Sassi water for weight loss: how to cook, take and how many extra pounds you can lose

The process of breaking up with extra pounds for many of us seems to be something supernatural and consisting entirely of limitations, a demonstration of fantastic endurance, strength of character and iron will. The enemies of weight loss are laziness, poor nutrition, poor motivation, lack of physical activity and belief in one's own strengths. Putting aside these weaknesses of modern man, begin your journey to a slim figure with the organization of a drinking regime. Moreover, nutritionists are advised to pay attention to the original recipe for sassi water, which has the glory of a fat-burning miracle cocktail.
Water sassi

In the pursuit of miraculous potions for harmony, girls are sometimes lost in a vast world of promising offers. It’s sometimes difficult to distinguish effective remedies from “dummies”. So instead of healing, you can cause irreparable harm to your body. The healthy drink, invented by the American nutritionist Cynthia Sassi and named “Sassi Water” in her honor, has been successfully used to maintain good shape.

"Magic" qualities

Regarding sassi water, there are several evaluative opinions. Some consider it a common infusion of such everyday ingredients as cucumber, lemon, ginger and mint. These components are valuable, both individually and in interaction. Others, for a storehouse of useful substances in the composition, perceive sassi water as a valuable vitamin-mineral cocktail. Definitely, this drink is capable of brightening dietary everyday life with its refreshing taste.

What effect

Firstly, this aromatic vitamin-free drink without sugar perfectly rescues from thirst, refreshes and invigorates. The fresh taste of sassi water is piquant due to its light acidity. Secondly, she is known for her beneficial effects on the digestive tract. The beneficial properties of sassi water confirm the effects that it has on the body:

  • metabolic - speeds up metabolism, helps break down fats;
  • diuretic - removes excess fluid, eliminates puffiness;
  • normalizing - restores the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates such unpleasant, and sometimes painful phenomena as gas formation, fermentation, bloating;
  • cosmetic - Sassi water saturates the body with liquid, which positively affects the health of the hair and skin.

Features of the composition

The natural ingredients of the ingredients that make up sassi water are valuable in their own right. In combination, their effectiveness only increases.

  • Water. Every day you need to get enough water. An adult is considered one and a half to two liters. This component is vital for all body systems, and is the basis of the vitamin Sassi cocktail.
  • Cucumber. This low-calorie vegetable, consisting of 95% water, has an effective diuretic, choleretic and laxative effect. It is rich in iodine, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, fiber, vitamins (C, P, B1 and B2). Sometimes a sassi drink is called cucumber water.
  • Ginger. The natural components of fresh ginger have healing properties, beneficially affecting the digestive system. In addition, ginger mobilizes the immune system, improves blood circulation and supports heart function. It is a natural antibiotic, relieves inflammation. Ginger relieves fat reserves: it speeds up the metabolism and stimulates the body to expend calories more actively. In the composition of sassi water, ginger has warming properties.When you drink the first glass of water, pleasant warmth spreads over the body. It also relieves pain, especially effective for headaches.
  • Lemon. Yellow citrus for its restorative, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect is called the apple of immortality. Its active substances have a beneficial effect on the body: they improve metabolism, stimulate bile formation, and have a positive effect on the liver. Lemon is generous in vitamins A, B, B1, B2, E, D, P. Citrus contains sulfur, manganese, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as pectin, fiber. One of the main useful components is citric acid (it cleanses toxins, improves blood circulation and digestion, improves immunity). Lemon is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Mint. This natural antidepressant activates the production of female hormones. Therefore, in the recipe for water, sassi mint is especially indicated for women. But men, on the contrary, should not abuse the sassi drink. Mint is useful for the gastrointestinal tract, gently relieves intestinal cramps, helps with flatulence, protects against fungi and bacteria that damage the digestive system.
Keep in mind that for the effectiveness of sassi water you need to use fresh, not dried mint. Take care of the preliminary “mint” reserve by freezing the leaves of the essential plant. The same goes for ginger. Freshly grated root is preferred over powder. In addition, note that in lemon all the valuable and useful substances are concentrated not in the pulp, but in the zest. As for cucumbers, be careful when buying them in early spring, when the vegetable is oversaturated with nitrates.

