How to care for a money tree so that it attracts wealth to the house

Money tree is one of the most common indoor succulents. They keep it at home not only because of decorativeness - there is a belief that it attracts wealth and prosperity to the family. What should be the care of the money tree at home? What does it need to bloom?
Succulent Crassula Leaves

The botanical name of the plant is Crassula or Crassula. This is a rather large beautiful succulent with fleshy leaves, which improves the microclimate in the house due to the intense absorption of carbon dioxide.

What does a fat woman look like

Belongs to the family Crassulaceae. In the wild, it is found mainly in Africa. Several species are grown in the pottery culture, but the most common is the tree-like fatty - money tree.

It is distinguished by a thick, lignified trunk over time. In the upper part, a crown is formed from thick, round, dense leaves of a small size. The shape of the leaves resembles coins, which explains the popular name of the flower.

In nature, grows in the form of a fairly large shrub or tree. In the apartment, the height of the fat woman does not exceed one and a half meters. Only adult specimens from the age of eight are blooming. At home, Crassula rarely blooms, but good care can still achieve the formation of buds. The flowers are not large, but beautiful - soft pinkish or white.

If you do not see a fat woman, there are two reasons: the plant is too young or you are taking care of it incorrectly. In the reviews, flower growers share their experience - in the summer, the fat girl needs to be put out on the street or on the balcony, in the winter - keep cool and reduce watering. An important role in flowering is played by timely top dressing with balanced fertilizers.

Money Tree Care: Florist Tips

Tips on how to care for the money tree is easy to remember. Crassula is considered a fairly unpretentious plant - it easily withstands missed watering, adapts to the dry air of urban apartments. But for flowering, carefully selected conditions, balanced top dressing, regulated watering are needed.

  • Lighting. The fat woman is quite demanding on the degree of illumination, but she cannot stand the direct sun. If possible, the pot is placed on the southeast side. In winter, it is better to keep the plant on the south window. If it is impossible to provide full-fledged natural lighting, additional illumination is organized.
  • Temperature. In warm time, the recommended temperature level: 20-25 ° C. Higher temperatures are undesirable - the fat woman does not withstand the heat. In winter, the temperature is reduced to 10-15 ° C. The room is aired daily. Wintering in warmth weakens the money tree, prevents the formation of flower buds in adult plants.
  • Watering. If you properly water the money tree, you can avoid common problems - rotting and falling leaves. In summer, in warm weather, you need up to two waterings. The average interval between irrigation is three days, but it can be increased or decreased depending on the temperature in the room and the characteristics of the soil. Soil moisture is systematically checked - the substrate must constantly remain moist, but not moist. They also try to prevent drying out - with prolonged drought, the plant will not die, but will discard the leaves. In winter, subject to a cool content, the frequency of watering is reduced to two times a month.
  • Humidity. Crassula normally responds to dry air, does not need to increase the humidity artificially. But spraying is beneficial - the leaves are cleaned of dust, look better. From time to time, a fat woman can have a warm shower. The soil in the pot is covered with polyethylene so as not to over-moisten it.
  • The soil. You need to start caring for the fat girl after the purchase immediately, and the first step is to replace the soil. Crassula is planted in loose, light soil containing sand. It is allowed to use ready-made shop soil for succulents. But it is better to take deciduous land with the addition of sand and peat. To neutralize acidity, clay, wood ash are mixed into the substrate.
  • Transfer. Transplanting a money tree into another pot so as not to hurt the roots is difficult. Therefore, you can transplant once every three years, only if absolutely necessary. Frequent transplants harm the plant. Transplanted in the spring, always provide for good drainage.
  • Top dressing. Apply standard fertilizer for succulents. During the growth period, they contribute no more than twice a month, during winter dormancy, the intervals between top dressing are doubled. The concentration is taken half as much as indicated in the instructions. They feed after preliminary watering. Fertilizing over dry soil is fraught with a chemical burn of the roots.
  • Pot. Crassula is not planted in large spacious pots. A large amount of soil accelerates plant growth, complicates the formation, increases the likelihood of rotting of the roots. The trunk grows unevenly and stretches. Choose a wide and low pot, slightly larger in size than the root system.
If it was possible to achieve the formation of buds, take into account the features of caring for the money tree during flowering. To keep the flowers longer, set a moderate temperature, protect the plant from the action of sunlight. They try not to disturb the flower pot - you do not need to transfer and rotate it. Constantly monitor the condition of the soil. It must remain moist always - drying out the root system will result in dropping buds and flowers.

