for cooking tinctures, water extracts, juice extraction. It is possible to procure raw materials for future use by freezing. At the same time, parts of the plant should be stored in airtight containers, away from food.
This flower is a storehouse of valuable compounds for the human body. Plant juice acts as a natural concentrate of biologically active substances, the effect of which can be healing or destructive, depending on the dosage. Among the important components of the plant, the following were discovered.
- Flavonoids. These are phenolic substances of plant origin that can normalize blood coagulation, eliminate inflammatory processes, activate metabolism, and neutralize the effect of free radicals. They normalize the permeability of the vascular walls, regulate vascular tone, improve blood circulation, optimize the work of the heart muscle, and help the pancreas to function properly.
- Catechins. Compounds of this group strengthen the vascular walls, improve the immune system, prevent and mitigate allergic reactions. Due to catechins, the golden mustache is able to fight oncological pathologies. It is known that these compounds exhibit an antioxidant effect 50 times higher than that of vitamins C and E.
- Phytosterols. Hormone-like substances that can regulate and regulate the hormonal background. Thanks to them, the plant optimizes the functioning of the endocrine system, which is important for the normal functioning of the entire human body. Phytosterols are able to regulate blood cholesterol and optimize lipid metabolism.
- Pectin substances. These are natural sorbents that promote detoxification. They bind and remove toxic reaction products, bacterial toxins, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals from the body. Pectins are also necessary for the regulation of intestinal microflora, the optimization of immune responses and the normal synthesis of vitamins in the intestine.
- Vitamins Golden mustache contains B vitaminsnecessary to normalize and improve metabolic processes. Carotenoids are important for immunity, the normal state of the skin and nails, as well as for improving vision. Vitamin E - the main compound for the reproductive system. It is equally important for both sexes. Responsible for the stable functioning of the reproductive system and reproductive functions. Ascorbic acid is a participant in metabolism, immune reactions, and the process of neutralizing radicals.
- Mineral compounds. The beneficial properties of the golden mustache are based on the content of chelates, easily digestible compounds with a biostimulating effect. They are substances of organic nature containing metals. Chelates are able to enhance the activity of other biologically active substances. Kallizia is rich in nickel, chromium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, calcium. All these substances have a beneficial effect on metabolism, are directly involved in many biochemical reactions.
- Tannins. They have the ability to eliminate inflammation of the mucous membranes, accelerate wound healing, stop bleeding and prevent infection damage. Tannins also help fight abscesses and purulent lesions triggered by aggressive pathogens.
- Glycoside compounds. They have a complex effect on the human body. They are able to normalize the psycho-emotional state, combining tonic and sedative properties. They help fight depression, distraction. They also regulate myocardial function, increasing its productivity, improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and stimulate the formation of bile. They have antispasmodic properties.
Healing properties
The valuable composition of the plant gives it many pharmacological actions:
- anti-inflammatory;
- antibacterial;
- wound healing;
- immunostimulating;
- tonic;
- restorative;
- antitumor;
- regenerative;
- metabolic
- antioxidant;
- resolving;
- antitussive.
Digestive tract diseases
The plant is useful for the stomach, it stimulates the healing of erosion and small ulcers, has an astringent effect. Indications may include diseases such as gastritis and ulcers. Mustache is also useful in the treatment of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and liver dysfunction. The grass also has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines - it eliminates infectious diarrhea, symptoms of colitis, cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins, and fights against chronic constipation. People callisia was used to treat complex poisoning. The grass also copes with the pathology of the rectum - accelerates the treatment of proctitis and hemorrhoids.
Metabolic disorders
Golden mustache is able to optimize lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. The first ability is used for prevention, as well as in the complex treatment of atherosclerosis. The sugar-lowering effect of the plant is appropriate in the complex treatment of diabetes. Treatment with a golden mustache helps to reduce the dose of hypoglycemic drugs used. The plant can be used for weight loss, because it not only accelerates metabolic processes, but also prevents glucose-insulin surges, preventing hunger attacks and episodic overeating.
Bone problems
Due to the content of a large number of minerals, fragrant callizia is actively used to treat joints. It is in this area that dietary supplements based on a golden mustache are most often used. Grass eliminates pain, restores trophic joints, and their structure. The plant is recommended for:
- osteochondrosis;
- arthritis;
- arthrosis;
- heel spur;
- radiculitis;
- rheumatism.
