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Going to the pharmacy, you can get confused. Acne cosmetics are produced with multifunctional lines. But as practice shows, cosmetics do not always effectively eliminate rashes. It is better to choose a special cure for acne. It is ideal that a cosmetologist or a dermatologist do this, but you can also cope on your own. The issue price varies. There are penny means, and very expensive drugs. Acne alone will not pass.
Composition Requirements
Most pharmacy acne remedies work with an antibacterial component. The composition of the drug can include powerful antibiotics, their combinations, antiseptics, and also ethyl alcohol, as the main “fighter" with microbes. This approach of pharmaceutical manufacturers is justified, because almost always purulent skin rashes are infectious.
The difficulty of using drugs is to select the most effective antibiotic, because there are a lot of bacteria. Therefore, the use of an antibacterial agent must be preceded by a collection of material from the skin to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to various compounds. However, this problem is easily solved by pharmacists. Broad-spectrum antibiotics, as well as their successful combination, allow you to create drugs that are effective in almost all cases of rashes. To such funds, bacterial resistance is very rare.
When choosing an ointment, cream, lotion or gel on the face from acne and acne, you should pay attention to its ability, here is a list:
- kill different types of microorganisms;
- relieve inflammation;
- dry acne;
- prevent re-clogging of pores;
- narrow pores.
Most pharmacy products operate in the first three areas. The remaining effects are achieved by combining the use of medicines and special cosmetics.
Particularly careful should be people with a tendency to allergic reactions. Antibiotics can provoke sensitivity and cause severe allergic symptoms. That is why the use of external funds should be careful, and oral administration should be carried out only after consulting a specialist.
Antibiotic Acne Remedies
Which method is the most reliable and effective? To combat purulent acne, you should choose "heavy artillery" - local antibiotics.An antibiotic-based acne medicine on the face may have other indications for use, for example, the treatment of infectious wounds.
Available in gel form for external use. Baneocin contains bacitracin and neomycin, two of the strongest antibiotics. When applied, it acts gently without causing burning and irritation. Does not cause oily skin or clogging of pores. The product is forbidden to apply to large areas of the skin. In the case of acne treatment, the drug is applied pointwise, directly to the inflamed area.
If the rash is thick, apply a thin layer at night. If the inflammation is very strong, and the rashes are accompanied by pronounced redness, the drug is applied twice a day to the entire affected area, and after half an hour the gel is washed off with warm water. For the prevention of undesirable effects, the drug is not used for more than two weeks.
A relatively new tool. Analogue of Duak gel, only in liquid form. "Zerkalin" is an alcoholic solution of clindamycin, an antibiotic with local action, which has the widest spectrum of activity. The solution treats the affected areas with inflammation pointwise or wipe the entire area of the rashes with a cotton pad moistened with the preparation. If the skin is prone to dryness, the product may not be suitable, because due to the alcohol in the composition it is able to further dry the epidermis, causing peeling.
Therapeutic gel approved for use against acne and blackheads. Contains metronidazole - an antiprotozoal agent that destroys the protein-peptide membrane of microorganisms. It is prescribed for a long time - up to two months. The advantage of the Metrogil gel is its light texture and the possibility of combining with other care products.
The drug is applied to the skin twice a day under a moisturizer. The tool gives positive results, noticeable after a few days of treatment. The drug is active against acne vulgaris that occur in adolescence.
Antibacterial ointment with chloramphenicol and methyluracil in the composition. Effectively copes with infectious inflammation on the skin, and due to the content of methyluracil, it normalizes local immunity. Levomekol accelerates regeneration processes, improves trophism of the epidermis.
Apply ointment to cleaned and dried face skin with a thin layer, directly on the areas affected by the rash. After complete absorption, the use of other cosmetics is possible. Rinse off the drug is not necessary.
It is a face lotion for acne, consisting of a suspension of erythromycin and zinc. It has antibacterial, astringent, drying effect. The drug is prepared immediately before use, mixing the solvent and the dry component. Before each use, the bottle must be shaken.
The minimum course of therapy is two weeks. After this time, use is continued if necessary. If the rash has noticeably resolved, discontinue treatment due to the risk of addiction. Apply Zenerit twice a day to all places affected by rashes.
Targeted Drugs
Some drugs that are actively used for acne on the face have a combined composition. The presence of a hormonal component in it requires additional caution when using, since hormones actively penetrate through the skin into the systemic circulation. Use over a wide area can provoke an overdose of the hormone. In addition, skin addiction often develops to such agents.
Ointment combined action with betamethasone in the composition. The standard formula contains an antimycotic component. The drug is relevant for the treatment of acne only if the fungal nature of their origin is detected.
Another form of "Acriderma", with the prefix "Gent", means the inclusion of gentamicin in the antibiotic. It is this version of the drug that is used to treat rash more often. The combination of antifungal, anti-inflammatory components and antibiotic eliminates acne on the face faster. Apply in small amounts pointwise.
A drug developed specifically for the treatment of acne. Its advantage is the ability to dissolve the keratin components of the skin, freeing the contents of pores and facilitating cleansing. The drug has the ability to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, due to which not only eliminates the rash symptomatically, but also struggles with its cause.
Good and stable results are noted after a three-month course of use. The minimum treatment period is one and a half months. Apply Baziron AS ointment in the morning and evening on a washed face.
Vishnevsky ointment
This simple and affordable drug has proven itself very well in the fight against massive inflammatory processes that take a long time. A knotty hormonal rash, often protruding on the chin, neck, resolves along the hairline under the action of the product.
