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For oriental medicine, licorice is as valuable as root ginseng. It is associated with beauty, youth, longevity, is included in many medical fees and is recommended for older people. The plant not only heals, but also prevents many diseases. Among them are lesions of the digestive tract, lymphatic system, lungs and bronchi. Licorice is a hormone-active plant. It is able to even out hormones in women, helps men to overcome some diseases of the genital area.
Botanical characteristic
The most useful root and rhizomes of licorice. It is there that the majority of biologically active substances are concentrated. For medicinal purposes, licorice is usually used. It can be found in the eastern part of Europe, in the southeast of Russia, on the Black Sea coast. The second medicinal species - Ural licorice - is common in Siberia and the Caucasus Mountains. It grows well in the steppe and semi-desert terrain, since the root system of the plant is able to reach even deep underground waters with a depth of about 6 m.
You can distinguish a plant from others by morphological characteristics.
- Are common. The plant from the legume family is a herbaceous perennial in height reaching 1.5-2 m.
- The roots. There is a central root, many-headed shortened rhizome and stolons. The central root penetrates deep into the soil to actively supply the plant with moisture. The rhizome is thickened, one-two-meter shoots, called stolons, depart from it. They have buds that give other stems. The developed underground part of the plant can form a whole grid, occupying impressive areas. This is due to the restoration of licorice populations even with active harvesting.
- Stem. Erect, cylindrical. May be branched at the top. It is covered with imperceptible pressed hairs.
- Leaves. Placed on the stem alternately. Unpaired, reach a length of 20 cm. They are formed by elongated egg-shaped leaves, the surface of which is slightly sticky due to the presence of glands. The edge is solid, can be bent down. Ural licorice is wavy.
- Flowers. The plant blooms from June to July. Inflorescences are brushes, in licorice naked - loose, and in the Urals - dense and large. Formed by moth flowers characteristic of legumes. The color of inflorescences is from pink-purple to white-purple. Delicate sweet aroma. The average size of inflorescences varies from 9 to 15 cm.
- Fruit. Ripen from August to September. Represented by long curved beans, with leathery boxes. Ural licorice is characterized by a sickle-shaped bend of the fruit.
Harvesting raw materials
Licorice is specially grown for harvesting for medicinal purposes. Plantations are in China, France, Italy and in other countries.Rhizomes and roots can be collected at any time of the year, however, the most useful substances in them are found in early spring and late autumn. At this time, the roots are removed from the soil, thoroughly shaken from it. Dried whole or crushed, outdoors in a shaded place or using dryers. In the latter case, do not use temperatures above 60 ° C.
In the biologically active complex of the plant there are substances that have a beneficial effect on the body in several directions at once. The highest concentrations are as follows.
- Saponins. They have antibacterial, enveloping, diuretic, choleretic and laxative properties. Most glycyrrhizin in licorice. This saponin makes the roots extremely sweet. It also stimulates the work of the ciliary epithelium lining the bronchi, which provides an expectorant effect of the plant. When enzymatically processed in the body, saponin is converted to glycyrrhizic acid - a substance with anti-inflammatory activity that works in almost all tissues and organs of the human body.
- Glycosides. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the myocardium, eliminate heart rhythm disturbances, and normalize blood pressure indicators. Glycosides are able to regulate the state of smooth muscles. Liquiricin relaxes sphincters in all parts of the digestive tract, improving its motility and providing a mild laxative effect of licorice preparations.
- Flavonoids. Licorice contains about three dozen of them. This gives the plant high antioxidant activity. Licorice preparations are able to neutralize free radicals, prolonging the body's youth at the cellular level. Flavonoids have a vasoprotective effect - they improve blood circulation, regulate blood viscosity, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Also, an immunostimulating effect is characteristic of these substances.
- Bitterness. Licorice stimulates appetite, normalizes gastric motility, activates the release of pancreatic juice and bile, thereby improving digestion.
- Polysaccharides. Among them, starch and other carbohydrates. Some of them, when swollen, form mucus, which makes licorice root a quality enveloping medicine. Pectin compounds provide cleansing the body of toxins of exogenous and endogenous origin. This allows the plant to be used in the treatment of intoxication, during the recovery period after infections.
- Essential oil. Licorice contains a very small amount of oil, but it is enough for the antibacterial properties of the plant. Licorice is able to stop the activity of provocateurs of ulcers and various intestinal pathogenic microbes.
