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For the treatment of female candidiasis, tablets are used, vaginal and for oral administration, as well as suppositories. A variety of drugs for thrush in women always allow you to choose the most effective treatment regimens.
A variety of candles and pills against thrush
The treatment of candidal colpitis should be approached systemically, especially if this is not the first episode of inflammation. It is recommended to undergo the following examination complex so that the treatment regimen is as effective as possible, here is a list of tests:
- swab from the vagina;
- smear from the cervix;
- inoculation from the vagina;
- PCR of the vaginal flora;
- blood glucose level.
These tests will help rule out common causes of candidal colpitis. According to the results, you can choose the best medicine for candidiasis in a particular woman. With recurrent candidiasis, as well as with general damage to the body (for example, with diabetes mellitus, after a course of antibiotics), the main treatment should be systemic, and not local. For this, tablets are used. Drugs can be expensive and not expensive, prices depending on your neglect help in different ways. Their advantages can be described by the following points:
- act on the fungi of the vagina, intestines, and other tissues;
- the course of treatment is short;
- rarely cause allergic reactions.
Fluconazole Based
This is one of the most popular and effective means with a convenient reception scheme. Fluconazole interacts with the cell wall of fungi, causing an osmotic imbalance and the death of pathogens. Also affects fungal enzymes. Available in the form of tablets in a dosage of 50 mg and 150 mg. The treatment options are as follows:
- 150 mg - once;
- 150 mg - twice with an interval of two weeks;
- 150 mg - six times with an interval of a month, in the second phase of the cycle;
- 50 mg each - for 10-14 days.
The widespread use of fluconazole-based drugs has increased the resistance of candida fungi to it. Therefore, treatment should be carried out taking into account the sowing for sensitivity, as well as a woman's history. Fluconazole-based preparations:
There is even a solution based on fluconazole, which is used for intravenous injections, but in severe cases of systemic candidiasis.
With ketoconazole
Ketoconazole (the same name drug "Ketoconazole") interacts with the membranes of fungal cells, disrupting the lipid composition. This leads to the impossibility of their reproduction and subsequent death.
Locally more commonly usedLivarol"In the form of candles one at a time. When taking tablets, the recommended dose is 200-400 mg / day for three to seven days.
With natamycin
Natamycin belongs to the group of antibacterial agents, macrolides. It interacts with lipids of the cell membrane of fungi, destroying it and leading to the death of the pathogen.
Preparations based on natamycin tablets - "Pimafucin"And" Natamycin. " The course of treatment is from three to seven days, 100 mg (one tablet) should be taken two to four times a day. This substance is not absorbed from the intestine, therefore, does not act systemically.
For the treatment of vaginal candidiasis for effectiveness, candles based on it should be used or combined. Suppositories based on natamycin:
- Pimafucin;
- Primafungin.
Based on nystatin
Nystatin belongs to the group of antifungal antibiotics. Available in the form of tablets, suppositories and ointments. The main action is based on interaction with the elements of the cell membrane of the fungus, which leads to its death.
When taken orally, nystatin is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, it can be used only in combination with other drugs for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. Forms of release and regimen of the following
- pills - 250 thousand and 500 thousand, one to four times a day for five to ten days;
- suppositories - 250 thousand and 500 thousand, one at night deep in the vagina for seven to ten days.
Macmiror Pills contain nystatin and nifurotel, therefore, it also has an antimicrobial effect.
Suppositories are produced both on the basis of only nystatin, and including it in combination with other active substances. Popular and effective include:
- «Terzhinan» - These are vaginal tablets, in addition they contain a hormone (prednisone), an antiprotozoal medicine (ternidazole), as well as an antibiotic (neomycin);
- «Polygynax» - suppositories that contain nystatin, neomycin and polymyxin B (have a bactericidal effect).
With itraconazole
Itraconazole disrupts the restoration of the cell wall of fungi, thereby contributing to their destruction. Based on it, the following drugs are produced:
- Orungal - for oral use;
- «Irunin» - Available in the form of tablets and candles.
