Haworthia care: the unpretentious little succulent baby

The fleshy leaves of small haworthia, forming a rosette at the soil level, are the object of desire of many homegrown gardeners. The reason is the boom in succulents, which swept around the world and finally reached our country. Now most owners of this plant dream not only to grow the purchased specimen, but to increase the succulent collection with it. And for this you should know how to care for haworthy at home.
Beautiful potted havrotiya

Like all plants of the genus succulents, haworthia is tiny and neat. Its fleshy leaves directed to the sky rarely reach a length of more than 10 cm. Haworthia is a pretty dwarf that creates an ideally compact composition in a pot or florarium. Designers adore her. In particular, due to the fact that with the help of such indoor flowers you can create a variety of natural accents in home and office interiors.

short biography

The native land of the plant is the South African Republic. Haworthia grows in abundance in this country in natural conditions. It was in South Africa that the English botanist found the succulent, in whose honor the flower got its name. These and other autobiographical details of the dwarf plant are shown in the table.

Table - Haworthia Biography for Questions and Answers

Place of BirthAfrica, South Africa
DiscovererAdrian Hardy Haworth (nerd)
Maximum height12 cm
Blooming haworthia - a spectacle quite unattractive. The plant produces a long peduncle, on which an unsightly flower of gray-pink or light green color is formed. In their reviews, experienced flower growers recommend removing the peduncle immediately after detection. The need for such emergency measures has a good reason: most succulents die off after flowering, and they cannot be reanimated.

Types of South African Dwarf

Multiple haworthia species are divided into “window”, hard-leaved and grassy. The former are very similar to lithops, and therefore also received the nickname "living stones." The second, as a rule, have peculiar growths on a leaf plate. They look like round or long warts, the color of which often differs from the main color of the leaf and stands out sharply against its background.

  • Striped This type of haworthia reaches a height of not more than 5 cm. On the back of the leaf plate, which is clearly visible to the eye due to the vertical arrangement of the leaves, there are growths of white color. From a distance, they resemble transverse stripes, and it seems as if someone painted a plant with a brush.
  • Drawn. Similar to the previous one. However, it is not at all as decorative as its predecessor. There are no transverse white stripes. Instead, there are small warts in the tone of the leaf plate on the flower. In height, the haworthia drawn does not exceed 7 cm.
  • Sinuous. In many sources, this flower is called "Aloe sinuous." Succulent really looks like aloe, only in miniature. Leaves form a kind of spiral. The maximum height of the plant is 15 cm.
  • Sticky. A small ornamental plant with three rows of leaves. Each sheet is similar in shape to a boat - elongated, with the edges bent inward. The maximum height of this indoor flower is 20 cm.
  • Chess. It has scaphoid leaves with prickly teeth along the edges and an unusual color. The inner sheet plate is as if drawn with a pencil. Succulents "in the box" is often called mosaic.
  • Leafy. The spreading narrow leaves of this succulent are colored with a gradient - from dark green to lemon. On the leaf plate there are warty growths and transverse ribs clearly visible on the leaf surface.
  • Reinvardt. A flower that differs from most of its counterparts in vertical growth. In height, it reaches an average of 10 cm. The color of the leaves is saturated dark green. On it, contrast-white warty growths-dots are very clearly visible.
  • Pearl. Oval leaves of this species are scattered, like porcupine needles, in different directions. The juicy green color of the leaf plate and white warts in the form of small balls make it especially decorative.
  • Glandular. This haworthia is very similar to pearl. Only her leaves are longer, and the warts are even smaller.
  • Grassy. Haworthia spreading on the floor has a diameter of the outlet no more than 5 cm. Almost invisible cilia are located on each sheet along the edge.
  • Spider-like. Haworthia, similar to the previous view and also having eyelashes. Only they are longer than grassy ones. And interlocking, form a kind of web.
  • Mesh. The color of the leaves of this species is yellow-green. And the growths present on the leaves form an openwork mesh on the inner surface of the leaf plate.
  • Scaphoid. The plant has glossy juicy green leaves. In a pot, as a rule, not one, but several Haworthia sockets at once. The diameter of each of them is on average 8 cm.
  • Blunted. Reminds a hill of stones. But in fact, these are not stones, but blunt leaves. The color of the sheet plate can vary from dark green to brick.
  • Mougana. The leaves of the species have a cylindrical shape. They are collected in a single bundle, directed to the sky and have exactly the same length. It seems as if someone once cut a leaf blade with a knife, evening the height of the plant.
  • Chopped off. Leaves resemble menorah - a seven-barreled candlestick. The diameter of the species does not exceed 8 cm. And thick dark cylindrical sheet plates are assembled in two rows and are in the same plane.

