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Immediately, we note that the World Health Organization and the American Association for the fight against obesity do not recommend the use of pills for the treatment of obesity for cosmetic purposes and if you can reduce weight by non-pharmacological methods.
Contraindications to taking any diet pills are pregnancy and lactation. You can not drink such drugs to people with mental disorders, decompensation of cardiovascular disease and uncontrolled arterial hypertension.
What diet pills are on sale
If you still decide to buy drugs for weight correction, then definitely do not take them from individuals and network marketing representatives. Cheap drugs are not advisable. Penny drugs are self-deception. And also avoid tubes for which there are no Russian-language instructions.
Pharmaceutical preparations are positioned by manufacturers as a means for effective weight loss, and are divided into several groups depending on the composition and mechanism of action on the body. If you do not seriously consider pills with diuretic and laxative effects, then the basic list of pills for quick weight loss includes the following three groups of drugs. Really effective drugs should be bought from trusted sellers. The rating of such drugs can be found on the Internet. The price may vary, and despite this, you can fall for a good fake. Real reviews to help you.
Fat and carbohydrate blockers
There is only a modest list of drugs, the use of which doctors with a scratch allow in a complex of therapeutic measures in the treatment of obese patients. This number includes some blockers in the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.
- Fat blockers. For example, orlistat fat-blocking drugs - “Xenical” (Italy), “Orsoten”And“ Listata ”(Russia). The active substance prevents the breakdown of fats from food into the body. That is, fat is not absorbed and is immediately excreted. According to reviews, sometimes this process is uncontrollable and can lead to incidental and unpleasant situations.
- Carbohydrate blockers. The French principle follows the same principle:Glucophage", Only it is aimed at blocking the absorption of carbohydrates. The main substance in the composition is metformin. More often, such pills are prescribed for the treatment of obesity in diabetes. Weight loss, according to the manufacturer, is due to lower levels of glucose, insulin and metabolic stabilization. Carbohydrate blockers are prohibited in diseases of the digestive tract. The continued use of such drugs creates a deficiency of vitamin D and calcium.
Due to the large number of possible side effects, drugs from this group are prescribed in exceptional cases and should be sold by prescription. Nevertheless, people still manage to buy them without a document from a doctor. This is very risky. Because it is considered reasonable to take such drugs only if the following five conditions are met.
- The diagnosis was made by a doctor. “Obesity” and “a couple of extra kilos” are two different things. In the first case, we are talking about a serious disease that reduces the quality of life of the patient and impairs the functioning of internal organs and systems. If you just want to be slimmer before your holidays, forget about these drugs.
- The appointment was made by a doctor. Such drugs cannot be "prescribed" by oneself. An ordinary person does not have a sufficient level of qualification to objectively assess the state of his health, determine safe dosages and suggest possible reactions of the body to taking blockers.
- The treatment is supervised by a doctor. And not one. It is important to be observed by an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and nutritionist, who collectively decide how to take diet pills in each case.
- Taking the drug is combined with a diet. This is a prerequisite. The menu is painted by a doctor.
- Taking the drug is combined with training. Without physical exertion, even such strong drugs will not give lasting results.
Anorectics affect the central nervous system. They contribute to weight loss by reducing appetite by acting on the center of the brain, which is responsible for the feeling of fullness. Reviews of slimming drugs from the group of anorectics allow you to highlight the following popular remedies.
- «Goldline». The drug is made in India. The basis is the substance sibutraminerelated to appetite regulators. According to the responses, the drug gives a plumb from 3 to 10 kg per month. However, after stopping the intake of appetite returns, therefore, a lasting effect is possible only with regular use of tablets.
- «Reduxin». Russian drug. It is indicated in the treatment of obesity to reduce body weight and improve metabolism. The active substance of these tablets is also sibutramine. An auxiliary component in the composition is microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), which swells in the stomach and provides a feeling of fullness.
- Meridia. German-made medicine. Also applies to sibutramine preparations. According to the instructions, it is indicated for obesity (if the body mass index exceeds the threshold of 30 units) and diabetes mellitus (if the BMI is more than 27).
- «Fluoxetine». This is a Russian antidepressant that dulls hunger. The main component is the substance of the same name - fluoxetine.
Dietary supplements
More or less safe diet pills are dietary supplements. The basis of these preparations are natural components with fat-burning properties (for example, seaweed). The composition also contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. Allegedly, due to their balance and beneficial effects on the body, weight loss also occurs. They are over-the-counter. However, nutritionists generally do not seriously consider these “medicines” and call cases when people lose weight after taking dietary supplements, the placebo effect. Also, "plumb" is due to the diuretic and laxative properties of drugs. The following are in high demand among such tablets.
