Medical and folk methods for treating jam in the corners of the lips

Itchy cracks reappear in the corners of the lips? They are popularly called jams. They bring discomfort, grow quickly and turn into ugly red spots. What are jamming on the lips, causes, treatment and prevention of the disease - in our review.
Lip jamming

What is popularly called “zaedy” is called angulitis in medicine. The causes and treatment of the disease are precisely identified and known. A dermatologist can help in these situations, but often you can not do without consulting a dentist, because the disease is closely related to the condition of the oral cavity.

What causes angulitis

Contrary to popular belief that the cause of angulitis is exclusively vitamin B deficiency or the habit of licking lips, doctors say that the reason lies in skin damage by fungi or bacteria. Other factors are already secondary, but they certainly stimulate the development of the disease.

Depending on why there are jams in the corners of the lips, how to treat them is determined by a specialist. A doctor’s consultation is extremely necessary, since the treatment technique is chosen depending on which pathogen provoked inflammation. There are two main reasons why the corners of the lips crack.

  1. Streptococcal infection. Inflammation of the skin is caused by bacteria from the genus streptococci. Outwardly, it looks like a bubble covered with a thin shell. It quickly disappears, after which an itchy crack forms, which is covered with a bloody crust with purulent yellowish edges. This crust is easily peeled off, but in its place there remains an inflamed surface with a clearly visible crack. After a couple of hours, the crust will appear again. The inflamed area itches, burns, and after taking acidic or spicy dishes, these sensations intensify.
  2. Candidiasis. Called by thrush fungi or scientifically Candida. Lacquer red erosion forms in the corner of the lips, it is like a fringe, surrounded by whitish skin. Often covered with gray, easily receding plaque. Pronounced cracks in the corners of the lips are not visible, the crust is also not. This makes people believe that the disease is mild and will pass by itself, which becomes the main reason for its transition to a chronic form.

Girl smears lips with cream

It is important to understand that this disease can occur in any person, and streptococcal infection often affects children. The causative agents of the disease always live on our skin, but with a normal state of immunity, they are absolutely not dangerous. If immunity decreases, the number of bacteria or fungi begins to increase. And here the very provocative factors come into play, for example, the presence of untreated caries or the habit of licking lips.

For the same reason, often there are seizures on the lips during pregnancy: immunity is reduced, the environment of the mucous membranes changes, there is everything necessary for the growth of streptococci and fungi.

Medical treatment techniques

If there is a jam on the lips of the cause, how to treat should be determined by the doctor. It is not difficult to do this even visually, since the outwardly bacterial and fungal infections are completely different. Additionally, a specialist can prescribe blood and urine tests to exclude the likelihood of an inflammatory process in the body. In the future, treatment tactics are determined. It includes local remedies and general exposure.

Local funds

A good solution than urgently treating seizures in the corners of the lips is ready-made ointments. They quickly relieve itching and eliminate the visual manifestations of inflammation. With a primary and unreleased infection, local treatment is enough. So, how to anoint the jam on the lips? With candidiasis, fluconazole-containing agents are used: sulfur-salicylic, nystatin, levorin ointments, Levorin cream.Ointment from jamming on the lips with bacterial inflammation (streptococcal infection) should be with an antibiotic. Erythromycion and liniment synthomycin help. Previously, Vishnevsky ointment was used to treat angulitis. But today it is practically not used, as it is dangerous if it gets into the mouth and is swallowed.

General therapy

If the disease is severe, prescribe antifungal agents or antibiotics by mouth. The first include fluconazole preparations (diflucan, nystatin, lamisil, etc.), to the second - antibacterial agents. Internal antibiotics are rarely prescribed, as topical treatment is usually sufficient. It is also recommended to take vitamins for jamming on the lips: complexes with vitamins B, A, C and E. In therapy, Aevit, Aerovit and other drugs are used, the course of which is 1 month.

Beautiful girl smiling



Treatment with folk remedies for jamming on the lips will not help get rid of the cause of the disease. Moreover, it can lead to its transition to a chronic relapsing stage, since local drugs reduce itching and swelling, and bring temporary relief. It is necessary to use them in combination with medical means, then recovery will come faster.

  1. Tea tree oil compresses - apply twice a day. It relieves inflammation and softens the skin.
  2. Lotions fromsea ​​buckthorn oil - stimulate the healing of the skin.
  3. Compresses witholive and vegetable oil - perfectly soften the skin, help heal wounds.
  4. Green Tea Compresses - Put warm tea bags with tea leaves for a few minutes. They help reduce inflammation and relieve itching.

With an integrated approach, angulitis can be cured quickly and completely. Therefore, do not start the disease, but immediately consult a doctor.

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