How to care for haworthy at home

Even a beginner grower can take care of haworthia at home. The flower is patient and undemanding. Moisture is not afraid. As, however, and its long absence. Haworthia loves drafts and especially appreciates temperature changes at night and daytime. And even having settled on the north window, he feels rather well. The only thing that can suffer with such a location is its decorative characteristics. The table describes the basic rules for maintaining Haworthia.

Table - Basic rules for growing haworthia at home

Lighting- plentiful, bright;
- suffers from direct rays of the sun
Pot location- Window sill of the western window;
- east window sill
Watering- In summer and in the off-season, moderate watering;
- in winter, water Haworthia no more than once every 1.5 months
Moisturizing- There is no need for spraying;
- moisture indicators are not important;
- it is important to regularly ventilate the room
Temperature- In the summer from 21 to 28 ° C;
- in winter from 10 to 14 ° C;
- likes sudden temperature changes
The soil- Purchased mixture for succulents;
- universal mixture for cacti
Fertilizer- Feed once a month in the summer;
- fertilizer for cacti to breed twice
In winter, temperatures up to 14 ° C are optimal for haworthia. However, the plant tolerates higher temperatures without whims. Therefore, succulents are ideal for our temperate climate and far from perfect central heating systems.

Succulent transplant

Haworthia is transplanted into another pot every spring. Optimal - in April.This is done only in order to provide decent succulents with decent living conditions. A new pot should always be larger than the previous one. Keep this in mind when choosing another “home” for a decorative plant.


Features Under natural conditions, succulents grow at the foot of the rocky mountains. They have chosen crevices and feel great in limestone soil. Caring for haworthy involves an annual transplant into the soil, the acidity of which does not exceed the "six" indicator. Ideal for plants is slightly alkaline earth with a pH of 7.0–7.5, poured on a well-organized drainage. Substrate Ingredients:

  • universal soil - three parts;
  • fine gravel - three parts;
  • coarse sand - three parts;
  • clay is one part;
  • crushed limestone - two parts.

It is important that the soil for the haworthia transplant contains very little organic matter. Otherwise, the substrate will be susceptible to rapid oxidation, and the soil will become unsuitable for growing succulents. Experts recommend planting haworthia in a mixture of pumice and crushed lava with an insignificant addition of ordinary soil. However, it is not always possible to find such “ingredients” in domestic stores.

Checking the correct preparation of soil for haworthia is simple. If the earth dries completely in ten days, it means that the substrate was perfectly prepared.

Pot selection

It does not matter at all which pot of material you prefer. Both ceramic and plastic containers are equally well suited for growing haworthia. Another thing is important: the volume of the pot should not exceed the volume of the root system of the plant.

The famous breeder Robert Wellens is sure that the best option for haworthia is a low and round pot made of plastic. Moreover, the owner of the Succulent Tissue Culture laboratory places particular emphasis on the word “round”. If you give preference to a square-shaped pot, there is a risk of decay of the root system. Overgrown roots will have to bend at right angles, which entails the risk of mechanical damage and increases the likelihood of decay.

Methods for cloning "dwarfs"

In residential conditions, dwarf haworthia is most often “cloned” in a vegetative way. But if desired, you can practice growing from seeds.


Features Succulents throughout the year without problems produces miniature rosettes that, with ease and without the intervention of a grower, root near the mother plant. It is necessary to separate the "children" from the "mother" in the spring - at the time of succulent transplantation into a new pot.

Action algorithm

  1. Using a knife, carefully cut the outlet from the mother bush.
  2. Sprinkle the slice with powdered charcoal powder.
  3. Root haworthia in a separate pot is necessary within a few minutes after separation from the "mother".

