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Vitamin B12 is considered the most mysterious representative of this group of organic compounds. This is the combined name of four biologically active substances, which contain cobalt. Of these, cyanocobalamin, directly involved in the metabolism, has the greatest effect on the human body. B12 is unique in nature - it is synthesized by tiny bacteria, algae, mold, yeast. Actually, in the scientific world there are still debates about the classification of cyanocobalamin, and, according to some reports, it is more correct to consider b12 itself as a microorganism. There are two ways of entering b 12 into the body:
- from food (food additives);
- by synthesis by microorganisms directly in the intestine.
What is Vitamin B12 for?
Scientists who studied its properties in the 20th century were awarded the Nobel Prize. In particular, the proven effectiveness of a substance in the treatment of severe anemic conditions is considered a breakthrough. But besides this, the effect of vitamin B12 on the human body is incredibly large:
- promotes tissue renewal;
- promotes proper mental and physical development;
- adjusts appetite;
- Resists the accumulation of excess fat in the liver;
- stimulates the work of white blood cells (immunity);
- reduces irritability;
- supports the normal functioning of the nervous system:
- contributes to general mental balance;
- necessary in the treatment and prevention of depressive conditions;
- improves the condition of hair and skin;
- positively affects reproductive function.
How to strengthen its effectiveness
If we talk about the interaction of B12 with other vitamins and substances, then his duet with folic acid (B9) is isolated separately. One substance determines the effectiveness of another. Especially such a “union” is important in the context of the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the development of red blood cells and DNA components. The ideal supplement to folic acid and cyanocobalamin are vitamins B1 and B6.
Cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt, rich in calcium, contribute to the absorption of substances due to calcium. A good combination is also B12 and vitamin D. For better assimilation of all these elements, it is necessary to visit the sun more often.
Note that B12 is poorly absorbed along with foods rich in ascorbic acid.
Danger of scarcity
Deficiency of B12 and B9 leads to anemia. In advanced cases - malignant (pernicious), when the number of white blood cells is reduced, and there is also a pathological increase in their size. A lack of cyanocobalamin can lead to the development of multiple sclerosis and paralysis, impaired functioning of the heart muscle and acute psychosis. A person needs very little of this substance (1-3 mcg per day), however, its lack can turn into a disaster.
The benefits of vitamin B12 for the baby's body have been investigated by Norwegian scientists. Their conclusions are as follows: for children, the substance is indispensable since the mother’s womb. Kids who are deficient in cyanocobalamin are lagging behind in studies, their brain activity is reduced.
How does it manifest
Signs of a lack of vitamin B12 in the body are difficult to recognize at first. The liver gradually increases, discomfort in the digestive tract and intestines appears. If you take a blood test, you will find a low level of hemoglobin. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency also include:
- insomnia and, conversely, "chronic" drowsiness;
- constant unreasonable feeling of fear;
- dizziness;
- noise in ears;
- "Goosebumps" in the eyes;
- fatigue;
- menstrual irregularities;
- cardiopalmus;
- decreased immunity;
- hair loss;
- peeling and pallor of the skin;
- suddenly increased craving for flour products;
- irritability;
- changes in character (viciousness, grouchy).
How often is diagnosed
European scientists concluded that a healthy person in total needs only 38 mg of cyanocobalamin from the outside during their lifetime. Visually - this is one grain of rice. The fact is that the body itself synthesizes the substance and maintains its optimal level. B12 accumulates in the liver. From there, cyanocobalamin is excreted in the bile, and immediately absorbed again. This complex process is called “reabsorption,” or enterohepatic circulation. The reabsorption process is cyclically repeated for more than 15 years, and only after it begins a deficit. But this is provided that the person is absolutely healthy and all systems and organs are working correctly. In the presence of pathologies, a B12 deficiency in the menu will manifest itself after three to four years.
Who is at risk
B12 deficiency is often a problem that occurs in old age. In some cases, doctors associate age-related changes in character (popularly - "senile senility") precisely with a lack of cyanocobalamin. Also at risk:
- people who abuse alcohol;
- smokers
- patients with diseases of the digestive tract, especially the intestines and liver;
- vegetarians.
Daily rates and what products to cover the need
The easiest way to increase vitamin B12 in the body naturally is to eat foods rich in vitamin B12. Doctors consider 1-3 micrograms per day to be the optimal norm for a healthy person. In some cases, this indicator grows:
- during pregnancy - 4 mcg;
- when breastfeeding - 4-5 mcg.
Also, wine lovers, smokers and the elderly are advised to increase the recommended average daily dosage. The following is a table of foods containing large amounts of vitamin B12, and, importantly, in easily digestible form.
Table - Products High in Cyanocobalamin
Product | The amount of B12 per 100 g |
Yogurt (3.2%) | 0.43 mcg |
Milk (2.5%) | 0.4 mcg |
Veal (beef) liver | Up to 60 mcg |
Salmon | 2.8 mcg |
Beef | 2.6 mcg |
Mutton | 2 mcg |
Scallops | 74.2 mcg |
Shrimp | 0.8 mcg |
Sardines | 11 mcg |
Cod | 1.6 mcg |
Goose eggs | 5.1 mcg |
Chicken eggs | 0.52 mcg |
Atlantic herring | 10 mcg |
Trout | 4.3 mcg |
Mackerel | 15.6 mcg |
Dry brewer's yeast extract | 0.4 mcg |
Cheese | 1.5-2 mcg |
What foods contain vitamin B12 yet? Where to find a suitable source of cyanocobalamin to people who have refused animal food? In this case, you can pay attention to kelp (algae) - 100 g of seaweed contains 9 μg of the substance. Bran, legumes and green leafy vegetables (if they were grown in the open field) with regular use contribute to the internal synthesis of cyanocobalamin.
Risks of overdose
Back in the 50s of the twentieth century, they started talking about the fact that with an excess of vitamin, it acquires harmful properties. In particular, it can be the cause of skin diseases. Modern studies confirm that, in combination with some strains of the P. Acnes bacteria, cyanocobalamin causes inflammation on the skin. In particular, the so-called "pink eels." But this relationship is rather twofold, since a lack of cyanocobalamin reduces the resistance to inflammation, including skin.
However, an elevated level of this substance (hypervitaminosis) is a rare condition. As a rule, it develops as a result of inaccurate injection doses. In case of an overdose, the following are possible:
- fatty deposits in the liver, provoking the development of cirrhosis and fibrosis;
- shortness of breath
- vascular thrombosis;
- problems with heart;
- pulmonary edema;
- an allergic reaction, up to anaphylactic shock;
- sudden weight gain or weight loss;
- symptoms of food poisoning, including upset stomach;
- fatigue, irritability, problems with the central nervous system.
Weight Loss Injection
Some modern weight loss courses that patients undergo inpatiently suggest intramuscular injections of cyanocobalamin (along with diet and other drugs). Adherents of this technique claim that in this way they stimulate the metabolism and renewal of liver cells. However, doctors and nutritionists have repeatedly criticized this approach. The result of such a serious treatment in the long term is not studied.
Doctors insist: compounds from natural foods are absorbed best. Therefore, instead of injections and pills, just keep a table with information about what vitamin B12 is in. And build your diet with an eye on her.