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Sophora has no natural analogues. The healing properties and the special biologically active composition of all parts of the plant are well studied, however, in folk medicine there are new ways and areas of application of the plant. The value for medicine is represented by fruits and buds, which concentrate beneficial substances and oils. Science has proven the content of antioxidants in the foliage, bark and roots of the plant, although their traditional medicine does not use.
Botanical characteristic
You can see wild-growing Sophora only in eastern countries. This is a symbol of Beijing, common throughout China and Japan. In the vastness of Russia, the plant is found only in particularly warm climatic conditions - in the Black Sea region and in the Caucasus. There it is actively cultivated for harvesting for medical purposes.
The tree adapts to the absence of light and moisture, grows well on clay and sandy and solonchak soils, but does not tolerate frost and does not like areas exposed to the wind.
As a typical representative of the legume genus, the Japanese sophora tree has special morphological characteristics.
- Are common. Deciduous tree, reaches a height of 20-25 meters. Crohn branchy, forms a kind of ball. Sophora is especially appreciated for its appeal. The root system is well developed. The bark is gray in color; it has cracks on the trunk and old branches. On young branches and shoots it is green.
- Leaves. Unpaired, formed by small elongated oval-shaped leaves with a sharp end. Their surface is bright green, and the lower side with a bluish tint. Foliage, like branches, can be covered with short hairs, rough to the touch.
- Flowers. Japanese sophora blooms once every two years. Large apical brushes are located at the ends of the branches, formed by the typical yellow bean moth flowers of light yellow color. The plant exudes a very delicate, pleasant aroma. The buds are formed in June, flowering continues until August.
- Fruit. Ripen from September to October. They are represented by jointed non-opening beans with a fleshy pericarp and many seeds. The ripened seeds are reddish, almost black. In winter, the fruits remain on the branches, since they do not fall on their own.
Harvesting raw materials
For folk and official medicine, unblown flowers of Sophora, as well as fruits along with seeds, are of medicinal value. Their harvesting is done manually. They begin to collect at a time when both the buds and the fruits are still greenish. This ensures timely drying of the raw materials and the preservation of valuable components in it.
Sophora is dried in natural conditions. The raw materials are laid out in a thin layer in the shade and regularly turned over to dry evenly and prevent the dampness of individual parts. The resulting raw material is odorless, and therefore stored under normal conditions, in bags of thick paper. Shelf life is two years from the date of packaging. Further, beneficial substances lose their activity.
The richest and most valuable is the chemical composition of the buds of Sophora, as well as its fruits. The pharmacological properties of flavonoids are determined.These are phenolic substances that have a wide range of therapeutic effects on the human body. In the highest concentration found:
- routine;
- kempferol;
- quercetin;
- Sophorin A;
- Sforin B;
- sophoroside.
Thanks to flavonoids, buds and fruits strengthen vascular walls, normalize their permeability, eliminate vascular fragility, and protect against heart attacks and strokes. Flavonoids improve blood formation and the biochemical composition of blood, eliminate excess glucose and cholesterol. They are characterized by antioxidant properties - they bind and excrete free radicals that damage cells and provoke premature aging, diseases, and oncology. Anti-inflammatory effect is also characteristic.
The plant contains three alkaloids:
- pachycarpin;
- sofocarpine;
- matrine.
Thanks to these substances, sophora is able to regulate blood pressure, normalize central and peripheral blood flow. Alkaloids positively affect the functional activity of the myocardium, reduce its oxygen demand, and normalize the strength of heart contractions. The miostimulating effect of alkaloids is manifested by an improvement in the activity of striated muscles, as well as an increase in the tone of smooth muscles, in particular, myometrium.
Sophora is also rich in fatty oils. They are actively involved in optimizing the functioning of the immune system and the endocrine system. The plant normalizes the hormonal background, facilitates the onset of menopause. The hormonal activity of fruits and buds is used to eliminate problems in the field of gynecology.
Organic acids of the plant contribute to the normalization of digestion, the regulation of metabolism. Sugar-lowering abilities are appropriate for diabetes, as well as in the process of losing weight. The plant helps to accelerate metabolic processes.
Healing properties
The composition of the plant provides a variety of therapeutic effects of drugs based on Japanese Sophora:
- vasoprotective;
- antioxidant;
- antitumor;
- anti-inflammatory;
- regenerating;
- hemostatic;
- immunostimulating;
- antibacterial;
- astringent.
