"Selenzin" for hair in tablets and the cosmetics line of the same name: salvation or marketing move

The number of people faced with hair loss is constantly growing. This is what statistics say. The pharmaceutical market reacts to this: new drugs that help fight alopecia and prevent baldness appear with enviable regularity. One such novelty is Selenzin. Reviews of trichologists about Selenzin are impressive and give hope to those whose hair is rapidly thinning. But is the drug really effective? Is it mandatory to drink pills or can I get by with cosmetic forms of "Selenzin"?
Vitamins for hair Selecin

Improper nutrition, stress, weak immunity, lack of important substances for the body, ecology, genetic factors - all this weakens the hair, and they begin to fall out. Women can add to this list also frequent staining, regular use of styling devices, and a passion for diets. "Hairfall" begins during periods when hormonal changes occur - pregnancy, lactation, menopause.

It is one thing when the hair falls out a little more than usual, and quite another when the process becomes pathological. So close to baldness! With excessive loss of hair, it is necessary to treat. And look after her, too, in a special way. Pharmacy and therapeutic care products help fight hair loss. There are many of them: figuring out which is better is not easy. But recently, the name “Selenzin” is increasingly found on forums. Those who struggle with hair loss say that they are prescribed such a drug by trichologists. What is this "beast"? Who should pay attention to it? How to use it?

Hair loss is a natural daily process. But there is a daily: 50-120 hairs. If the norm is exceeded - it is time to take action.

Testimonials of Trichologists about Selenzin

"Selenzinc" is a line of drugs and therapeutic cosmetics to combat hair loss. It is produced by Alcoi-Farm LLC. The line consists of the drug in the form of granules or tablets and external agents (shampoo, balm, mask, spray). The manufacturer claims that when using the complex you can:

  • get rid of excessive hair loss;
  • stop baldness;
  • improve the general condition of the hair and dermis of the head.

What do trichologists say about this? They recognize the innovation of the system, praise the manufacturer for an integrated approach to solving the problem of baldness, and prescribe drugs to their patients. Pills "work" from the inside, and cosmetics reinforce their action from the outside. As a result, hair loss first slows down, and then comes back to normal.

Trichologists agree that by supplementing the drug with a cosmetic program, damaged curls can be restored, and they can be protected from external influences. Hair does not just stop “crumbling”, but also becomes thicker, acquires silkiness and shine, grow faster. It is important to understand that such results can only be obtained using the entire line, as recommended by the manufacturer. And provided that the doctor picked up the drugs.

You can solve the problem of hair loss only if you find the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it. Or minimize its impact on hair.You cannot do without the help of a trichologist.

Tablets and granules

The drug "Selencin" is a homeopathic remedy. It is available in the form of sublingual tablets and spherical granules. From the digestive tract, the elements of the drug enter the bloodstream, where they have a complex effect on the body, which leads to an improvement in the condition of the hair. With its help, you can eliminate those internal causes, due to which the hair growth cycle has been disrupted, and save the hair. Pills:

  • stimulate the reserve forces of the body;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • stabilize the hormonal background;
  • improve blood circulation processes.

All this is important in the fight against hair loss. Thanks to the normal functioning of the body and the regulation of microelements in the bloodstream, hair follicles are strengthened and receive the necessary nutrition. Pills are able to “awaken” sleeping follicles, normalize skin lymphodynamics. After taking the drug, thickening of the hairs is noted, the curls acquire a natural shine.

The effectiveness of the treatment of hair loss with Selencin tablets will significantly increase if you revise your diet. Nutrition should be balanced, and no "harmful" - then the body will receive the substances that are needed to strengthen the hair, and "Selenzin" will contribute to their "delivery" to the bulbs.