Features of the reproduction of Crassula

Like other succulents, the Crassula can be propagated vegetatively and by seed. The vegetative method is considered more simple and effective. When using any method, you must adhere to certain rules.


Vegetative propagation is simple, gives good results - cuttings easily root, quickly grow. To achieve high survival of the cuttings, the rooting process is carried out in four stages.

  1. Use apical cuttings from adult branches. You can carefully cut a large sheet - it will also take root. Harvested cuttings are left to dry for several days.
  2. Peat or deciduous land mixed with coarse sand. Calcined in the oven or in a pan, watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The container is filled with a substrate, the prepared cuttings are deepened into it a little.
  3. Each stalk is covered with a glass. Or they pull polyethylene onto a container to create greenhouse conditions. Daily film is removed for 15 minutes, ventilated, if necessary, moisten the soil from the spray gun.
  4. After the appearance of signs of growth, the shelter is removed. After a couple of weeks, strong cuttings are planted in separate pots.
You can root the branches of the Crassula in water, but the likelihood of decay of the place of cut is increased. The addition of activated carbon tablets helps prevent rot. It is recommended to change water more often.

Seed cultivation

More time consuming and lengthy process. Seedlings from seeds grow for a long time - a full-fledged ornamental plant is obtained from them only after a few years. The procedure is carried out in four steps.

  1. Peat mixed with coarse sand. In equal proportions. Drainage holes are made in the container, fill it with a moistened substrate.
  2. Seeds are sown without pre-soaking. Do not deepen - just sprinkle a little with the same soil or sand.
  3. The container is tightened with polyethylene or cling film. They put in a moderately warm, bright place. The film is regularly removed to ventilate the greenhouse, the drying substrate is sprayed from the spray gun.
  4. Planted. After the appearance of several true leaves, seedlings can be planted in a larger container - a box filled with light fertile soil. When the seedlings grow to 7 cm, re-seedlings are carried out in separate pots.
In order for the plant to form a beautiful, lush crown, you need to trim the money tree. After the appearance of the third pair of leaves on the shoot, the growth point is recommended to be clipped. Formation begins early - as soon as the seedling reaches a height of 10-15 cm. After the first pinching, lateral shoots begin to grow. As they grow up, they are systematically nipped. Some gardeners form a bonsai from a Crassula - a bonsai in the Japanese style.

Common Care Mistakes

Crassula is an easy-to-grow, unpretentious plant. Subject to the basic rules of care, there are no problems with it. An irregular irrigation regime, unsystematic fertilizing, and the absence of a dormant period lead to a decrease in decorativeness. Common problems and their solutions are given in the table.

