How to care for eschinanthus, and grow a flower without soil

Among flower growers, the fashion for ampelous plants is firmly entrenched, which can harmoniously complement the expensive, elegant interior and with the same success decorate the most unpretentious home decor, balcony or porch. The decorative beauty of the eshinanthus deserves enthusiastic epithets. Its wriggling shoots with red or orange flowers are picturesquely hanging from a cache-pot in an elegant cascade. It is not so simple to achieve the plant’s effectiveness: the ampelous flower is very moody. Therefore, care for eschinanthus at home requires knowledge and patience.
Eschinanthus flowers

The homeland of eshinanthus is the humid tropics of India, southeastern Asian countries. The plant belongs to the Gesneriaceae family and is an epiphyte. This means that eschinanthus in nature grows without soil: on stones covered with moss, as well as directly on trees, using trunks as a support. The main pollinators of the flower are not insects at all, but miniature hummingbirds.

Description and popular indoor varieties

The name of the plant is translated from Greek as "distorted flower", which is explained by its non-standard form. At the ends of the flowing shoots of eschinanthus, in the axils of the leaves, original, asymmetrically-curved flowers bloom, thanks to which the eschinanthus got its name. Distinctive external signs of the plant are as follows.

  • Leaves. Dense, thick, juicy green, up to 4 cm long. Have a pairwise, symmetrical arrangement along the entire stem.
  • Shoots. Long, freely falling, with ampel branching. Their length is from 50 to 70 cm.
  • Flowers. Beautiful curved tubular buds are collected in clusters of inflorescences. Petals are irregularly shaped with a double-bent edge along the edge, for which they are called a “lipstick” or “lipstick”. Mostly bright red colors, but depending on the variety can be in orange-yellow or red-pink colors.

On the territory of the humid tropics, you can meet at least fifty species of eskhinantusa. About 15 varieties are known in decorative floriculture, and only seven of them have gained popularity as home-grown.

  1. Aeschinanthus marble. This decorative beauty of this variety is due to wriggling long shoots and oblong leaves with a waxy effect. Their dark green background color contrasts strikingly with the yellow-green mesh pattern. On the back of the foliage is chestnut-purple. Green flowers are covered with original dark brown spots. This species of eshinanthus is growing rapidly in breadth.
  2. Aeschinantus Lobba. On its flexible shoots are small, ovoid, fleshy, dark green leaves. The bottom surface of the leaf is light green. A two-lipped velvety flower attracts attention with a combination of three shades: red and cream yellow.
  3. Eschinantus is inverse conic. Hanging stems with oval dark green leaves are characteristic. The flowers are very bright: dark red with a burgundy tube.
  4. Eschinanthus is beautiful. Shoots are reddish, leaves are bright green with a red border. The leaf blade is elliptical. The impressive beauty of this variety is complemented by a bright red flower, contrasting with a green tube inside painted in soft pink tones.
  5. Aeschinanthus is beautiful. This species is the most unpretentious and easy to care for. The stems reach a half-meter length, in the lower part they are lignified. Elongated, serrated leaves along the edges are opposite.Inflorescences contain ten flowers with a wide corolla, a curved yellow tube and an orange-black pharynx. The length of the flowers can reach 7 cm.
  6. Aeschinantus Twister. It differs in dark green, curled “curly” leaves on elegant stems. Fiery, orange-red flowers look like a bright spot on this background.
  7. Aeschinanthus Mona Lisa. This is not the most capricious variety of echinanthus has branched, plastic shoots, shiny dark green leaves with a relief central stripe. Flowers are expressive, wine red.

Care for eschinanthus in a pot

To make echinanthus an adornment of the house and your pride, try to create conditions for it that are as close as possible to the natural habitat. The plant will not only develop safely, but also delight with its elegant flowering, subject to a number of requirements.


Eschinanthus is ideal for growing on shelves, tall nightstands, in hanging planters and baskets. Even just at the corner of the closet, the flower looks quite impressive, smoothing out the angularity of the interior. And with proper pruning and shaping, it will become a beautiful decorative bush on the windowsill.


Ampel flower fully develops in bright, diffused light. Intense lighting is especially important for marble eschinanthus. The best option for placing the plant is on the eastern and western windows. In the summer, protect the flower from the dining sun.


