How to remove facial hair: causes and methods of getting rid

The problem of the appearance of hard hair on the face is quite common, especially in representatives of adulthood. First you need to make sure that hair growth is not associated with serious pathologies. Learn about the causes and treatment of facial hair in women with the help of available home methods.
Girl in a burgundy hat

The disease caused by excessive hair growth on all parts of the body in women is called hirsutism, which means “hairiness”. Hirsutism in women can indicate the occurrence of serious pathological processes. Therefore, before choosing a method how to remove facial hair, it is advisable to understand and identify the cause of the problem.

Causes of Excess Hair Growth

Cannon hair began to grow on the face. Why? It is difficult even for specialists to answer the question why women’s facial hair grows. The main reason for their intensive growth is considered various hormonal disorders. Therefore, do not rush to make a diagnosis yourself, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist, neurologist and endocrinologist, as well as undergo a full examination.

Girl shaving

The causes of the appearance of facial hair in women are closely related to the state of health. Studies by doctors have shown that hair follicles are extremely sensitive to internal imbalance and react sharply to all changes in the body.

  • High testosterone. Male hormone is present in every woman’s body. He is responsible for the most important function - reproductive. Testosterone is needed for the natural formation of the follicle in the ovaries of the expectant mother. But if the amount of this hormone is too large, unwanted coarse hair begins to appear in women. An increase in testosterone or hirsutism can cause the development of severe pathological processes, so a timely visit to an endocrinologist will help prevent the sad consequences.
  • Genetic heredity. If your relatives have dark hairs on their faces, then it is very likely that you have a hereditary predisposition. In this case, medical treatment is not required, you can immediately contact a cosmetologist and remove hairs with hardware methods.
  • Decreased estrogen synthesis. In women after 35 years, the production of estrogen begins to decrease. The synthesis of these hormones depends on the condition and function of the liver. Therefore, intensive hair growth can be caused by serious diseases, one of them is viral hepatitis. Often the first symptom in women is dark hair on the chin. Eliminate this reason will help ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Menopause. During menopause, cyclic changes in the uterine cavity end, and hormonal balance is disturbed. The work of the ovaries freezes, and the genitals practically do not function. In the female body, the male hormone - androgen begins to be intensively produced. It is he who provokes the increased growth of hard hairs.
  • Hormonal imbalance. During puberty, the body is rearranged, this sometimes causes changes in the structure of the hair. During lactation and pregnancy, hormones can behave unpredictably and affect hair growth. Ovarian diseases with severe hormonal dysfunctions can also cause this problem. In such a situation, you must visit a gynecologist.
  • Hormonal medications. Actively affect accelerated hair growth.Even some cosmetic creams can provoke an undesirable reaction of the body. Sometimes women have long white hair on their cheeks. In this case, the medication should be stopped, and the problem will disappear by itself.

Beautiful lips

Diagnosis and treatment of hirsutism

What to do if a fluff grows on a woman’s face? When diagnosing, it is necessary to pass tests for hormones. You can first contact the therapist, he will tell you which hormones to check and which specialist to contact. Only an integrated approach guarantees a quick positive result.

A simple inspection will not be enough to evaluate your condition. Therefore, any doctor prescribes the next package of tests.

  • General tests of urine and blood.
  • Analysis of thyroid hormones T4, TSH, T3.
  • Ultrasound diagnosis of all organs.
  • Tomography of the brain.
  • Cardiogram.
  • A blood test for FSH.
  • Free Testosterone (ELISA).
  • On prolactin.
  • On cortisol.
  • DHEA sulfate.

For treatment, antiandrogens are prescribed for a slice of three to six months. These drugs lower hormone levels and stop hair growth. If other diseases are found, then complex treatment is prescribed.

Many are frightened by obscure analyzes and prolonged use of special drugs. But only in this way can you permanently get rid of unwanted vegetation. Hardware and home methods can only remove unaesthetic hairs, but the main problem remains unresolved.

Laser hair removal

Hardware Hair Removal

Hardware methods for removing facial hair in women are especially popular. This is a guaranteed way to quickly and safely get rid of any cosmetic defect. There are several of the most effective.

