Products containing potassium: the norm for children and adults, how to urgently make up for the lack of mineral

The vital activity of an organism is a series of continuous chemical processes, for the normal course of which, among other substances, potassium is needed (K, Kalium). When a deficiency of this element occurs, almost all body systems fail. Food is the main source of nutrients in the body, so it is worth approaching the formation of the diet with all responsibility. What foods contain potassium? What is the importance of this element?
Potassium Products

An average adult needs to consume 3500 mg of potassium per day. This figure may vary based on lifestyle, state of health, and age. For example, infants need only 400 mg per day, for children from one to three years, consumption increases to 1300 mg, and up to 14 years the norm is 3800 mg. During pregnancy, you need to consume 4700 mg of the substance. The greatest need for potassium is experienced by women with breastfeeding. 5000 mg daily should be ingested.

Effect on the body

Representing the human body in the form of a complex system of chemical elements, it becomes clear that each of them is necessary to maintain balance. Potassium is needed in humans in especially large quantities, because it is involved in almost all processes. The more you learn about the effect of a substance on the body, the easier it will be for you to regulate your diet.

Positive properties

There is no doubt that potassium is vital for man. But healthy curiosity pushes to learn more about the effect of a substance on the body. It is worth highlighting eight significant points regarding the benefits of potassium.

  1. To normalize the pressure. Potassium gives the walls of blood vessels elasticity, preventing them from clogging. People suffering from hypertension need to form a diet based on foods rich in this substance.
  2. For kidney health. Maintaining a constant normal level of potassium prevents the formation of kidney stones. This is due to the fact that the substance fixes calcium in the bones, preventing its leaching.
  3. For muscle work. The element takes an active part in the process of converting glucose into energy resources necessary for physical activity. The mineral also gives muscle fibers elasticity and strength. This property is extremely important for the heart.
  4. For the brain. The mineral helps oxygenate brain cells. As a result, mental activity increases and the ability to remember information is enhanced.
  5. For the skin. The substance normalizes the moisture balance in the cells of the epidermis. As a result, the skin is protected from premature aging and external negative effects.
  6. For hair. Prevents loss and improves the functional state of the strands.
  7. For the nervous system. Potassium helps accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses.
  8. For digestion. It acts as a catalyst for digestive processes, is involved in the processing of carbohydrates.
Potassium is vital for people with diabetes. The mineral normalizes blood sugar levels. It also stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas.

Deficiency symptoms

Taking diuretics, eating salt, excessive physical activity, bad habits, and many other factors lead to potassium deficiency. This condition is called hypokalemia.To understand that this element is not enough in your body, you can by the following signs:

  • lack of appetite, the appearance of aversion to certain foods;
  • muscle weakness and fatigue;
  • rapid arrhythmic heartbeat;
  • muscle spasms;
  • constant feeling of tiredness and drowsiness;
  • violation of the stool;
  • depressed mood and apathy;
  • frequent colds;
  • dry mouth and constant thirst;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • non-healing wounds;
  • fragility of nails;
  • deterioration in hair quality.
Potassium deficiency is especially undesirable for women of reproductive age. A prolonged lack of this mineral can lead to an inability to conceive a child, complications during pregnancy, and can also provoke a number of gynecological diseases.

What excess leads to

How much potassium is needed for the body? With frequent and uncontrolled intake of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, the body may be oversaturated with potassium (hyperkalemia). 6000 mg is already a toxic dose, leading to severe malaise. The problem can be identified by the following signs:

  • low pressure;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • swelling of the face and limbs;
  • nervous tension and a feeling of anxiety;
  • frequent urination;
  • stomach ache.
Not only dietary supplements can cause excess potassium. If you eat potatoes or beans daily, chances are you will also experience unpleasant symptoms.

What foods contain potassium

Where is potassium located? Nature is designed so that everything necessary for human health is present in natural products. Indeed, our ancestors did not have pharmacies near by, but they were much healthier and stronger than us. By including potassium-containing foods in your menu, you will make your body more resilient.

