Shelf life of eggs (raw, boiled, Easter, peeled) when stored in a refrigerator, basement, freezer

It is difficult to imagine delicious pastries, original sauces or snacks without eggs. Women use them not only for culinary masterpieces, but also for healing the skin and improving hair. Given the high demand, the product is always purchased for future use. Out of habit placed in the refrigerator. Is it possible to store at room temperature? If so, what time is it? And boiled, duck, quail?
Eggs in the fridge

Disputes about egg storage have been going on since ancient times. For example, in America only disinfected, washed poultry products are sold. But in Europe - on the contrary, they believe that they do not need to be washed. Some store food in the refrigerator. Others recommend putting it in an ordinary wicker basket. To understand who is right, you need to study the features of the product.

Product hazard

One of the most important indicators is the shelf life of eggs. It varies, because it depends on the quality of the product, the storage method. But before determining such a time frame, it is important to realize that the product can be quite dangerous if stored improperly.

The body of most animals contains Salmonella bacteria. Sometimes they are able to get into products. It is very dangerous for human health. After all, such bacteria become a source of the development of serious pathologies: salmonellosis, typhoid. Especially dangerous for children, the elderly or patients weakened by prolonged chronic ailments. For the destruction of Salmonella take such measures.

  • Sanitary inspection. Products entering the store must be tested for the quality and content of harmful components. However, such a measure does not fully protect against bacteria.
  • Disinfectant Wash. This is what they do in America. Hot water and a disinfectant solution completely destroy salmonella from the surface. But if the bacteria got inside, then washing is completely powerless. In addition, cleaning destroys the thin film that protects the product, and any other bacteria can easily penetrate the shell. Therefore, washing eggs before storage is allowed only if you put them in the refrigerator.
Salmonella at 20 ° C and above begin to multiply actively. In cool conditions, at 4 ° C, their growth stops. And when heated to 71 ° C, these bacteria die completely. That is why the recommended storage temperature of both store and domestic eggs is 4-18 ° C.

Freshness Check: 4 Methods

The shelf life recommended by GOST does not depend on the time of purchase, but on the date of demolition. A date is necessarily applied to a factory product, but what about home-made poultry products? There are four methods to determine the degree of freshness.

  1. Shaking. Just shake the egg near the ear. The absence of sounds indicates freshness. And the presence of squelching is a clear sign of damage or, as they say, "talker".
  2. Light inspection. The product must be brought to the light source and examined through the shell. Fresh will be plain. Blotches indicate unsuitability.
  3. Immersion in water. This method is applied at home. Add salt (a teaspoon) to a glass of water. Gently lay the egg in the solution. Fresh product will sink to the bottom and will lie on its side. Not quite fresh, but quite suitable, it rises up with a blunt end. But if the product pops up completely, then it is unsuitable.
  4. Studying protein, yolk. Break the egg. Carefully inspect it. Protein should be viscous, and the yolk to maintain volume. Unpleasant odor, protein turbidity, flattening of the yolk are signs of an old, unsuitable product.


The shelf life of eggs after cooking is significantly reduced, especially if the shell cracked in the process. Shelf life of the product is only two days. Indeed, through a crack, bacteria easily penetrate the product and can trigger the destruction process.

Shelf life is completely dependent on the technology of preparation of the product:

  • soft-boiled egg - you need to eat for two days;
  • in the bag - remains valid for two days;
  • hard boiled - shelf life increases to seven days.
To check the freshness of boiled eggs, you need to clean them. The shell is easily removed, and even with the film - the food is not distinguished by its first freshness. But if the cleaning process is difficult, and the shell does not want to separate, then you really come across a fresh and high-quality product.

Easter provision

On Easter holidays, they prepare not only delicious cakes, but also paint eggs. Some use food-grade paints, others resort to using thermal films. And the third, in general, prefer only natural dyes. And almost always after the holiday, colored eggs remain. Duration of storage depends on the method of staining.

  • Natural dyes. If onion husks and beetroot juice were used for decoration, then they do not affect the shelf life at all. You can safely store seven days.
  • Food colors. These are preferably eaten within the next two to three days.
  • Thermal film. Such material tightly covers almost the entire surface of the egg. The product cannot "breathe", so it begins to rapidly deteriorate. You can only store one to two days.
Boiled peeled product can be stored in a separate, hermetically sealed container for two to three days.


To avoid the risk of developing salmonella, it is recommended that you store raw eggs in a refrigerator. At the same time, it is important to adhere to a number of conditions that will allow you to save the product in a suitable form for use.


The food brought home must be inspected. Only whole, undamaged eggs should be stored. Found cracks or chips on the shell - use these instances first. A cracked product (or no shell at all) can be put in a tightly closed container and put into business for two days. To keep the eggs fresh and fit for food, observe four conditions.

  1. Storage. Many refrigerators have egg trays on the doors. This is where poultry products are often put. However, this is not worth doing. The product should be stored on a shelf located near the freezer. Only on it is the required temperature 3-4 ° C. In addition, the opening of the refrigerator provides a sharp flow of warm air to the products located on the doors. For eggs, such differences are fraught with quick spoilage.
  2. Appearance. Sometimes dirty eggs are sold at a store or bazaar. Arriving home, and I want to carefully clean them. But you should not do that. After all, washed eggs are stored in the refrigerator for only 12 days. And unwashed ones can lie for about a month. However, you still need to wash the product. But they do it right before they are going to cook one of them.
  3. Correct position. It is better to store eggs in special containers. Stack in cells you need a blunt end up. The secret is simple. Near the wide base there is a layer of air. And if this air cushion is on top, then the product can breathe. Consequently, its shelf life is extended. In addition, if bacteria are inside it, then they will be localized precisely in this layer and will not affect the protein.
  4. Special tray. Eggs can quickly absorb extraneous odors. To protect against this, the food is recommended to be placed in special trays with a lockable lid.
Sometimes you may come across a recommendation to freeze an egg. Such a method is quite possible. It is recommended to remove the shell, and pack the product in a tight bag and put in the freezer. The shelf life immediately increases to ten months.


