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Usually the unattractive shape of the hands, sagging skin on them is not the main problem of the female figure, so we pay very little attention to this part of the body. It's a pity, because sagging muscles do not look aesthetically pleasing. And even pulling up the tummy and getting rid of cellulite on the buttocks, you will not feel like the queen of the beach, if you do not include exercises for the muscles of the hands in the individual training program, along with exercises for weight loss and toning the abs!
General recommendations for the correction of the shape of the forearm
Only 4 muscles are responsible for the appearance of this zone, so working with it is quite easy. All of them are included in the so-called shoulder girdle and are represented by the deltoid, subscapularis, major and minor round muscles. Professional trainers recommend choosing a set of exercises for the arms so that it combines strength exercises, that is, dumbbells, and stretching. Charging this is the most direct way to a quick result. It is also important to use other means.
- Ample fluid - 2 liters of water per day, and your metabolism will work, like a five-year-old child! No fat deposits and active removal of what has already accumulated!
- Proper nutrition - we will not once again repeat the dangers of fast food and store sweets. We only note that a fragrant bun and a glass of soda for dessert can be replaced with a pair of pieces of dark chocolate (the percentage of cocoa should exceed 76) with a cup of good green tea. And instead of sweets, eat raisins, dried apricots and nuts during the day. Believe me, you will like such a diet even more than buns and pastries, after which you invariably experience pangs of conscience. And will not bring a single extra centimeter to the waist.
- Regular workouts - Perform exercises for weight loss hands for women need regularly. If you focus on stretching, do it at least every day. The power complex does not need to be performed more than three times a week. The main thing is to accustom the body to constant loads in order to set it up for parting with excess weight.
- Calm After the third workout, you will feel how your muscles tightened, and not only the upper limbs. The tone will gain the whole body! But do not expect that exercises to strengthen the muscles of the hands will provide an instant result. You will notice the first changes after 2 weeks.
Getting started training!
Start by warming up, which helps saturate the muscles with blood and warms them well.
- 30 jumps on the toes of the legs with simultaneous rotation of the arms as if jumping on a skipping rope. Hold your forearms as tight as possible.
- 30 swing hands back and forth. Keep your abs tense and lean your body slightly forward with each lunge.
- 30 mach "Mill". Tilt the body forward, keep your legs level. With sharp jerks, take your hand up and return it down, each time placing it perpendicular to the body.
The duration of the warm-up is 5-7 minutes. Then proceed to the main complex. Exercises for weight loss arms and shoulders should be performed with and without dumbbells.
Main complex
During class, try to breathe deeply and calmly. It is normal if you feel a slightly increased pulse and shortness of breath. The duration of the training will be about half an hour.
Hand exercises without dumbbells
- Sit on the floor, bend your knees.Put your hands on the floor behind you, tighten their muscles. Get down on your hands and lift the body parallel to the floor. Perform the movements abruptly, at the same time retracting the press and squeezing the buttocks. Make 60 climbs. This exercise will take care of burning fat on the back of your hands and strengthening it.
- Sit on the edge of the sofa and rest your hands behind you. Lower your buttocks. Slowly lower the case by hand, then lift it. Do 20 times, rest. If you are not tired, repeat another 20 times at a similar slow pace.
- Take the “plank” position: palms on the floor, under the shoulders; legs and back are straight, make a straight line, stomach is tightened, buttocks are tense. The stand is performed on toes. Slowly lower your forearms to the floor, immediately rise. Do 15 times.
Dumbbell Hand Exercises For Women
- Take dumbbells, strain your arms and abs. Dip into the squat so that your hips are parallel to the floor. Lock and hold your forearms against your body. Bend your elbows at the same time, slowly, for a couple of counts. Unbend also slowly, without throwing a brush. Perform 20 arm raises in one squat.
- Stand straight with dumbbells, take your left leg behind your right. Lunge forward with her, place your thigh parallel to the floor. Tighten the press and buttocks, keep the body straight, arms along it. Slowly spread your palms with dumbbells to the sides, doing this in two ways. When reaching the parallel with the floor, slowly lower it down. Repeat 20 times. Then lunge with your left foot, repeat another 20 times.
These exercises for weight loss without dumbbells and with them will help you adjust the shape of not only one problem area. They will tighten the abs, make your legs stronger and rounder buttocks. Summer is coming - get started!
Video: Slimming Hand Exercises