  • Laser removal. This safe method allows you to remove facial hair with a directional bright beam of light. The laser acts on the hair bulb, which collapses and dies. But you will have to visit the salon repeatedly, since for complete hair removal you need to do several procedures.
  • Photoepilation. Removal occurs by point light pulses that destroy the hair root. The session lasts about forty minutes, during the procedure, you may feel a slight tingling. There is no irritation on the skin, but repeated sessions may be required. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth and supple.
  • Electrolysis. This procedure is divided into several types, but all of them are aimed at the destruction of the hair bulb. The method permanently eliminates unwanted hair, but all procedures are extremely painful and scars may remain. Therefore, contact an experienced cosmetologist and ask in advance how the session will be held.
Regular massage with oils and creams, especially based on lanolin, can trigger accelerated hair growth. Care should be taken in choosing creams and serums with regenerating and bioactive additives.

Facial depilation

Popular home methods

How to remove unwanted facial hair in women at home? Sometimes women make a terrible mistake by cutting hair with scissors or shaving with a razor. This only accelerates their growth, and the hair structure becomes stiff and darker.


Cosmetic wax of any kind can be purchased at a pharmacy or store. There are several types of bioepilation, but warm wax with minerals or extracts of medicinal plants is best for the face.

  1. Preheat the wax in a water bath.
  2. Treat the skin with a disinfectant solution.
  3. Apply the composition with a spatula along the hairline.
  4. Wait for it to harden.
  5. Gently hook the wax edges.
  6. With a sharp movement against hair growth, remove them.
  7. The procedure can be repeated several times.

The method is extremely painful, but effective. Slight bruising and redness may remain, but it passes quickly. The first time you can try cold waxing.

Threading facial hair

Thread removal

Many women are interested in how to remove unwanted hair with a thread.This method has long been used by oriental ladies, but the technique will have to be learned. Therefore, do not worry if the first time the removal fails. After 2-3 workouts, this method will become your favorite.

  1. Cut about 50 cm of strong thread.
  2. Tie together its ends.
  3. Put the thread on your fingers and twist it 10 times. The thread should be in the form of the number eight. The twisted middle acts as a forceps.
  4. Then just drive the thread to problem areas. The thread itself will catch and pull out the hairs.

The result lasts up to three weeks. Remember to sanitize the skin before and after the procedure. Trading can be done at the beauty salon.

White face mask

Recipes for natural masks

Hair removal with folk remedies is a cheap and affordable method that has been used for centuries.

Soda solution

With systematic use, this recipe gives a good result. Hair becomes thin and brittle.

  1. In a glass of warm water, stir a teaspoon of soda.
  2. Dampen the cosmetic disc in the solution.
  3. Attach the disc to the problem area and secure with a band-aid.
  4. Leave the compress overnight.

Soap ash

The tool must be constantly applied to problem areas. This will help achieve results in a short time.

  1. Sift the ash through a fine sieve.
  2. Rub the laundry soap on a grater.
  3. Mix the ingredients and fill them with boiling water. It should be a thick paste.
  4. Apply it to the problem area.

Facial scrub

Walnut ash

Walnut hair removal is a popular method. Reviews of women of all ages confirm that any recipe that includes this valuable product works flawlessly.

  1. Peel the nuts and burn it on a plate.
  2. Transfer the ashes into a jar, fill with warm water. You should get a thick paste, which must be infused for at least 12 hours.

Lubricate problem areas three times a day. You can do a compress before bedtime, the composition is applied for half an hour once a day.

Dioica nettle

The tincture is prepared for a long time, but judging by the reviews it is very effective. Nettle seeds can be bought at the pharmacy.

  1. Crush 40 g nettle seeds in a mortar.
  2. Pour a glass of vegetable oil into the flour.
  3. Leave the mixture in a dark place for three weeks.
  4. Treat problem areas several times a day.
Be careful! Almost all store products for removing excess hair can cause serious harm to the skin. The composition often uses toxic substances that burn out the hair bulb. Therefore, you can easily get burns, allergies or pigmentation. Before using store and household products, apply a little mixture to a small area of ​​the skin and monitor the body's reaction.

Ugly facial hair appears in many women after 50 years. To cope with this defect, you need an integrated approach. If unusually stiff hairs appear, especially on the face, be sure to consult a doctor. Timely treatment will help to avoid further health problems.

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