In cooking, not only chicken eggs are in demand. Quail are very popular. To prepare some dishes, it is recommended to use duck or goose. And experts say that an ostrich egg is no worse than a chicken, and even surpasses it in some properties. From the following table you can find out how the terms for different species differ.

Table - Shelf life of raw eggs

Type and category of productRefrigerated days
Chicken Diet7
Chicken table21
Homemade chicken 28
Guinea fowl180

Egg selection at the supermarket

If the refrigerator breaks down

It must be remembered that the product belongs to the category of perishable. Therefore, it can not stand long storage without a refrigerator. Shelf life depends on the room temperature.

  • Cool balcony, basement. If the temperature regime varies from 6 ° C to 10 ° C, then the eggs will be stored for two to three weeks guaranteed.
  • Kitchen. If the room temperature is 18-20 ° C, then the storage time is rapidly falling. A day in this mode can be equated to seven days in the refrigerator. As a result, the shelf life is three to four days.

Optimal storage conditions without a refrigerator is a rather cool room, for example, a subfloor or a basement, the temperature in which is no more than 15 ° C, and the humidity should not rise above 85%. If it is possible to store in such conditions, then the timing of "keeping time" of different types can be found in the following table.

Table - Storage of eggs without a refrigerator under optimal conditions

Type and categoryStorage at 15 ° C, days
Chicken factory14
Homemade chicken21
Guinea fowl60
Keeping eggs in the heat without a refrigerator or other cooling tricks should not be done at all. It is very dangerous. The product quickly becomes a hotbed of salmonella and can provoke the development of quite dangerous (and in some situations fatal) ailments.

3 tricks

If the refrigerator is out of order for a long time, then you can learn how to store the product even without his help. So, we turn to the ancestors for advice. After all, they managed to save eggs without any cooling units. The following three methods are most effective and simple.

  1. Fat preservation. Each egg must be greased with melted fat or paraffin. Such blanks are stacked in a wooden box. Place the blanks so that they do not touch. To do this, they are poured with ordinary salt or grain. On top of the box is covered with burlap. This "conservation" is recommended to carry in the basement or cellar. In this case, the product will remain for six months.
  2. Lime preservation. It is necessary to prepare a solution of slaked lime. Eggs are laid in such an environment. Lime should completely cover the product. This "preservation" is transferred to a cool place, best of all, to the basement. Despite the fact that the product can be stored in a solution of lime for one year, this method is not considered the best. Lime has a rather negative effect on the taste of protein.
  3. Pickling. The method is used for quail eggs. Prepare a brine: for 1 liter of water - a large spoon of salt. The product is placed in special trays. Top it is poured with cooked brine. In this form, quail eggs can be stored for eight months, provided that the temperature is correctly selected and periodically inspected. The trays are transferred to the cellar and stored at 10-15 ° C. A pop-up product must be discarded immediately.

And a few more tips in the end. Shelf life of eggs intended for raw consumption is only seven days. For 25 days, it is necessary to use a product that will undergo minimal heat treatment.And those that lay in the refrigerator for more than 25 days are intended only for hard boiling or high-quality heat treatment.


Maybe I opened the bike ... But before this option for storing eggs, I have not seen anywhere else. As there was a moment - the demand for an egg fell, and the hens rushed very well and a lot. The question arose - what to do? And I came up with! She broke eggs, and through a funnel I poured into a half-pan (glass is not an option), filled (33 eggs included) and into the freezer. When there was a huge demand, and we also had to make pancakes, the bottle is taken out, slightly defrosted and cut in half. Half - back to storage, the rest is mixed with milk, flour and so on and bake pancakes. So it’s going to be an omelet, a pie dough. And keep this freeze for at least how much!


I love everything fresh. I have not cooked anything from cooked for more than 2 days. And bought eggs are eaten within a week. In general, there is a more complex technology for determining the freshness of an egg - literally from what angle the egg lies at the bottom, you can understand when it was laid.


In many countries outside of Russia, mainly in African countries and Latin American countries, eggs are not stored in the refrigerator. In Russia and Western countries, the idea of ​​storing eggs outside the refrigerator seems to violate all sanitary standards and will cause slight bewilderment. However, in fact, there is no reason to constantly keep bird eggs in the cold.

If you wash the eggs with water before putting them in the refrigerator, then along with the harmful bacteria the protective membrane covering the eggshell will also be washed off. As a result, even more pathogenic bacteria will fall on them, and since there is no protective shell, it will be easier for them to penetrate inside, as a result of which cooling will become necessary - otherwise the eggs will quickly go bad. But if you don’t wash the eggs, you can safely store them at room temperature - nothing bad will happen to them.

Bright Eye,

Periodically there was a need for long-term storage of eggs. I decided simply by storing the eggs in the refrigerator. In principle, it can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to a month, or even up to two ...

The only minus is that before laying such an egg in the package, it must be kept for some time at room temperature, otherwise condensation will form on it.
Yes, and also, there were cases when one or two packages of eggs that were stored in their refrigerator for more than 2 months were not sold in stores. So, if the storage was all the time in the refrigerator, then when checking these eggs later, they were quite normal in taste. Those. the taste could not be determined that they are more than 2 months old.


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