The alkaline diet menu for the week: the 80 by 20 approach, or the “Miracle” diet from Dr. Young

The main indicators of the human body are in a very narrow limit. For the normal operation of all organs, an optimum temperature of 36.6 ° C has been determined, the amount of liquid and minerals is also subject to strict laws. The acid-base state of the blood ranges from 7.36-7.44 pH. This means that the alkaline state prevails. Improper nutrition and diseases change it to the acid side, which further worsens the condition. Therefore, an alkaline diet has been developed that should help restore balance.
Abundance of alkaline foods

Among the Hollywood stars, the popular alkaline diet of Dr. Robert Young. In his book “Miracle pH”, he outlined the basic views on how to eat in case of acidification of the body. He explains the development of pathological processes, outbreaks of infection or a tendency to certain pathologies with the wrong balance of salts and minerals.

What is acidosis?

Acidity indicators are based on the content of free hydrogen. Its amount in the blood, and therefore throughout the body, is affected by the nature of the diet, special conditions and diseases. But even the changes in the acid composition lead to a deterioration. If the pH drops below 6.9 or rises above 7.9, then this leads to serious disruptions in the work of many organs.

The shift of the acid-base state to the acid side is called acidosis. The pathological causes of this condition may be the following:

  • pregnancy;
  • intestinal infection;
  • starvation;
  • fever;
  • diabetes.

The concentration of the hydrogen indicator can vary to varying degrees. Depending on this, acidosis can be of various types.

  • Compensated. pH does not decrease below the physiological norm, but approaches it. In this case, unpleasant symptoms already appear: shortness of breath, palpitations, increased pressure.
  • Subcompensated. The body already lacks its buffer systems to inhibit the increase in acidity. pH drops to 7.25. In this case, the rhythm of the heart is disturbed, shortness of breath intensifies, vomiting or diarrhea may appear.
  • Decompensated. It is accompanied by disorders of the nervous system, dizziness, drowsiness appears, there may be a violation of consciousness. The manifestations of damage to the cardiovascular system and digestive tract are amplified.

The mechanisms of acidification of the body also differ. If there is inhalation of air with a high content of carbon dioxide or a decrease in respiratory rate, which leads to a delay in carbon dioxide in the blood (hypoventilation of the lungs), this causes gas acidosis. Acidosis also happens to be non-gas.

  • Metabolic. It leads to metabolic disorders, which is why acidic products are formed in the body. For example, with diabetes, the amount of ketone bodies or lactate (lactic acid) increases.
  • Excretory. This disrupts the excretion of acids from the body or increases the loss of alkali. With kidney pathology, some acids are delayed. And with severe diarrhea, alkali is excreted.
  • Exogenous. It develops for external reasons upon receipt of a large number of acids or substances that are metabolized with their formation.

Gout is also associated with the development of acidosis. But there are several reasons. The patient’s metabolism is impaired - as a result, a large amount of uric acid is formed. The pathology of the kidneys leads to a delay in their acid, so the signs of acidosis are increasing. Excess is deposited in the joints, leading to the development of arthritis.Impaired metabolism can also lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Prolonged acidification of the internal environment does not pass without a trace. It can lead to serious pathologies:

  • bowel cancer;
  • stomach cancer;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • bladder cancer;
  • excess weight;
  • muscle system diseases;
  • violation of the immune system.
Some patients with psoriasis practicing therapeutic fasting. A prolonged refusal of food with insufficient fluid intake leads to the development of acidosis, which will only worsen the condition.

Alkaline diet: how to "sit"

The alkaline diet, which can be used for joint pain, is based on the separation of products into groups of acidifying and alkalizing, as well as neutral. Given the identity of each, a menu is built. It is also necessary to adhere to the following rules.

  • Liquid. It is necessary to drink plenty of water, herbal teas, juices are allowed. This helps to remove metabolic products. The optimal use of alkaline mineral water. After eating, you can only drink tea.
  • Vegetables. Digestion of plant foods occurs with the removal of acids and a gradual transition to the alkaline side. Therefore, the acid-base (alkaline) diet is predominantly vegetarian. Vegetables and fruits should be consumed raw. In the process of cooking, some of them go into the list of "sour".
  • Fish and cereals. You can include fish in the diet, but do not overdo it, it should be on the menu no more than three times a week. The same rule applies to cereal cereals.
  • entrance and exit. The transition to a diet should be gradual, do not sharply exclude from the diet absolutely all acidifying foods. The duration of the new type of food should not exceed three to four weeks. The output is also made gradually, including products from the "acid" list in the diet.
  • Ratio. Every day, the diet should contain products from two lists, but for “alkaline”, 75-80% is allocated, and for “sour" - 25-20%.
  • Contraindications. Be sure to take into account the state of the body. Many diseases in the acute phase can be a contraindication to the diet. But such nutrition will help with gastritis with increased secretion.

