Diet on the water: drink to live harmoniously

“You will sit on bread and water!” - mothers threaten the little girls who in no way want to eat soup or porridge. And then these little girls grow up and in pursuit of a beautiful figure begin to independently carry out humorous maternal instructions. The water diet is much tougher than my mother’s threat, because at least bread appears in the latter. But, in fact, everything is logical: if you want to lose weight - drink, not eat. The time has come to check whether this judgment is true.
Girl in a red T-shirt drinks water from a glass

It turns out that a diet on the water (water diet) is the key to solving many problems. The main thing, of course, is body shaping, weight loss. However, there are others, no less important and necessary. Pure mineral water without gas removes toxins from our body, brings creaking joints to our senses, saturates our hair and nails, making them stronger and healthier. Pure water smoothes wrinkles, expels acne from under the skin andacne, and also effectively fights headaches - much better than any pill.

But why do you need to drink pure water - without lemon, without sugar, not in tea or coffee? Why can’t it be replaced with healthy milk or delicious juice? The thing is that any, even the smallest admixture that changes aroma, color, or at least slightly affects the taste of water, makes the digestive center turn on. If you drink clean water, a water-salt exchange center will undertake its processing. This part of the brain responds to only two substances - salt and water. He uses them to disperse metabolic processes, remove toxins and break down fat surpluses. While water with a slice of lemon will be digested in the stomach and will not bring any benefit for weight loss, a few sips of pure water without additives will “quench the thirst” of the whole body.

Man is a liquid crystal, which is 70% pure water. In the composition of the spleen, 77% of the fluid, in the composition of the liver and heart - 70%, and in the brain even more - as much as 83%.

Water diet and related myths

Reviews about the water diet are very controversial. And all because this food system (or rather, drinking) managed to grow a lot of myths. Therefore, before starting a conversation about the essence, the most controversial points should be clarified.

Mineral instead of food

Many people believe that it is only possible to lose weight on a water diet if you use only water every day, completely replacing food with it. Of course, this is a huge mistake. Compliance with the rules of a diet on the water in no case does not mean refusing food. Without food, the very next day you will feel weak and ill. Therefore, do not experiment and do not test your body for endurance.

The essence of the diet is to establish not only food, but also water balance in the body. And to realize that the second is sometimes much more important than the first. Of course, you have to abandon cholesterol fast food, exclude mayonnaise, fried potatoes and others like them. You will need to saturate the daily diet with useful products as much as possible - and the amount of pure water you need specifically. That is the whole task. No executions.

The colder the slimmer

Another common myth is related to fluid temperature. Some believe that the results of a diet on water will be better if you drink ice. In fact, the body does not begin to process the liquid until it is heated to body temperature.Therefore, if you want clean water to start participating in metabolic processes as soon as possible, use it warm.

The optimum temperature of non-carbonated mineral water is from 37 to 40 ° C.

The more you drink, the more you lose weight

The guardians of their own figures, guided by this myth, are torn in pursuit of high rates. They drink and drink through force, not stopping for a second and sincerely believing that tomorrow the scales will show the desired −5 kg. But that will not happen.

The body of each person should receive exactly as much life-giving moisture as he can process. If you pour more into it, you can run into significant harm to health. The most harmless thing is to stretch the stomach, due to which it will begin to require more food from you than usual. Even worse is overloading the kidneys, which already work without respite. No less scary is the increase in pressure inside the cranium, which can ultimately cause malfunctions in the cardiovascular system.

Use the table to find out the estimated amount of water your body needs daily.

Table - Estimated volume of clean water for people of different weights

Weight, kgWater volume, l
To calculate the daily water norm, you need to multiply your body weight by 40. The number obtained as a result will be the individual daily norm in milliliters.

Basic Rules and Expected Results

And now in essence. What rules should be followed when starting to adjust your water regime? The set of existing laws is easy to understand and easy to remember.

