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The plant can not leave anyone indifferent. In its appearance, it resembles a formed tree, only miniature. A unique plant, whose height does not exceed 40 cm, was imported from the distant island of Madeira. Even today it is willingly growing in the wild in the Canaries.
Plant description
Aichrison, a relative of the money tree respected by the people, replenishes the family of Crassulaceae. The plant has a fleshy stem and plump leaves that store moisture in case of drought. The succulent bush is distinguished by a highly branched stem. Despite the fact that the plant is considered to be a tree, its trunk is practically not lignified.
Another distinctive feature of this succulent is the presence of a "fur coat", a small whitish gun covering the foliage of the plant. The color of the foliage depends on the species. You can find any shades of green palette interspersed with gray, red, yellow, white tones. Panicle flowers, as evidenced by the reviews, resemble a star in shape and how to strike in various shades.
About 15 species belong to the genus Aichrison. They differ in the degree of edge, leaf size, flowers. In home collections, most often there are only 5 varieties of the tree of love, which are presented in the table.
Table - Types of achichrises common in indoor floriculture
Name | a brief description of | Distinctive features |
Home | - A hybrid shrub obtained by breeders; - height does not exceed 30 cm; - small leaves; - leaves are covered with white soft hairs; - leaflets are collected in sockets; - yellow flowers have a pleasant delicate smell | - Blooms for six months (with normal care) |
Clear-leaved | - Shrub up to 40 cm high with straight shoots; - has wide club-shaped leaves; - without edge; - the sticky sheet; - the plant has a yellowish-green hue; - red spots are observed on the leaves; - golden flowers form inflorescences-brushes | - Flowering begins in April and lasts up to 2 months; - in winter, the flower usually discards leaves; - does not tolerate excessive humidity |
Loose or open | - Height 40 cm; - leaves are rhomboid; - they grow on elongated petioles; - small flowers, yellow color; - flowers form brushes | - Blossom begins in April; - blooms for six months; - after flowering, discards foliage, but continues to grow |
Winding | - A low plant (15-30 cm); - diamond-shaped leaves of a light green color; - different short petiole; - golden flowers | - Blooms for six months |
Spot | - It has brownish shoots; - leaves form rosettes sitting on long stalks; - shoots are distinguished by a thicker edge than leaves; - yellow flowers form a loose corymbose inflorescence | - Flowering begins in the spring and lasts six months |
Aichrison care: what to consider
Florists say that ahichrizon is completely unthinkable. He willingly takes root in the apartment. And even able to put up with an unfavorable climate. But the plant will not bloom in such conditions. Therefore, it is better not to expose the green pet to “shock therapy”, but to provide him with normal living.
How to care for Aichrison and what conditions must be created for a guest from Madeira so that he enjoys flowering throughout the summer?
Aichrison needs sunlight. The plant is happy to "warm" under the gentle rays. However, it only withstands diffused lighting. Protect your pet from direct rays, otherwise sunburns will appear on the leaves. When choosing a place of residence for a tree of love, consider its preferences.
- West or east. It is on these windows that the plant will feel most comfortable. If the choice fell on the south window, then remember that the flower will have to constantly shade. This is especially important in the summer. If you decide to settle Aichrison on the northern windowsill, then provide him with additional lighting with a daylight or a phytolamp.
- Regular rotation. The plant is constantly drawn to sunlight, which leads to the formation of an ugly crown. To avoid this, turn the pot constantly. Florists are advised to repeat such an event twice a week.
Temperature mode
Aichrison is not a spoiled culture. At home, it grows in tropical rainforests, but feels comfortable in an ordinary apartment. The plant needs simple conditions.
- Spring Summer. The flower is suitable for normal room temperature + 20-25 ° C. In summer, he gratefully accepts the move to a balcony or terrace.
- Autumn winter. With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to gradually reduce the temperature to + 10-15 ° C. Do not expose the flower to a sharp drop. Accustom the winter conditions to Aichrison.
Like all succulents, aichrison does not require abundant moisture. It is strictly forbidden to flood the culture. This will adversely affect the plant and provoke decay of the roots. Proper watering is based on such rules.
- Test for humidity. Gently press the crown of the plant with your palm. If the flower is springy, then it is sufficiently moistened. Spruce trees felt the lethargy of Aichrison, then you can safely water it.
- Water correctly. Moisturize the soil very carefully. It is best to water in small portions, but often. Try not to allow the soil to dry out and subsequent excessive moisture. This situation most often leads to rotting of the roots.
- Take into account the period. In winter, while resting plants, watering should be slightly reduced. But you can’t completely refuse to moisten the soil.
The tree of love is able to adapt to a dry climate. Therefore, Aichrison easily takes root in the apartment and does not require, like other tropical plants, high humidity. But he would not refuse periodic bathing. A flower needs such events.
- Spraying. You can spray the leaves from the spray gun or arrange for your ward a real warm shower. At the same time, remember that excessive soil moisture will lead to death. Therefore, before the shower, close the pot with polyethylene.
- Wiping. Periodically, it is necessary to clean the surface of the leaves from dusty deposits. To do this, you need a mild soap solution and a soft sponge. Such a liquid wiped all the leaves. Then they are washed with clean water and allow the plant to dry.
From time to time it is necessary to feed succulents. Regular top dressing will provide not only harmonious development of the culture, but also make it bloom. And fertilizers are especially needed during the period when the tree of love decided to surprise with beautiful inflorescences. Basic fertilizer recommendations.
- Top dressing period. They begin to fertilize in the spring, with the beginning of the growing season and continue until September. Top dressing is necessary every 14 days.
- Fertilizer selection. Fertilizers intended for succulents or cacti are chosen for aichrison.
