Pine kidneys: use in folk medicine for cough, skin and joint diseases

Pine buds (young shoots of common pine) exhibit pronounced expectorant and antimicrobial effects, however, alternative medicine uses raw materials much more widely. Herbal medicine is used to treat neurological disorders and metabolic disorders. Its anti-inflammatory effect is noted, both at the local and systemic levels.
Pine buds on a branch

Under natural conditions, this conifer grows in Europe and Asia. It belongs to centenarians - it has been developing for about 300 years. Shoots appear after the individual reaches the age of 30.

Harvesting of raw materials

For harvesting and use for medical purposes it is necessary to look for pines in ecologically clean places. Otherwise, they accumulate not only useful, but also harmful substances. Usually, the collection is carried out at the leshozes after obtaining an appropriate permit. This can not be done in forest plantations - after cutting branches with buds, the plant slows down in development.

Only young shoots with tightly pressed scales, a greenish and pinkish-brown surface are harvested. The kink should also be greenish and pinkish. Opened shoots lose their resins and volatile production, so their healing properties are reduced.

  • Collection. Branches with a crown of buds at the end (no more than 3 cm in length) are cut from young individuals.
  • Training. The buds are separated from the end of the branch with a knife or secateurs. Sort out, removing spoiled and those whose flakes are revealed.
  • Drying. They are laid out in a thin layer on a pallet covered with paper or parchment. The pallet is placed in a shaded area. Warm attics and verandas are suitable. It is dried for two weeks until all the raw materials become hard and brittle.
  • Storage. For packaging, use multilayer cardboard boxes, vessels of glass and porcelain with tightly lapped lids. Tightness is important for preserving useful substances in raw materials. Save shoots up to two years. Store in dark rooms with dry air and good ventilation.
Do not process raw materials in a dryer, oven, leave in open sunlight. This will lead to the melting of the resin, the disclosure of scales and the evaporation of nutrients.


Traditional medicine uses raw materials as an expectorant and antimicrobial agent. Herbalists also distinguish other effects of phytomedicine:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • deodorant;
  • fortifying;
  • diuretic;
  • blood purifying;
  • calming.

The listed therapeutic possibilities of the plant are explained by its chemical composition.

  • Essential oil. This is the most pharmacologically active substance in the shoots. Due to the content of terpenoid aromatic compounds (limolen, karen, pinene, terpineol), it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, urine excretion. Provides a sedative effect of the plant, immunostimulating and complex antimicrobial.
  • Resins They have antiseptic, astringent, irritating properties. Also gently stimulate the formation and excretion of bile, promote tissue regeneration.
  • Bitterness. They determine the secretory effect, stimulate appetite, and contribute to the accelerated recovery of the body after suffering illnesses.
  • Tannins. They have astringent, anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties. They accelerate the regeneration of damaged epithelium, stabilize the intestinal microflora.
  • Flavonoids. They stimulate the immune system and the function of blood formation, have cholesterol-lowering abilities, normalize the state of blood vessels, strengthen them, and regulate blood pressure.
  • Alkaloids. They have an analgesic effect, anti-inflammatory. They stabilize the nervous system, have sedative and neuroprotective properties.

Vitamins A, E, K, P, and the entire spectrum of group B were also found in raw materials.

In traditional medicine, mainly aqueous extracts from raw materials are used. Folk recipes are more diverse - they also make dairy extracts, potions with honey, alcohol tinctures from the shoots. It is scientifically proven that ethyl alcohol enhances the pharmacological activity of pine buds. However, vodka medications are contraindicated for hypertension, alcoholism and children.

Pine kidney

Healing properties

The most widely used phytomedicine is used externally - lotions, rinses, inhalations, compresses are made. In particular, it is effective in the treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, sinusitis, rhinitis. Compresses from water extracts and rubbing with alcohol extracts are relevant for joint inflammation, gout, arthrosis, sprains, bruises, radiculitis and neuralgia. Broths treat wounds and open injuries of the epidermis. Including burns and frostbite. Infectious and inflammatory skin lesions are treated - fungal and bacterial diseases, scabies, psoriasis, eczema. To enhance the effectiveness of therapy, external and internal use of shoot preparations is combined.

Also, raw materials are considered useful in the following cases.

  • Cough. The tool is used for bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis. Recommended in the treatment of tuberculosis. Irritating the ciliated epithelium, the raw material stimulates the excretion of viscous and even purulent sputum. It is sometimes prescribed for bronchial asthma.
  • Condition after stroke. The tool helps to restore damaged nerve endings. In the long run, restores motor activity of the limbs.
  • OH YEAH. Not only external, but also internal use is appropriate for various diseases of the joints, muscles, and pinched nerves. Also, the phyto-remedy relieves pain and internal inflammatory processes with gout.
  • Vessels. Preparations from pine shoots help stabilize blood pressure, normalize the biochemical composition of blood. In addition, they cleanse the vessels and prevent the deposition of cholesterol on their walls (the development of atherosclerosis).
  • The kidneys. Shoots are used in the complex therapy of edema of various origins, ascites, for the prevention and elimination of urinary calculi.
  • Gastrointestinal tract. Recommended for digestive disorders, for the prevention of ulcers, gastritis, cancer.
  • Frequent colds. Phyto-raw materials stimulate the body's defenses, increase resistance to cold provocateurs and infectious agents. It also prevents the development of scurvy and seasonal vitamin deficiency.
  • Women Health. Extracts from shoots are recommended in the premenopausal period. They prevent pressure surges, hot flashes, the development of inflammation.
Herbal remedies should be taken carefully and after consulting a doctor, since individual sensitivity reactions are not excluded.

