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When deciding on eyelash extensions, the pros and cons should be weighed carefully. After building up, it will be too late to change anything. Need to know how many years you can grow eyelashes? Is unsuccessful building dangerous? Is it possible to do this procedure all the time and does my vision deteriorate because of this? Who is strictly forbidden to do this? At the same time, there is no need to listen to the advice of “experienced” and those who only know something about modern techniques for applying false eyelashes, but never used them. You can see the results of the work on the photo. We suggest you consider 5 common opinions about the dangers of the procedure. And get the opinion of cosmetologists.
5 myths about eyelash extension and reality
- Your eyelashes will fall out. Of course, they will fall out, even if you perform extensions in the most fashionable, licensed salon. The fact is that eyelashes fall out by nature. The life cycle of each hair is 200 days. And how quickly they grow and regenerate depends on the skin care of the eyelids and the presence of the necessary vitamins in the body. Visually, the damage of extended eyelashes is very noticeable: when you remove the false eyelashes, it seems to you that your eyes have become “bald”. The reason here lies in the fact that you are already used to observing thick and luxurious hairs on your eyelids.
- Adhesives are very harmful. To the question of what is harmful eyelash extension, they often answer: exposure to glue. If you use the cheapest one bought at the supermarket, the consequences will really be serious. In the best case, the film will remain on the eyelids, in the worst case, edema and an allergic reaction will develop. If the procedure is carried out in a salon with a license, professional glue compositions are used for it, which do not adversely affect the skin and hairs. But in this case, no one is safe from the likelihood of allergies.
- Your eyelashes will break. This fact refers to the most negative effects of eyelash extensions. But there are nuances here. The fracture of native cilia in most cases is an indicator of the unprofessionalism of the master. If, initially, hairs of a suitable structure were selected, and their application was carried out according to the rules, a kink is extremely unlikely.
- When removing, their eyelashes always suffer. There is a lot of controversy surrounding this fact about whether false eyelashes are harmful. But in this case, there are features. Often the procedure is harmful if you remove it yourself, it is more than likely to remove your hairs along with artificial ones. If the master does this in the cabin, he will use special tools that quickly and safely dissolve the adhesive base. In this case, all your hairs will remain in place.
- The effect does not last long. It depends on the skill of the master. Unprofessional application will provide the result for only a week. An experienced professional will guarantee that the hairs will last at least 3 weeks. Ideally, correction is done once a month.
Pros and cons of the procedure
Given these facts about eyelash extensions, the pros and cons can be weighed more consciously.
Eyelash Extensions - Pros
- Your look is irresistible, even if nature deprived you of natural cilia.
- You don't need to tint your eyes. This saves you time and money that you usually spent on buying brasmatics.By the way, high-quality mascara costs no less than the procedure for correcting eyelashes.
- You look perfect, regardless of the time of day - in the morning and evening.
- You can change! This allows different options for cilia, providing different effects of the look: foxes, squirrel, natural ...
Eyelash Extensions - Cons
- Increased risk of an allergic reaction - redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids. This is bad.
- False eyelashes require self-discipline - you have to abandon the habit of rubbing your eyes or sleeping on your stomach.
- Correction should be performed regularly. - otherwise your eyelids will look comical because of the crumbling bunches.
- Need to find a good master - This is probably the most important factor in the longevity of false eyelashes and their hassle-free.
For whom is the procedure definitely not suitable?
Eyelash extensions are now fashionable. But it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics when planning eyelash extensions. Harmful or not, whether the procedure spoils the vision, this decision, you should check with your doctor.
- You wear contact lenses. In this case, the risk of allergic reactions increases significantly. Moreover, in addition to the usual allergy, the development of inflammatory processes is possible. In a neglected state, inflammation poses a risk to eye health, destroys the retina.
- You suffer from chronic conjunctivitis. With this disease, a sluggish inflammatory process does not stop for centuries. Any intervention can lead to its exacerbation, which will be much more difficult to deal with than usual.
- Your native cilia are very thin and weak.. Of course, the correction will mask this defect. But attaching false hairs to thin relatives can completely destroy them. Ask your cosmetologist how to strengthen your cilia. Most likely, you will be advised to undergo a month-long course of therapy with castor oil, and only then do the procedure.
So, is eyelash extension harmful? Reviews show that most of the shortcomings allow you to adjust the professionalism of the performer. It is also necessary to consider contraindications to this cosmetic procedure.