- Tannins. These compounds give licorice a local anti-inflammatory, astringent and antimicrobial effect, which is manifested when taken internally and externally with preparations from the plant. Tannins create an albumin film on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, which helps protect damaged areas of the epithelium from mechanical and chemical irritants, and accelerate the healing of wounds or ulcers.
Healing properties
The scope of licorice is diverse in official medicine: it treats cough, includes fees for the stomach, kidneys, teas to stimulate metabolism. Licorice root is even more widely used in folk medicine. It is called the root of youth.
Respiratory system
Licorice is a classic remedy for dry cough that accompanies bronchitis and pneumonia. But popularly used in the treatment of wet cough with tuberculosis, croupous bronchitis, asthma, allergic cough. The drug also copes with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract with tracheitis, laryngitis. Often, just a few days of its use lead to the transition of cough into a productive type.
With SARS and influenza, the anti-febrile properties of the plant are also relevant - it reduces the temperature, as well as the severity of weakness and aches in the body. The mechanism of action is to accelerate the production of interferon and the speedy elimination of viral and bacterial agents from the patient's body.
Gastrointestinal tract
Licorice root can accelerate the healing of ulcers and damage to the gastric mucosa. As a coating agent, it works well with hyperacid gastritis. It is used in the complex treatment of diseases of the liver, bile, biliary tract. It also regulates the functioning of the intestines, weakens the manifestations of colitis, helps to overcome inflammation in hemorrhoids. It has a mild laxative effect, facilitating the bowel movement, even with a tendency to severe constipation.
Endocrine system
Liquorice root can eliminate metabolic disorders caused by hyperthyroidism. A herbal remedy helps to remove excess electrolytes from the body, and therefore fights with some types of edema. Under the supervision of a doctor, licorice can be used in the complex treatment of diabetes. The tool can reduce the risk of complications of this disease (vascular weakness, blurred vision, other metabolic disorders).
It is known about the estrogen-like action of raw materials. The plant helps to increase estrogen levels by normalizing the cycle, eliminating the manifestations of PMS, alleviating the symptoms of menopause. It is used for various inflammatory lesions of the female genital organs.
In case of insufficiency of the adrenal cortex in men, the use of licorice can reduce the need for high doses of replacement hormones. Also, steroid components help to cope with prostate adenoma, normalize urination in this disease.
Heart and blood vessels
Licorice root can be a source of nutrients for the vascular walls. This will ensure their strength, prevent fragility of the capillaries, improve blood circulation. The metabolic properties of the plant contribute to the regulation of lipids in the blood. This property can be used in complex therapy and prevention of atherosclerotic lesions of arteries.
Body cleansing
Licorice is also able to cleanse all organs and tissues of the human body from toxins, toxins, free radicals, heavy metals. The medicinal plant can be used to treat intoxication, including medicinal and alcoholic. But this should be done under the supervision of a specialist and with the use of conventional sorbents.
The composition of the plant positively affects the functioning of the kidneys and the excretory system as a whole. The root eliminates renal inflammation, prevents the formation of calculi, normalizes the process of urine excretion, even in the presence of inflammatory pathologies of the urinary ducts.
Regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of licorice root are relevant for various skin lesions. The plant accelerates recovery with:
- wounds;
- abscesses;
- infected lesions;
- trophic ulcers;
- pressure sores;
- fungal skin lesions;
- psoriasis
- eczema
- dermatitis;
- urticaria;
- allergic rash.
Compresses and internal administration are combined for various joint pathologies: arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism, after fractures, arthrosis, with bruises, dislocations, sprains. The malt root will not only ease the pain, but also accelerate the resorption of hematomas, reduce swelling, and facilitate movement.
Importance in Cosmetology
Licorice is used to prepare cosmetics and enrich the composition of ready-made preparations for the skin. The plant eliminates excessive fat, heals acne and purulent rashes, provides a sufficient level of hydration, fights against irregularities in the structure of the epidermis and age spots.
Extracts from licorice contribute to high-quality, but gentle cleansing of the skin, so they are also used in professional cosmetology. Add to lotions, gels for intimate areas. Licorice-based tonics are a good way to maintain youthful skin.
Prescription Drugs
In the pharmacy, you can buy ready-made preparations based on the root or dried raw materials for self-preparation of medicines. Among the pharmacies, the following are available.