A set of actions allows physicians and phytotherapists to use the plant to treat a wide variety of diseases. Most often, raw materials are used in the following areas.
- Gynecology. Culture eliminates the inflammatory processes in the female reproductive organs, as well as infectious lesions of the mucous membranes. Extracts from the plant are effective against uterine bleeding, to accelerate the recovery of the uterus after abortion. Means from Sophora are used to reduce the symptoms of menopause, normalize hormonal levels. Among the indications for use: vaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis, infertility, thrush.
- Oncology. Japanese Sophora has pronounced antitumor properties. Timely use of the plant provides a stop to the development of the malignant process and prevents the metastasis of cancer cells. General strengthening and immunostimulating properties allow you to support the patient after chemotherapy, in the rehabilitation period. The tool is effective for the prevention of severe oncological diseases.
- Heart and blood vessels. Phytomedicine is indispensable for hypertensive patients and diabetics. Patients in this category have an increased risk of stroke, internal bleeding, hemorrhages in the eyes and retina. Sophora warns of all these complications. It improves peripheral blood flow, saturates tissues with oxygen. Effectively helps against varicose veins and vasculitis due to regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, the drug is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis.Hypertension, hypotension, coronary heart disease is also within the power of this plant, if used in combination with drugs.
- Digestive tract. Hoods relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, heal small ulcers, erosion, normalize acidity, and optimize the functioning of the digestive glands. Sophora improves the functioning of the pancreas, cleanses the liver, and improves the gall. Extremely useful plant for intestinal disorders. It also helps with autoimmune lesions, for example, ulcerative colitis, as well as with infectious disorders.
Effective culture and skin problems. Thanks to her, it is possible to alleviate the course of psoriasis and eczema. Quickly heals trophic ulcers, infected wounds, abscesses, burns, frostbite, eliminates allergic urticaria, dermatitis.
The plant is added to facial cosmetics, for acne and acne. Hoods are used from hair loss and to normalize their growth.
Prescription Drugs
The drugs, the recipes of which are given below, can be used for the treatment and prevention of all of these pathologies. It is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the body - if the condition worsens, side effects, allergies take the drug should be stopped.
Features A decoction of the fruits is used to normalize the functioning of internal organs, the nervous system, improve the digestion process, stimulate the immune system and prevent internal bleeding.
Preparation and use
- Two tablespoons of fruit are placed in an enameled container, pour two glasses of water.
- The container is put on a slow fire, heated to a boil, boiled for five minutes.
- After an hour of infusion, the product is filtered, consumed in half a glass three times a day.
Features The extract is used internally and externally. They can heal skin lesions, cure stomatitis, tonsillitis, eliminate pain and swelling of inflamed joints. But the drug should be taken carefully, as it can enhance blood coagulation.
Preparation and use
- A tablespoon of fruit or buds is poured with a glass of boiling water in a thermos.
- Leave to infuse for two hours, after which it is filtered.
- The resulting product is taken three times a day for a tablespoon. Topically applied in the form of compresses and lotions for half an hour twice a day.
Alcohol tincture
Features Alcohol extracts have particularly high efficiency. The reason is
good solubility of the active components in ethanol. Tincture is used for the treatment of neurasthenic and hormonal problems, atherosclerosis, bleeding disorders, pneumonia and in the complex treatment of malignant tumors.
Preparation and use
- 50 g of raw material is poured into 0.5 l of vodka. To increase the concentration of nutrients, the fruits are pulverized.
- Insist the product for a month in a dark, cool place, regularly shaking the vessel.
- After insisting, filter in a bottle for storage, put in the refrigerator.
- Take 20 drops three times a day, on an empty stomach.
Vinegar tincture
Features The remedy with apple cider vinegar is especially effective for metabolic disorders, as well as for vascular weakness and varicose veins.
Preparation and use
- 50 g of raw materials, crushed into powder, pour 0.5 l of apple cider vinegar.
- Insist a month in a dark place.
- The filtering field is consumed in a tablespoon in the morning, diluting the product in a glass of water at room temperature.
Contraindications phyto-drugs from Sophora: periods of pregnancy and lactation, childhood, as well as increased blood coagulation. In other cases, the drug can be taken in the absence of individual sensitivity. The ban on the time of bearing a child is relevant due to the myostimulating effect of the plant.
Due to the sedative effect, caution should be exercised when taking funds from Sophora. They can disturb the concentration of attention, and in case of overdose, cause drowsiness and apathy.