From spring to autumn, the thermophilic plant should be in temperature conditions from + 20 ° C to + 25 ° C. Fresh air is good for Eshinantus, but you should not keep it in the draft. Also, the plant will not appreciate spending the night on a balcony or terrace due to daily temperature changes. In winter, in order to achieve the future flowering of eshinanthus, he is provided with rest conditions. Why at least a month it is kept at + 16-18 ° C. This is the optimal mode for laying flower buds. Knowledgeable gardeners do not recommend lowering the temperature below + 14 ° C: foliage will fall from the cold.

Air humidity

High humidity air is a natural requirement of a tropical plant. In the warmer months, you need daily spraying or a warm shower. When performing moisturizing procedures, it is important that the water does not fall on the inflorescences. In winter weather, you do not need to spray the foliage. For additional humidification, use dishes with water, which is placed near the flower.


Comprehending the basics of flower science on how to care for eschinanthus, pay close attention to the features of watering. As practice shows, a flower pot with echinanthus is watered twice a week. During the period of active growth - quite abundantly. Excess water is drained from the pan, as the roots react negatively to excess moisture. The other extreme is water scarcity, which is fraught with the discharge of leaves and buds. Water for irrigation should be settled, warm, not burdened with impurities (especially calcium).

Soil composition

A medium-sized pot with the obligatory presence of drainage holes and the drainage itself is filled with the following soil composition, where all components are taken in the same volume:

  • sheet earth;
  • peat;
  • river sand;
  • sphagnum;
  • charcoal.

In order not to prepare the soil mixture manually, you can purchase ready-made shop soil: the one suitable for orchids or violets.

Top dressing

Features of care for eschinanthus in a pot provide for the mandatory support of plants with nutrients. From May to the arrival of autumn, eskhinantus is fertilized twice a month with complex fertilizer for flowering plants. Reviews of the owners of the "distorted flower" suggest that it is better to do this in half doses. In winter, top dressing is stopped.


Most likely, the first transplant eskhinantusa to be done after the purchase. If the plant is purchased in a shipping pot, transplant it after a week by transplantation, while maintaining the integrity of the earthen coma.If the habitat of the eschinanthus does not raise questions, do not rush with the "housewarming": do it in the spring.
In general, it is recommended to transplant this exotic specimen every two to three years, combining this procedure with pruning long stems.

Having decided to transplant the eschinanthus into another pot, keep in mind that ceramic containers for ampelous flowers are not suitable. They are heavy on their own, and together with the plant and wet soil, a suspended flowerpot can simply fall, injuring the eskhinantus. Therefore, before transplanting, it is important to take care of a light pot and reliable mounts.


Not knowing how to care for eschinanthus after flowering, it is difficult to maintain the decorative characteristics of a room flower. First of all, eshinanthus must be regularly and correctly trimmed. The pruning period is immediately after the flowering period ends. This rule does not apply to sanitary scraps. They, like pinching, can be performed throughout the entire growing season. To do this, remove up to about a third of the stems, get rid of dry foliage, thin out dense growth.

When a plant grows to the age of five, its elongated shoots lose their decorative appeal, unnaturally exposed. Therefore, after four to five years, the plant is rejuvenated by rooted cuttings.

Ways to achieve flowering

Aeschinanthus is a plant with character. It will bloom only in favorable conditions. But you can enjoy this spectacle for a long time: from April to September. The first thing that comes up is the neat “case” buds, then the burgundy bracts and only then the bright, velvet flowers bloom.

But if eskhinantusu does not like the conditions of detention, flowering can be expected for years. Judging by the reviews, newcomers to floriculture are not always able to stimulate this process. Listen to the advice of experienced florists: without regular fertilizing, it is quite difficult to make flowering eschinanthus.

Aeschinanthus in a pot

How to avoid ailments

So that the plant does not become a victim of insect pests and does not get sick, eliminate errors in the growing process. However, even the most caring flower growers are not immune from these problems. How to recognize the disease by the symptoms and choose the right treatment?

