Indications and contraindications for thalassotherapy: how to conduct marine treatment at home

The healing powers of the sea and its gifts were spoken by the famous healers Hippocrates, Pliny, Herodotus, Cicero. On the coasts were built baths designed to treat the nobility. Today their place was taken by hospitals and sanatoriums in which thalassotherapy is actively carried out. This treatment combines many directions. Briefly, it can be described as follows: thalassotherapy is a complex of marine procedures.
Happy couple in bathrobes by the sea

The term "thalassotherapy" was first spoken from the lips of a French physician Bonnardier, back in 1867. This name combines two Greek words: "thalassa" and "therapeia". The first is translated as “sea”. The second is known as "therapy", "treatment". What is thalassotherapy fraught with? What results does it provide and what has earned such popularity?

What is thalassotherapy

How many centers does a thalassotherapist need to say? Thalassotherapy is a complex of useful procedures involving the use of sea water, mud, sun, algae, salt, air and climate. Such measures are aimed at improving the body, serve as an aid in the comprehensive treatment of certain diseases. Doctors have fully confirmed the effectiveness of the thalassotherapy procedure in the fight against psycho-emotional disorders, depression, endocrine diseases.

Thalassotherapy is very popular in cosmetology. It can help in solving many problems, ranging from premature aging of the skin and ending with stretch marks and cellulite.

Operating principle

What is the principle of thalassotherapy? The technique allows you to generously use all the useful components that are rich in air, water, sea depths. The body receives many useful substances that trigger the process of healing and restoration of all systems. The five main components of thalassotherapy.

  1. Sea water. It is rich in potassium, calcium. It contains iodine, magnesium. The sea is an excellent source of bromine, sulfur and many other minerals. All these components contribute to strengthening the immune system, improve metabolic processes, restore the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous systems.
  2. Sea air. It is an inexhaustible source of ozone that provides cell regeneration and restoration. Under such conditions, the aging process slows down significantly. Sea air does not contain dust, harmful components and microorganisms. It is saturated with negative ions that act on the body, like a broad-spectrum antibiotic. That is why sea air, as part of thalassotherapy, is recommended for people suffering from pathologies of the respiratory system.
  3. Mud. These components absorbed the healing power of water, hardened under the sun and wind. They contain a high concentration of beneficial minerals. Mud is actively used to treat joint diseases. In cosmetology, they are used to combat body fat, cellulite, striae.
  4. Sea salt. A component extracted from the deep sea can be called a concentrate of nutrients. Salt is in demand in the treatment of the respiratory system, skin problems, musculoskeletal system (OA). White, large crystals will come to the aid of those who decided to say goodbye to cellulite or fatty deposits. Such thalassotherapy will help improve skin color and structure.
  5. Seaweed. They contain a concentrate of sea water.They are one of the strongest natural immunomodulators. They are used to treat skin diseases, its deep cleansing, and the fight against cellulite. It is on the basis of algae that the most effective series of anti-aging agents have been created.
More recently, thalassotherapy was only possible at sea. Today you can plunge into the salty waters, breathe in the cleanest air and feel the beneficial effects of sea gifts in specially equipped beauty salons. And if desired - and at home.

Beneficial effects

The use of thalassotherapy for the body lies in the complex effect on the body of all components: air, water, and climate. Under the influence of such highly concentrated substances, the following positive changes occur:

  • blood flow improves;
  • skin defects are eliminated;
  • active cell regeneration begins;
  • purification from harmful substances, slags;
  • lymphatic flow increases;
  • the acidity and fat content of the epidermis is normalized;
  • mental balance is restored;
  • cellulite is smoothed out;
  • metabolism is activated;
  • increased immunity;
  • improves mood, well-being;
  • the work of internal systems is normalized;
  • subcutaneous fats are broken down.

In which cases they recommend

Thalassotherapy is not an independent treatment method. Therefore, you should not replace with it all the appointments made by a doctor. It serves only as an auxiliary direction, both in therapy and in cosmetology. The indications of thalassotherapy are very extensive. They affect both recovery and rejuvenation of the body. However, do not forget that there are contraindications to thalassotherapy. Marine treatment is recommended in the following cases:

  • chronic pathology of the respiratory system;
  • thyroid diseases, which are characterized by iodine deficiency;
  • gastrointestinal tract pathology;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis);
  • ailments of ODA (osteochondrosis, arthritis);
  • muscle pain;
  • swelling;
  • gynecological pathologies associated with elevated estrogen levels (e.g. uterine fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis);
  • cellulite, striae;
  • nervous disorders, depression, stress, overwork;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • deterioration of the skin, premature aging, sagging skin.
To resort to the help of thalassotherapy is allowed only without exacerbations. Any chronic diseases in the acute stage are a direct contraindication to physiotherapeutic procedures.

Who does not fit

Even healing sea treatment has contraindications. Therefore, before applying thalassotherapy, be sure to consult a doctor or a cosmetologist. Some procedures contain an impressive list of restrictions. The following conditions are considered general contraindications for thalassotherapy:

  • exacerbation of infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • oncology;
  • allergy to iodine;
  • some heart diseases;
  • endocrine diseases, which are characterized by an excess of iodine.