- Syrup. It is often prescribed for dry cough for children, it is successfully used to normalize the work of the digestive tract. It has a sugary sweet taste, but is stronger than water extracts. Suitable for indoor use. Use is undesirable for diabetes.
- Tablet extract. It has the commercial name "Glyciram" and an extensive list of indications. Among them are obstructive pulmonary diseases, dry cough, gastrointestinal tract diseases, constipation, asthenic syndrome, asthma, dermatitis. Not applicable in children. The maximum dose for adults is 12 tablets per day. Do not take longer than one and a half months.
- Raw materials. Dried shredded licorice roots, which have passed standardization, are packaged in packages. The advantage of such raw materials is the known amount of nutrients, the predicted effect. It can be used at home for the manufacture of medicines according to different recipes, which allows you to find the most suitable tool for each specific case.
Due to the density of the raw materials, it is possible to prepare a decoction, tincture or grind it into powder for internal use or brewing.
Features Used in the treatment of all the above diseases. The dose should be selected individually, focusing on your own feelings.
Preparation and use
- A tablespoon of crushed licorice roots is placed in a container, pour a glass of boiling water, mix the mixture.
- Put the container on a slow fire, bring to a boil, and then simmer over minimal heat for three to five minutes.
- Remove the container from the stove and wrap it with a blanket or towel for two hours so that the raw materials are better brewed.
- After filtering, the product can be taken. The minimum dose is a tablespoon three times a day. With a strong cough or serious problems with the digestive organs, take a decoction up to six times a day.
Alcohol extractor hood
Features Used for general strengthening of the body, with metabolic and gynecological disorders, in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
Preparation and use
- 20 g of licorice root is poured into 100 g of alcohol (70%).
- The container is tightly corked and put in a cool dark place for two weeks, shake the tincture daily.
- After the expiration of the infusion, the resulting product is filtered through several layers of gauze in a bottle for storage.
- Take 20-25 drops of the drug twice a day. (You can pre-dilute in a small amount of water).
Allergy rarely occurs on licorice, however, this phenomenon should not be ruled out. The first doses of the drug should be less than recommended in order to protect yourself from immediate reactions or severe allergic rashes.
In some cases, asthmatics exhibit sensitivity to the plant, despite the practice of treating this disease with licorice. In this case, consult a doctor before using the herb. This approach is relevant for people with diabetes, cores, and nervous disorders. Individual sensitivity to the plant is the main contraindication. In other cases, exceptions are possible on the recommendation of a doctor.
Also herbal medicine is prohibited when:
- hypertension
- edema on the background of heart disease;
- heart failure;
- impaired kidney function;
- potassium deficiency in the body;
- concurrent administration of diuretics;
- cirrhosis.
Never use licorice in any trimester of pregnancy. It can provoke hormone fluctuations and cause miscarriage. Changing the balance of electrolytes causes edema. As a provocateur of water retention in the body, licorice can cause an increase in symptoms of toxicosis or even gestosis.
One of the most remarkable ingredients for sensitive skin (especially when combined withcalendula)! Visibly calms the skin literally from the first to second application. And gives excellent results with various skin sores.
Licorice is the only thing that helps me from dry cough for many years. However, I have no other. During pregnancy, it was treated with a breast collection 4. It includes a bunch of herbs and licorice, including. According to the instructions, pregnant women should be taken with caution.
Nina Viktorovna,
Licorice, at high dosages, can actually cause an increase in blood pressure. This happened to me a long time ago, there was no mention of this property of licorice anywhere, but the attending physician turned out to be knowledgeable and suggested that the pressure surge could be caused precisely by the excessive use of syrup, which helped cough well. At that time, hypertension had not yet suffered.
Elena D,
The fact that licorice has numerous beneficial properties, I knew for a long time. My grandmother was a herbalist. She collected various plants all year round. It was she who taught me not only to distinguish plants, but also to use them for their intended purpose, that is, for the treatment of certain diseases. I turned to licorice for help only once. I used it to treat gastritis, which made itself felt about five or six years ago. I can say that licorice really helped me then.
I was also threatened with lymphopharesis, but my mother was strongly opposed. I got drunk with licorice root with enterosgel, I don’t remember exactly the timing, but I drank about three months a day exactly three times a day.You know, the sensation, as if all the dirt from the body was sucked out, improved and overall health, and weakness with pallor after the disease have passed. And when I came to the pulmonologist for an appointment, she did not even believe that I did not do the recommended procedure, since there were no signs of transferred pneumonia. Amazing remedy =)