Cardiovascular diseases
External and internal use is appropriate for varicose veins, fragility of vessels, tendency to spasms. The plant has been successfully used in the treatment of hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis.
It is also believed that the plant has a positive effect on blood formation processes, normalizing the biochemical composition of blood and leveling the ratio of blood cells. The blood-thinning effect of the plant helps to cope with thrombophlebitis and prevent myocardial infarction.
The composition of the golden mustache helps in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, lungs, allergic cough. The action of the plant is appropriate for bronchitis, pneumonia, obstructive lesions of the bronchi, as well as for bronchial asthma. The bactericidal effect helps to treat infectious lesions of the mucous membranes (tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, runny nose), sinusitis, otitis media.
Skin problems
As a good antiseptic and stimulator of regenerative processes, callisia can be used to treat a wide variety of skin problems:
- psoriasis;
- eczema
- seborrhea;
- purulent acne;
- acne;
- allergic dermatitis;
- trophic ulcers;
- abrasions;
- scratches;
- insect bites;
- burns;
- mycoses;
- boils;
- purulent wounds.
Tinctures on shoots and leaves are recommended to be used both internally and externally. There is evidence that pure nail juice can cure nail fungus. Based on the golden mustache, hair preparations are prepared that can remove dandruff.
Traditional medicine also successfully uses grass for the treatment of gynecological inflammation, with endometriosis, myoma, mastopathy, oncology. Herbalists recommend taking callisia preparations during colds, with a decrease in immunity, as well as with vitamin deficiency. Means are also good for the eyes. Despite the ability to reduce pressure, the grass will not harm hypotensive patients. For them, it will work as a tonic. It is also known about the positive effect of the golden mustache on the state of the nervous system, the thyroid gland.
The risks of herbal medicine
The composition of the plant is very valuable, but herbalists focus the attention of patients on its dual action. High concentrations of biologically active substances quickly give a tangible effect and improve the patient’s condition, but after a while, the compounds accumulated in the body can provoke intoxication. Her symptoms are quite unusual:
- sore throat;
- enlargement of the thyroid gland;
- visual impairment;
- headache;
- weakness.
If signs of an overdose occur, you must stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.
The negative effect of the plant can be manifested by allergic reactions - skin itching, redness, urticaria. In this case, the external or internal use of the drug must also be suspended until the symptoms disappear completely. An attempt to resume therapy can be repeated after a month.
To prevent negative reactions, as well as checking the body's sensitivity to the plant, in the first days of therapy, reduced doses of the drug from it should be taken. Doctors emphasize the need to coordinate the use of the plant with a specialist. Otherwise, there may be completely unexpected effects from treatment, sometimes life-threatening.
Prescription Drugs
In pharmacies, ready-made medicines based on fragrant callisia are sold. As a rule, these are ointments for external use. There are also tablet dietary supplements. They should be used according to the attached instructions. To prepare the medicine at home, you will need fresh leaves of a golden mustache, as well as side shoots of the plant.
Features The tool is suitable for the treatment of any skin problems, including wounds and trophic ulcers. For the treatment of joint pain, the ointment should be applied with a thin layer on the inflamed area, rub lightly with massaging movements and leave to soak.
Preparation and use
- To extract the juice from the plant, all its parts should be finely chopped. Even the conversion of raw materials into mashed potatoes using a blender or meat grinder is suitable.
- Golden mustache puree is placed inside a gauze, folded in several layers, the eye-catching juice is carefully squeezed.
- The squeeze is mixed with baby cream without additives and fragrances, observing a proportion of 1: 3. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.
- Apply the medicine for damage two or three times a day. The wounds should be slightly covered with a gauze napkin.
Features To prepare the product, you should use the lateral mustache of the plant. You can take one shoot or several, so that in the sum you get 15 joints. Tincture is used internally for the treatment of joints, heart disease, disorders of the nervous system, thrombophlebitis and chronic inflammation. It can also be used externally for the treatment of wounds and dermatitis, the elimination of joint pain. They drink according to one of the following schemes.
- Gentle. After the first intake of ten drops, the dose is increased daily, adding dropwise until the 30th day of administration. After that, daily reduce the dose by drop. By the end of the second month of the course, it is necessary to return to the initial dose - ten drops.
- Shock. Tincture is taken 30 drops twice a day, diluting the product in half a glass of water. The course of treatment is ten days.