To whom and when is a cocktail contraindicated

The benefits of sassi water are obvious. However, the active ingredients of the mineral-vitamin cocktail ingredients, along with “usefulness”, have a number of contraindications. For example, ginger can provoke inflammation of the stomach. Mint affects the tone of the venous vessels, it has the “ability” to lower blood pressure, cause exacerbation of varicose veins. With caution, sassi water should be consumed in the following health conditions:

  • an allergic reaction or intolerance to the components of a sassi cocktail;
  • chronic kidney disease, renal failure;
  • cystitis;
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, colitis, enteritis (in the acute phase);
  • intestinal disorders (diarrhea).

Special recommendations for taking sassi water - during pregnancy and lactation. According to doctors, in the period of bearing a child and in the months of breastfeeding, it is better to abandon the consumption of sassi water. Separately and in reasonable amounts, the ingredients of a sassi cocktail are harmless to pregnant women. However, ginger is banned in the later stages of gestation. It is also contraindicated for those women who have previously had miscarriages.

The danger is fraught and seemingly harmless mint. In high doses, it inhibits lactation in nursing mothers, and in the last trimester of pregnancy can even provoke labor.

Sassi Water Recipes: From Classics to Citrus Delights

“Drinking and losing weight” is exactly what women’s reviews about Sassi water look like on topic forums. Impressed by the stories and photo reports of prettier and more built-up young ladies, did you firmly decide to improve your figure and improve the work of your stomach and intestines? Miracle cocktail sassi will be an effective complement to a balanced diet and reasonable physical activity. Preparing sassi water at home is not at all difficult and not particularly costly.

When preparing a drink, a key, store bottled or boiled cooled water is used.

The textbook version

Compound components:

  • water - 2 l;
  • grated grated - one tablespoon;
  • small cucumber;
  • a small lemon;
  • fresh peppermint - 10-15 leaves.


  1. We fill the glass container (jar or jug) with water.
  2. Add ginger root grated with “gruel” immediately before cooking (peel either peeled or rubbed with it, thoroughly washing the ginger under running water).
  3. Cut the whole lemon with slices or slices along with the peel.
  4. We clean the skin of the cucumber and cut it in the same way - in thin circles.
  5. Tear mint leaves or chop finely.
  6. In the evening we put the mixture in the refrigerator and insist in the cold night (10-12 hours).

Citrus mix

Compound components:

  • water - 2 l;
  • ginger - a tablespoon;
  • whole cucumber;
  • lemon, orange - one of each citrus;
  • mandarin - two to three (the amount depends on the size);
  • peppermint, sage, lemon mint (i.e. Melissa), lemon verbena - several leaves of each plant. In total - no more than 15.


  1. Add ginger to the glass bowl.
  2. Cut the cucumber with pre-peeled skin.
  3. Next, cut the lemon into thin slices.
  4. Cut the orange with the peel in the shape of half rings.
  5. We divide the tangerines into slices and pierce each with a toothpick.
  6. We cut or tear the leaves of herbs with our hands.
  7. Pour all the ingredients with water.
  8. Bring to the desired level of saturation in the refrigerator, insisting until the morning.

Water sassi in a glass

For the impatient

Compound components:

  • water - 2 l;
  • ginger root - a large spoon;
  • cucumber;
  • lemon;
  • peppermint - 10-15 leaves.


  1. Cut a small peeled cucumber.
  2. Together with mint leaves, crush it in a blender.
  3. Pour two or three tablespoons of water and continue to beat until smooth.
  4. Dissolve the odorous mixture in water.
  5. Squeeze lemon juice into it.
  6. Add ginger “pulp”.
  7. We place in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.
If desired, infused sassi water can be filtered if pieces of vegetables, fruits and herbs floating in it confuse you.

How to drink: 5 rules

You can choose any recipe for cooking water sassi for weight loss. All three are equally effective. But in order to wait for the desired result, it is important to learn how to drink sassi water correctly. The five rules are as follows.

