Gelatin mask for hair: a way to straighten curls without ironing with the effect “before the first wash”

Every time after washing, we style our hair with a hairdryer. Going on a date or meeting with friends, we experiment with curling irons and irons. All this takes away moisture, breaks the structure of the hair. A gelatin hair mask helps to revive curls, save from excessive fluffiness, create smooth and shiny strands from naughty curls.
Beautiful brunette

The initial purpose of gelatin is a culinary thickener. It is used in cooking for the preparation of jelly, marmalade, various jellied dishes. But now, after a detailed study of the composition of the product, it began to be used for cosmetic purposes. Even large manufacturers produce hair products with gelatin, promising the effect of silk and gloss.

A method for producing gelatin from animal bones, cartilage and skin was invented by Jean Darce in the 18th century. Who would have thought that a product for the poor (sometimes called gelatin and jellied meat) would be able to conquer the whole, and penetrate the holy of holies - a women's cosmetic bag.

Collagen and more

Gelatin is called natural collagen. Thus, which is responsible for the youth of the skin, the strength of strands and nails. In fact, it is, because it is a pure protein product. One could stop at this and not list further the cosmetic advantages of the thickener. After all, it is precisely on the stimulation of collagen production that women's efforts are directed during beauty sessions. But still interesting, what else is special in the composition?

  • Vitamin PP it a nicotinic acidhelping hair grow faster. It reanimates frozen follicles, activating blood circulation and dilating blood vessels. In addition, it contributes to the production of melanin, which prevents the appearance of gray hair.
  • Phosphorus. 100 g of gelatin contains 37.5% of the daily norm of this substance. It is needed for elasticity of the skin, saturation of hair with color.
  • Iron. It has a strengthening effect, helps to preserve the natural color of the hair, eliminating the appearance of gray hair.
  • Calcium. This is the leader in the percentage of daily dose of 100 g of gelatin. Him there already 70%. Participates in the structure and strengthening of hair, the restoration of bulbs.
  • Magnesium. He participates in metabolic processes and relieves stress, which directly affects the condition of the curls.
  • Copper. Helps saturate the skin with oxygen, thus prolonging its youth and durability.

Gelatin in a plate

Hair Effects: “A Good Bad Cop”

This product is ambiguous in its manifestations. There are both good and negative properties that you must consider before choosing a gelatin mask for hair.

All About Benefits

When and who specifically first tested the properties of gelatin on the hairstyle is not known for certain. There is a version that once an ordinary housewife accidentally got dirty with it while cooking. And it should be noted, very successfully. The effect is so unbelievable that the gelatinous way of caring for hair was popularized. How does the product “work” on the hair?

  • Laminates. Hair is restored, enveloped with a protective film, which creates the effect of lamination. The resulting coating protects against the harmful effects of urban ecology, dirt and dust.And it also softens the negative reaction of the hair after applying a hair dryer, curling iron or other hot styling devices.
  • "Tames" curls. If you have curly curls, then gelatin, safely smoothing and straightening, will help them find a new, well-groomed look.
  • Creates volume. Owners of modest, “liquid” hairstyles will gain more volume, which will not disappear in an hour, and at any event your styling will remain perfect until the end.

All about harm

People with varicose veins, having kidney stones or gall bladder, are prohibited from using gelatin. Also at risk are those who have oxaluric diathesis. This product has other limitations. It is important to consider that you do not spoil not only the hair after the gelatin mask, but also your health.

  • Weakened curls. If your hair is not the best time, and it has been negatively damaged, chemically or mechanically damaged, then you should refrain from a gelatin mask at home. In addition, you can not use this product as the basis of cosmetics, if you spend some other recovery course for hair.
  • Intolerance. Always check your body's reaction to the ingredients. If a change in the form of a rash or redness appears on the skin after applying the product, itching begins, a burning sensation is felt, then you have an individual intolerance, and you need to put up with it, abandoning gelatin procedures.
  • Hair type. If you have dry and damaged hair, it is better not to use gelatin in its pure form. This product has a drying effect, so many mask recipes include moisturizing ingredients for balance. If your curls are stiff or suffer from increased greasy, then additional weighting due to this protein product will also not add beauty.
When using gelatin-based hair masks, always follow the rule: never apply it to the roots and epidermis. This clogs the pores, prevents them from breathing and the skin begins to get irritated due to pollution.

Beautiful blonde

“Collagen” sessions: 5 rules with photos

When this product is used in the kitchen for cooking, often the composition on the package is left unattended. Gelatin and gelatin ... But when used in home cosmetics, you need to ensure that there are no impurities in the composition. Various additional components can be a disservice. What else needs to be considered when “kneading” gelatin cosmetics for strands. Pay attention to five nuances.

