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Select hormonal drugs should be with a gynecologist. Despite their general similarity (contain estrogens and gestagens), the effect of the application can vary greatly. "Janine" refers to drugs that are not suitable for everyone.
Composition and principle of action
"Zhanin" is a low-dose monophasic combined oral contraceptive. Each concept is important:
- low dose - the hormone content is relatively small;
- monophasic - each tablet contains the same dose of medication;
- tocombined - in the composition there are estrogens and gestagens that mimic the biphasic menstrual cycle in women;
- oral - taking the tablets inside.
The composition includes the following hormones.
- 0.03 mg of ethinyl estradiol. It mimics the effects of estrogen. Ethinyl estradiol increases the viscosity of the cervical secretion, which violates the mobility of sperm in the cervical canal.
- 2 mg dienogest. It acts on the pituitary gland, inhibiting the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which leads to the lack of growth of new follicles. As a result, the ovaries are in a “sleeping state" without ovulation. A distinctive ability of dienogest is that it has antiandrogenic activity. Due to this, after some time of administration, the manifestations decrease acne, hirsutism.
Constant low concentrations of hormones in the blood affect the endometrium of the uterine cavity, leading to its atrophy. This entails a decrease in the profusion and duration of menstrual bleeding, as well as a decrease in foci endometriosis throughout the body.
When used
The main purpose of the hormone tablets "Janine" is to provide protection against pregnancy. Additionally, the tool is used to treat the following conditions:
- endometriosis - due to the "sleeping state" of the ovaries and a decrease in the activity of the pituitary gland of the brain, all foci of endometriosis (including adenomyosis) are significantly reduced, which leads to a decrease in the severity of pain, spotting, and heavy periods;
- at ovarian cyst - appointed after conservative and surgical treatment of ovarian cysts, including endometrioid nature, for a period of three to six months;
- uterine fibroids – like all contraceptives, it is able to slightly reduce the growth rate of nodes;
- at mastopathy – regular intake reduces the likelihood of developing mastopathy by half, and symptoms such as pain and tension of the mammary glands are also reduced;
- with endometrial hyperplasia - can be used as a treatment for benign endometrial hyperplasia and glandular polyps;
- with polycystic the drug normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces the manifestations of hyperandrogenemia and its effect on the whole body;
- with chronic adnexitis - regular use leads to the attenuation of inflammatory processes in the area of the appendages, reducing the likelihood ovarian dysfunction;
- for cosmetic effect - against the background of taking “Janine”, the severity of acne (acne) on the face, back and arms decreases, however, the effect persists not long after the medication is canceled (one to two months).
Contraindications to taking the drug correspond to those common to all hormones with estrogen and progestogen content. The list includes the following conditions:
- allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
- history of blood clots, tendency to them;
- migraines, even if the last episode was long ago;
- diabetes;
- prosthetic heart valves;
- arterial hypertension of the third and fourth degree;
- prolonged stationary state, for example, after fractures;
- diseases of the liver, biliary tract;
- pancreatic disease;
- pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
- suspicion or specified malignant tumors;
- vaginal bleeding of an unclear cause;
- smoking;
- overweight with an index of more than 40;
- systemic diseases of the connective tissue;
- menopause.
How is it carried
With careful selection of the drug "Janine" is well tolerated. However, against the background of use, the following side effects may occur with a frequency of more than one case per thousand women taking the medicine:
- headache, migraines;
- dizziness;
- nausea and vomiting, impaired stool;
- increased appetite and weight gain;
- hair loss, rash and itching of the skin;
- increase in pressure;
- decreased sex drive (libido);
- recurrent candidal colpitis;
- increased blood sugar;
- thrombosis and thromboembolism;
- tearfulness, irritability, depression.
Reviews about birth control pills "Janine" are contradictory. Someone does not observe side effects and uses the drug for contraception or treatment for many years, while others can not stand the weeks of admission due to unpleasant changes in their health and behavior.
With a frequency of less than one case per thousand women taking the drug, the following side effects occur:
- relapse of viral and bacterial infections;
- insomnia;
- dry mucous membranes;
- skin diseases such as seborrhea, psoriasis;
- bronchial asthma;
- enteritis, gastritis.
In cases of overdose, side effects increase. The treatment in these cases is symptomatic.
"Janine": instructions for use
Kok for a long time and how many pills can I drink Janine? The regimen for taking Janine tablets is no different from that of other oral contraceptives. The main postulates are as follows:
- pills are taken - inside, washed down with a small amount of water; for 21 days, one tablet is taken from the package;
- start of reception - must coincide with the first day of menstruation in the first month;
- time of receipt - strictly fixed, for example, always in the morning at 6.00;
- after the end of packaging - a seven-day break is necessary, usually on the second or third day menstrual-like discharge comes;
- after a seven-day break - should begin to accept new packaging.
Frequent clinical situations
Often indications for the use of the drug are various situations and diseases. Drinking pills "Janine" should be given the following points.
- After an abortion, miscarriage. If the termination of pregnancy occurred in the first trimester, it is necessary to start taking the pills on this or the next day. If an abortion or miscarriage occurs in the second trimester, it is recommended that the start of treatment be attributed to 21-28 days, you can not even wait for menstruation, but subject to the exclusion of pregnancy.