  • Only clean water. And only non-carbonated. It may be bottled liquid brought from the supermarket. Or water produced in a spring or well. The fluid flowing from the taps in domestic homes is not in this list. Like the "prickly" mineral water.
  • Shallow throats. Life-giving moisture should be drunk in small sips. No need to rush, trying to infuse more. Do not excite the nervous system with your rush and drink through force. Water is the basis of our body, so even the process of its use should be organic.
  • Fasting morning glass. Reviews of dietitians and gastroenterologists agree that in the morning, getting out of bed and not yet having time to brush your teeth, you must slowly drink a glass of water. While you visit the restroom and put yourself in order after sleep, the metabolic processes in the body will already start - and you will feel hunger and the need to chew something. This is especially important for those who can’t bring themselves to have breakfast in the morning.
  • Before and after, but not during. Between the use of clean water and food there should be a time interval. Drinking is recommended half an hour before a meal and a half to two hours after the meal. Otherwise, drinking in the stomach mixes with food, and the signal will not reach the center of the water-salt balance.
  • Junk Food Alternative. A glass of still mineral water should be your best friend. It is he who will substitute his strong shoulder when you want to eat something harmful. Just drink it and the desire to stuff your body with simple carbohydrates will disappear.
Life hack: to accustom yourself to drink often and competently, reach for a glass every time you leave the restroom. Each trip to the toilet should be accompanied by drinking 100 ml of non-carbonated mineral water. So you will not forget about the need to drink and probably use your daily allowance.

How quickly will the kilograms leave?

The mineral water diet is called the diet for the lazy. But really, you don’t have to strain especially. In order not to miss a drinking session, you can use the special application for your smartphone. The program allows the user to set the actual meal regimen in order to remind him of a glass awaiting him before and after a meal.

The water diet for weight loss, provided that it is followed correctly, will certainly bring long-awaited results.How much and how fast it depends only on you and on the initial mass of your body. On average, people who manage to correctly adjust their drinking regimen get rid of 2-2.5 kg in seven days.

Those who are familiar with the concept of “water balance” will need 7-10 days to get used to the drinking regimen. And those who previously did not drink water at all, preferring coffee, teas or juices to it, will have to strictly observe the drinking regime much longer. About one month. Usually this time is enough to eliminate a chronic lack of moisture in the body.

10 day drink

If you set a goal not only to replenish the normal water balance in the body, but also to lose weight as soon as possible, try to “sit down” on a ten-day diet. The table below presents a draft of the menu for a week and a half.

Table - Water diet menu for 10 days

DayDrinking volume, lType of drinkNumber of approachesFood
213% milk4-6Grated apple for dinner
42Water8Cabbage and carrot salad (200 g 3 times a day)
513% milk4-6Grated apple for dinner
52Water8- For breakfast, tea and boiled egg;
- for lunch, vegetable broth and green apple;
- for dinner a green apple
710% kefir6100 g fat-free cottage cheese
82Water8- For breakfast, tea and boiled egg;
- for lunch, vegetable broth and green apple;
- for dinner a green apple
910% kefir6100 g fat-free cottage cheese
102Water8- For breakfast, tea and boiled egg;
- for lunch, vegetable broth and green apple;
- for dinner a green apple

Remember that before switching to a limited diet, you should always consult a doctor. Perhaps you have contraindications, according to which such a diet is categorically not suitable. If ten days seems too long, you can reduce the restrictions to a week. By removing the last three days from the table, you will get a diet on water for 7 days. This diet regimen is considered one of the most beneficial due to the low cost of the menu items. However, to comply with its rules is quite difficult and not everyone can do it.

User reviews indicate that in a ten-day period you can lose 7-10 kg. The waist is noticeably slimmer, the “lifebuoy” on the abdomen is reduced, and the thighs are smoothed out, due to the reduced relief of the “orange peel”.

Woman in a white top with a glass of water and fruit

"Water" ways of healing

There are a lot of diet modes, the menu of which consists, for the most part, of pure water. Below are the three most popular ones.

