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Dryness of the epidermis leads to the appearance of expression lines, and then age wrinkles. The complexion becomes grayish, you look tired. Therefore, masks are needed to moisturize the face. Skin care should be permanent at all times of the year. But it is worth highlighting the autumn and winter periods when heating is turned on in the houses and the air becomes especially dry. Women immediately notice the negative changes that occur with the skin. It is during this period that the skin is subject to a sharp loss of moisture, so it is necessary to conduct a course of home moisturizing face masks.
Choosing the right mask for your skin type
Before you start the procedure, you need to determine what type of skin you have and what components are most suitable for you. There are four common types: normal, oily, dry, combined. You can add problematic skin, prone to inflammation, as a separate item.
- Normal Any girl dreams of such skin. It always looks clean, with a uniform uniform color over the entire surface, without redness and oily sheen. The pores are not expanded, the skin is elastic and smooth, has a pinkish tint.
- Oily. Owners of this type are tormented by oily sheen. Skin suffers from excessive greasiness, clogged pores and blackheads. But don’t be saddened, this type has a plus - thanks to excess fat, a protective film is created that retains moisture, wrinkles appear much later and are not as deep as those of other types. Over the years, oily skin becomes mixed. It is important to thoroughly clean the top layer of the epidermis and make moisturizing masks.
- Dry. This type is not prone to the appearance of inflammation, has a uniform color. The inconvenience appears in the cold season. But with age, a woman will feel dry, tight, and wrinkles will become more noticeable. The main disadvantage of dry skin is a lack of moisture. She needs nutritious and moisturizing face masks. It is worth reviewing your diet. Dryness can be caused by a lack of vitamins A, E, C.
- Combined. Skin care of this type is not so simple. After all, the fatty and normal (sometimes dry) type are combined here. The oily area is the T-zone (chin, nose and forehead). In this area, the skin often shines and glistens, while at the same time in the cheek area it can be normal, in some women even dry. These areas require completely different care. Nutrients are needed for the cheeks, and the T-zone needs to be cleaned and moistened (nutrition provokes the release of fat). Therefore, in the arsenal of your cosmetics there should be two options for care, masks should also be of two types: moisturizing for the T-zone and nutritious for the cheek area (add in such a mask olive oil, it softens and smoothes skin prone to dryness).
- Problematic. Although it is not distinguished into a separate type, it would be a mistake to keep silent about it. Many women consider their skin to be problematic. Some people are freckled by freckles, some have age spots. And yet the main problem is inflammation and rashes in the form of pimples. The reasons for their appearance are not only the period of growing up and a change in the hormonal background, but also stress, unbalanced nutrition, and the influence of the environment. It is best to conduct treatment with a competent specialist who will tell you which cleansing and moisturizing program to choose. If the problem is serious, do not self-medicate according to the reviews of your friends about any effective means - this can harm you. If the situation is not serious, then you can cope on your own with the help of thorough skin care, nutrition control and emotional state.
After you have been able to understand and determine which of the five groups you belong to, it is necessary to begin work on improving the appearance. Oily skin - remove unpleasant gloss, dry - moisturize and nourish the epidermis with moisture, combined requires deep care, depending on the area of the face, and problematic needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Each type needs hydration.
Before you familiarize yourself with recipes and begin to put them into practice, check if you have any contraindications to these procedures. Thus, you decide on the best moisturizing mask for your face, suitable for you.
- Do-it-yourself procedures for serious skin problems. If you have impressive rashes, sores, vasodilation, a specialist consultation is required. The problem may lie inside, so a comprehensive treatment is necessary. And if sterility is not respected, the situation can worsen.
- Allergic reactions. Even if you can confidently say that you are not allergic to herbs and citrus fruits, do a test test before applying the mask. Apply the composition to the elbow. Observe skin for approximately 30 minutes. If during this time you did not find redness or a rash - then everything is fine and you can safely apply a mask on your face.
Masks for normal skin
Cucumber with Starch
The mask is an analogue of botex, this effect is created by the addition of starch. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion is leveled.
- Take half the cucumber, add the yolk of one egg and one tablespoon of starch.
- Stir well and apply on face for 20-25 minutes.
Fruit: from kiwi, apple and strawberry
Tasty and easy to prepare. You can mix all the fruits and berries in equal proportions or opt for one. The mask not only moisturizes, but also nourishes the skin with vitamins.
