Science has proven that only 3-4% of the world's population has never been infected with the herpes virus. The remaining 96-97% not only suffered a disease once or repeatedly, but also are carriers of it. Why does this happen, and why does someone bypass the disease, scientists do not know. However, when itchy vesicles appear on the lips, most of us do not care about theory. Remove, and as quickly as possible! And prevent in the future! We talk about exciting issues in more detail.
- Why does herpes pop up on her lips?
Herpes viruses to date, several registered. One causes severe chickenpox, the other causes shingles. But the most common are viruses of the types HSV-1 and HSV-2. The first or HSV-1 is considered the answer to the question of why herpes appears on the lips. The second causes similar processes, but already on the genitals.
Not to meet this disease in the modern world is almost impossible. With primary infection, the disease develops within 7-30 days. The body produces antibodies and eliminates most of the foreign proteins. But it cannot completely eliminate the invasion, since the cunning virus can integrate into bone marrow neurons, where it remains “unnoticed” by the immune system. Most of the time he “sleeps”, but with certain factors he “raises his head”. So the causes of frequent herpes on the lips are the following:
- menstruation in women - as well as development during pregnancy, when the immune system is particularly vulnerable;
- chronic and acute diseases - with weakened immunity, the virus multiplies extremely actively. These conditions are observed with hypothermia (the so-called cold), flu, diabetes mellitus and other diseases;
- intoxication, physical exhaustion, stress, malnutrition - everything that takes away strength from our body gives them an unpleasant sore;
- smoking, alcoholism, frequent drinking coffee - There are many reasons for the activation of the disease, and they are all individual. Therefore, a person prone to the appearance of itchy vesicles on the lips can anticipate the development of the disease in advance.
That is, colds on the lips and herpes are not the same thing, but they are closely related factors.
- How does herpes on the lips begin?
The main symptom of the disease is itching and tingling, not only in the lips, but throughout the face. When the first signs of herpes appear - swelling transparent vesicles on the lips - the disease goes into the second stage, the prodromal period. At this moment, there is no doubt about its availability; externally, determining it is also quite simple. Visually clarify how herpes looks on the lips, you can in the photo below.
- How to prevent the disease?
Since it is impossible to completely protect yourself from meeting the virus, it is customary to consider a healthy lifestyle as the prevention of herpes on the lips. Eliminate all factors that reduce immunity: smoking, frequent alcohol consumption. Refuse diets, especially mono-diets, which do not provide the body with the full range of necessary substances. Do not allow overcooling or, conversely, overheating, as this factor also stimulates the awakening of the sore. And do not kiss the patient, do not touch the sores with your hands - the disease is extremely contagious.
- What are the complications of herpes on the lips?
Most often, complications arise due to the transfer of the virus from one mucous membrane to another. For example, they touched a lip, and then rubbed their eyes - there is a great risk of the most dangerous ophthalmic herpes, which can cause complete blindness.Or they touched the wounds and did not wash their hands - they got herpes eczema on the skin of their palms. Oral sex is especially dangerous during the recurrence of the disease: from the membranes of the lips, the virus easily moves to the mucous membranes of the genitals, where it causes an acute and extremely uncomfortable course of the disease.
- How to treat herpes on the lips?
At the first signs of the disease, you can not hesitate, since most drugs are especially effective literally in the first minutes of the activation of the virus. Use herpes ointment for lips (inexpensive Acyclovir AZT, more expensive Zovirax or valacyclovir). All of them act directly on the causative agent of the disease, therefore, they qualitatively cauterize and dry herpes. Using them for 2-3 days is not so effective, but it will contribute to the healing of ulcers. More effective means than anointing a cold on the lip does not exist. There are also acyclovir preparations in the form of tablets, but a doctor should prescribe them. A tube of ointment should always be at hand if you have a tendency to this disease.
- Do I need to follow a diet for herpes on the lips?
Proper nutrition is crucial for restoring the body. Therefore, vitamins for herpes must be taken. And also to balance nutrition by including more fruits, vegetables, lean meat.
“How many days does cold sore pass on my lips?”
2-3 days after the appearance of the sores burst and crust. Another 4-5 days are required for the wounds to heal. Full restoration of the skin occurs within a week.
- How to mask the bubbles on the lip?
It is impossible to mask ulcers, this interferes with their healing. And if you used lipstick, after recovery mercilessly throw it away, as it will save the virus and ensure its early relapse.