Bubbles on hands why small blisters on fingers appear and itch

Various kinds of rashes often bother people. Especially if they appear on visible parts of the body - face, neck, hands. In the latter case, you should be especially careful. Hand skin most often comes in contact with chemicals and various sources of infection. Watery vesicles on the hands can indicate infection with a fungus, parasites, as well as systemic malfunctions in the body.
Rubs hands

Acne, nodules and blisters are lesions on the skin that indicate violations of the protective function of the epidermis. Such formations can be seen in the photo on the Internet and compare. Its structure is very complex. The problem may arise due to improper functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, the development of bacteria and protozoa inside the skin. Rashes spoil the appearance of the hands, violate the patient's psycho-emotional state, and are a source of pain. For this reason, even a few acne require close attention and speedy elimination.

Urgently to the doctor

The appearance of formations with liquid contents is an occasion to consult a doctor. Ignoring the problem is fraught with the spread of the rash to other parts of the body, infection of loved ones, the progression of hidden health problems. Visit the hospital immediately if:

  • rashes occupy most of the surface;
  • new bubbles appear;
  • acne merges with each other, forming larger blisters;
  • fluid accumulates inside the bubbles;
  • the rash itches or hurts;
  • blushes and swells tissue around acne.
If acne or vesicles are single, do not tend to spread and do not particularly bother the patient, you can try to cope with the problem on your own.

Watery bubbles on the hands: how to identify the cause ...

Treatment of vesicles on the hands begins with the identification of the provocateur of their appearance. The pathogenetic approach to eliminating the problem will provide not only a full victory over its manifestations, but also the prevention of a re-encounter with trouble. If only a symptom is treated, its source can “lurk” and continue to destroy the body in disguise, periodically causing systemic malfunctions in its work.

Caution: infection

Inflamed, itchy blisters and purulent acne on the hands may be the result of an infectious skin lesion. Bubbles with liquid contents accompany the development of the following infectious diseases:

  • scabies;
  • chickenpox;
  • rubella
  • smallpox.

A frequent provocateur of rash on the hands is scabies. To distinguish it from other "relatives" is simple:

  • starts with brushes - the first bubbles appear between the fingers;
  • itchy - especially at night and after contact with water;
  • bubbles merge with each other - in this case, channels of a grayish color become noticeable under the skin.

The remaining infectious provocateurs of the rash manifest themselves, starting with the face, abdomen, armpits, and only after that the water rash spreads to the hands and forearms.

Often a provocateur of a rash on the back of the hands and palms is a fungal infection. It has its own distinctive features:

  • dense structure of bubbles;
  • peeling and dry skin;
  • cracks;
  • bad smell;
  • itching of the skin without pronounced changes.

Also, acne (pimples) on the hands and fingers can be encountered by people who neglect to wash their hands and come into contact with dirt without using gloves. Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus can provoke a rash. The penetration of infection into the sebaceous and sweat ducts is usually accompanied by the appearance of a single white purulent acne on the hands.

The elimination of infectious causes requires accurate identification of the pathogen. It is determined using analysis. Only a specialist can assign a study and correctly evaluate its results.

Allergic reaction

Small vesicles on the hands may indicate an allergic reaction. They accompany the phenomenon of urticaria - the skin on the hands turns red and rises. At the boundaries of hyperemic spots, small bubbles with liquid contents appear. Such symptoms can also occur in a child. Small pimples may bubble in the legs. They look like white dropsy and cause irritation.

Hand allergy has a contact origin - it is provoked by a specific substance with which the skin of the hands came into contact some time ago. The most common provocateurs of urticaria on the hands are:

  • detergents;
  • cosmetic products;
  • household dust;
  • animal hair;
  • alcohol;
  • low temperatures (allergy to frost);
  • ultraviolet.

Redness of individual areas on the hands can be triggered by a systemic allergic reaction, however, this situation is much less common. As a rule, systemic allergies are accompanied by additional rashes on the face and chest.

Ignoring allergies on the hands causes the bubbles to burst, forming multiple sores and erosion. The subsequent development of pathology is fraught with transformation into an eczematous lesion, the treatment of which is difficult even for modern medicine.

Female hands

Palmar hyperhidrosis

Multiple transparent vesicles on the hands may indicate palmar hyperhidrosis. This is an increased activity of sweat glands, due to which there are rashes, popularly referred to as prickly heat. This phenomenon is accompanied by wet palm syndrome, which causes moral discomfort in the patient.

On the palms and the back of the hands there are extremely few sebaceous glands. This justifies the tendency of the skin to increased dryness. However, even a minimal amount of sebaceous ducts can provoke the appearance of dry hard nodules on the surface of the skin. They are often mistaken for subcutaneous acne and try to squeeze. In fact, the problem is the accumulation of skin secretion in the capsule of the sebaceous gland.

Systemic disorders

The appearance of acne and vesicles on the body may be associated with disturbances in the functioning of organoleptic systems. Hands are no exception. A rash on them appears as a result of:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • stressful situations;
  • nervous disorders;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • malnutrition.

The doctor can determine the exact cause by assigning appropriate studies to the patient and qualitatively collecting a medical history. It is extremely difficult to independently determine one of these causes.