  • Small insects and cobwebs appeared on the leaves. The cause of the unpleasant phenomenon is a spider mite. Before him are defenseless flowers that are contained in closed, dry rooms. When infected with a tick, the foliage dries and falls. Treatment with insecticides.
  • Gray rot is observed, reminiscent of mold. It provokes a cool environment with a high level of dampness. Eliminated by the drug "Fundazole".
  • Light dots on the leaves are noticeable. These are thrips that appear when air humidity is low. Processing will save the plant by such means as Fitoverm or Actelik.
  • The leaves turn yellow. Eschinanthus leaves turn yellow with insufficient moisture, deficiency, or, conversely, an excess of light.
  • A massive discharge of foliage occurs. Leaves fall for several reasons: at too low temperature, constant drafts, not enough good watering.
  • Aeschinanthus darkened from the roots to the leaves. The main cause of plant disease is that the owners overdid it with watering and airing. Such negative consequences can also occur with sudden changes in temperature, watering with cold or hard water. It is also a natural sign of aging.


Have you decided to “replicate” a spectacular flower at home? Try to do this in a seed way. Small seeds are sown in moist peat and create a greenhouse effect with glass or film. The grown seedlings dive and plant several pieces in individual pots.

Another method is the propagation of eshinanthus by cuttings. It consists of five simple steps.

  1. Cut a few top shoots about 8-10 cm long with five to six knots.
  2. Remove the bottom sheets.
  3. Put the stems in the water.
  4. Take care of the lower heat for the next two to three weeks.
  5. Cover the shoot container with cellophane or a jar, ventilate daily.
In order to root the cuttings as soon as possible, special preparations are used, for example, Zircon, Kornevin. Rooting is more effective in sand, sphagnum, cactus substrate, perlite.

Despite the capriciousness and exactingness of an ampelous flower, growing eschinanthus at home is becoming increasingly popular. By the way, eskhinantus refutes the prevailing stereotype that plants need to be grown only in the ground. It is understood that most indoor flowers grow in the soil. But the epiphytic plant, which is eskhinantus, can safely do without it. Try using coconut fiber as a direct substitute for regular soil. It is an excellent hydroponic, will serve as a support for the root system and ensure the flow of all necessary nutrients. The main thing is to use top dressing correctly and constantly monitor the pH balance. Take note that eskhinantus loves tight pots and a permanent place.

Florist reviews

About spraying - I don’t spray my plants at all for two years. All adapted, live, bloom, buds do not showered, etc.
Low temperature for planting buds. Not necessary. For columnier - Yes. For eskhinantusov - a close pot or long branches (I already wrote about this here). Rooted by whatever cuttings, and not apical, and lignified. Moreover, it is easy, right in the water. Only today I was planting a huge number of trimmings, there are already not enough pots, all with roots. Without any greenhouses. Shade from direct sunlight. The leaves burn out. The soil is dried out, but it is not advisable to do this, that's for sure, but the bay is very critical.


Greetings to all! I want to share my experience in growing a houseplant called eskhinantus. It was presented to me on my birthday. He lives with me for four months. When presented, it was strewn with pubescent red flowers in the form of gramophones. After about a month, flowering was completed. And now, three months later, my handsome man is about to bloom again, the buds are already swollen and reddened. Glossy wax leaves. The plant is ampelous, shoots hang down to 40 cm. They are quite durable, it is almost impossible to accidentally break them, you need to make an effort or cut them off. Roots very easily. New rooted shoots also already have buds. But the rooted leaves “sat” for a long time and only after three months they started up young shoots. It is very easy to care for: water at least once a week. And he will delight you with his existence.

Not Margarita,

Despite the described complexity of cultivation and content in the literature, eshinanthus turned out to be a completely unpretentious ampel plant.
Growth is relatively slow even in half-shade. By the way, it grows quite normally in the shade, only at the same time the number of flowers is less and flowering is confined to the light periods of the year: spring-summer. Due to this, and burning in direct sunlight, it is quite suitable for ampel landscaping of shaded and northern windows. There he is well and wintering, because for wintering requires 12 ... 15 ° C.

Now about the secrets. Eschinanthus has two growing conditions: water only when the soil dries, i.e. do not fill and shorten shoots after flowering, this well stimulates lush and regular flowering. Top dressing for any flowering plants. The emphasis in the literature on regular spraying, I think is unnecessary, because It feels quite good at normal room humidity. Spraying is needed only with very high dry air in the room or when the eskhinantus hangs in direct sunlight. But at the same time, drops on the leaves should dry before the start of lighting. This is best done in the evening.

Andrey Otvagin,

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