  1. Training. Wash your hair first. As usual, with shampoo. Blot well with a towel, leaving it moist.
  2. Mask application. Without touching the roots, spread the mixture through the hair with a brush. In order for the substances to be absorbed into the structure of the curls and not freeze, it is necessary to create heat, so put on a hat or wrap the head with cling film. Wrap on top with a towel or shawl. It is advised to heat an additional 15 minutes with a hairdryer.
  3. Time. 30 minutes are enough for gelatin to manifest properties. In some recipes, the duration varies due to other components.
  4. Mask removal. Hot water is contraindicated, so only make it warm and pleasant to the skin so that the resulting film does not go away with the rest of the mixture. By the way, the low temperature during washing will lead to a sharp hardening of the product right on your head.
  5. The sequence of actions. A gelatin mask for laminating hair is distinguished by the fact that you wash your hair in front of it, and then only rinse and enjoy the result. If you feel the remnants of the mixture, then try the following advice: make warm water in a basin, lower your hair there and hold it a bit so that the gelatin is completely dissolved.
These masks should not be abused, once a week is enough. But if you plan to add this component to the shampoo (girls recommend this method on forums), then it is permissible to do this once every three days.In this case, gelatin is diluted in a glass of nettle broth and added to a single serving of shampoo.

Gelatin preparation

This is the most crucial moment in the whole procedure. Take the powder or plates; the gelatin release form is not important here. When you cook it, remember that one tablespoon for short hair is enough for lamination. What's next?

  • Proportions. Dilute gelatin with water in a ratio of 1: 5, respectively.
  • Water temperature. In order for the product to dissolve well and quickly, it is necessary to select the correct water temperature: it must be no higher than 45 ° C. To see if you did the right thing, do a test with your fingers in the water. If at the same time there will be pleasant sensations without a feeling of cold and burning, then everything is true.
  • Water bath. After the granules swell, it is necessary to heat this substance in order to achieve a liquid state. To do this, use a water bath, it is safer, because on an open fire, gelatin can boil and lose all its wealth.
When the base is ready, wait until it cools slightly. Too hot a mask will not help you achieve beauty, but it can leave burns.

White mask on hair

Lamination at home: step-by-step hair treatment

Gelatin lamination of hair is a cheap and affordable way to give your hair style smoothness, radiance and novelty at home. In addition, the recipe is simple and minimal time. The procedure is carried out in six steps.

  1. We are preparing the basis. First you need to dilute the gelatin with water, as described above. The amount depends on the haircut: for a short one tablespoon, an average - two, long - three.
  2. Washing my head. Now there are 15 minutes to wait for the pellets to swell. You can wash your hair during this time, as usual, only without the use of conditioners and balms. Make the water as hot as possible so that the flakes along the entire length of the curl open for further action. Pat with a towel.
  3. Mix gelatin and balm. Heated the swollen gelatin according to all the rules, add to the dishes a purchased mask or your balm in the amount of half a large spoon for a short haircut, a full spoon for an average, and a half for an elongated one.
  4. Apply. The mask should be at a comfortable temperature. It is applied only to the hair, without affecting the root. After that, wrap the head with foil, or put on a bag. Then insulate everything with a hat or a large terry towel.
  5. We wait. The duration of the procedure is one hour, in the process you can periodically warm your head with a hairdryer so that the gelatin does not freeze.
  6. Rinse off. Thanks to the balm in the mask, it is washed off without problems with slightly warm water.
The step-by-step actions described in the recipe will take you an hour and a half on average, and the result will please you for several days. Alas, after the next wash from home lamination there will be no trace.

The myth of the healing properties of lamination

If you think that such a procedure will heal hair from split ends, excessive fluffiness, then you are mistaken. Lamination only eliminates external manifestations, gives temporary protection to the hair from the harmful effects of the environment, smoothes the scales, giving the structure a gloss.

If you want to improve the condition of the hair, more global action is needed. So, in her response to patient reviews, the trichologist Anna Goncharova points out the importance of nutrition. It must be complete and rational, using the full variety of products.

Trichologist's recommendation: eat more berries, fruits, red meat and eggs. Great helpers for healthy hair are carrot juice, cottage cheese, honey. In addition to this, oddly enough, but vigorous physical activity also affects the condition of your curls and bring benefits to them.

Girl wash their hair

Gelatin hair mask: 4 more options

When choosing a particular recipe, pay attention to the additional ingredients in it. Some products are suitable for dry hair, while others - for oily.

Tandem with henna

Description. This is the recommended option for increasing the density and growth of hair with a dry type of curls.