Red Hawrotia


Features Propagating haworthia leaf is also quite simple. To do this, you need one meaty, well-developed leaf, sandy soil and a miniature pot. The rooting of a new, born from a leaf, succulent will occur within a month.

Action algorithm

  1. We cut with a knife a leaf suitable for reproduction at the very base.
  2. Sprinkle the place of cut with ash.
  3. We leave the material for the propagation of succulents on the windowsill in a well-ventilated room. Within a couple of days, the cut should dry.
  4. We fill a small peat pot with sandy soil and plant planting material there.
  5. A month later, the rooted leaf is transplanted into a permanent pot, using soil for adult haworthia.


Features Breeding succulents with seeds is a job for those who have the time and are really interested in floriculture. The effectiveness of the seed method is below the two described above. This is a more laborious and lengthy process. But since haworthia seeds are not scarce, why not try it.

Action algorithm

  1. We fill a special container for seedlings with a mixture of soil and sand and carry out high-quality aeration of the substrate.
  2. We distribute haworthia seeds on the surface of the earth and gently squeeze each seed into it.
  3. We tighten the container for seedlings with cling film and put on a well-lit window sill or balcony. The optimum temperature for future seedlings is 20-26 ° C.
  4. After the first shoots appear, remove the film from the surface of the container, providing seedlings with heat and good lighting.
  5. Little haworthia should be planted no sooner than after four to five months, or even the next year.
Plants grown by seed do not inherit the characteristics of the variety.

What sick and who are afraid of representatives of the Asphodelov family

There are not so many recommendations on how to care for a haworthy after a purchase; this plant can be called problem-free. At least in comparison with other, much more capricious residents of apartment window sills. However, difficulties do occur. Diseases and pests are rare for haworthia. But their sudden appearance can create a lot of problems for the flower and its caring owner.

5 florist errors

The condition of the succulent quickly produces errors made by the grower when growing an ornamental plant. If you carefully monitor the symptoms, you can quickly correct the situation and carry out appropriate treatment. Listed below are five commonly found “indications” that the succulent has problems.

  1. Loss of decorative appearance. The plant loses its decorative appearance if it stands in the shade. Pay attention to the location of Haworthia. Perhaps it should be changed to a more suitable one.
  2. The leaves are dry. This happens due to a prolonged lack of watering. And also in the case when the air in the room is excessively dry.
  3. Blackening and softening of leaves. If haworthia blackens, then it is too cold. Perhaps the plant stood on a cold draft.
  4. Redness or yellowing of leaves. A change in the color of the leaf plate is clear evidence that you have overdone with top dressing.
  5. An elongated escape. Apparently, haworthia lacks light. Therefore, the plant decided to reach for the sun on its own.

Haurotia close-up

Enemies among insects

The main enemies of haworthia among insects are mealybugs and scale insects. The plant can be infected from neighbors on the windowsill. In addition, parasites can get on succulent in the summer, when haworthia breathes fresh air in a flower bed or in a country house. You can save a dwarf darling from annoying pests using a combination of two methods.

  1. Hot shower. Water temperature should be above 45 ° C. In order not to overmoisten the soil, the pot must be tightened with cling film or plastic bag, fixing the protection at the base of the outlet. A hot shower will wash away insects, remove larvae and traces of destructive activity of pests from the plant.
  2. Insecticide treatment. Sometimes a hot shower is enough to eliminate insects. But if this does not help, the succulent must be sprayed with a chemical preparation. He finally and irrevocably eliminates pests.

Caring for a charming haworthia is a pleasure. She is not capricious and pompous. Grows itself in a low pot - and does not know grief. And with it, the florist does not know grief, producing a succulent family on the windowsill and enjoying the view of motley fleshy foliage.

Growing haworthia from seeds or propagating it in other ways will allow the creation of florariums. Miniature glass greenhouses filled with succulents can become not only an adornment of your home, but also a unique business idea. “Clone” the haworthy using available methods, place it in round vases or mini-aquariums, create unique floral arrangements - and sell. Or indulge loved ones with unusual live gifts!