For treatment, it is enough to take two capsules in 100 mg twice a day for a week or more. In the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, one suppository (200 mg) can be used once a day at night for three days.
Miconazole Based
When taken internally, miconazole is well absorbed through the intestinal wall, metabolized in the liver. With intravaginal administration in the blood, only insignificant concentrations of the active substance are detected. Most often, Ginezol suppositories, which contain miconazole, are used. The course of treatment for vaginal candidiasis is up to 14 days, one suppository at night. The full analogue is Gino-Dactarin.
On the basis of miconazole, a large number of sprays are produced that can be used for men or on the external genitalia in women.
With butoconazole
Butoconazole is a new generation in the treatment of fungal infections. The principle of its action is based on a change in the permeability of the membrane of fungi, which leads to the lysis of their cells.
Butoconazole on the market is represented by vaginal cream from thrush for women - Ginofort.It has a convenient system for administration and requires only one application, after which it creates a special film on the mucosa within a week.
Based on clotrimazole
Clotrimazole is used only for external use, as well as as vaginal tablets for chronic and acute thrush. The action of the drug is based on an increase in the permeability of the membrane of fungi, which leads to cell destruction. The following forms of medication are used to treat thrush:
- vaginal tablets - for laying at night in the vagina;
- cream - for the treatment of external genitalia with severe itching and burning.
The drug is produced under the name "Candide", "Kanizon", "Clotrimazole».
With sertaconazole
Sertazole is one of the last antifungal agents, resistance to it has not yet formed, therefore, preparations based on it are one of the most effective. The action is based on the inhibition of the synthesis of cell wall structures of candida fungi. Available in the form of medicines:
- «Zalain» - vaginal suppositories, contain 300 mg of sertaconazole;
- Sertazol - similar in composition.
Application is limited to laying one candle at night deep in the vagina. If necessary, the course can be repeated. Suitable for the prevention of thrush, for example, against the background of antibacterial therapy.
Based on fenticonazole
Fenticonazole is used only in the form of vaginal suppositories, and also as a cream for external use. An important advantage of fenticonazole is that it has, in addition to the antifungal, antibacterial effect, including in relation to Trichomonas infection. The drug based on it is Lomexin.
Additional treatment
Thrush is often combined with other infections. In these cases, it is necessary to additionally use the following groups of drugs during treatment:
- anti-inflammatory — Hexicon candles, "Povidone-iodine", medicines withmiramistinsodium tetraborate (borax with glycerin);
- immunomodulatory - based on interferons, for example, candles "Genferon", "Ruferon", herbal preparations;
- for the restoration of microflora in women - based on lactobacilli, for example, candles "Acylact”,“ Bifidumbacterin ”,“ Bioflor ”,“ Vaginorm ”.
Sometimes it is necessary to correct blood glucose levels with oral hypoglycemic drugs, as well as anthelmintic (for example, with pinworms) or antibacterial drugs (in the presence of sexually transmitted infections).
Therapy during pregnancy and lactation
During the bearing of the baby and then during lactation, women are more likely to experience candidal colpitis. This is due to a physiological decrease in immunity, stress, anxiety, lack of sleep. At this time, it is important to choose not only effective, but also safe candles from a fungus of the genus Candida. Preparations for thrush in women during pregnancy:
- banned in all trimesters - "Fluconazole" and its analogues, "Ketoconazole" and analogues;
- allowed at any time - “Ginezol”, candles “Pimafucin”;
- according to strict indications - tablets with nystatin, "Orungal";
- possible from the second trimester - but undesirable in the first: “Lomexin”, “Sertazol”, “Zalain”, Candles “Irunin”, candles “Nystatin”;
- not in the first trimester - but it is possible without risk to the fetus starting from 13 weeks: Polygynax, Terzhinan.
Medications for thrush in women should be selected taking into account the tests, relapse rate and clinical presentation. Reviews confirm the fact that self-medication or non-compliance with recommendations often lead to chronic relapsing forms of the disease. Preference should be given to local treatment, and these are suppositories and vaginal tablets from thrush in women.