To create an original appearance, it is recommended to periodically prune the tree of happiness. Aichrison pruning is necessary during the growing season, in the spring. In this case, it will be possible not only to form a crown, but also to rejuvenate the plant. Florists recommend two methods of forming a crown.
- Bush. The plant can be imagined as a luxurious bush. To do this, pinch the top.
- A tree. If you constantly remove the side shoots and carefully trim the crown, you get the original standard tree.
Many flower growers begin to care for Aichrison after purchase with a plant transplant. Experienced professionals do not recommend exposing the culture to additional stress. It is better to postpone this event until the beginning of spring. Florists recommend sticking to such transplant recommendations.
- Pot. Shallow capacity is suitable for succulents. It is desirable that she be a little more than the former. The flowerpot should contain all the roots, but at the same time not give them excessive growth. Otherwise, the plant, instead of beautiful shoots, will build up the root system.
- Priming. Aichrison is able to grow in any soil. But it is best to make a substrate for the pet, consisting of turf land, leaf, sand and humus, taken in a ratio of 4: 1: 1: 1.
- Landing. A layer of drainage must be placed in the flowerpot. Pour the soil and carefully transplant your pet. For four days withstand the "dry" mode. And only on the fifth day after transplantation, you can moisten the soil.
- Periodicity. Young succulents are transplanted annually, after the end of the dormant period, in March, April. Transplantation of mature Aichrison into another pot occurs every three to four years.
2 breeding methods
To propagate the tree of love, flower growers use two methods: planting seeds and germinating cuttings. The simplest method is the cuttings. Germinating seeds can cause some difficulties. Therefore, for beginners it is better not to resort to this event.
Features To propagate aichrison (tree of happiness), you can take the cuttings remaining after pruning. Strong, undamaged shoots, at least 8 cm long, are selected. Cuttings are initially laid in a dark place to dry for two to three hours.
Breeding process
- Hardened cuttings are planted in the ground. Wet sand, vermiculite, or a mixture of sand and a substrate for succulents is best succulents.
- Moisturize the soil as it dries, using only standing water and always warm.
- By the end of the third or fourth week, roots will appear.
- Rooted aichrison can be transplanted into separate pots.
Features If the choice is limited to this method of reproduction, then it will take more effort. It is necessary to stock up on a shallow container and glass. The latter can be replaced with cling film.
Breeding process
- Prepare nutritious soil, combining in equal proportions the earth and sand.
- Gently deepen the seeds in the moistened soil.
- Cover the container with film or glass.
- The container is transferred to a well-lit place and watered as needed.
- After two weeks, the first shoots will appear, and the glass can be removed.
- The grown airhizons, which have several shoots, can be dived, planted in different pots.
The main problems and diseases
Aichrison has a strong "immunity". He practically does not get sick and does not suffer from pest attacks. That is why the plant with pleasure is grown by both experienced flower growers and beginners.
Errors in care and methods for their elimination
Most often, problems arise as a result of improper care of the tree of love. Therefore, having noticed the first unpleasant signs of the disease, be sure to review what conditions have been created for your pet and compare them with the table.
Table - Aichrison problems and methods for eliminating errors in care
Appearance | Cause | Troubleshooting |
The plant does not bloom | - The plant has not reached 2-3 years of age (young aikhrizony do not bloom); - too spacious pot; - frequent watering; - the flower during the winter did not go to sleep and did not rest | - Wait until the plant has matured for flowering; - transplant the plant into a small pot; - moderate soil moisture; - provide a cool wintering regime for next year |
Shriveled and dried leaves | - moisture deficiency | - Set up watering; - before moisturizing, check the leaves for humidity, so as not to fill the pet |
Aichrison leaves turn yellow, and the root rots | - Waterlogged soil | - Adjust watering; - transplant the plant into a new soil, cutting off all the rotten parts of the root |
The plant stretches the stem | - Watering deficit; - lack of lighting | - Moisten the soil not only in summer but also in winter; - Choose a place in which there is more diffused light; - turn on the phytolamp |
Leaves fall | - The natural process of preparing for hibernation; - the room is hot; - lack of watering | - Ensure an optimal transition to wintering, gradually accustoming the plant to lower temperatures; - normalize the temperature in the room, not exceeding + 25 ° C; - provide sufficient watering |
Pest and Disease Control
The most common problem is flooding the plant. Overmoistening leads to rotting of the root system. This is the only problem where the tree of love is almost impossible to reanimate. The rest are described in the table.
Table - Diseases, pests of Aichrison and methods of treating plants
What's happening | Cause of the problem | Name of problem | Treatment methods |
Shoots and leaves turn red or blacken, root mold and an unpleasant smell of rot appear | - Waterlogged soil | - root rot | - All parts of the plant (leaves, shoots, roots) affected by rot are cut off; - the sections are treated with colloidal sulfur, crushed chalk, brilliant green; - during transplantation, “Baikal-EM”, “Gliokladin” are added to the soil; - the first watering is carried out only on the 5th day after the transplant; - further normalize soil moisture |
Leaves, shoots are covered with dark red spots, tubercles, leaves wither and gradually fall | - excessively dry air | - Shield | - Visible pests are collected manually; - the leaves are wiped with a soap or alcohol solution; - Aichrison is treated with Actellic, Metaphos, Fosbetsidom |
Leaves turn yellow, gradually wither and die, a thin cobweb is visible | - Dry air in the apartment; - lack of ventilation | - Spider mite | - The plant is sprayed with Apolllo, Neoron, Fitoverm |
To grow aichrison (tree of love) at home would bring only pleasant emotions, start forming a crown from the very first days.If you want to get a standard tree, then leave the most powerful sprout, and cut off the rest. Pinch branches periodically to provide a spherical, thick crown.