According to some doctors, the alkaline diet in oncology helps to alleviate the condition of patients, reduce the side effects of treatment. And with the exclusion of fresh pastries, red meat and some other acidifying products, the risk of developing oncology, including breast cancer in women, is reduced.

If an increase in alkaline phosphatase occurs, the diet should be appropriate for the cause of this condition. Often this is a pathology of the liver or biliary tract. Therefore, you will need to adhere to the diet recommended by your doctor.

Separation of products into acidic and alkaline

Correctly build your diet will help the table of products with an alkaline diet. It is divided into acidic and alkalizing groups. That which cannot be used uncontrollably belongs to the "acid" side.

Table - Products

- Dairy and animal fats;
- any meat and seafood;
- any milk;
- alcohol;
- any pastries, sweets;
- coffee
- Vegetable food (cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, garlic, lemon, grapefruit, herbs, etc.);
- nuts and seeds, including flaxseed, fennel, sesame seeds;
- linseed and hemp oil, avocado;
- bean;
- trout, salmon;
- dried fruits
There are no absolute prohibitions, you can eat everything, just observe the correct aspect ratio.

Table: weekly ration

The alkaline diet menu for the week can be made independently, focusing on your taste preferences. Take the example from the table as a basis.

Table - Detailed weekly alkaline diet menu

Day of the weekBreakfast2 breakfastDinnerHigh teaDinner
Monday- Salad of pepper and cucumbers with oil and lemon juice;
- some yogurt
Any whole fruit- Spaghetti from durum wheat;
- mushroom and tomato sauce
Any fruit- Chicken breast;
- Vegetable Salad
TuesdayOmeletteHandful of dried fruit- Cream of mushroom soup;
- the vinaigrette
A handful of nuts- Baked fish;
- Vegetable Salad
WednesdayHot cheese sandwichAny fruitRisotto with vegetablesVegetable Cream SoupBraised Cabbage with Chicken Breast Slices
Thursday- boiled egg;
- half grapefruit
Mix of dried fruits with nutsSalad with vegetables and fetaAny fruitCauliflower in batter with fresh cucumber and tomato
FridayVegetable saladFruit Salad with YogurtSteamed vegetables with a slice of fishA mixture of nuts and seedsKefir refrigerator
SaturdayOmeletteFavorite fruitCarrot and Potato CutletsBerries with yogurtA little rice porridge with chicken breast
SundayCottage cheese with bananaA handful of nutsPotato soupAny fruitTuna Salad

Alkaline diet for weight loss is the best option. At the same time, calorie counting is not required - fresh vegetables prevail in the menu, there is no flour and sweet. A small amount of protein should cover the needs of the body and not lead to acidification.

To choose recipes for an alkaline diet, pay attention to the vegetarian menu. You can fantasize yourself by collecting your favorite vegetables and fruits in a plate. The main thing to remember is that dressing with mayonnaise and fatty sauces is not useful. She needs to prefer vegetable oils.

Reviews about the alkaline diet are mostly positive. No wonder many Hollywood stars have come to this type of food, who try to maintain not only attractive forms, but also good health. But one should not get carried away only with alkalization of the body. A shift of pH above 7.9 threatens with severe manifestations of another condition - alkalosis.

Woman cuts tomatoes and peppers into a salad

Reviews: “Overall health has improved markedly”

The alkaline diet reminds me of vegetarianism. The girl from work as obsessed with it follows. While holding on, girls feel better without a big shot of meat. I lost weight. I don’t know I didn’t ask for current. But if Mrs. Beckham herself is sitting on her, there seems to be some sense. All the lady is thinking.

Gost, alkaline- diet- menu-- reviews

Having achieved a good result in the field of weight loss, I had a desire to maintain the effect for the longest time possible. Obviously, the most competent choice in such a situation is a healthy diet. Having adjusted accordingly, I began to study information on this topic, during which I came across a description of the alkaline diet, although it is difficult for me to call it a diet, for me, it's just a set of rules for the rational combination of products. The only thing I disagree with in this diet is the rejection of animal protein. And so it’s even quite right: you don’t have enough proteins with vegetables, do not eat enough at night, if you drink tea, then on herbs, minimize chemical additives in food. I was especially struck by the lack of a taboo on sweets (with the reservation that they are of natural origin), not every diet can boast of this. I’ve been eating on this system for about a year and a half, during which not one extra kilogram appeared, but two more went without any effort. Also, overall well-being has improved markedly: hair and nails are pleasing with their shine and strength, gastritis has almost left our edges, the skin looks more fresh and healthy. And most importantly, this is the mood - after all, a happy person always looks beautiful!


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