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Now the biological role of the substance is beyond doubt, people even learned to synthesize the compound in the laboratory to use in the treatment of many ailments. But even at the beginning of the 20th century, no one knew about the existence of vitamin E. So far, the famous study of Evans and Bishop has not excited the minds of scientists around the world.
A bit of history
In 1920, an experiment began by two American researchers who fed white rats exclusively milk, wanting to prove that this product can replace all the others as food. As a result of such a diet, rodents stopped reproducing. And only after the introduction of green lettuce and wheat germ oil into the diet of animals, their reproductive functions were restored.
In 1923, Evans and Bishop made public the results of their scientific research, indicating that the green leaves and wheat sprouts contained some kind of compound, which they called "anti-sterile vitamin."
In 1936, vitamin E was removed from Evans wheat germ oil. At the same time, the substance received its second name - tocopherol (in Greek, this name means "giving life"), which was proposed by George Calhoun, a professor at the University of California.
Since then, an active study of the biological role of the compound began, for which the glory of the vitamin of fertility has entrenched for centuries.
Biological role: what is vitamin E good for?
Thanks to colossal research work, scientists were able to determine the basic biological functions of the substance. How is vitamin E useful for the human body?
- Provides antioxidant effect. Vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants - substances that protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, heavy metals and toxic substances, radiation and drugs. Therefore, the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamin E, doctors recommend to prevent diseases of blood vessels and heart (atherosclerosis, heart attack), cancer pathologies. Such a diet will also slow down the aging process.
- Strengthens the immune system. Tocopherol protects the thymus gland and leukocytes from the negative effects of external and internal factors, increasing the body's ability to withstand pathogenic formations. Vitamin is recommended to maintain immunity in stress and infectious diseases.
- Activates metabolic processes. The substance provides the metabolic processes of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
- Normalizes the functions of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. It optimizes blood coagulation, lowers blood pressure, strengthens capillaries, prevents the development of anemia.
- Improves the reproductive system. Vitamin E normalizes the function of the gonads. It is prescribed in the treatment of infertility, prevents premature termination of pregnancy and is necessary for the full development of the fetus. The benefits of vitamin E for women are obvious to gynecologists: doctors recommend the substance for menopause andpremenstrual syndrome.
- Restores visual function. Provides the assimilation by the body of vitamin A - a substance indispensable for maintaining visual functions. By smoothing the effects of free radicals, it prevents retinal degeneration and the development of cataracts.
- Increases muscle strength. Some sources contain information that the use of vitamin E can significantly improve athletic performance.
- Beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Relieves stress and irritability, prevents the development of depressive states.
- Participates in ensuring the growth and development of the child. Already during breastfeeding, the baby receives a substance with mother's milk. This connection is necessary for the final formation of all organs and systems of the body, and especially the neuromuscular system.
Vitamin E is also important for maintaining beauty. Substance:
- nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the face and body;
- slows down the aging process (including the appearance of wrinkles);
- increases the tone and elasticity of the epidermis;
- accelerates hair growth and restores damaged curls.
What causes a shortage of substance
Vitamin deficiency affects the condition of the whole organism, but primarily nervous and muscle tissues, as well as red blood cells, are affected. Muscle weakness - most often detected as the first sign of a compound deficiency. The lack of necessary measures to replenish the substance can provoke serious health problems, including:
- tumor pathologies;
- heart and vascular disease;
- arthritis;
- cataract;
- anemia;
- violation of the shape of red blood cells;
- muscle spasms;
- inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
- reproductive system dysfunctions (miscarriages, reduced potency in men);
- toxicosis during pregnancy;
- early aging
- retinal degeneration;
- impaired coordination of movements;
- speech dysfunction;
- irritability and distraction.
The reasons for the lack of substance in the body can be different:
- inadequate intake of food - is very rare if a person is not starving;
- intestinal fat absorption- malabsorption syndrome, which develops against the backdrop of Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, as well as in premature babies and low birth weight infants;
- insufficient amount of specific proteins in the blood - those who are responsible for the "logistics" of the substance to the tissues and organs.
Is excess dangerous
Vitamin E accumulates in the body, an excess of the substance most often occurs when large doses of pharmacological preparations containing it are consumed. Vitamin E is non-toxic, therefore its hypervitaminosis in itself does not cause serious harm to the body. However, an excess of the substance disrupts the activity of vitamins A and K, and this can cause:
- bleeding disorders;
- hypoglycemia;
- thrombocytopathy;
- decreased ability to see in the dark;
- increase in blood pressure, etc.
How much tocopherol do we need
Information about the daily requirement of the body for the substance is not unambiguous, because:
- First of all - synthetic and natural vitamins have different biological activity;
- Secondly - Modern researchers recommend increasing the traditional daily intake rate.
Therefore, in different sources the data are different. The initial recommended daily norm of tocopherol was 15 mg, and the maximum allowable amount of substance consumed per day was 100 mg. Children were advised to take 6-12 mg during the day. According to the latest research, an adult should eat 400 IU of tocopherol, a child - 50-100 IU. But the daily need for a substance increases in the following cases:
- with a lack of vitamin E in the body;
- during pregnancy;
- during a period of high physical and mental stress;
- with stress and emotional shock;
- with a lack of selenium;
- if the diet contains a lot of foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids.
