Homemade head scrub coffee and salt scrub for oily hair

Beautiful thick hair adorn a woman. To grow healthy strands, you need to properly care for your scalp. Keratinized scales, sebum, impurities, the remnants of styling products - all these factors lead to a deterioration in the growth of curls, provoke thinning and hair loss, and sometimes serve as a source of dandruff, itching. Get rid of such problems will help regular peeling. And it is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics: you can easily prepare a scrub for the scalp at home.
The girl washes her head

Properly conducted intensive scrubbing (gommage) of the skin will allow you to restore the health of the hair in a few sessions, restore their smoothness, silkiness. But if you ignore the recommendations, the result can be very disastrous, treatment by a trichologist will be required. To protect yourself from such a fate, be sure to study the rules for peeling.

Why do I need a scrub for the scalp, and how does it work

The scrubbing procedure is, in essence, cleansing the skin. High-quality peeling needs not only the face and body, but also the scalp. Ignoring this rule, you doom your strands to a "painful existence." They lack vitamins, minerals, oxygen. And even the most useful shampoos are not able to break through the keratinized layer formed by dead cells, sebum remnants, and dust.

6 advantages ...

Using a scrub for hair and scalp at home, you act in several directions at once, provide strands with comprehensive care. Trichologists note six beneficial effects of peeling.

  1. Cleansing from the stratum corneum. At the base of the hair is a kind of protective sheath, called the cuticle. Over time, it accumulates dust, dirt from the air. These components are mixed with sebum, dead cells, forming an “impregnable” layer. The surface can only be broken by mechanical action.
  2. Blood circulation stimulation. Scrubbing not only eliminates the harmful layer, but also provides a gentle head massage. And this, in turn, activates blood flow. The hair follicles receive enhanced nutrition, a strong regeneration process is launched.
  3. Strengthening the "breath". Purified integuments receive a greater amount of oxygen, without which some biochemical reactions are impossible.
  4. Cleansing from cosmetics. Cosmetics designed for hair care often remain on the strands even after washing off. Such contaminants gradually accumulate, completely blocking the access of beneficial substances to the hair shaft. As a result, it becomes thinner, begins to split and break. Cleansing scrub gently and effectively eliminates such cosmetic residues.
  5. Fat reduction. Scrubbing is simply necessary for oily strands. The problem of increased fat content is the excessive work of sebaceous plugs. Stimulation of blood circulation allows you to normalize the function of the glands, so that they begin to produce sebum in a smaller amount.
  6. Condition improvement. The complex effect, including enrichment with useful substances, oxygen, cleansing of excess fat and chemicals, allows you to completely restore the hair. Curls become voluminous, their growth is enhanced.
If you are going to use medical masks or oils for the scalp at home, then be sure to start with peeling.Without preliminary scrubbing, the beneficial components contained in medical cosmetics will not be able to fully penetrate the hair follicles and rods.

... and 4 risks

A useful procedure can result in complete failure, if you do not take into account contraindications. To protect your strands from unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to consult a trichologist. The doctor will not only give the go-ahead for peeling, but will also recommend components that are right for you. Experts say that it is better to refuse peeling in four cases.

  1. Skin damage. If there are scratches on the head, wounds, boils, abscesses, the peeling procedure is strictly prohibited.
  2. Pregnancy, lactation. This is the period when a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the future fate of the baby. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not to risk the future of the baby. After all, the affirmative evidence that the components that make up the scrub will not harm the child simply does not exist.
  3. The presence of tumors. Mechanical exposure significantly enhances blood flow. If there are tumors in the head, not only hair follicles, but also neoplasms can receive enhanced nutrition. In the presence of any formations, it is contraindicated to proceed to cosmetic procedures without consulting a doctor.
  4. Skin diseases. If you have dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, then you should not experience aggressive effects of scrubs.
It is not recommended to scrub excessively sensitive skin. This procedure will damage the dermis.

Rules peeling: components and recommendations

Purchasing a professional scrub in the store, most carefully study the indications, recommendations for application. Only the product that is fully suitable for the type of hair is bought, it allows you to solve problems. The same applies to home scrubs.

The choice of cleanser

At home, you can make a variety of hair scrubs. But all of them must contain abrasive particles. This is the main component that provides cleansing. The benefits of such funds are listed in the table below.