... and start treatment

Having outlined the causes of the appearance of watery bubbles on the hands, we can talk about ways to eliminate them and level the undesirable consequences. An important condition is hand hygiene. It is necessary to wash them with soap, and after cleaning, to ensure complete drying with a paper or cotton towel. During the treatment of "manual" problems, it is better to give preference to disposable paper towels. Tissue should often be changed and properly washed at high temperatures.

Away fungus

If there is a suspicion that the red vesicles on the hands are scabies or another infection, you should immediately consult a doctor. After the examination, he will prescribe Spregal spray or Benzylbenzoate emulsion if it is scabies.In the case of chickenpox or measles, local antiseptics like Fucorcin or Zelenka will be used.

For the treatment of fungal infections, broad-spectrum antifungal ointments are used - “Lamisil”, “Lamifen”, “Zalain". These drugs quickly eliminate itching.

Infectious diseases, like fungal diseases, can be transmitted by contact-household means. For this reason, when determining the bacterial origin of acne, you should treat all available surfaces in the house with an antiseptic to prevent infection of other family members.

Itchy hand

Allergy treatment

Watery acne on the hands of an allergic origin require changes in all hygiene habits. The funds used to carry them out are also subject to a thorough audit and sorting. From everyday life should be completely removed:

  • substances with chlorine;
  • substances with strong perfumes;
  • containing aggressive surfactants;
  • sulfate-containing powders.

Until the problem is completely eliminated, doctors recommend that you do not use any chemicals. A simple soap should be used for washing and hygiene procedures. If possible, do not wet your hands in water. Wash dishes and clean only with gloves on. To eliminate allergy provocateurs, daily wet cleaning of residential premises is recommended, without the participation of the patient. Also, all animals should be temporarily removed from the patient's habitat.

After the elimination of the rash on the hands, the excluded substances and factors are gradually returned. They are added to the patient's life one at a time in several days to accurately identify the allergen.

In parallel, the following drugs are prescribed to the patient:

  • detoxification sorbents - “Smecta”, “Enterosgel”;
  • antihistamines- “Claritin”, “Erius”, “Fexofast”;
  • antiallergic ointments - "Prednisolone", "Hydrocortisone."
The timing of treatment and the procedure for taking the measures are determined by the doctor. His instructions should be followed strictly - the effectiveness of therapy depends on this.

If the problem is in the skin

When tubercles or weeping vesicles of sweating appear on the fingers, palms, wrists and the back of the hands, individual characteristics of the patient's skin can be considered that can provoke such a problem.

Hyperhidrosis is treated with antiseptic, astringent and anti-sweating agents. Most often, doctors prescribe:

  • herbal based lotions;
  • local antiseptics;
  • baths with a succession, oak, yarrow;
  • anti-sweating agents based on aluminum salts.

Hormonal failure often provokes the activity of the sebaceous glands and impaired function of their ducts. If you suspect endocrine problems, the doctor will prescribe special tests. Based on their results, drug therapy will be selected.

Doctors also recommend monitoring the regularity and effectiveness of hand hygiene to prevent re-blockage of the sebaceous ducts. Sometimes, surgeon assistance may be required to remove accumulations of skin secretions. It is forbidden to press nodules on your own because of the risk of introducing an infection and complicating the course of the disease.

Effects on the whole body

Additional factors that can cause rashes on the hands, specialists try to eliminate in parallel with the specific treatment. This increases the chances of its success and reduces the risk of the problem becoming chronic. Helping to get rid of acne on hands faster will help:

  • refusal of alcohol and cigarettes - these habits contribute to chronic poisoning of the body, the manifestation of which can be acne and vesicles;
  • rejection of junk food - fatty, fried, smoked, salty and sweet foods provoke rashes on all parts of the body;
  • cosmetics restriction - for skin care of hands it is recommended to use medicinal creams based on dexpanthenol;
  • reception of sorbents - elimination of toxins from the body will help reduce the symptoms of skin problems;
  • vitamin intake - These are groups of nutrients that directly affect the condition of the skin and regeneration processes.

Sometimes rashes on the hands are accompanied by a significant inflammatory process. The skin does not just itch, but it hurts. In this case, anesthetizing anti-inflammatory drugs of systemic action can be prescribed.

Chamomile broth

"Grandma's" ways

There are folk ways to eliminate blisters and acne on the skin of the hands. They are based on the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of various herbs. Most popular remedies:

  • succession;
  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort
  • Oak bark;
  • pine buds.

They are brewed in the amount of five tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water. The solution obtained after three hours of infusion is used for lotions, baths, rubbing the skin on the fingers, hands, palms.

You can process the bubbles several times a day with the juice of the cut sheet aloe. If the rash occupies an impressive area, and the blisters are damaged and form wounds, then it is necessary to soak aloe gauze with juice, and then apply it to a painful place. Change the bandage three times a day.

Alternative methods of therapy should be resorted to after consulting them with a doctor. An important point is the absence of allergies to the plant component used.

If acne on your hands itches, you should contact a dermatologist. A long course of the inflammatory process is fraught with scarring of the tissue, the spread of infection, its penetration into the muscles and blood. Unpleasant consequences can be difficult to treat. Therapy of complications will require not only more effort and time, but also an additional amount of material costs.

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