Mushrooms are dried on a string


In order to maintain the concentration of potassium in the body at a normal level, it is not necessary to take any dietary supplements. It is enough to properly organize the food, putting in its basis products containing a lot of potassium. The table shows the key sources of this element.

Table - Foods containing large amounts of potassium

ProductKcal per 100 gThe amount of potassium, mg / 100 gThe share of the daily norm,%
Cocoa powder289152532
Dried apricots215151231
White beans 102118828
Sea kale2597020
Pumpkin seeds55678817
Brussels sprouts363898
The apples472796
Rye bread1652084
Potassium works in tandem with sodium. The latter helps maintain balance by neutralizing excess potassium. For every three parts of potassium, part of sodium should be accounted for.

What to include in the menu first

Foods high in potassium are mostly fruits and vegetables. If they will be at least a third of your daily menu, do not worry about a lack of mineral in the body. In addition, they have many other useful properties. Particular attention should be paid to six potassium-rich foods.

  1. Avocado. Needed for those who follow the figure. This nourishing snack helps to normalize and stabilize weight with regular use. Before eating an avocado, it is recommended to sprinkle it with lemon juice.
  2. Watermelon. Despite the fact that the berry is on the list of products containing potassium, its main value is not this. This is a source of lycopene, which is necessary to maintain normal heart function. This substance also strengthens bones and prevents cancer.
  3. A tomato. Another source of lycopene. The fruit is most useful fresh.
  4. Beet. The value of this root crop is determined by the increased content of phytonutrients. They remove toxins and "extinguish" the inflammatory processes in the body.
  5. Potatoes. Almost half of the potassium contained in the potato falls on its peel. Therefore, bake and boil this vegetable is better unpeeled.
  6. Cocoa. To maintain a normal concentration of potassium in the body, experts recommend drinking two cups of the drink per day.
If for some reason there is a violation of the diet, replenishing potassium in the body is quite simple. Drink half a glass of water, after dissolving in it a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey.

How to get the most out of it

Vitamins and minerals vital for a person can lose their characteristics under the influence of internal and external factors. Therefore, even products with the highest potassium content do not always contribute to filling the deficiency of a substance in the body. Health is a complex science, consisting of a million secrets and subtleties.

What prevents the assimilation ...

Potassium is characterized by high bioavailability. Almost 95% of the substance entering the body is absorbed through the small intestine. But in some cases, the value of this indicator can significantly decrease. Here is what prevents the absorption of the mineral:

  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • lack of vitamin B6 in the body;
  • frequent use of laxative drugs;
  • insufficient intake of magnesium;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • excessive use of coffee;
  • the presence in the diet of a large number of sweets;
  • nervous tension;
  • diet ration.

Different dried fruits

... and what contributes

It’s not enough to be able to cook food deliciously. It is important that she does not lose her natural benefits. Five tricks will help to make your food healthy and keep maximum potassium in it.

  1. Eat raw foods. Heat treatment reduces the amount of useful components in products by at least a third. Whenever possible, try to consume herbal products in their natural form.
  2. Shock processing. Before cooking, pour cereals, vegetables and other products with boiling water. This will save more nutrients than with gradual heating. And the taste judging by the reviews revealed better.
  3. Do not soak the cereals. Wash them well enough before cooking. Otherwise, the lion's share of potassium simply goes into the water.
  4. Less water. During cooking, the water in the pan should be exactly enough to cover the food, but no more.
  5. Steam and bake. These product processing methods are optimal for maintaining beneficial properties.

Potassium is one of the few minerals that is found in one form or another in all products. Therefore, a healthy person, whose diet is dominated by quality food, should not worry about a possible mineral deficiency in the body. If you feel unwell, undergo constant physical, mental and emotional stress, you should carefully look for potassium in foods, giving preference to food with the maximum content of this substance.

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