Table - Abrasive components, their effects on the skin and recommendations for selection

NameBeneficial effectsIndications for use
Salt (sea, food)- Provides active cell rejuvenation;
- eliminates dandruff;
- saturates with microelements;
- stimulates hair growth;
- regulates the sebaceous glands;
- strengthens hair follicles
- Fatty strands;
- seborrhea;
- hair loss;
- weakened curls;
- slow growth
Fruit seeds (peach, apricot, grape)- Accelerate tissue regeneration;
- saturate with nutrients;
- improve the structure of the hair shaft;
- heal bulbs;
- normalize grease;
- restores water balance
- Weakened strands;
- dry, oily curls;
- hair loss;
- split ends
Clay- White and red clay cleanses the integument;
- black serves as an antiseptic;
- gray and yellow clay provides restoration and regeneration;
- pink nourishes the dermis with minerals;
- green eliminates dandruff;
- blue strengthens the roots
- Greasy hair;
- seborrhea, dandruff, oiliness;
- excessive dryness, brittleness;
- split ends;
- weakened, lifeless hair;
- hair loss
Shredded herbs (chamomile, string, sage, St. John's wort, licorice, nettle)- Eliminate itching;
- struggle with dandruff;
- normalize the water balance in the skin;
- activate hair growth;
- nourish and strengthen follicles
- Hair of any type in need of treatment
Sugar - Stimulates blood supply;
- improves hair growth;
- gives strands shine;
- makes curls strong;
- normalizes grease;
- eliminates dandruff;
- increases volume
- Damaged strands;
- oily hair;
- slow growth;
- weakened, lifeless ringlets
Soda (food only)- Actively exfoliates;
- cleanses sebum
- Fatty strands;
- quickly contaminated hair
Coffee (ground or ground)- Strengthens the roots;
- enhances hair growth;
- gives light strands a coffee shade;
- relieves dandruff;
- protects against loss;
- moisturizes and nourishes the skin
- Dry hair;
- damaged strands;
- thin curls;
- hair loss;
- dandruff
It is important to choose not only abrasive particles, but also to select the appropriate additional components. So, for dry hair, dairy products are considered the most suitable. If the hair is oily, it is better to give preference to drying agents, for example, citruses.

5 subtleties of the procedure

In order to conduct proper scrubbing of the scalp at home and not face unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to listen to the five tips of professionals.

  1. Allergy testing. Before using any product, it is necessary to check it for individual sensitivity. To do this, apply the finished scrub to the elbow or wrist. Wait 15-20 minutes. If during this time no unpleasant reactions occur, we can assume that the drug is suitable.
  2. Application. It is recommended to apply a scrub on dirty locks. To prevent their tangling, beauticians advise slightly moisturizing the curls. Using a comb, divide the hair into strands, gently apply the product. After processing all the curls, carefully massage the scalp.
  3. Proper massage. Scrubbing procedure combined with massage. Therefore, when applying the product, adhere to the correct massage technique. Start from the top of your head, carefully move towards the back of the head. Then from the crown gradually move to the ears, temples. Lastly, work out the top of your head. To do this, start again at the crown, head towards the forehead.
  4. Duration. Head peeling lasts from five to 15 minutes on average. This time is quite enough to eliminate the stratum corneum, to ensure the cleansing of pores. If you apply nutritious scrubs, the exposure time can be increased up to 20 minutes so that all necessary components have time to soak.
  5. Frequency. It completely depends on the type of hair. It is recommended to clean fatty curls once a week. Normal - once every ten days. And for owners of dry strands, one procedure is enough for two weeks.
If the scrubbing procedure is carried out regularly, dyed hair can fade a little. After all, the abrasive component removes not only dirt, but also particles of paint.

5 recipes

How to use a scrub? Home scrubs are preferred not only because of the cheapness and availability of products. The decisive word is the choice of ingredients. Women who make cosmetics with their own hands use natural and healthy ingredients. And they are firmly convinced that no chemistry has been added to these products.

So, how to make a homemade scrub for the scalp in order to effectively cleanse the dermis, accelerate the growth of strands, eliminate dandruff and take care of the density? There are five simple recipes.

Salt in a spoon


Features. Salt scrub based on salt (it is better to take sea) returns curls softness, lightness. This tool will provide hair silky, make them shine. Salt scrub for the scalp is often taken as a basis, by adding other components provide the necessary effect. So, to strengthen the bulbs, cosmetologists advise adding burdock oil, about ten drops. And to eliminate dandruff - lavender or geranium, about three to four drops.


  • salt - five tablespoons;
  • warm water - five tablespoons.


  1. If the salt is coarse, grind it beforehand using a coffee grinder, otherwise you will scratch your skin.
  2. Use a pipette to add warm water: you will not overdose the liquid.
  3. The scrub should take the form of a thick slurry.
  4. If you add additional components, enter x last.
Apply saline scrub to the scalp is recommended for ten minutes.If you have added additional components, increase the procedure time to 15-18 minutes.


Features. For owners of sensitive skin coffee scrub is suitable. You can use both freshly ground powder and the grounds remaining after the aromatic drink. It is recommended to add sour-milk products to the scalp made of coffee to moisturize, nourish and eliminate dryness of the head. If you want to reduce the oiliness of the integument, you can resort to the help of lemon, orange juice.


