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Lip care in winter requires the mandatory use of scrubs. They become not only a lifesaver at the moment when the lips are weathered. But they also make it possible to prevent such conditions, take good care of the lips, provide a deep penetration of emollients and give the lips attractiveness: bright natural color and soft shine.
Benefits of Home Scrubs
On sale today you can find a huge variety of lip care products. Lip scrub is no exception. But is it worth it to use ready-made compounds that are quite expensive, if making houses no less effective is not at all difficult! Moreover, home remedies are preferable: they have a gentle effect on the skin, as they include only natural ingredients (you are also sure of their quality). They have neither perfumes nor preservatives, therefore, the risk of developing allergic reactions is excluded.
In addition, homemade scrub can be just delicious! For example, honey and sugar lip scrub are very popular. Reviews of each product demonstrate their effective effect on the skin, the rapid removal of dry particles, returning it to a healthy appearance. No purchased product can be accidentally licked or swallowed without harm to health. And home - quite!
How to use
It is important not only to know how to make a lip scrub at home, but also to use it correctly. Perform this procedure once a week if the skin is peeling, cracked. Or twice a week, if the skin is in good condition, but you want to give it a healthier look. Perform the procedure as follows.
- Prepare your lips. To do this, dip the cloth in hot water, squeeze it well and attach to the sponges. Hold for 5 minutes and pat them dry with a napkin. Thanks to pre-heating, the product will act more efficiently.
- Apply the composition only on dry lips. Perform this with massaging movements, capturing all their areas. Massage for about 2 minutes, but effortlessly. If you use the product without a pronounced scrub consistency, you can massage the sponge not with your finger, but with a soft-bristled toothbrush. But also without effort!
- Rinse with warm water, gently pat dry with a cloth. Rubbing a sponge is not worth it, since the skin after massage is too susceptible to external factors, and irritation may begin.
- Apply a nourishing cream or moisturizing balm to your lips after the procedure. This is extremely important, despite the presence of moisturizing additives in the composition. Do not use ordinary hygienic lipstick, as it does not have a nourishing effect on the skin, but only covers it with a protective film.
The simplest, tastiest and at the same time effective is a lip scrub made from honey and sugar. There are many recipes with a minimum and a large number of ingredients based on these main components. At the same time, honey takes care of the renewal of the skin, eliminates irritation, and stimulates wound healing. And sugar works as an exfoliating ingredienttherefore, in combination with it, moisturizing components are necessarily used.
Try to prepare such a tool:
- mix a tablespoon of liquid honey with a teaspoon of sugar. Grind the ingredients together, then add half a spoon olive oil;
- apply on lips and massage.During peeling, you will feel how sugar dissolves on the lips.
Sugar Lip Scrub
You can use the simplest recipe.
- Add a few drops of water to a teaspoon of sugar to get a thick consistency.
- Apply to lips and massage, rinse with warm water.
- Then grease the sponge with olive oil.
Add grapefruit to the composition and you will get a rejuvenating agent with fruit acids.
- Mix 3 teaspoons of sugar with 2 tablespoons of grapefruit juice.
- Add a spoonful of heated honey and the same amount of olive oil.
- Rub the product for 30 seconds, rinse with warm water.
- The remainder can be stored in the refrigerator for another week.
Honey Lip Scrub
Honey is a nutrient for the skin of the lips by itself, so they are recommended to lubricate it before bedtime in the winter. If the sponges began to peel off, mix liquid honey with soda in equal proportions, apply to them and massage. Strengthen the healing effect of honey allows olive oil, which perfectly nourishes the skin. If the action of soda is too aggressive, replace it with ground coffee: mix coffee sediment in equal proportions with honey, olive oil and cinnamon. This tool will make the lips sensual and beautiful.
It is recommended to prepare a home lip scrub for literally one procedure. But if the product remains, do not throw it away. Put it in a glass jar, put it in the refrigerator and use it after a week. Keeping a home remedy longer is not worth it, because it has no preservatives, and its effectiveness will significantly decrease.