Reviews: “In the winter I feed with humic fertilizer, and in the summer - with ordinary tea leaves”

Haworthia is my favorite succulents. Soot in a low wide flowerpot for several outlets of different varieties.In summer, I put it on the north window (from the excess of sunlight, they begin to change color to brownish), and the rest of the time the Haworthi feel fine on the east window. And in the earthen mixture I mix a little brick crumbs. I noticed that they grow better if haworthia is a bit cramped in the flowerpot.

Pauline, https://floristics.info/ru/stati/2049-khavortiya-v-domashnikh-usloviyakh.html

I really like succulents for their unpretentiousness. They are very easy to care for. And there are no difficulties with reproduction. And most importantly, these plants are hypoallergenic. I usually feed in the winter with liquid humic fertilizer. And in the summer, once a month, water the usual tea leaves.

Natalya http://sad-doma.net/houseplants/kakt-sukul/sukulenti/havortiya-uhod.html

I bought my haworthia with a small rosette from a succulent mix almost 4 years ago. For about a year she lived with me in a succulent composition in a bowl, without adding to growth and not growing roots. But when I moved to a new apartment and transplanted it into a separate pot, she briskly set off in growth and began to grow new outlets. I still can’t understand why it climates more here, I keep it in the same conditions: a western window, succulent earth mixed with coarse sand, rare watering (after the earth has completely dried up). In general, the plant is cute, unpretentious, ideal for those who like to travel, leaving the plants without watering for a couple of weeks.

DDarya, http://irecommend.ru/content/sukkulentnaya-krasotka

I bought this baby a year ago in a construction and supermarket. A parent was sitting in a tiny pot and 6 children were sticking out from below. Transplanted into a pot. I forgot to water - the kids began to grow. Adult haworthia began to soften and dry out. Then I needed a pot and I transplanted Haworthia into a bowl, where I collected different succulents to build at least some kind of divine composition. While transplanting, I broke off the kids. While breaking off it turned out that they did not have a root at all - I thought they would die. Pushed into the ground, where they seemed to complement the landscape. Then everything froze. I water them, and they are neither here nor here. A month later, we moved, but I didn’t take all the flowers, periodically I came to pick up those whom I didn’t manage to pick up. About three months ago, starting in August, the bowl was not watered at all. In a new place, I put it on a sunny window over a heart-warming battery and covered it with a curtain. When a week later she glanced - she was deceived. It’s November in the yard, and everything has grown! For a month Haworthia has grown beyond recognition. Her kids all started. Now she is plump, puffy and tall ... She looks interesting :)

Evlaliya, http://otzovik.com/review_728611.html

Caring for haworthias is identical to caring for other succulents, for example, for such as echeveria, aeoniums, ahichrison, stonecrops, aloe, Kalanchoe and others. They grow haworthia on the windows with bright diffused lighting (eastern and western orientations), where there is no shading of blinds, trees, etc., and even on the southern ones where there are direct rays of the sun. After the purchase, it is worth accustoming the plants to very bright lighting of the plant gradually so as not to burn Haworthia leaves that grow for a long time under artificial light. Imported specimens are transplanted with the replacement of peat (completely removed from the roots). Before and after transplantation, the plant is not watered for 7 days. Subsequent transplants are performed annually in spring, soil from the roots is no longer removed, but with watering everything is also “dry.” Pot transplant pick up a slightly larger root system, in pots "for growth" the plant is easy to fill. You can buy special soil for haworthia in a store based on peat, sand and expanded clay, or make it yourself. I take garden soil on which nothing has been grown for a long time, sand and small pebbles of different fractions. They water the hvortia abundantly, wetting the whole earthen lump, then wait for it to dry out and water it abundantly again. In spring and summer, watering on days when it is warm and sunny is carried out approximately every 5-7 days, in cool, cloudy seasons, especially in winter and autumn - not more often than once every 2 - 2.5 weeks. Haworthia is rarely fed in spring and summer, not more often than once a month, with fertilizer with a low nitrogen content, organic fertilizers based on humus and manure are not used at all.

Valentine https://www.greeninfo.ru/indoor_plants/hawortia.html/Forum/-/tID/45192

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