Strengthening eyelashes at home: useful folk remedies and professional methods

How to strengthen eyelashes at home? What traditional medicine can I use? Are there any professional cosmetics responsible for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes, and how to choose it?
Long eyelashes

The health of eyelashes depends on the general condition of your body. However, stress and poor ecology are not always the cause of their fragility and loss. Poor-quality cosmetics and lack of proper care are in first place in terms of exposure to eyelid hairs. You can eliminate this negative effect and restore health to the hairs by observing the following rules.

Eliminate external factors

  • Cosmetics - only high quality. When choosing mascara, pay attention to the one that contains fortifying ingredients. These include vitamins (A and E, the essential antioxidant vitamin C). A good sign is the presence of natural vegetable oils, lanolin, biotin, vitamin B5. A perfect cocktail will complement keratin or its derivatives, for example, keravis. These substances in composition are almost identical to the structure of the hairs themselves, so such a firming mascara will qualitatively take care of their health.
  • Care - careful and daily. This applies to makeup removal, without which strengthening eyelashes at home will be impossible. Makeup should be removed every night before bedtime, despite the fact that you are tired and just fall off your feet. The fact is that each mascara gives stiffness to the cilia, forms a kind of “cocoon” around them. This cocoon causes brittle hairs when exposed to mechanical stress. Therefore, with painted eyes, you can’t go to bed, you can not rub them with your hands. To remove makeup, use a special tool: for ordinary mascara - a cleansing milk, for waterproof - two-phase makeup remover.

Girl removes makeup after a long day

Folk remedies

How to improve eyelash growth? To strengthen eyelashes folk remedies do not need significant financial costs. Some of them will certainly be found in your home. You will need only a little discipline and readiness to devote 5 minutes of precious attention to your cilia daily.

So, the following methods will help you treat eyelashes with folk remedies.

  • Natural oils - Castor oil is used for complex healing, which will increase eyelashes at home for 30 days. To improve growth - peach and almond seed oil. Look after skin of eyelids well olive and sea ​​buckthorn oils. A universal solution for strengthening and growth of hairs is burdock oil. Each product or their mixture should be applied to the cleaned cilia heated. After an hour, you should remove them with a napkin and do not wash yourself.
  • Vitamin Mixes - Use any oil as the main tool for strengthening eyelashes. And enrich it with a nutritious composition. Suitable oil vitamins A and E, carrot juice, fish oil. The latter increase the intensity of the hair follicles and take care of the growth of new cilia.
  • Herbal compresses - in the evening, compresses from warm vegetable oil (olive, peach, almond, etc.) and chamomile or calendula extract will help relieve eye fatigue and take care of eyelash growth. Mix them in equal proportions, dip in cotton pads and put on the eyelids. After 15 minutes, massage the eyelids and remove the product with a napkin.
  • Nourishing masks - they will help restore the strength and color of the hairs. Mix a spoonful of rum with 30 ml of cocoa butter, apply on the cilia with a brush. After 15 minutes, remove with a cotton pad and wash with warm water. To make such a mask is enough once a week.

Professional Tools

If using folk remedies is not very convenient, professional, ready-made compositions become a good solution than strengthening eyelashes at home. Choose among them those that contain plant, natural ingredients, vitamins, and structural hair components. And avoid drugs that contain hormones - prostaglandins. Perhaps they provide a pronounced and quick effect, but it is impossible to predict other nuances of their effects on the body.


Business woman with a mirror

Among the professional means of strengthening eyelashes, the following should be noted.

  • Kareprost solution - Its main active ingredient is bimatoprost fatty acid, synthesized by American scientists. The substance is expensive - its price reaches $ 2,000 per 1 gram, is used in ophthalmology as an effective tool for the treatment of eye diseases. The Kareprost solution is contained in the minimum dosage, but it is enough to start the work of dormant and passive hair follicles and increase the phase of their activity. Eyelashes begin to grow faster, become strong and healthy.
  • Mirra Lux eyelash balm. A multi-component product from a Russian manufacturer of natural cosmetics is based on a whole range of oils. It includes castor and grape oils, as well as jojoba, jasmine, ylang-ylang. Thanks to its use, cilia acquire a healthy color, their growth, structure improves. In addition, the product is absolutely safe for the skin of the eyelids, eliminates its peeling, puffiness.
  • Dzintars Antioxidant Balm. A colorless liquid that can be used as a base for mascara. Includes keratin, aloe extract, oil, and vitamin E. In general, everything you need to strengthen your eyelashes.

Choose a suitable eyelash care product from folk and professional cosmetics. And use it regularly so that the result pleases you and evokes the admiration of others!

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