- Finely chop and apply on face. To prevent the fruits from draining, it is better to lie down.
- Hold for 20 minutes.
Curd Honey
Moisturizes, improves the texture of the skin, which by touch becomes smooth and velvety. Honey is better to take medium density, about two teaspoons.
- Add one tablespoon of cottage cheese to honey.
- Apply the finished mass to the face for 30 minutes.
For oily skin
The easiest to use, excellent drying. For oily skin, choose kefir with a minimum percentage of fat content - one teaspoon.
- Mix kefir, honey (1 tsp) and egg white.
- Apply to a cotton pad, without rubbing, spread on the face with light movements.
Vitamin with lemon
Moisturizes, vitamins the skin, whitens a little.
- Squeeze lemon juice - one teaspoon, add egg white.
- Apply on face and hold for about 20 minutes.
Chamomile soothing
Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory. Soothes, moisturizes, nourishes.Oily skin is prone to acne, so chamomile is suitable for dealing with uninvited guests.
- Chamomile (3 tbsp.) Pour boiling water, strain, add vegetable (1 tbsp.) Or olive oil.
- Prepare the cheesecloth, fold in 3-4 layers, grease half with the composition, cover with the second half.
- Keep a compress on your face for 30-40 minutes.
For dry skin
Pleasant in consistency and easy to use. She will need one banana, egg yolk, one teaspoon of olive oil. Moisturizes, softens, gives the skin a radiance.
- Mash the banana to a mushy state, mix with the egg and olive oil (you can beat in a blender).
- Add the remaining ingredients and hold for 30 minutes.
Creamy with Cucumber
An easy-to-prepare mask consists of half a cucumber and two tablespoons of cream. Moisturizes, nourishes, smoothes.
- Grate cucumber on a coarse grater, add cream to it. You can drip some pink water.
- Apply the mixture for 20-30 minutes.
To achieve an instant result - make a mask of oatmeal. She instantly transforms and rejuvenates tired skin.
- Warm a glass of milk and fill it with 2 tablespoons of cereal (let it brew).
- Apply to face and hold for 30 minutes until dry.
For dry skin, the main moisturizing and softening, if during the procedure there will be discomfort and tightness, rinse off the mask immediately.
For combination skin type
Curd and carrot composition
This mask should be applied only to the cheeks, where the skin is normal or prone to dryness (unlike the T-zone). Nourishes, moisturizes. One teaspoon is needed: cottage cheese, olive oil, carrots and milk.
- Grate the carrots, grind it with cottage cheese, pour in milk and olive oil.
- Apply the mixture on your face and hold for 15 minutes.
Light berry mixture
The berry mask with milk fortifies, rejuvenates and gives a blush.
- Crush berries and fruits (1 tsp each) to a porridge-like consistency and add two tablespoons of warm milk.
- Apply directly to the face or moisten the gauze with a mixture and put on the face and neck.
- The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes.
Potato is rich in amino acids and has healing properties, it is used in the treatment of burns and boils
Therefore, for combination skin, a potato mask is a real salvation, especially for the cheek area. It softens the face and does not provoke intense secretion of the sebaceous glands.
- Boil one medium-sized potato.
- Mash potatoes, add milk (2 tbsp. L.).
- Apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes.
For problem skin
Berry fruit
Salvation for enlarged pores. The mask creates a tightening effect. You will need half a pear and lemon juice.
- Mash the pear and add one teaspoon of lemon juice.
- Apply to cleansed skin, hold for 5-10 minutes.
Effective anti-inflammatory dandelion mask
Dandelion, like chamomile, has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is ideal for problem skin prone to rashes.
- Brew 100 g of dandelion leaves. Judge and add one egg white to the mixture.
- Apply for 15 minutes, remove with a cotton pad.
Mint refreshing composition
A moisturizing face mask visibly evens out the complexion, gives smoothness to the skin and stimulates blood circulation in the epidermis.
- Take three tablespoons of fresh mint leaves and pour boiling water over them.
- After thirty minutes, add the miraculous starch - one tablespoon.
- Apply a thick slurry on the face and hold for 20 minutes.
Plus of such home procedures - profitability and naturalness. Do not spare time for beauty, devote yourself a few minutes and see a noticeable transformation. After all, facial beauty is not hidden imperfections with the help of cosmetics, but healthy, smooth and well-groomed skin with a natural blush.