Preparation and use
- The side mustache is cut into pieces, about a centimeter long. They are placed in a glass jar.
- Pour the raw material with vodka, tightly seal the container.
- Insist in a dark place for two weeks, regularly shaking the tincture.
- As a result, you get a liquid with a purple tint, it should be filtered through gauze, stored in the refrigerator.
Features The water extract of the golden mustache is taken orally against digestive diseases. In combination with mint and valerian - for the treatment of nervous disorders. Outwardly used to wash the eyes with conjunctivitis and barley, gargling. Also, the drug is used as part of the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus. Infusion should be prepared daily.
Preparation and use
- A quarter is separated from the large leaf of the golden mustache. It is crushed into small pieces.
- Pour the raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist until completely cooled.
- After filtering, take orally in a tablespoon no more than four times a day. The course of treatment is no longer than a week.
Beauty Application
Due to the high concentration of antioxidants and vitamins, the golden mustache is suitable as a cosmetic product. It is able to restore youthfulness to the skin, eliminate wrinkles, age spots, restore turgor, make it radiant and attractive. Improving the nutrition of the epithelium and peripheral circulation contributes to the stability of the results.
Anti-aging face cream
Features You should take the most indifferent basis. Hypoallergenic creams of natural origin, such as lanolin, are ideal. Before each application, mix the composition. Store cream in the refrigerator.
Preparation and use
- 75 g of the base are mixed with additional ingredients - honey, golden mustache juice and aloe, taken on a teaspoon.
- By mixing, they achieve uniformity of the product.
- Apply at night, removing excess with a dry cloth.
Hair conditioner
Features To prepare the product, use a leaf from the main stem of the plant. Rinse aid is recommended twice a week.
Preparation and use
- The medium-sized sheet is crushed into small pieces.
- Pour boiling water in a jar with a liter.
- Insist day.
- After straining, it is used to rinse the hair after washing.
Rash tonic
Features Helps to eliminate acne and blackheads, as well as prevent the appearance of rashes on the skin. Improves its color and texture, gives smoothness.
Preparation and use
- In a cup of boiled water at room temperature, add a tablespoon of strained juice of strawberries and a golden mustache.
- Mix the mixture, pour into a bottle for storage.
- Add half a teaspoon of pharmacy glycerin.
- Wipe the face twice a day, after shaking the tonic.
Phytomedicines from callisia are prohibited for use in children, as well as in diseases of the kidneys, liver, and prostate adenoma. The plant is potentially toxic, therefore it is important to adhere to all recommendations in the process of preparation and use of drugs. During therapy, it is necessary to abandon alcohol and junk food, as well as minimize smoking. Otherwise, the risk of unwanted effects increases.
Golden mustache (fragrant Callisia), has been growing with us for 20 years and is a good folk doctor.The processes are passed from hand to hand and everyone is happy with this plant. No wonder they call him: home ginseng, venereal hair, live hair, corn. It is used as a treatment for the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, spleen, gynecological, pulmonary and ocular diseases, to restore the functions of the liver and adrenal cortex, to heal wounds, bruises and burns, to remove toxins from the body. It gives good results in the treatment of cancer. When applying, it is necessary to observe the correct dose and recipe for this disease.
I will be happy
Be careful - the golden mustache is toxic! weird dosages are recommended here - quite large. we use a golden mustache in the family, but in much more gentle doses. for example, one quarter of a fresh leaf of a mustache in my father caused severe poisoning - diarrhea, vomiting of pain and a terrible state. maybe this is an individual reaction? In short, carefully!
I prefer to use those medications that doctors approve of. I always have doubts about the properties of herbs not studied by scientists. Moreover, if this golden mustache is so ancient and has long been known to people, why it is not studied. He’s super useful. Doctors should be interested. And they are not very interested in something. Therefore, I myself would not begin to prepare all these decoctions and tinctures. In addition, such measures of weights as segments and leaves, I find ridiculous.
Marina, in vain you are so. The Golden Mustache is a wonderful remedy; I am the only one who is saved. I have sore knees, I especially suffer when the weather changes, so if it weren’t for the compresses from this plant, I don’t know what I would do. The drugs in the pharmacy are expensive now, you won’t get enough money for my salary, and the Golden Mustache can grow even in pots on the balcony, and it’s quite unpretentious. So I am being treated as I can.