  1. Water and salt diet. It is recommended for expectant mothers after the fifth month of pregnancy. At week 20, the body of a woman carrying a child begins to actively replenish water supplies. For this reason, the water-salt metabolism in the tissues of the pregnant body changes. And the more salt at this time the expectant mother eats, the stronger the swelling will be. After 20 weeks, obstetrician-gynecologists recommend minimizing the use of salt, which retains excess moisture in the body. And increase the amount of fluid you drink. A water-salt diet is often prescribed before a colonoscopy for people who have a "naughty" intestine.
  2. Chinese water diet. It provides for three meals per hour (at 7.00, 12.00 and 17.00) and a menu composed only of permitted products. These are any fresh vegetables and greens, only green apples, boiled eggs, low-fat sea or river fish, as well as dietary meat (rabbit, white chicken or veal). The basis of the diet is pure water drunk in an individual volume. This diet is especially relevant for people suffering from pancreatitis. Therefore, it is often prescribed by doctors as an auxiliary method of treatment. The Chinese rules for drinking and eating have also become the canvas for a special diet that patients follow after kidney removal (nephrectomy).
  3. Japanese water diet. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun unquestioningly and daily comply with the rules of this drinking regimen, and no Japanese considers it a diet. The rules are simple: getting out of bed, you need to drink 650 ml of warm clean water.Then you can brush your teeth and have breakfast 45 minutes after drinking.

Japanese water diet, according to residents of the Land of the Rising Sun, has a healing effect. It can help in the treatment of many diseases. In the table below you will find instructions regarding the duration of the drinking regimen, depending on various health problems.

Table - Duration of the Japanese water diet for various diseases

Duration of diet, daysDisease
30- hypertension;
- diabetes
10- Gastritis;
- constipation
90- tuberculosis
180- Oncological diseases

To prevent possible side effects, consult a doctor before starting a diet.


Short-term water diets, involving the introduction of certain taboos in the diet, inherently differ from the correction of the drinking regime. They are aimed at a single result - losing weight and getting rid of ballast in the form of adipose tissue. And where there are severe restrictions, there are always contraindications.

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. The bearing of the child and the period of lactation are always on the first place in the list of contraindications relevant for most diets. This is the time when a woman’s body works for two and for two. Any restrictions introduced into the diet can lead to health problems not only in the future or held mother, but also in the baby.
  • Kidney disease. People suffering from kidney diseases are strictly forbidden to starve. Even a little, even just a couple of days. If the patient does not consume 3500 kcal during the day, then his body will begin to spend proteins stored for the "rainy day". The process of processing proteins will be associated with the release of toxins into the blood. This means that it will create a significant burden on already weak kidneys.
  • Urinary tract diseases. The more you drink, the more often you run to the toilet. So, the more often you make your urinary system work. With ailments affecting the urinary tract, an additional load on the organs involved in this process is prohibited.
People say that old age is actually the drying up of the human body. Moreover, both outside and inside. The centers that are responsible for feeling thirsty work worse with age, ceasing to give signals. So, every year less and less water enters the body.

But even if you are young, it is important to understand whether you need a diet on the water. To do this, it is enough to fold in any area of ​​the skin and analyze the process of smoothing it. If the skin easily gathers into a wrinkled fold that is soft to the touch, and when you open your fingers, it straightens out rather slowly and listlessly, running after the water! And if the fold is elastic and straightens instantly, then you are still that “Aquarius”, with which we congratulate you.

Reviews: "In order not to harm the body, I drank calcium and aspark"

I’ll tell you about my experience with drinking water for weight loss. I had a difficult fracture. As a result, I spent six months in bed. She ate, watched TV, ate, read, ate. I got up a sort of kolobok with +15 kg. Nightmare! How to get rid of them? Physical exercises? They are contraindicated. I don’t like ordinary diets. And it was necessary to lose weight, and quickly. Break a bunch of sites, found one that seemed to me the most effective diet. This is a 10-day weight loss with water. I share the joy. Minus 11 kg in 10 days. Complemented with wraps, hiking, vacuum massage (there is such a silicone jar) and a vibratory massager. In order not to harm the body, I drank calcium andasparkam. Yes, it’s difficult and perhaps not very healthy. But it does. But from my own experience I realized that with the help of water you can lose weight! I plan to once again carry out such an action - it is necessary to reach the ideal form.


The idea is correct - if you constantly drink water, then you go to the toilet more often, and you don’t really want to eat. I can’t say that I lost a lot of weight on this water diet, but that I spent this week without problems, I didn’t get hunger and dropped three kilograms - a fact. In a week I’ll try again, albeit slowly, but calmly.

Larisa, http: //www.arabio. com / dieta / vodnaya_dieta.htm

Other diets

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