Vulvitis in women and girls: why inflammation occurs and ways to get back to normal

Female genitals have a strict division into departments: the external is delimited from the internal. This is important to prevent the spread of infection. Even the vagina is isolated from the external environment by tightly closed labia. Therefore, inflammation can develop locally, the symptoms of vulvitis in women appear only outside. What are the features of the course of the disease? Could it lead to serious complications?
Girl in red lingerie

Before conducting treatment for vulvitis in women, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition. If you only deal with the consequences - inflammation of the vulva, then soon the symptoms may return. Therefore, you need to pay attention to concomitant diseases and conditions. But first find out if it is vulvite? Or does inflammation span overlying sections?

What relates to the vulva

The structure of the external genitalia is such that they protect the entrance to the vagina and the opening of the urethra from a possible infection. What is included in the concept of the vulva?

  • Large labia. These are two skin folds that envelop the vulva from the outside and protect it from external influences. The skin on them may be more pigmented, this difference is especially noticeable during pregnancy. The surface of the labia is covered with hair.
  • Labia minora. Two soft skin folds that form the vestibule of the vagina. At the junction in front of them is the clitoris. In form, due to general ontogenesis, it resembles a male penis. Below the clitoris, but above the vestibule, is the opening of the urethra.
  • Hymen. In girls and girls, as well as some women who did not have a sexual relationship, a thin skin fold covers the entrance to the vagina. After the first contact, she is torn, but finally breaks only at the time of birth.
  • Crotch. The area between the posterior adhesion of the labia and the anus. Its structure provides support to the pelvic organs.

The inner surface of the labia majora, as well as the rest of the vulva, is lined with epithelium, which differs from the skin. It has a delicate structure, requires constant hydration. The Bartholin glands, which are located inside at the entrance to the vagina, provide the necessary condition of the vulva.

Causes of the disease

Subacute vulvitis in women can occur as primary or secondary inflammation of the labia minora.

  • Primary vulvitis. It develops as a reaction to some irritants at the place of their exposure. More characteristic of childhood.
  • Secondary vulvitis. It is a consequence of the spread of infection from the overlying parts of the reproductive system - from the cervix, uterine cavity, appendages. Also, the cause may be diseases of other organs that are not directly related to the reproductive system. This form is characteristic of women of reproductive and older age.

The course of the disease can be in two forms.

  1. Sharp. Symptoms appear against the background of complete well-being. The treatment completely eliminates the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Chronic. Pathology manifests itself periodically, often menstruation, stress, and errors in lifestyle or nutrition act as provocateurs. Chronic inflammation gradually leads to a change in the epithelial membrane: areas of atrophy, lichenization appear.

Chronic vulvitis is characteristic of children and women in the period menopause. In reproductive age, acute forms of the disease are more common. What is the danger of chronic vulvitis? For older women, this is an area of ​​constant discomfort. They are worried about a feeling of dryness and burning. In girls, chronic inflammation can result in the formation of synechia - pathological adhesions. At the initial stage, they are adjusted by local drugs, but in a neglected state require surgical separation.

Provocative Factors

Regardless of the primary or secondary form of the disease, the following conditions are necessary for its onset.

  • Personal hygiene. Failure to comply with elementary rules can lead to the development of inflammation. A small amount of leucorrhoea is released daily in a woman. They flow freely from the vagina. But further hygienic procedures are needed to cleanse. If a woman neglects a shower or a bidet, then the discharge becomes a breeding ground for microbes. The same applies to menstrual blood and timely replacement of pads. Also, do not forget about the daily change of linen.
  • Chemicals. Redness of the mucosa can develop as a reaction to the hygiene products used. Frequent use of soap, washing with antibacterial agents, as well as cosmetics containing dyes and dyes, can turn into an inflammatory reaction or allergy.
  • Injuries. Mechanical microdamages can occur from wearing tight underwear and clothing, prolonged use of pads, during sexual intercourse.
  • Combs. Slight scratches that result from mechanical irritation. Itching of the vulva can be observed with helminthiases in girls, neurosis in women.
  • Vaginal discharge. Pathological discharge from the vagina can cause severe maceration of the vulva. It can be white due to inflammation of the uterus, neck, or appendages. Irritation causes constantly leaking urine as a result of incontinence.
  • Decreased immunity. Inhibition of local or general protective forces leads to the appearance of foci of inflammation. This may be the result of the use of antibiotics and cytostatics, radiation therapy or a long illness.
  • Hormonal adjustment. Pregnancy, puberty, the time before the next menstruation, menopause are periods when the hormonal background undergoes significant changes. The vulva is a hormone-sensitive area. Therefore, any fluctuations in their concentration can affect its condition. Hormonal effects can be seen with ovarian hypofunction, diabetes mellitus, and obesity.

Inflammation of the vulva can have a specific and non-specific nature. The causative agents of specific inflammation are gonococci, tubercle bacillus. Conditionally pathogenic flora refers to non-specific pathogens.

