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In the 10th century AD, smoking exclusively prescribed healing properties. There are records of ancient healers about the ability of tobacco to cure more than 30 types of diseases. Therefore, after the appearance of tobacco leaves in the Old World at the end of the 15th century, they began to be used in medicine as a remedy for migraines, toothache, and digestive problems.
Only in the XIX century, when the fashion for smoking spread everywhere, scientists recognized the enemy in tobacco. The consequences of smoking were no longer taken so warmly: in 1809, doctor Wauclin isolated nicotine from leaves, which he gave a detailed description of as an acute, burning liquid that enters into alkaline reactions, which in its characteristics is similar to the action of previously known poisons.
What is nicotine?
A substance of plant origin is found in many vegetable crops. Nicotine is present in eggplant, green pepper, tomatoes, but in a very small dose. In tobacco, the alkaloid content is greater, often reaches 5% of the total. In this amount, nicotine is the strongest neutrotoxin, that is, a poison that initially affects the nervous system.
The effect of smoking on the human body is due to the penetration of nicotine into the blood when inhaled tobacco smoke. In this case, the effect of nicotine is greater, the more developed the nervous system of the creature. Therefore, in view of the development of the nervous system, it affects a person critically, and animals such as rams and goats are "indifferent" to him. They can chew tobacco leaves quietly and not experience “discomfort”.
How nicotine works
The poison enters the body in small doses, so it does not cause an instant system disorder. A fatal “dose” for any person, even a smoker with experience, will be 20 cigars smoked alternately, or 100 cigarettes during the day. If a person who is not familiar with nicotine smokes a "portion" half as small, a fatal outcome is also possible.
However, it is not only nicotine that strikes our body. Smoking also harms health due to the content in the smoke of at least 4 thousand organic compounds, including arsenic, nickel, cadmium, beryllium. More than 60 substances in this group are direct carcinogens. So the main carcinogenic substance of tobacco smoke is benzpyrene, the “company” of it is cancer stimulants nitrosamine, vinyl chloride, pyrene, catechol and others. Science has found that 90% of cases of cancer of the respiratory tract are associated with addiction to cigarettes.
The effects of smoking on organs and systems
Pleasant sensations accompany the smoker only during the period of "communication" with a cigarette. There is a feeling of calm, psychological comfort, relaxation. Often there is vigor due to a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood. However, all this quickly passes, giving way to negative factors. So the harm of smoking on the human body extends to all, without exception, the system.
Heart and blood vessels
Each cigarette increases pressure by 10%.A little later, of course, it returns to normal, but the cardiovascular system gets such a “toning” that is used by medicine in critical situations, for example, when a state of shock or heavy blood loss occurs. One-time stimulation, especially in the presence of a life threat, will not bring harm. But regular, repeated at intervals of up to 20 times a day, wear out the heart muscle. The vessels undergo changes in structure. The state of spasm for them becomes the norm, while the external walls, which are no longer supplied with blood, gradually die. Therefore, smokers most often die from a heart attack or stroke.
Digestive organs
Tobacco smoke adversely affects the gastric mucosa. Spasmodic vessels cannot supply it with the necessary nutrients, oxygen, and do not support trophism and immunity. This makes it an ideal opportunity for the active development of bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. Gradually, they cause chronic disorders of the gastric mucosa, the occurrence of gastritis, ulcers.
Respiratory system
Regular exposure to smoke causes chronic irritation of the surface of the upper respiratory tract. An uncontrolled inflammatory process gradually develops, covering the area from the larynx to the lungs. Alveoli are included in it, because of which congestive processes in the bronchi and lungs are formed. From this point of view, the harm of secondhand smoke is also manifested. It is only 1.5 times smaller than the direct inhalation of cigarette smoke.
Reproductive system
In the female body, nicotine strikes the endocrine system, disrupting the hormonal background. Reproductive system disorders occur. So the main harm of smoking for women is the occurrence of problems with conception, which occurs 3 times more difficult. Smoking negatively affects pregnancy, creating the basis for the birth of inferior, premature babies.
In men, the quality of sperm is impaired, the ability to fertilize is reduced.
The dangers of smoking on the human body are widespread. It covers all significant systems, causing irreparable consequences, reducing the quality of life, taking away our health. Are cigarettes worth the sacrifice? For every sane person, the answer is obvious.