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"Genferon" in pharmacies is sold as rectal and vaginal suppositories, there are various dosages. A nasal spray is also provided. The drug is often prescribed for adults and it is well tolerated, its administration is almost never accompanied by side effects and gives a significant result. Reviews of candles "Genferon" confirm their effectiveness.
The main effect of the drug is due to human interferon alpha 2b, which is part of the drug. Suppositories are available in the following dosage:
- 125 thousand IU;
- 250 thousand IU;
- 500 thousand IU;
- 1 million IU.
In addition to interferon, each suppository contains the following components:
- amino acid - taurine in an amount of 0.01 g;
- anesthetic component - benzocaine or anestezin in an amount of 0.055 g.
In children's candles from the Light series there is no anesthetic ingredient. As molding components, the composition of all the candles includes macrogol, polysorbate, emulsifiers, sodium hydrogen citrate, citric acid, dextran, water and solid fat.
Operating principle
Rectal use of suppositories is comparable in speed to the effect and subsequent concentration of the active substance in the bloodstream with injections. The rich network of blood vessels of the rectum and the special structure of the mucosa allow the drug to be rapidly absorbed. “Genferon” is metabolized in the liver and kidneys, therefore, these organs play a role in the excretion of the drug. Within 12 hours after the introduction of the suppository, the concentration of the active substance in the blood drops twice, therefore, the dosage regimen provides for the use of suppositories twice a day.
With vaginal use, one fraction of the substance enters the systemic circulation, the remaining one acts locally. Therefore, in case of gynecological diseases, it is better to use the "targeted" summing up of the drug to the focus, and if necessary, increase the systemic antiviral response, you must use the rectal route of administration.
Candles must be stored at a temperature not exceeding +4 ° C to prevent the destruction of interferon.
Human interferon is produced by special types of Escherichia coli, which have introduced the genes responsible for the production of this biologically active substance. Interferon is able to cause the following actions:
- antiviral - stops the reproduction of viral particles by deactivating special enzymes and disrupting the interaction of pathogens with human cells;
- antibacterial - activates the immunity links responsible for the destruction of pathogenic bacteria;
- immunomodulatory - increases the activity of T-helpers (types of lymphocytes) of B-lymphocytes, macrophages, as a result, the immune system quickly recognizes pathogens, inactivates them and creates memory cells (immunity);
- antiproliferative - the drug is able to stop the division of viral cells, as well as chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma, therefore, is prescribed in the complex treatment of these infections.
Amino acid
Taurine has a general stimulating effect on the body, and also increases the activity of interferon, being a trigger in the composition of the drug "Genferon". Namely, the following effects lie:
- metabolism improves;
- the ability of cells to self-repair increases;
- tissue resistance to viruses and bacteria increases;
- neutralization of harmful metabolic products - free radicals.
Anesthetic component
Benzocaine and anestezin act locally, blocking the conduction of nerve impulses through the tissues. This achieves an analgesic effect, a decrease in the intensity of burning, itching, which is important in the treatment of gynecological diseases.
When to use
"Genferon" can be used for any disease if it is assumed their viral or bacterial nature. Candles "Genferon Light" are more often used for children due to the lower dose of the drug and the lack of anesthetic in the composition. The cases for use are as follows:
- rotavirus;
- SARS and flu;
- at a temperature during teething;
- chickenpox.
The use of Genferon suppositories in gynecology includes the following list of pathologies:
- STI – chlamydia, ureaplasmosismycoplasmosis trichomoniasisherpes human papillomavirus (especially with HPV types 16 and 18);
- non-specific inflammation - vaginitis, cervicitis, cervical erosion, endometritisadnexitis;
- recurrent thrush - for the treatment and prevention of new episodes of the disease;
- violation of the vaginal flora - bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis).
To whom the drug is contraindicated
Candles "Genferon" should not be used with hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, as well as with an ever recorded allergy to analog drugs. From rectal use, it is necessary to refrain from exacerbating hemorrhoids.
Autoimmune diseases are contraindications for use, since the drug can compromise the exacerbation or progression of ailments. For example, with autoimmune thyroiditis, glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus, scleroderma.
Instructions for use "Genferon"
Depending on the purpose of therapy, the methods of using the drug are somewhat different. The main points in the treatment of women are as follows:
- standard circuit - one suppository in the vagina twice a day for ten days (for gynecological diseases and genital infections);
- evening candle - if necessary (if there are other suppositories), you can lay rectally;
- in recurrent processes - after the main treatment, it is necessary to lay one candle for three months;
- for diseases not related to the genitals - candles should be laid rectally;
- during menstruation - you should switch to rectal use.
Men and children should use one suppository in the rectum in the morning and evening.
Complications of Reception
Side effects of "Genferon" do not differ in frequency of manifestation - usually suppositories and spray are well tolerated. The following symptoms are rarely observed:
- headache;
- fatigue;
- weakness in the muscles and joints;
- decreased appetite;
- increased sweating;
- locally - itching, burning, increased secretions;
- fever on the first day of admission.
Among the analogues of the drug for the main active substance, interferon, the following drugs can be distinguished:
- Viferon;
- Interferon
- Kipferon;
- Laverobion.
"Genferon" - a drug with antiviral, antibacterial activity, stimulates the immune system and helps fight infection. But indications for the use of "Genferon" are determined only by the doctor, as are the regimens, as well as the duration of treatment.
Genferon did not suit me. For 8 days of taking the drug (I took rectally, because in parallel I took Hexicon), I just felt wild abdominal pains, slept disgustingly at night, not to mention the consequences that did not leave me during the day)) My spouse, who took this drug with me, had the same feelings. Natalie, like you, Genferon was prescribed to me 1 million units per night, do as the doctor prescribed.
a guest,
These candles treat many diseases of the "female" organs. I cured both thrush and herpes, and very quickly and without negative consequences for the rest of the body. I was recently diagnosed with cervical erosion and told to do cauterization. But I decided to try to be cured medically and immediately remembered the candles. I put them down for 10 days, I got to the doctor a month later - erosion was reduced. And a year later she was gone!
A gynecologist prescribed them to me - I found a little erosion and the smear analysis was not so hot, in general I took a course of 5 candles every night - they are comfortable, small and do not leak, in the morning there are no greasy spots on the bed. During the intake, the abdomen slightly ached below, but not much. Erosion after them dragged on by the way.
Good evening everyone. I have 18 weeks of pregnancy. The doctor prescribed candles Genferon Light. (I have a chronic thrush). On the second day of their use, I developed severe itching and burning. Before the introduction of this was not observed. It has been going on for 2 days. Itching and burning appear at times.