Prescription Drugs

Raw materials for the preparation of home medicines can be purchased at the pharmacy. Possible simultaneous use of hoods externally and inward To improve the taste, phytopreparations can be taken with sweetened tea.

Milk broth

Features Used in the treatment of tuberculosis, dry cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. It softens the upper respiratory tract, activates the elimination of sputum. It is advisable to use fresh and fat homemade milk.

Preparation and use

  1. Pour a teaspoon of raw material into enameled dishes.
  2. Pour a glass of cold milk.
  3. Put on moderate heat, bring to a boil, continue to heat for another three to five minutes, reducing the heat.
  4. After ten minutes, the product is filtered.
  5. Use warm four times a day for a couple of tablespoons.
To enhance the effect, a teaspoon of honey is added to the cooled milk broth.

Inhalation Concentrate

Features Hot is used for inhalation, and after cooling - for washing wounds, compresses on joints, treating psoriatic rashes. By increasing the number of components by five times, you can prepare a concentrate for the bathroom, which helps with joint and nervous diseases.

Preparation and use

  1. 60 g of raw materials (about six full tablespoons) are poured with a liter of water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, heat for another ten minutes.
  3. After an hour of infusion, filter, use externally.


Features It is used for all indications characteristic of herbal medicine. A new preparation should be prepared daily.

Preparation and use

  1. A tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. The container is covered and wrapped to maintain heat.
  3. After two hours of insisting, the product is filtered.
  4. Take 30-50 ml up to four times a day.


Features It can be used inside and out. Suitable for rubbing the skin with joint and muscle pain (provided there are no open wounds in the areas of application).

Preparations and application

  1. 10 g of raw material is poured into a glass container of 100 ml of pure high-quality vodka.
  2. The container is tightly closed, left to insist in warmth for two weeks.
  3. Shake the container daily.
  4. Take a teaspoon three times a day. For severe infections, use a dessert spoon.
The treatment should be long. For example, cough therapy is carried out another week after the symptoms of the disease disappear. With joint diseases, the course lasts about three months.

Cosmetic procedures

Hoods improve the condition of hair, face and body skin. You can use it in different ways.

  • For hair. A water extract rinses the hair when it falls out and is oily. The tool accelerates the growth of strands, eliminates dandruff.
  • From cellulite and acne on the body. Baths with concentrate can get rid of cellulite and rashes on the body, improve skin color, increase its elasticity.
  • Against a fungus. Water extracts can rinse the skin of the feet and hands with fungal infections. This will provide accelerated elimination of infection, neutralization of unpleasant odors and excessive sweating.
For allergies to raw materials, external use of the product is also prohibited. You can not apply extracts of their pine buds to the face skin in its pure form - this is fraught with the development of dermatosis and irritation.

In addition to hypersensitivity reactions, the contraindications of phytomedicine include: age up to 12 years, periods of pregnancy and lactation. With caution should be used for diseases of the kidneys and liver, disorders in the work of the heart.

Pine cone syrup


Real help with coughing, my husband has chronic bronchitis, I have been relieving it with my son for a month with all kinds of herbs, potions, inhalations of all kinds, don’t take anything really, they just grumble, they say how much you can drink with us, it doesn’t help))))) )

And then once before going to bed we breathed, (inhalation with broth) we drank the infusion .... and in the morning I first heard from my husband, and you know, it really helped, for the first time in so many YEARS !!!! easier in the morning, not such a cough !!! So quality is not always in price ... I understood this for a long time))) Their prescription and dose are fully described on the package, they are sold in all pharmacies!


Cough literally choked me at night, even woke up and woke everyone around. My mother suffers from chronic bronchitis (with a cough) and she recommended that I drink a decoction from the pine kidneys. At first I was too lazy to cook it, but then, when the cough tablets did not help, I decided to try it.
I bought a drug collection of pine buds from the Russian manufacturer Altai-Pharm in the first pharmacy that came across. I read on the packaging how to cook the broth, and began to drink it daily. A quick effect is not worth the wait. This is a folk, slow-acting remedy. But after three weeks it helped me. The cough decreased, stopped strangling me at night. Sputum, though it still leaves a little when coughing. I guess I had bronchitis.


I recently plucked my voice, and I was recommended to drink pine buds. Before, I didn’t know that they were sold in a pharmacy and were drunk (and this despite the fact that I drank a lot of herbs), so I was really surprised.

In the pharmacy, I easily found these kidneys, the price came out inexpensively - there was a 20% discount in the pharmacy, I was just lucky. On the second day, I felt something begin to recede from my throat, and gradually my voice began to erupt. Soon, I began to speak better, and then a normal voice appeared.


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