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Few doubts that it is folk remedies that are most effective in the issue of eyelash care. They are safe, and therefore you can use them without risk to eye health. They are effective, as evidenced by reviews not only of women, but also of professional cosmetologists. We will talk in more detail about what home remedies for eyelash growth should be used and which methods are better.
Oil Tips
What helps to grow eyelashes. No product can provide such gentle care as eyelash oil, at home any natural, even sunflower, is suitable. Features of exposure to oils are in their composition. They contain many polyunsaturated fatty acids that nourish the skin of the eyelids. It also contains vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth. This is the best nutrition for eyelashes.
Among natural oils there are also champions in the content of one or another component. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend choosing a remedy depending on the existing problem. So, almond and peach oil are used to stimulate hair growth. To strengthen eyelashes, you need to choose castor.
A universal remedy for complex healing is burdock oil, which stimulates growth and eliminates the problem of hair loss. BUT olive better than others, it takes care of the skin of the eyelids, gently softens and moisturizes it, saturates it with the necessary substances for the growth of cilia.
The use of any oil includes several requirements.
- Apply with a mascara brush - Use a clean brush from the old brasmatik.
- Apply warm - so the product acts more efficiently, it helps to better penetrate the structure of the cilia and skin.
- Do not leave overnight - you should hold the product for an hour and remove with a napkin.
- Apply only to clean eyelashes. - after removing makeup.
- Perform the procedure daily - the result largely depends on the frequency.
- Conduct a course for 30 days - This is the minimum term for healing hairs.
5 mask recipes
Make a mask for eyelash growth at home every day is not necessary. Such formulations are applied 2 times a week, in addition to the basic care of the selected oil. The following remedies are effective.
- Castor oil mixed with sea buckthorn oil, rose hips, carrot juice and oily vitamin A. This combination stimulates the growth of hairs and helps to strengthen them.
- Castor oil with black tea, in equal proportions. Allows you to get a rich dark color of the cilia, which is why they look longer.
- A mixture of 3 types of oils: castor, olive and almond (peach). Such masks for eyelashes at home provide comprehensive care for hair and skin of the eyelids. With regular use, they restore health to the hairs, accelerate their growth, make the skin of the eyelids soft, and eliminate fine wrinkles.
- Selected Vitamin Oil. It is useful to use oily vitamins to strengthen the cilia. Beauty vitamins A and E, which can be purchased in gelatin capsules, are ideal for this. Instead of ingestion, open the capsule and add a few drops of the product to the oil. Apply the mask for half an hour, and massage the eyelids before removing.
- Vegetable oil and parsley juice. The simplest mask for eyelash growth at home, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness. You can use either olive or almond oil, or ordinary sunflower oil. The solution should be applied carefully. Parsley juice or aloe must be added to it. This mixture must be applied forever for 15 minutes, massage and rinse with warm water.
Recommendations of cosmetologists
We recommend using not only folk remedies for eyelash growth at home, but also follow the advice of cosmetologists on caring for them.
- Do not forget about healing herbs. They tone the skin, eliminate inflammation of the eyelids, remove toxins, so the cilia grow and renew faster. So useful are the infusions of sage, chamomile flowers and cornflowers. Perfectly renews the tone of the skin of the eyelids with ordinary black tea. Brew useful plants, let the broth brew. Then make compresses: dip a cotton swab and apply to the eyelids. After 15 minutes, remove the swab and grease the cilia with care oil.
- Take care of the ages. Only healthy, edema-free skin can nourish hairs well. Therefore, regularly take care of her with the help of folk remedies. Quick masks from slices of cucumber or potatoes, which should be used raw, will help to remove swelling.
- Eat right. Throughout the year, do not forget about a balanced, vitamin-rich diet. And in winter, include vitamin complexes in the diet. Your eyelashes need vitamins A and E, as well as B vitamins.
And finally, do not forget to give your cilia a rest. Once a week, for example, on weekends do not paint with mascara. Better make a caring mask and a tonic compress.