The causes of candidal vulvitis can be varied. This is diabetes with poorly controlled glucose levels, and the unreasonable use of hydrocortisone, as well as long-term antibiotic treatment.

Symptoms of vulvitis in women: probable specific signs

For the acute course of the disease, the main signs of an inflammatory reaction are characteristic. But it is impossible to differentiate the level of inflammation on its own - it affects only the vulva or is a consequence of a common infection, you can see the photo on the Internet and compare. Signs of vulvitis in women can be of the following nature.

  • Inflammatory reaction. In pathological physiology, it is customary to characterize the inflammation reaction as a combination of several signs: redness, blood flow and swelling, an increase in local temperature, and dysfunction. For vulvitis, all the main signs of inflammation are characteristic. The labia swell, blush.
  • Unpleasant sensations. Depending on the pathogen and individual sensitivity, itching and burning develop. They can be supplemented by the appearance of pain during urination, in movement, during intercourse.
  • Discharge. Normally, they are invisible and do not cause discomfort. With vulvitis, discharge may become abundant. Their consistency and color changes. They can become serous-purulent or sucrose, liquid or thick in consistency. Candida give a cheesy plaque. E. coli - liquid with an unpleasant odor of discharge, yellow-green tint.
  • Lymph nodes. Sometimes an increase in inguinal lymph nodes is possible. An increase in temperature is rare, but such a reaction does occur.
Launched vulvitis can lead to the formation of ulcers and erosion, which, when healed, can distort the labia and the vestibule of the vagina. In the international classifier of diseases ICD-10, it is encoded as N77.1.

What diagnostics will show

To conduct adequate treatment in gynecology, you need to see a doctor. Complex diagnostics are not required here. The gynecologist will conduct a conversation to find out what preceded the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

The next step will be an examination on a chair and taking a smear from pathological areas. Microscopy is enough to determine the microbial composition of the focus of infection. Bacterial culture can be performed to identify a specific pathogen.

It is also necessary to find out the presence of concomitant diseases of the genital organs, endocrine pathologies that can cause vulvitis. General blood and urine tests will tell you about your health condition.

The doctor takes a smear

How to treat

Treatment of vulvitis should be associated with its etiology. If the causal factor is not eliminated, then all actions will be in vain. Women with such a pathology do not need hospitalization. The gynecologist at the consultation gives advice on how to cure vulvitis at home.

  • Hygiene. Be sure to observe basic hygiene rules. To wash yourself during treatment without soap, especially if it has caused the disease. Daily change of linen. It is better not to use gaskets for daily use, and during critical days to change them every three hours, at least.
  • Antibiotics. For specific causes of the disease, antibacterial agents are prescribed against a specific pathogen. Can also be used Hexicon candles, "Povidone-iodine" capsules "Polygynax". They can affect many non-specific pathogens.
  • Itching. Unpleasant sensations can be eliminated during proper antibiotic treatment. But sometimes they do not pass. Then, antihistamines can be directed against inflammation, itching and pain. They are used inside in the form of tablets "Suprastin", "Cetirizine", "Fenkarol". Hydrocortisone in the form of ointments and tablets has antihistamine properties. But hormonal ointment cannot be applied to areas of bacterial inflammation, it will further reduce local immunity and increase inflammation. With atrophic vulvitis format during menopause, ointments with estrogens are prescribed.
  • Baths. Sedentary baths and washing with antiseptic solutions will help eliminate local reactions. In this case, folk remedies in the form of a decoction will be effective daisiessolution of potassium permanganate. Juice allowed aloe. Baths are good to hold before applying creams or introducing candles.

Douching in the treatment of vulvitis cannot be called the method of choice. This is a procedure that, with frequent use, can lead to leaching of the normal microflora of the vagina and the development of dysbiosis. Then it can take a lot of time and money to restore the normal balance of microflora.

The treatment regimen for vulvitis during pregnancy involves the use of mainly local funds. Inward antibiotics are prescribed only from the second trimester according to strict indications.

The pathology of the vulva in girls is often allergic in nature or is a consequence of helminthiasis. Therefore, it is necessary to treat vulvitis in a child simultaneously with deworming.

How not to get sick

Prevention of vulvitis is simple.This pathology is more associated with personal hygiene and is not sexually transmitted. Therefore, it is worth thinking about your own approaches to cleanliness:

  • change underwear;
  • do not use aggressive soap;
  • treat genital diseases;
  • eliminate endocrine pathologies;
  • monitor nutrition;
  • observe the daily routine;
  • choose the right underwear and clothes.

The list of such simple recommendations can be extended. But the main thing here will be common sense. Even sex requires clean hands and good hygiene. You need to think about your health, the effects of vulvitis in women are unpleasant. If you start inflammation, then it can spread higher and turn intovulvovaginitis. And this is a completely different story.

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