  • coffee (only natural) - three tablespoons;
  • liquid honey - one tablespoon;
  • cream - two tablespoons;
  • lemon juice (for oily skin) - one teaspoon.


  1. Dilute coffee with fat cream, mix well.
  2. If you are preparing a scrub for oily covers, combine coffee with lemon juice, add a spoonful of warm water to get the desired consistency.
  3. Add any option with honey, mix thoroughly.
This tool is not recommended for use by owners of fair hair. Coffee scrub has the ability to color the strands in brown.

Sugar in a jar

Sugar cleaning

Features. If you need a dandruff scrub for your scalp, use a sugar product. You can improve the appearance of the strands, provide them with strengthening, activate hair growth.


  • shampoo (preferably natural) - two tablespoons;
  • sugar - four tablespoons;
  • lemon essential oil (you can take bergamot or tea tree) - three drops;
  • olive oil - a tablespoon.


  1. Pour the shampoo into a bowl.
  2. Pour sugar, mix the ingredients carefully.
  3. Add olive to the mixture.
  4. Enter the essential oil.


Features. In order to effectively clean the integument and eliminate greasy, it is recommended to use a soda scrub recipe for the scalp. Baking soda will provide an effect even if you just add it to the shampoo (1: 1). But if you want to solve several problems at once: restore the hair, activate its growth, improve the structure - use the following tool.


  • soda - three tablespoons;
  • honey - two teaspoons;
  • shampoo - one tablespoon;
  • grapefruit oil (or lemon balm, lemon) - three drops.


  1. If honey has thickened, melt it in a water bath. Do not allow the product to heat above 40 ºС, otherwise most of the nutrients will be destroyed.
  2. Pour soda into liquid honey, add shampoo.
  3. Stir the mixture.
  4. Enter the essential oil.
Soda scrub is suitable for cleansing oily skin. For owners of dry skin, the product can quickly dry the dermis.

Clay in the Bank


Features. This scrub is recommended for dry skin. This is the best way. It prevents hair loss. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use decoctions of herbs (one teaspoon of dry raw materials per 100 ml of water).


  • blue clay - a tablespoon;
  • a decoction of chamomile (or nettle) - half a tablespoon;
  • honey - half a tablespoon;
  • chicken yolk - one;
  • essential rosemary (you can take bey, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, pines) - three drops.


  1. Separate clay with chamomile broth.
  2. Add honey.
  3. Whisk the yolk in a separate bowl.
  4. Enter the egg mass in a cosmetic product, mix thoroughly.
  5. Add selected ether.

Whatever home scrub for the scalp you choose, you should not be overly carried away by it. Even the most nutritious and useful peels with irrepressible abuse lead to thinning of the hair. Remember the golden rule: everything is good in moderation, so you need to scrub in moderation.

Reviews: "The effect of the" breathing "head"

Salt, sea or table. Take a handful on unwashed but wet hair, rub it into the skin (do not overdo it) ... I do it over a basin, then rinse it with salt water. Then wash off with shampoo. The hair is shiny and generally super. Salt cleanses the scalp and hair from fat and all sorts of muck !!!

A guest, http://www.woman.ru/beauty/hair/thread/3903818/

Honestly, I always use salt before washing my hair. She helped me to get rid of dandruff.What I just didn’t do: I drank vitamins, went to the trichologist, rubbed the oils - all to no avail! And this mask proved to be very effective! Although, this is more of a peeling that removes dead cells. After the procedure, I thoroughly rinse my head, preferably with boiled water, and after that I apply a mask. The hair is beautiful, shiny, became stiffer. In general, I liked it!

Bee, http://www.woman.ru/beauty/hair/thread/3903818/

I tried salt peeling. Fortunately, I washed everything. Shine is really stronger than usual. Plus, due to the ability of salt to absorb fat, the scalp seems to “breathe” and a basal volume has appeared! Before applying this scrub, in order to escape from overdrying, she smeared the ends with amla oil. I like the effect of a "breathing" head.

Lesya001, https://kosmetista.ru/blog/pricheski/14966.html

For a very long time I use salt for peeling the scalp. Initially, she began to use sea salt, because it has a lot of useful trace elements. You need to rub it very gently into wet hair and scalp so as not to damage the skin and not scratch. I do this procedure once a month no more often. And in defense of cooking salt, I can say that the procedures from coarse salt of the kitchen salt changed the fat content of my hair. Previously, I had to wash my hair almost every day, and now every three, or even four days, while my hair is not too dry do not split at the ends. I think that it is salt that helps to maintain the right balance on the scalp.

Svet lana, http://make-ups.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=514

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