If we talk about the procedure for wrapping, then this list is significantly replenished with the following conditions and ailments:

  • pregnancy;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • fungal lesions;
  • menstruation;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • allergy to wrap preparations;
  • serious cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, severe hypertension).

Some disadvantages

Thalassotherapy has very few drawbacks, especially when compared with the obvious advantages of marine healing and the healing effects of thalassotherapy. The disadvantages of the method are the following factors.

  • High price. Thalassotherapy is not a cheap procedure. Even if you decide to undergo a course of procedures in a beauty salon, and not in a Dead or Mediterranean resort, be prepared to spend a considerable amount.
  • There are limitations. Quite effective thalassotherapy procedures contain strict contraindications. So, for example, in the fight against cellulite, hot wrapping is most effective. But people suffering from varicose veins are allowed to resort to the help of only cold procedures.
  • There is not always an effect. Thalassotherapy procedures will help to improve the condition, but they are not always able to fully heal without drug therapy. And if we are talking about cellulite of the third or fourth stage, then marine treatment in general becomes ineffective.

Married couple in the pool

What methods are available

Thalassotherapy includes many methods that allow you to heal the body and improve your appearance. The main ones are presented in the table. Appropriate procedures can be selected by a doctor or cosmetologist, based on the problem and state of health.

Table - Thalassotherapy methods, their characteristics and application

TitleCharacteristic of the procedureIndications
Saltwater pool- Real sea water is used (it is taken approximately 500 meters from the coast, at a depth of five meters);
- the water is heated to a temperature of + 35 ° C - + 36 ° C, at which the pores open as much as possible;
- the body absorbs all the necessary substances;
- warm seawater stimulates the release of harmful components and toxins
- Joint diseases;
- cellulite;
- excess weight;
- endocrine diseases;
- functional disorders of the central nervous system
Whirlpool baths- Water jets massage problem areas;
- the water supply can be fan, jet, circular;
- a variable effect on the body of warm and cold water is possible
- Prevention of vascular pathologies (only after consulting a doctor!);
- chronic stress, overwork, depression;
- cellulite;
- articular, muscle diseases;
- obesity;
- reduced skin tone;
- impaired blood circulation;
- slowdown of metabolic processes
Salt baths- Apply sea or ordinary water to which medicinal salts are added;
- salts raised from the bottom of the Dead Sea have the greatest healing power;
- bath appointed courses consisting of 10-15 water sessions
- Diseases of the OA;
- gynecological diseases;
- CNS pathology;
- nervous disorders;
- chronic fatigue;
- skin problems;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- impaired metabolism;
Mud applications- Mud masks are applied to problem areas;
- procedures are carried out by a course
- skin diseases;
- cellulite;
- body fat;
- pathology of ODA;
Premature aging
Cavitotherapy (inhalation of sea air)- It is carried out as aromatherapy;
- real sea water is poured into the bowls and exposed to special lamps;
- in the process of ionization, sea air is formed
- Respiratory tract diseases: bronchial asthma, frequent colds (useful for children), smokers cough;
- reduced immunity;
- nervous disorders
Stone therapy- Massage performed by hot stones;
- volcanic rock rich in magnesium and iron is used;
- warm stones are placed on reflexogenic zones responsible for internal organs
- Inadequate blood circulation;
- slowing of the lymph flow;
- pathology of internal organs;
- muscle cramps and joint pain;
- decrease in skin tone;
- loss of elasticity and elasticity of the epidermis
Algotherapy (seaweed wrap, applique or bath)- Use biomass created from algae, mollusks and microorganisms;
- as masks applied to the face;
- wraps can be hot and cold;
- during the hot procedure, the body is insulated with a blanket
- Deficiency of minerals;
- cellulite;
- stretch marks;
- swelling;
- excess weight;
- dermatological problems

Components for the treatment of the sea

Is it possible to carry out the procedures yourself

The main thalassotherapy procedures are wrapping with mud or algae, therapeutic baths, masks and applications. All these activities can be performed at home.

2 masks

Trips to the sea are almost always accompanied by dry skin, dry and brittle hair. And if green mud gets into the curls, then you will have to spend a lot of energy to comb it out of the strands. However, it is this sea and algae that can become a saving straw for your hair and face if you skillfully apply such components.Thalassotherapy for the face at home can be an alternative.

For face

  1. In a glass of boiled water, a tablespoon of dry seaweed is bred.
  2. Leave them for one to two hours to swell.
  3. Filter algae.
  4. The resulting mass is mixed with a tablespoon of cottage cheese.
  5. The mask is applied to the face with a thick layer for half an hour.

This mask is designed to smooth wrinkles, enhance collagen production and stop aging. It effectively nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis. It can be used for any type of dermis. Repeat the procedure two to three times a week.

