The content of the article
Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area pose a serious threat to a woman’s health, affect her fertility, and cause a psychological imbalance. Especially often in gynecological practice, vaginal pathologies are recorded, caused by pathogenic microorganisms and conditionally pathogenic flora.
What are the benefits of the drug
Various inflammatory pathologies of the vagina quite often have a polyetiological character, that is, their appearance is provoked by several pathogens at once. For the treatment of such pathologies, many pharmacological preparations have been developed that differ in spectrum and mechanism of action. However, none of them can be considered a universal tool.
Quite often, drugs that have a positive effect with one pathology contribute to the growth of other microorganisms. So, the use of bacterial agents provokes the growth of fungal infection, leading to the appearance of candidiasis vulvovaginitis. Also, some drugs are able to suspend the restoration of the number of vaginal lactobacilli. This effect adversely affects the results of the therapy and can cause a chronic process.
If a reasonable question arises - how does this drug treat men, please excuse me where to put vaginal suppositories? After all, in order to be properly treated, the medicine must be taken by both. Men need an oral way of taking the medicine, in other words - they need to drink Terzhinan tablets, and how much - the doctor will tell you, because the drug is hormonal and use without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited.
"Terzhinan" is a combination drug, which includes both antibacterial and antifungal components. It is used only topically, and its main active ingredients are practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation.
The composition of the drug includes:
- ternidazole - a medicinal substance that has a detrimental effect on Trichomonas, and also has a bactericidal effect on anaerobic bacteria, therefore, the drug is effective in gardnerellosis;
- neomycin - an antibacterial pharmaceutical drug that acts against gram-negative and gram-positive coccal flora;
- nystatin - antifungal antibiotic effective against candida infection;
- prednisone - glucocorticoid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Thus, “Terzhinan” immediately affects all links of the pathogenesis of the disease and acts on a wide range of microorganisms. The use of Terzhinan in gynecology allows to achieve the following therapeutic effects:
- antibacterial;
- antifungal;
- antiprotozoal;
- eliminate inflammation;
- normalization of the pH of the vagina;
- vaginal mucosa regeneration.
In what cases is shown
Indications for the use of candles "Terzhinan" are infections provoked by protozoa, anaerobic and candidal infections, as well as gram-negative and gram-positive flora. Prescribe candles "Terzhinan" to women with the following diseases:
- trichomonas infection;
- bacterial vaginosis (vaginitis);
- thrush vagina
- inflammation of the cervix (colpitis, cervicitis) and the vagina caused by mixed flora.
Also, Terzhinan is included in the combined treatment regimen for some diseases of the urinary tract (recurrent cystitis, pyelonephritis). It can be used together with other antibiotics in the fight against staphylococci, ureaplasma or mycoplasma, and other sexually transmitted infections. He is a part of complex therapy. endometriosis and ovarian cysts.
"Terzhinan": instructions for use
You can use Terzhinan only locally. It is introduced into the vagina one vaginal suppository. During menstruation, do not interrupt treatment, but continue to put candles “Terzhinan” according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.
You can enter vaginal suppositories at any time of the day, however, it is best to carry out the procedure in the evening immediately before bedtime. The procedure includes four points.
- Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.
- Remove the vaginal tablet from its packaging and moisten it slightly with water. (Dip in water for half a minute).
- Take a supine position and gently insert the pill deep into the vagina.
- After the procedure, be sure to lie down for 15 minutes.
In the morning after the evening administration of Terzhinan, a woman may have a small amount of yellowish discharge. This is not a pathology and is associated with the release of drug residues. After treatment, this phenomenon will disappear on its own.
If a woman administers the medicine in the afternoon, then such discharge appears 30-60 minutes after the procedure. In this case, it is desirable to additionally use sanitary pads. In addition, it should be borne in mind that during the daily administration of the drug, most of it will leak out under the influence of gravity, which will affect the results of treatment. Purulent or spotting after "Terzhinan" indicates the presence of the gynecological pathology itself and is in no way associated with the use of the drug.
Typically, the treatment regimen with Terzhinan tablets for inflammatory pathologies of the vagina involves their introduction for at least ten days. If you are treating sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis), it is imperative to take the medicine and the sexual partner. Otherwise, re-infection is possible.
How is it carried
According to the opinions of doctors and patients, the pharmaceutical product is very well tolerated. This is due to the fact that its components practically do not enter the systemic circulation, but act only locally. Occasionally, after using Terzhinan on the genitals, the following side effects are observed:
- burning;
- itching
- slight irritation;
- allergy.
For the entire period of use of "Terzhinan" and in medical practice there have been no cases of its overdose.Reviews of candles "Terzhinan" with thrush indicate their rather good effectiveness and the absence of a large number of side effects.
Contraindication for the use of "Terzhinan" is the individual intolerance of the components in its composition. Do not take alcohol during treatment with this drug.
It is also not recommended to use the medicine in the first three months of pregnancy. With caution, it is prescribed in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, as well as during lactation.
Where to buy and what are the analogues
“Terzhinan” is sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. However, it is better to coordinate its use with a gynecologist, and it may be necessary to prescribe other medicines. The cost of one package of tablets ranges from 360-480 rubles. (Data for November 2017). The price depends on the number of tablets (six or ten), the trade margin in a particular pharmacy chain.
There are no exact analogues of Terzhinan in the domestic pharmaceutical market. If it is not available at the pharmacy, you should consult a doctor who can advise other medicines with a similar effect. However, in this case, it may be necessary to use several drugs at once.
The following medicines have similar “Terzhinan” effects:
- "Wagisept";
- Klomegel;
- Metromicon-Neo.
Thus, Terzhinan is an original pharmaceutical product that combines several medicinal substances with multidirectional action. That is why it acts in a complex manner, immediately on several types of bacteria. This ensures the high effectiveness of this drug with a relatively low incidence of side effects.