- Beeline. According to manufacturers (China), these pills help restrain food cravings, stimulate thermogenesis and burn excess fat. The basis of the drug is a complex of vitamins B obtained from plant extracts. The "effervescent" Eco Slim tablets can be considered an analogue.
- Modelform. According to the instructions, this Russian drug is able to reduce cravings for flour and sweets, which helps to control appetite and reduce the amount of sugar consumed. The composition of the tablets contains a whole complex of plant extracts, such as bitter orange, pueraria, medlar and momordica.
- "Magic beans". These are Chinese diet pills. They are named so because the capsule shape is similar to beans.The composition of the drug includes L-carnitine, garcinia extract, marine convilia, chitin, fiber and collagen.
- «Herbalife». Products of the American company. Available in the form of multivitamin complexes, cocktails, drinks and bars. The manufacturer indicates in the instructions that the medicine helps to reduce weight, increase tone, speed up metabolism and the absorption of sugar. The basis can be vitamins and extracts, for example, green tea and mate.
- «Turboslim». This Russian drug belongs to the category of dietary supplements, but it is also able to block the absorption of carbohydrates. Tablets are available in a series of products: Turboslim Day and Turboslim Night. There are also tea and coffee "Turboslim". The basis of them are plant extracts. According to the instructions, "Turboslim" helps to improve the digestive tract and strengthen the nervous system.
The choice of dietary supplements is on any wallet. For example, 96 Beeline capsules are sold for 2,300 rubles. A pack of “Turboslim coffee” (10 bags) costs 276 rubles. (Data for September 2017).
Effect on the body
Medical pills, even free ones on sale, are an easy but dangerous way to lose weight. After taking many of them, serious consequences appear. This is especially true for Korean and Thai drugs, these are powerful drugs that contain phentermine, fenfluramine and sodium poly-4-styrenesulfonate. These substances are addictive like drugs. Against this background, peeling of the skin, hair loss, and sleep impairment begin. Some patients have heart valve damage. The consequences of taking (especially if there was an overdose) of other diet pills:
- insomnia;
- increase in pressure;
- increased heart rate;
- allergy;
- development of depression;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system;
- overexcitation of the nervous system.
If a healthy person artificially provokes a carbohydrate deficiency, then the thyroid gland enhances the production of hormones T3 and T4. As a result:
- metabolism slows down;
- adipose tissue accumulates in even greater quantities;
- the thyroid gland is disturbed.
With a constant lack of fats in the diet, on the contrary, there is a sharp slowdown in the production of hormones. In women, this leads to the following consequences:
- early menopause;
- hot flashes;
- headache;
- temperature rise;
- bleeding
- blockage of blood vessels;
- stroke;
- a sharp increase in pressure;
- destruction of cerebral vessels.
"Pills" that work 100%
Taking diet pills can cause irreparable harm to the body. In addition, almost all instructions for such drugs indicate that the use of pills must be combined with diet and sports. Otherwise, the effect will be insignificant, and after the end of the course of "treatment" the weight will return.
Therefore, the most effective drugs for losing weight are physical activity and proper nutrition. It is enough to adhere to a few simple rules:
- eat a little four to five times a day;
- limit the intake of sweet, fatty, fried, salted and smoked;
- increase the amount of fruits and vegetables, dairy products, lean meat, cereals in the diet;
- do not eat three to four hours before bedtime;
- consume 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day;
- give up alcohol;
- spend a fasting day once a week;
- limit salt;
- play sports three to five times a week for 30-60 minutes;
- walk more, use the stairs instead of the elevator;
- sleep seven to eight hours a day;
- must have breakfast;
- Do not exhaust yourself with hunger;
- Cook by steaming, stewing or boiling.
Remember: the “best” diet pills do not exist. A person who is absolutely healthy should not just use any medicine at all. If excess weight has led to serious problems, then you should consult a specialist for the appointment of treatment. His help will do you much more good.