Inflamed acne, sealed with a plaster with Vishnevsky ointment, quickly ripen, and their contents are removed without residue. The drug is applied pointwise, under a bandage. The best option is to apply at night due to a specific smell.
Ichthyol ointment
An ointment containing ichthyol also does not smell particularly nice. It is used, as well as Vishnevsky - pointly applied to severe inflammation. As a result, the pimple matures quickly, its core comes out, and the inflammatory process quickly disappears around, or completely resolves. Ichthyol ointment is appropriate to be applied situationally, at the stage of inflammation of a clogged skin canal.
Heparin ointment
Instructions for use heparin ointment does not indicate acne and acne as an indication for the appointment of funds. In addition, the drug does not have antibacterial activity. Its effectiveness against acne lies in the ability to normalize the trophism of the epidermis, accelerate the elimination of inflammation, and relieve the accompanying pain.
The ointment is applied to the rash at night. Acne treatment is slower, but the condition of the skin as a whole improves markedly.
This is the active substance of many wound healing preparations. The use in acne therapy is important for healing the skin after mechanical action (squeezing abscesses, conducting hardware procedures). The tool accelerates regenerative processes, relieves inflammation, normalizes the ability of the epithelium to granulation. Apply twice a day. There are very successful combinations of panthenol with antibacterial components, for example, miramistin (Pantestin gel). Such drugs are safe and can be used on their own.
Means "Acyclovir" is not used in relation to ordinary rashes. It helps only in case of a viral skin lesion, namely - with an attack of herpetic infection. Apply ointment directly to watery vesicles, up to five times per day. The course of treatment is continued until the rash is completely eliminated or dries. When used correctly, it provides not only the elimination of the virus, but also prevents the appearance of scars in the place of the bubbles.
Budget options
Acne cream on the face does not have to be expensive. You can purchase affordable antiseptic and healing mixtures that significantly reduce the time to fight inflammatory rashes.
Plain acetylsalicylic acid has a pronounced drying and anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used as follows: crush the tablet into powder, dilute with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, apply paste to the rash site. "Aspirin" is left on the skin all night, if necessary, gluing the place of application with a band-aid. In the morning, the dried paste is washed off with water.At the site of the former inflammation there will be only barely noticeable traces.
Refers to drugs that restore the protective functions of the skin. It contains the substance of the same name, in fact it is zinc talker. “Tsindol” dries rashes, eliminates inflammation, quickly heals acne, has astringent and regenerative effects. Means wipe the skin several times a day. The drug can treat acne in pregnant women, as it is completely safe.
Zinc ointment
It is suitable for acne elimination pointwise, because it adheres perfectly to the skin. Zinc ointment can be applied at night, and also used in emergency cases, when an urgent need to dry an inflamed acne suddenly. Astringent and antibacterial properties will contribute to the early maturation of the abscess.
Powder Bag
Dark green powder of an oleaginum is considered one of the most effective means against extensive inflammatory rashes. It is diluted with peroxide until a sour cream-like mass is formed, after which it is applied with gentle movements to the entire affected surface of the skin.
During the aging of the mask, warmth, slight tingling, and possibly burning, will be felt. These are normal processes that indicate an improvement in blood circulation in the epidermis. After 15 minutes, the paste is carefully washed off, after which a moisturizer is applied to the skin. The procedure is carried out three times a week.
How to enhance the effect of therapy
Sometimes even the most effective acne remedy on the face can not cope with extensive rashes or deep internal acne. The reason for this situation lies within the body. Some health problems may be manifested by a rash on the skin of the face. If the use of external funds does not give a result, you should consult a doctor. Focusing on the provocateurs of the rash, he will prescribe additional medications.
- Antibiotics. Systemic antibacterial drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor. Use compounds exhibiting activity against soft tissues, as well as antiprotozoal agents. For example, with demodicosis, Trichopolum therapy gives good results, during which the drug is taken twice a day for a tablet for 20 days. Together with tablets, local forms of antibiotics are required.
- Sorbents. Due to metabolic disturbances in the body, a mass of toxins accumulates, they can be localized in the intestinal lumen, circulate in the blood, gradually poisoning the body. The body tries to get rid of harmful substances by removing them through the kidneys and skin, then a rash appears. To cleanse the skin, doctors prescribe Polysorb and Lacto-Filtrum. Together with the intestines, these drugs cleanse the circulatory system.
- Hormones. Among hormonal drugs in the treatment of rashes, contraceptives are most often prescribed. But this is true only for women. Birth control pills that help against acne are chosen by the doctor, focusing on the results of analyzes of the level of hormones and liver tests. Admission longer than three months allows you to cleanse the skin completely.
- Vitamins As part of complex therapy, doctors prescribe minerals and vitamins for acne on the face. Often this B vitamins, E, folic acid, biotin. In cases of severe rash, vitamin A - retinol, as well as its synthetic analogues, are prescribed. They are taken for a long time and in high dosages. After the course of treatment, contraception should be taken into account due to the teratogenic effect of retinoids.
How darsonval will help
It will not be superfluous to strengthen the treatment with the help of special cosmetic procedures or hardware techniques. For home use, the darsonval device is suitable. By acting on the skin with a current of various frequencies, it improves the microcirculation of the blood in the epidermis. During the pulse formation, the device emits ozone, which eliminates microorganisms from the surface of the skin. An additional advantage of the device is the possibility of deeper penetration into the skin of medicinal substances from creams and gels.
Any ointment for acne on the face should be used regularly and only after preliminary cleaning of the skin. For the first time using a drug, a sensitivity test should be performed by treating a small area of the skin on the wrist with the medication. In the absence of redness, swelling and itching, the product can be used on the face.