What do we have to do

  1. The ratio of gelatin and colorless henna in the recipe is 1: 1.
  2. Dissolve the main product in accordance with all the rules, add henna to the resulting liquid.
  3. Attach a pinch of mustard to the mixture.
  4. If the hair is characterized by increased dryness and brittleness, then you can diversify the mask with egg yolk.
  5. Spread over the strands and wait 40 minutes. Do not forget about the warm cap, which will not allow gelatin to harden.
One of the participants in the popular beauty beauty forum wrote that she often uses a mask. In addition to the main ingredients, it also adds healthy vegetable oil, such as shea or burdock. In addition, she achieved a stable lamination effect when she left the mixture in her hair at night.

Egg jelly

Description. This mask will help dry hair to be nourished with nutrients, strengthen and become more alive. A large spoonful of gelatin in the recipe accounts for one egg, or rather, the yolk.

What do we have to do

  1. Prepare the base.
  2. Put the dishes in a water bath and wait until the granules dissolve. Make sure that the liquid does not boil and does not become hot.
  3. Separate the yolk and mix in the mixture.
  4. Then cool to room temperature and apply on curls.
  5. The time to wait is 30 minutes.


Description. Suitable for all types of strands. Honey as an additional ingredient will give not only nutrition to curls, but also a healthy shine, protecting against unhealthy hair loss.

What do we have to do

  1. Proportions in the recipe: for one large spoon of gelatin, take a small spoon of fresh honey.
  2. Apply a warm mixture to the hair, avoiding the roots.
  3. Wrap them up.
  4. Rinse off after 30 minutes.

Egg mass


Description. The best option for fatty strands. On the one hand, the components will remove excess grease, on the other, the hair will take on a peppy look.

What do we have to do

  1. Prepare the base, but use milk instead of water in the same proportions as specified in the rules.
  2. Soak a crust of dried rye bread also in milk.
  3. Attach the bread soaked pulp to the solution to make a slurry.
  4. Additionally, you need a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  5. Spread the mixture evenly over the strands and leave for 40 minutes.

If you are a vegetarian

Women who do not eat animal products not only in food, but also in cosmetics, clothing, can replace gelatin with another base. Most vegetarianists know about agar agar as part of the cuisine. But its value in hair masks is much higher.

Vegetable Gelatin Properties

The algae that this product is made of contains 20 times more chemical elements than land plants. Therefore, it is able to instill life in your curls and soak it with effective components. Agar-agar reanimates tired hair, correcting damage to cuticle flakes.

Agar Agar

In order to use it in masks for straightening, you need to know the proportions: for one teaspoon there are three large spoons of hot water. Pellets immediately pour boiling water and melt. They do not need to be additionally heated.

But if you decide to take plain mineral water to create a gel base, then cook according to the same rules as described for gelatin.

A mask of gelatin for hair or agar-agar will act in the same way, protecting curls from an external aggressive environment, eliminating dullness and lethargy. She will give a gloss to her hair, equivalent to salon care, only for less than 40 rubles. This is the price of a thirty-gram package of gelatin (as of June 2017).

Reviews: "You need to apply constantly, otherwise the smoothness will melt like jelly"

And I really like it. Curly hair (not a small lamb, but curls). I made a gelatin mask with an egg and honey. Before the mask, I washed my hair with shampoo, applied the mask, kept it for an hour, and then applied the balm.The hair is tough right away, but on the next day (my hair in the evening) they become more silky after combing! Shine perfectly. I can’t say anything about the loss, no more than 2 hairs fall out a day! :) well, something must be physiologically positive in pregnancy !;)) (but I’m afraid after delivery that it will happen ... ?!) Bottom line: I am satisfied!


After the first time I noticed a difference. Her hair became brighter and more obedient as if after salt. It was combed easily. She held the mask for almost two hours, wrapped her hair in a bag and a towel on top. The effect is gorgeous. Personally, I will continue to use it.


Girls, to say that I am delighted means to say nothing. The mask is just super. I did the truth not with water, but with milk. Heated the milk and threw gelatin into it (threw it on the eye), after the gelatin was swollen, heated the milk and finally dissolved the gelatin in it, then added olive oil. She applied it to shampoo-washed hair. She kept the mask for about 20 minutes, then washed it off and applied balm.
Your hair is very thick and heavy, it is very difficult to style at home (you need to spend 3 hours). After the mask became soft and obedient, “antennas” on the head became much less.

Baby Liu,

Recently decided to test the method of gelatin lamination. I made a prescription mixture, added a little glycerin for softness, and walked around the house for two and a half hours. Surprisingly, gelatin was washed off very easily, the hair did not stick together. And indeed, when all the strands have dried, the lamination effect is noticeable. The disadvantage of this method is that such a procedure should be performed once or even twice a week. Otherwise, all smoothness will melt like jelly.


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