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The popularity of "wellness" baths with soda is understandable. Well, which of us doesn’t want to lie down for half an hour in a pleasant little water and get out of it with two kilograms of weight lost? This method seems to work wonders! But in fact, its danger far exceeds the positive impact.
How to make a soda bath for cellulite at home
How long does it take to lie in such a miracle bath? To prepare soda baths for bathing and losing weight you need ...
- Get a full bath of very hot water. Its temperature should be so high that it was almost impossible to lie in it. Well, at least sit down ...
- Dissolve 200 grams of soda and 500 grams of sea salt in it. Aromatic oils can be added to relax (for example, conifers or citrus fruits). They also recommend combining soda and ginger for weight loss, especially if you like the smell of spicy root.
- Lie down or sit in the bathroom, spend at least 20 minutes in it.
- Get out of the bathroom and stand on the scales. Your mass should be reduced by 1.5 - 2 kilograms.
How does a bath with soda work
The principle of the method of losing weight with baking soda is to heat the body. The body, finding itself in a critically hot environment, seeks to protect itself. First, there is a sharp expansion of blood vessels, and then their instant spasm. This happens in order to reduce the danger to the most important internal organs - the heart, kidneys.
Then the body begins to lower its own temperature. He can do this in two ways: through breathing, which is impossible, because it is very hot around. Or through cooling the surface of the skin, which happens by ... perspiration. Being in hot water, in which an alkaline environment is created thanks to soda and salt, the body begins to sweat, removing moisture through the pores.
According to doctors’s opinions, soda baths for weight loss are able to “stretch” up to 1 liter of fluid from the blood and lymph during the first procedure and about 300 ml for each subsequent. As a result, you really lose weight, so the question is, does soda for weight loss help answer yes. This only happens because of the extremely dangerous dehydration process, and the effect does not last long: literally until the second cup of tea after the bath.
Is sodium carbonate bath dangerous
If you are completely healthy, it will not do you any harm. But you will not notice any benefit either. But if you suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, a soda bath for weight loss is the harm of pure water (such a pun). For whom is she especially dangerous? For people suffering from the following diseases.
- Hypertension. Immersion in hot water provides instant expansion of blood vessels. Blood intensively accelerates throughout the body, blood pressure rises. After the procedure, hypertensive crisis and hospitalization are possible.
- Heart rhythm disturbance. Due to the expansion and rapid spasm of blood vessels, normal heart function is lost. Understanding this, even fans of a soda bath for weight loss, whose reviews are pushing many to experiment, do not recommend diving into the water on the shoulders. It’s quite enough and simple to sit in it, or it can even turn into a warm blanket with hot lotions on problem areas.In the end, the whole action of the procedure is to heat the body, and soda is just such a “folk accessory”. So by and large, you can do without it at all. And you will not notice the difference.
- Atherosclerosis. When fluid is removed from the body, the blood thickens. This threatens to form blood clots, which is extremely dangerous because of the risk of heart attack and stroke.
- Oncological diseases. I do not think that a person with cancer should go to take a hot bath to lose weight. But a woman who does not even suspect that she is developing a fibroid or a benign formation in her breast may well. It has been proven that high water temperatures stimulate the growth of cancers. And a small tumor that can be detected at an early stage and removed with minimal consequences will very quickly overcome this early stage and become a serious life threat.
So, is losing weight with soda effective? Reviews from doctors and hundreds of women confirm that no. It has no medical justification, and most importantly, it often causes irreparable harm to the body. Even the most harmless bath with soda for weight loss, a recipe and reviews about which are on many women's sites, will only briefly please you with weight loss (maybe only half an hour!) But its consequences can be dire: from increased pressure and arrhythmias to hospitalization with symptoms coronary heart disease. Do you want to conduct such experiments on yourself, it's up to you.
Video: soda baths for weight loss