Table - Problems growing a fat woman

External signsPossible reasonRemedies
Crassula dries, foliage crumbles- Prolonged lack of watering;
- waterlogging;
- small pot volume
- transplanted the fat girl in another pot;
- carefully inspect the root system, rotten or dry roots are cut;
- normalize the watering mode
Dry brown spots appear- Lack of moisture in the soil- Watered regularly, only with warm water
Leaves become soft, general lethargy of the plant is noted- Lack of drainage;
- dense soil;
- excessive watering
- Dry earthen lump;
- when the unsatisfactory condition of the soil is transplanted;
- watered systematically, but in moderation
White dots appear on the leaves- Excessive watering in high humidity- Reduce air humidity;
- watered moderately
Leaves fade and fall- Systematic waterlogging of the soil;
- the introduction of high doses of fertilizers;
- a consequence of stress;
- low temperature of water for irrigation;
- irregular watering
- Correct the care regimen;
- top dressing is temporarily stopped, later fertilizers are applied in low concentration
The plant turns pale, stretches- lack of light;
- plentiful watering in the winter
- The plant is put on a brighter place, organize additional illumination;
- dry earthen lump
Crassula grows slowly- Lack of nutrients;
- insufficient lighting;
- rest period
- Correct the conditions of care, regularly fertilize
Leaves turn reddish- lack of nutrients;
- stagnant air in the room;
- direct sunlight
- Money tree shade;
- make a balanced mineral complex in a reduced dosage;
- the room is systematically ventilated
Silver plaque appears- Recovery of the money tree after suffering stress- Watch the plant
The leaves are wrinkled- Abundant watering after prolonged drought- Avoid humidity drops

Diseases and their treatment

The main diseases of the Crassula are fungus and rot, resulting from excessive watering. Treatment will be effective only with timely measures. Very often it is necessary to root cuttings from healthy branches to replace the plant. Symptoms of the most common diseases and methods for their treatment can be seen in the table.

Table - Diseases of the Crassula

The name and cause of the diseaseExternal manifestationsTreatment methods
Powdery mildew (fungus)- There are yellow spots and powdery coating on the leaves;
- the leaves dry and fall off
- All affected leaves and shoots are cut off;
- change the topsoil;
- sprayed with the drug "Topaz" or "Previkur"
Sooty fungus (develops on sticky insect secretions)- Black soot-like spots appear- Inspect the plant for pests, treat with insecticides;
- affected leaves are removed;
- carry out fungicide treatment
Gray rot (fungus)- Softened areas appear on the stems;
- a gray fluffy coating forms
- The affected leaves and stems are cut;
- transplanted with fungicide root treatment;
- reduce the frequency of watering and humidity;
- repeatedly sprayed with the drug "Teldor"
Anthracnose (fungus)- Dark spots appear with a purple border;
- leaves turn brown, dry and fall
- Cut the affected shoots completely;
- treated with drugs "Skor", "Previkur"
Stem and root rot- The leaves and trunk turn yellow, the fat woman looks oppressed;
- softened areas appear on the trunks;
- rot the root system
- The hood is removed from the pot, all affected areas are cut;
- transplanted into sterile soil;
- watering reduce;
- conduct regular treatments with fungicides;
- root cuttings in case of death of the plant

Crassula in a pot

Typical pests, ways to control them

Many pests of indoor plants also parasitize on the money tree. The earlier insects are noticed, the faster the flower will recover. Signs of pest attacks, ways to combat them can be studied in the table.

Table - Fat pests

Pest nameFirst signs of defeatWays to fight insects
Shield- Hard brownish plaques appear;
- sticky drops form on the stems;
- leaves turn yellow, the plant weakens
- The scabbard is removed mechanically: with a toothbrush or tweezers;
- wipe the affected area with alcohol;
- treated with the drug "Actellic"
Spider mite- On the leaves appear small yellowish dots;
- the leaves turn yellow, fall off,
- insects braid the bush with a thin web
- washed with soapy water, bathed in the shower;
- they treat the aerial part of the plant, the pot, the windowsill and the neighboring flowers with the “Aktara” preparation
Mealybug- A whitish waxy coating forms;
- cotton lumps appear in the axils of the leaves;
- the fat woman withers, dries
- Transplanted into sterile fresh soil;
- treated with an insecticide several times at weekly intervals
Root worm- The fat woman stops growing, withers- Check the root system;
- wash the roots under very warm running water (50 ° C);
- the root system and the whole plant are treated with the drug "Fufanon"

Growing a money tree at home does not take much time. The plant will help improve the air in the apartment, add coziness to the interior. And the followers of the teachings of Feng Shui flower will quickly achieve good luck and financial well-being.

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