Reviews experienced
Want to lose weight? how are you? then bilite (they can pump out ((and if you are young you will lose 15 pounds for 2 packs ((there are about 2 thousand 2 packs with forwarding (but the pressure is no longer normal and tachycardia and generally pipi imunke ((((not much softer miaozi ((but also drugged (tachycardia (sweating (and dried fruit so that a minute after a cup of water it seems to you that you didn’t drink a week))) (((((lose 10 kg per month ((there are also about 2 thousand 2 packages with shipping ((Meridia is sold in a pharmacy according to prescriptions (muck is great, but although it’s not scary for doctors to say when you is bad ((weight loss 10 kg per month (you can only drink if the heart and kidneys healthy (but only a doctor should be consulted (( xenical_ lose weight by 3 kg per month (from the priests there will always flow a buttery and smelly liquid ((you need pads (acts as a reaction to the fat that you ate (do not eat vegetables) (eat a piece of fat or drink oil ((named product of the year among weight loss)) is not harmful !!! it costs about 800 rubles a plate) and how much fat you eat is up to you) MCC — microceylose) suppresses hunger) is useful) you can drink 2 months) it costs a penny in a pharmacy) do you want to eat? 3-4 tablets and a glass of water)) for 2 = 4 hours you are full) turboslim 3 days__ === laxative and diuretic effect ((for 1-2 kg in 3 days discard but this is water (chest) ____ +++ food on week (the tastiest Mediterranean menu)) per week by 2-3 kg but must be observed exactly) weight loss due to calorie content) minus = a lot of chemies (
I lost 18 kg. Took orsotin slim. Since September, she stopped taking it and started going to yoga. I do not limit myself to food not now, nor when I took the capsules - the weight does not return, but it does not decrease anymore.
Girls, take pity on your health - Reduxin has already been banned in all normal countries, probably only in Russia they are also selling it. Direct road to heart attack, stroke. I am not against drugs, but you need to choose proven, safe. She herself lost weight on Xenical, took 4 months, but it took more than 18 kg. I don’t wear old clothes at all - the size is big already) The first week or two I didn’t get very fast results, but then it was very effective. Main food more or less stabilize.
A penny,
I do not recommend Turboslim to anyone, a very dangerous drug. The kidneys never hurt, and after taking these pills from pain in the lumbar region I could not sleep at all, in the morning characteristic swelling began to appear on the face and limbs.
Elena Nikulina,
Gold Line took it - it’s just a terrible depression for 2 months, and I just drank it for 2 weeks, headaches, I felt like I was under drugs, I was scared already on the last day, I was afraid to go out into the street, in general, it’s obvious that weight loss! then I tried the Natural Balance cocktail from Oriflame 3 times before meals, and normally the weight moved slowly .... and it’s delicious, and there are no side effects! and the gold line contains the drug sibutramine, which is banned all over the world and in Russia, too, as by the way in ordinary reduxin and in lead! and then I read that he also causes thoughts of suicide, I didn’t have, but depression is horrible,and everyone was thinking fairy tales! and about 6 years ago there was such an effect from the lead, and even poured arms and legs with small pustules! so decide for yourself! but I do not advise, it is better slowly but surely!
Elena Aleinikova,
And I weighed 85 kg with a height of 173 cm. It was quite large. I got in here (on the forum), read about all kinds of pills, I decided to try it. I asked my husband, he bought me Xenical at the pharmacy. I began to look for something about him on the Internet, a lot of horrors were read here, but I started to drink anyway. Result: for 7 days (ate 3 times a day, not counting light snacks): - 4 kg. I am very pleased. And about the fact that you’re walking and suddenly, a shit, suddenly the whole priest is wet - just right laugh! The first day, when I began to drink the capsules, nothing changed, on the second day the "process began." In general: I really want to use the toilet very much. While the desire rises to a maximum of about an hour. Immediately instead of feces, pure fat begins to separate (by the way, literally, by a stream), then everything else.
Another girl here wrote that she was walking down the street and suddenly, the fat itself flowed out and everything was wet ... I can only say one thing: fat can really stand out in unlimited quantities if you let the gases go ... So cute girls, there’s nothing to spoil the air in the middle streets!!!Daria,
Hi everyone .. I have never taken pills, but then I decided to take Turbo Slim (night) drank a cycle .. But besides this, I stopped forcing me to not eat after 6 pm and drink chilled water 1 cup and squeeze out half a lemon .. I weighed height 176 cm 75 kg .. side ass uh .. well, 2 months have passed, I threw off to 67 kg and continue to lose weight, the sides and ass removed :))) .. I can sometimes drink strong after 18.00, or grind grapefruit :))) I don’t take pills ... I stretch myself under the NIA aerobics disk and now I need to go to the gym and the pool :)) to go .. soon the summer is great and I’ll take it for myself :))
Movement Life