  1. Course and scheme. The recommended (also the most optimal) course of admission is 36 days. The scheme is simple: a four-day starting phase - a four-day break - a four-week phase. Then a week-long break, and the course can be repeated again.
  2. Daily rate. Drinking a healing “two-liter” sassi is necessary in a day.
  3. Shelf life. Pour unspent residues without regret, not leaving the next day. Pour a new serving of vitamin Sassi drink in the evening.
  4. Servings. Do not try to drink all the infused sassi water a couple of times. In addition to the enormous load on the kidneys and heart, you will not get a different result. The daily norm of water for convenience is divided into equal eight glasses.
  5. Mode. Water is the first thing the body should receive in the morning, so the first glass of sassi water is drunk on an empty stomach. Do not drink sassi with water. Take it in the pauses between meals (one hour after eating and half an hour before eating). It is undesirable to drink sassi water later than an hour and a half before bedtime. The best option is to drink the last glass after one hour, as they had dinner.
To avoid side effects and possible problems, observe prescription proportions, do not violate the uniformity of intake of sassi water, do not ignore contraindications. Also pay attention to the rules for storing the drink. Sassi water must be protected from sunlight, the influence of high temperatures. Also, it is not customary to store it in plastic containers.

Sassi water with honey, ginger, lemon and cucumber

Plus diet program

During the intake of sassi water, observe the “limit” in food: the calorie content of dishes should not exceed 1000-1400 kcal per day. Also connect active sports activities. Try to completely exclude fried, spicy-salty foods, pastries, sweets, alcohol, convenience foods, home preservation. Give up coffee and tea. Green light - for cooked and baked dishes, salads, seasoned olive or linseed oil, low fat cottage cheese and kefir. Allowed some dried fruits, nuts.

According to reviews, if you adhere to this rather “soft” diet, then literally in five to seven days at least a couple of extra pounds will “melt”, and the waist will become 5 cm less.But even if you are not mentally ready to change your usual diet (most often, the wrong one), all the same, after two weeks of drinking sassi water, you will lose weight by 500-700 g. You will feel light and the intestines will start to work almost by the hour. You will also notice an improvement in the condition of hair and skin.

For the human body, there are many useful and miraculous elixirs. Many of them are rooted in ancient Rome, Greece. Water sassi for weight loss, amid numerous analogues, is considered one of the most affordable and simple means. Following the general recommendations for its use, never exceed the maximum allowable four-liter water intake. And for accuracy, refer to the special calculation formula. To do this, you need to weigh your weight by weighing and then multiply it by a factor of 0.03. The resulting figure is the daily volume of water you need in liters. Multiplying your kilograms by a factor of 0.04, you will find out the maximum amount of fluid that you can consume daily.

Reviews: “Cool water! The effect is very pleasing! "

I really like this drink. Because it not only helps to lose weight, but is so refreshing. Better than any power engineers invigorates. There is ginger. In addition, as already mentioned, it is very useful. But you can’t get far with this drink alone, unfortunately. And no matter how much we would like or would like to have to do something else. Either diet or sports exercises. And better and that, and that. I do not drink sassi on any particular system or courses. I just use it sometimes and that's it. Not tracking, not every day, so, for fun, you can say. Perhaps if you drink it, as recommended here, it will bring even greater effect.

Raisa, Moscow,

From personal experience, I can say that there really is an effect as well as from drinking just water in general. But still there is one “BUT”, like my mother, after 2 weeks of drinking this water, my stomach started to ache. I advise people who have any stomach problems to reduce the amount of ginger, because it is an excellent irritant! And so the water is cool! Perfectly cleanses the body!

Julia Ryazanova,

The drink tastes quite good, does not compare with fresh celery, while the effect is very pleasing. After replacing the usual liquid with water, Sassie feels cheerfulness, and began to eat much less.

Maria Viktorovna, 32 years old,

I tried Sassi's water relatively recently, and I really liked the effect of it. What attracted was making the drink easy and simple, there are practically no restrictions, all products are available and there are no rare delicacies. I began to count calories, at first I thought it would be hard enough: I like to eat tasty and eat a lot, and this is my misfortune, but you can’t get your appetite anywhere. I thought I would suffer from hunger, I had already prepared all the willpower, but ... For some reason, hunger did not torment me. I think it’s just that water has dulled my appetite, and if earlier I started to want to eat, I just need to subtract an interesting recipe or hear a tasty smell, but now I don’t have anything. In the first (and so far only) month that Sassie drank water, she threw off only 3.5 kg. But, I think, this is a good result, because at the same time I ate everything the same as always - just in smaller portions, and at the same time I did not even experience hunger. It turned out such a diet without a diet - I liked it very much.


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