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The blurry waist, fat sides, sagging belly make people take a different look at themselves and their own health. But protruding belly is a fairly common problem for athletes and those who attend fitness training, and even slim and skinny girls by nature. It would seem that there are no prerequisites for its appearance, but ... The thing is in the weak muscles, which should reduce the size of the abdominal cavity. Vacuum control helps get rid of the problem.
Why pump press is not enough
In the human body there are four muscle groups that form the abs: straight, oblique (internal and external), and also the deepest - transverse. They are interconnected, and each is involved in the creation of the press. The emphasis of the load is shifted to the desired abdominal muscle.
Performing traditional exercises for the press, the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are loaded. They provide body movement and are responsible for aligning the contour of the sides, forming the desired cubes, sculpting the figure. The transverse muscles are also involved, but their task is to maintain the internal organs and spine in a natural position. This muscle group is responsible for making the waist narrow and the abdomen smaller.
Benefit and harm
In addition to losing weight and strengthening the underdeveloped abdominal muscles, vacuum exercises have a general healing effect on the body. Performing gymnastics vacuum, the following positive effects are manifested:
- the work of internal organs is getting better;
- digestion and intestinal function stabilizes;
- blood supply improves;
- the lumbar region is strengthened;
- toxins are excreted;
- posture is corrected.
Exercise vacuum is especially useful for women: it is a good prevention of stagnant processes in the small pelvis, increase stress resistance of the body due to beneficial effects on the nervous system, and improve sleep quality. Exercise vacuum for the abdomen allows you to recover faster after childbirth.
Exercise Vacuum for the Abdomen: Technique
The technique of performing a vacuum for the abdomen from the side looks simple. The method consists in the maximum retraction of the press "in itself" (to the limit) and its fixation in an immobilized form for 20-30 seconds. The exercise was borrowed from nauli yoga, where asanas are based on proper breathing. What we call a vacuum in yoga is called uddiyana bandha.
Breathing in our case is also a hallmark of the execution technique.Therefore, the abdominal retraction occurs after the complete exit of air from the lungs, on exhalation. At this time, the front wall of the abdomen as if pressed against the spine, and the "insides" are displaced in the hypochondrium.
Lying down: for beginners
Features The execution tactics in all methods are exactly the same, but lying down with bent legs is the easiest exercise to do. Therefore, beginners who decide to remove the stomach are advised to start with it.
How to perform
- Take the starting position: lie on your back, relax with your legs bent at the knees, and place your hands along your body or stomach.
- Exhale slowly, without straining the muscles of the body.
- After releasing the lungs from all available air, tighten the abdominal muscles and retract them as much as possible. A “false breath” should appear without air entering the throat.
- Mentally draw a picture: the stomach "sticks" to the spine. In this position, hold for 10-15 seconds.
- After a short breath, without relaxing the muscles, repeat the exercise five times according to the previous scheme. At the end, push your stomach forward without breathing in air.
Standing: the main way
Features When the art of vacuum for beginners is well mastered, try moving on to the main exercise, vacuum for the press, in a standing position.
How to perform
- Take the starting position: feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body or palms on the ribs. Exhale through your mouth.
- Take a full breath, at the same time tilt your torso forward, bending your legs at the knees. The head is lowered, as if pressed with a chin to the chest, the gaze is directed not to the floor, but directly.
- Then, while exhaling, retract the press firmly. Track 20-30 seconds. Exhale loudly and rhythmically, on the sound of "x-ha."
- With the next approach, hold your breath for no more than five to ten seconds. During a short relaxing pause, restore your breathing and do four more repetitions.
Kneeling: Complicating Workout
Features This method is complicated, suitable for those who have mastered the first two methods of exercise for the press. An absolutely identical technique is used when performing exercises on all fours, that is, belly down. This option is considered the most difficult, because according to the laws of physics the body pulls down.
How to perform
- Take the starting position: kneel, lower your hands on them. Then lower the body to a sitting position, but so that between the buttocks and feet there are 20 cm. The back is straight and the body is slightly extended forward.
- Exhale slowly with your mouth.
- Then inhale with your nose and tighten your stomach for 20-30 seconds.
- After a sharp exhalation, retract the press deeply again.
- The exercise is performed with five repetitions.
The effectiveness of the vacuum depends on the frequency of execution. Exercise vacuum for a flat stomach should be done regularly.Focus on the following numbers: during the day there should be at least two or three sets, from ten to 15 repetitions with a duration of one muscular reduction of 15 seconds. If you work in this mode, then get rid of 2.5 to 5 cm in the waist after one to two months of training.
When training becomes the norm, the number of approaches is selected personally: the vacuum is repeated until it becomes difficult to blow air. In order to get into the regime as soon as possible, take the habit of waking up, making an evacuation, and only then have breakfast and do other things. For an evening approach, bedtime is convenient.
How to get the maximum effect
The main minus of the vacuum is that it will not immediately turn out to do the whole exercise technique correctly. Although at first glance everything seems affordable and simple. But do not rush to give up, reviews of the exercise vacuum for the abdomen confirm that after a month of regular exercises, the stomach tightens. To get the expected result, listen to the recommendations:
- start simple - the best option is "lying";
- use the bodyflex respiratory system - after exhalation, a sharp breath follows the nose, then an active exhalation through the mouth;
- breathe if necessary - take short breaths with your nose;
- imagine - how the navel and spine adhere to each other;
- do not let go belly jerkily - on the contrary, smoothly and not completely;
- keep your muscles minimally - 10-15 seconds, and a maximum of 60 seconds.
Exercises vacuum for weight loss of the abdomen for women will help realize the dream of a beautiful, slim body with a narrow waist. Over time, it will necessarily become a habit that the transverse muscles of the press should be in a tense position. They will become toned in a few weeks, and no extra effort will be needed to control them. And if the end in itself is also weight loss, press vacuum can be alternated with cardio loads and strength training. They will help burn fat. Such weight loss will be natural, not bearing the body stress.