How to meet the need
There are two ways to supply the body with the necessary volume of matter: through the diet and medication.
Diet fortification
Experts believe that with a balanced diet, a healthy person receives the necessary amount of vitamin E with food. However, the modern rhythm of life often does not allow you to optimally organize your diet, so the intentional enrichment of the menu with valuable substances will benefit the body.
Among the foods with the highest vitamin E content are:
- unrefined cold pressed vegetable oils (flaxseed, olive, wheat germ, corn, soy);
- nuts (walnuts, peanuts, almonds), sunflower seeds andpumpkins, flax seeds;
- sprouted grains of wheat and rye, oats, rice;
- bran;
- legumes (green peas, beans, lentils, corn);
- greens (green salad, spinach, parsley, raspberry leaves, dandelion, mint, nettle, celery);
- broccoli, asparagus;
- dogrose.
Speaking about which foods contain vitamin E, one should not forget about food of animal origin: liver, meat, butter, eggs. But it is important to understand that the substance is not synthesized in mammals: animals receive vitamin A just like humans do with food. That is why the concentration of the substance in meat products and dairy products is negligible, as can be seen from the table.
Table - Short List of Vitamin E Products
Product | Estimated Vitamin E Content (in mg per 100g) |
Wheat germ oil | 100-400 |
Soybean oil | 50-160 |
Sunflower oil | 40-70 |
Corn oil | 40-80 |
Wheat sprouts | 20-25 |
Peas | 9-10 |
Perlovka | 3-4 |
Eggs | 2 |
Zander | 1-2 |
Butter | 1-2 |
Culinary tricks
Going to the kitchen to prepare a healthy dish, you need to consider several points.
- Add fats. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble compound, therefore, for better absorption of the substance in dishes with products containing it, you need to add a small amount of fat.
- Do not be afraid of different ways of cooking. The substance is stored in products after preservation, boiling, drying and any other thermal exposure. True, other valuable ingredients in the cooked dish can be destroyed.
- Store food properly. The compound is destroyed by sunlight, oxygen and chemical oxidizing agents. Therefore, products with vitamin E should be stored in a dark place.
Acceptance of pharmacological preparations
In laboratory conditions receive tocopherol. The compound was first synthesized by biochemist Paul Carrer in 1938. The beneficial properties of vitamin E contained in food are stronger than the properties of artificially created substances. However, in some diseases and conditions, when the body needs an increased dose of tocopherol, the doctor may prescribe pharmacy drugs. So, indications for taking pharmacological agents (as part of complex treatment) are:
- treatment and prevention of vitamin E deficiency;
- recovery period after illness;
- increased mental, emotional and physical stress;
- unbalanced diet;
- menstrual irregularities;
- muscle dystrophy;
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Industrial production tocopherol is presented in the form of:
- capsules - the active substance is tocopherol acetate;
- multivitamin complexes - they contain alpha-tocopherol (Vitrum, Centrum from A to Zinc, Aevit, Triovit).
Tocopherol therapy should only begin after consultation with a doctor: treatment of serious diseases requires an integrated approach. Acceptance of any pharmacological drug should be subject to the recommendations of the instructions and the attending specialist.
The beneficial properties of vitamin E are obvious, but you should not consider it as a panacea. You can take the substance in the form of pharmacological preparations only as prescribed by your doctor: self-medication can only aggravate the situation. Numerous reviews indicate the effectiveness of the rational use of vitamin E for the benefit of health and beauty.
Reviews: “Normalizes pressure, improves eyesight ... I am satisfied”
After giving birth, I have stretch marks on my stomach. I use vitamin E as follows: First I apply a little lotion on the skin, then I pierce the capsule with vitamin and smear on top. So it’s easier to distribute the product, since vitamin E is oily and thick. One capsule (200 mg) is enough for 1 time per stomach. Of course, he does not remove stretch marks, and no remedy, even a very expensive one, can cope with them, but after using vitamin E, the skin becomes more elastic, takes a velvety appearance, stretch marks are less noticeable. Moreover, I am in the process of losing weight and it's nice to see that the skin on my stomach looks well-groomed, and not sagging.
I think that almost everyone is prescribed vitamin E during pregnancy. I was also prescribed. When I came to be registered, my gynecologist prescribed me vitamin E and folic acid, and I had to take these vitamins up to sixteen weeks! And then they said after 16 weeks and before childbirth (you can even after childbirth) take Elevit vitamins. Vitamin E in capsules is packed in a cardboard box, and inside it is a jar. These capsules are in a jar. They are so dark red, translucent, not very small in size, but generally medium. It is convenient to swallow them, and does not cause any difficulty. I don’t know what taste these capsules taste because I immediately swallowed them and washed them down with water. But I really liked the appearance of these “ruby” color capsules - like precious stones =)) Of course, it is difficult to say unequivocally whether there is an effect specifically from these vitamins, and what would happen if I did not take them. But one thing I will say is that nothing bad (at least not visible to the eye) also happened from these vitamins. In any case, I believe that they are useful and necessary, and not only for pregnant women. Therefore, I also advise you these vitamins.
I have been taking vitamin E for 10 years. It all began with the fact that I often had nosebleeds. and EN gave me Vit E. I went pregnant to my daughter did not stop taking it 3 capsules per day. It normalizes blood pressure, improves eyesight, youth and beauty on the face. I'm happy.