- After childbirth. The drug is allowed to be used only after the completion of lactation. If a woman does not support breastfeeding, the onset is possible no earlier than 21-28 days after birth.
- After other ok. You should start drinking "Janine" during a seven-day break or taking dummy tablets. If the transdermal patch, the Mirena intrauterine device, or the vaginal ring is removed, it is recommended that you take the first tablet on the same day. If injections of hormonal drugs were used, the beginning should coincide with the first day of the alleged injection. When switching from mini-pili (contain only gestagen), the reception can be timed to coincide with any day.
If a tablet is missed
The reviews of doctors and women indicate the fact that most often you have to deal with a violation of the regimen of pills. How to take "Janine" in such cases? If 12 hours have not passed since the set time, you must take the missed pill, and then at the appointed time, the next. If 12 hours have already passed, the algorithm of actions is as follows:
- first week of admission - as soon as possible, drink the missed pill, and the next according to the usual schedule, during the week it is necessary to use additional methods of protection;
- second week of admission - urgently take a missed tablet, additional protection is not necessary if, until this moment, the reception regimen was observed;
- third week of admission - you can either continue taking the package and start the next one without a seven-day break, or take a break for a week on the missed tablet and then start a new pack.
What affects efficiency
During the reception of "Janine" various situations are possible, including the state of the disease. You need to know that some drugs and symptoms can reduce the contraceptive effect of tablets:
- antibiotics - macrolides (for example, "Azithromycin"," Jochamycin "," Clarithromycin "," Erythromycin "), penicillins (" Amoxiclav "," Ampicillin "), tetracyclines ("Doxycycline»);
- antifungal drugs - “Ketoconazole”;
- antidepressants – «Fluoxetine»;
- anticonvulsants - "Carbamazepine";
- from pressure - Diltiazem.
- vomiting and diarrhea - if the episode occurred within four hours of taking the pill, additional contraception should be used in the next week; if after four hours the protective effect is preserved, the drug is already completely in the blood.
There are complete analogues of the drug with the same composition and dose of active substances. The list is as follows:
- "Silhouette";
- "Dicyclylene";
- Bonade.
“Janine” tablets with endometriosis, hyperandrogenemia, after removal of the ovarian cysts are the drug of choice. The medicine is suitable for the prevention of acne in women with impaired hormonal levels, as well as just for contraception. The drug is prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor, since it has contraindications and complications from use.
Saw Janine, side effects are possible in the first month. I was nauseous. The skin became 100 times better, menstruation less painful and abundant, not recovered. After 2 months, she threw it pregnant.Not on purpose, she persistently believed that in order to get pregnant, the body should be cleaned, well, I think just next year and we will begin to conceive, but I did not know about cancellation. And now I’m very glad that I don’t know.
Hi everyone) listen to my story who cares, I’m the mother of 2 children and decided to try Jeanine read the reviews, drank it for 4 months over these months, I can say that the skin on my faces has become just super, but there are also disadvantages that I got 15 kg yes yes I’m telling you seriously, it can be drunk only by thin women who were not afraid to replenish this horror you will be fed, like leaps and bounds, I haven’t been drinking it for 2 months already and the weight doesn’t go away it’s just a nightmare, and I ate the same way as always .100 times think whether you want the perfect skin? and my friend drank it for 2 months and recovered by 5 kg and then threw it into Janine, a high content of hormones and whoever told you that now the technology does not stand still, anyway, we get fat from hormonal drugs unfortunately.
I also did not recover, and did not lose weight. There used to be pimples in the winter on the back, now they have stopped. Menstruation has become scarcer, forgot about tampons, had enough daily, only sometimes the usual pads were needed. Of the bad, I’m not sure, since there used to be standing work for three years, but it is possible that Janine also influenced, wreaths began to appear. The skin is ordinary, there are no bags under the eyes, otherwise everything is fine.
I am 42 years old. Appointed Janine due to fibroids, 16 mm. + ovarian cyst. After half a year of taking, the cyst still had to be removed along with the ovary, ovarian cystoma (laparoscopy). I drink it already a year after the start of the intake, I don’t like it, it’s just horror (((Libido generally disappeared to nowhere (((. Dizziness is incomprehensible periodically ... It may smear from the 14th day of administration ... for a year now, there’s no more strength to endure it, I want to quit, but the doctor doesn’t advises, says, it’s necessary for you that the myoma doesn’t grow. Moreover, it has recovered by 5 kg per year, although I still eat (few and no calories). I was always slender, but then ... slowly, but surely I’m going to expanse is just a nightmare ... I decided to quit my appointment for at least 2-3 months, of course my breasts have increased, but I think due to the fact that wound. The only thing is happy, so is the skin really clean.
I saw Zhanin 2 years before pregnancy, for the treatment of endometriosis and for direct use, everything is ok, after childbirth (when I finished gua) I drink again (7 months), I do not plan to stop it, I'm happy. I’m not recovering (I don’t limit myself to eating), my skin, hair are better than steel, I also did not notice changes in my mood. Everything is individual, do not be afraid if something goes wrong, the doctor will prescribe others.