For hair

  1. Connect two glasses of light beer with one glass of water.
  2. Two tablespoons of dry algae are introduced into this liquid, stirred.
  3. The resulting mass is distributed on the hair (it is better to use a spray).
  4. Gently massage the head for two minutes.
  5. Wrap in a warm towel and wait half an hour.

The use of thalassotherapy for hair will restore shine to dull strands. The mask is recommended for the restoration of brittle, thinned and weak hair. To improve the strands, one or two procedures per week are enough.

2 baths

If you want to act in two directions: in the therapeutic and in the aesthetic, then it is worth resorting to the help of bathtubs. Using such procedures, you can correct the figure, make up for the deficiency of nutrients and begin the process of smoothing cellulite.

With seaweed

  1. Initially, 100 g of algae is bred in two to three liters of boiling water.
  2. Let them infuse for two hours.
  3. Filter algae.
  4. The resulting concentrate is poured into a warm bath (temperature should be + 35 ° C - + 36 ° C).
  5. Stay in the water for about 20 minutes (make sure that the bath does not cool down).
  6. After the procedure, they are wrapped in a bathrobe and lie in bed for another 15 minutes.
  7. And only then take a contrast shower.

With salt and seaweed

  1. Initially, a concentrate is prepared by pouring 100 g of algae with boiling water and keeping them for two hours.
  2. The liquid obtained after straining is poured into the bath.
  3. Add 1 kg of sea salt to the water.
  4. Take a bath for 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off the remaining salt under a contrast shower, 15 minutes after the completion of the procedure.

3 wraps

Wraps are indicated for those who are struggling with excess weight, trying to say goodbye to cellulite. And as applications are recommended for patients experiencing joint, muscle pain. Specialists recommend doing such thalassotherapy for weight loss every other day. It will take 12-15 sessions.

From body fat (hot wrap)

  1. Two types of algae are mixed: kelp and fucus, taking each 150 g.
  2. Let them infuse for an hour.
  3. Then, 50 g of blue clay is added to the mixture.
  4. Three to four drops of lemon juice are added.
  5. 200 g of liquid honey is introduced into the mass and carefully mixed.
  6. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas (abdomen, sides, hips).
  7. Wrap these areas with cling film.
  8. Top insulate with a blanket.
  9. They wait 30-40 minutes, after which they are washed off.

For vessels (cold wrap)

  1. To soak 100 g of kelp, only cold water is used.
  2. Algae should swell within three hours.
  3. Soaked kelp is applied to problem areas.
  4. The top is fixed with cling film, but they are not insulated with anything.
  5. Withstand a cold wrap for an hour, and then take a shower.

From pain and cellulitis (mud applications or wraps)

  1. Sea mud, in an amount of 400 g, is heated in a water bath to a temperature of + 39 ° C.
  2. Apply a warm mass to painful areas (joints, muscles) or problem areas (cellulite, fat deposits), with a layer of approximately 3-5 mm.
  3. Wrap polyethylene from above and insulate with a woolen scarf.
  4. Withstand the application for 20-30 minutes (no longer!).
  5. Then wash off the dirt and moisturize the skin with any cosmetic product.

There are a wide variety of reviews about thalassotherapy. Most often they are positive. Women argue that by combining marine procedures with diet and sports, they were able to lose weight much easier and faster. Additionally, they indicate a pleasant bonus of thalassotherapy - the general healing of the body.

Feedback and Results

A course of thalassotherapy is prescribed after consultation with a doctor, where he will most likely select a tour individually (taking into account contraindications). My mother took an anti-cellulite course - for a week of procedures there was a clear result! But in any case, emotional relaxation is guaranteed to you! After a thalasso, I flew on the wings for a couple of months!


In thalassotherapy, only sea water of body temperature is used, which is important. At this temperature, mineral ions easily penetrate the blood. This improves blood circulation and lymph flow, and also speeds up metabolism. The jets of sea water directed under pressure massage the body and help relieve tension, and their directed action reduces the appearance of cellulite. Thalassotherapy works real miracles in the treatment of the following diseases and defects: eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, asthma, bronchitis, hypertension.


We have a girl at work. I went on vacation for a month, but came - a puff, and it was my belly that became very fat. She said that she went out with her husband every evening on vacation, and they liked the cafe alone, well, they drank a glass of beer every day. On beer, in general, it carried her. A doctor, a friend of her, advised her to buy sea salt and often lie in the bathtub so that the water was salty and salty. She bought boxes of this salt in the store. And in 2 weeks I regained my previous shape. The doctor says that salt burns fat. I’m also going to arrange salt procedures.


Hot wraps with seaweed made already 2 times. First you are rubbed with a scrub, then coated with algae (as if the smell had lain in a gutter). And you lie in them under a warm electro-blanket for about 30 minutes. Then they are washed off, smeared with some kind of mixture and massage. It lasts 2 hours. It is recommended to do it once a week. After 2 times - the skin got better - the color improved. More elastic. I even like to look at my carcass in the mirror. Cellulite has become smaller.

Lilu Dallas,

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