Indications for use

Selencin tablets are intended for the treatment of diffuse alopecia. This disease is characterized by a gradual increase in hair loss throughout the head. The curls at first become weak, brittle, with the slightest effort they are pulled out. Then begins the "hair fall." If you do not immediately react to it, then you can stay without hair at all. "Selzinc"Enhances blood circulation in the scalp," wakes up "the bulb, so it is so effective in diffuse hair loss. Indications for the use of "Selencin" in tablets, in addition to diffuse alopecia, are:

  • hormonal hair loss;
  • baldness caused by seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • hair loss due to stress;
  • hair loss after chemotherapy;
  • excessive loss after illness;
  • premature aging of the body;
  • disruption of the endocrine system.
Tablet efficacy for androgenetic alopecia still under study. Studies have shown that in women after taking the drug, the results are noticeable, in men - no. In the fair sex, the disease is most often caused by hormonal failure, and the tablet "silicin"Able to" pacify "hormones.


The effectiveness of the dosage form "Selenzina" is due to the special composition. The active components of the drug are selected so that the solution to the problem of hair loss is complex. Thanks to a successful combination of active substances, it is possible to obtain a result relatively quickly. The composition of the tablets "Selencin" is presented in the table.

Table - Active substances in the composition of the drug "Selencin" and their effect

Potassium phosphate- Stimulates the reserve forces of the body;
- antioxidant;
- has a bactericidal effect
Silicea- Helps restore hairline after complex diseases
Sodium chloride- Restores affected follicles;
- strengthens the roots
Selenium- Normalizes the sebaceous glands;
- struggles with seborrhea, which can cause alopecia
Phosphorus- Slows down the aging process;
- helps strengthen the bulbs;
- helps to cope with early baldness
Likopodium- Fights with intense loss;
- prevents the appearance of early gray hair
Aluminum oxide- Helps solve skin problems;
- relieves peeling;
- eliminates an itch
Tablets and granules have an identical set of active ingredients, but may differ in additional substances. The effect of the drug does not depend on the form, so you can choose the one that is more convenient to take.

How to use

The therapeutic effect of "Selenzin" depends on whether the rules for taking the drug are observed. Instructions for use of tablets "Selenzina" is simple:

  • take pills - three times a day;
  • one time - one tablet;
  • put under the tongue - wait for complete dissolution;
  • drink 30 minutes before meals - or an hour after eating;
  • drink a course - it is two months with a week break;
  • repeat the course - in a month if necessary.

Granules are drunk according to the same pattern. The amount of dragee in one dose is different: it depends on the weight of the "ball". Usually you need to drink up to eight granules at a time. The package contains instructions where the dosage is exactly indicated. Be sure to follow her.

Before taking pills, it is better to consult a trichologist: treatment regimens and duration of treatment may be different. It depends on the severity of the disease that caused the rapid loss of hair. Above, the standard scheme that the manufacturer offers is described. It “works” in most cases, but to be sure you should get expert advice.

The manufacturer promises that the first results will be visible within two weeks after the start of the course. Trichologists are sure that the drug needs to be given time. According to their reviews, a noticeable improvement appears in a month. If there are no visible changes after 30 days, a correction of the therapeutic program is needed.

Side effects

Side effects when taking the tablet form of "Selenzin" have not been identified. Undesirable reactions were not detected either as a result of research or as a result of a consumer survey. The manufacturer admits that the drug can cause allergies. It can occur as a result of individual intolerance to any substance included in the composition, or an overdose.

The drug has a mild effect on the body. It does not violate natural processes, but corrects deviations and helps the body use reserve capabilities. Such an action is the guarantee that you can not be afraid of the complications associated with taking the pills.

The reviews of people taking the tablets indicate that at the beginning of the course the effect can be unpleasantly surprising: there is much more hair on the comb than before the start of the treatment. This is a temporary phenomenon: continue the course, and soon the problem will disappear. If exacerbation of symptoms is really scary, consult a trichologist.


There are few contraindications to taking "Selenzin". The drug can not be taken:

  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age;
  • people with hypersensitivity to one of the components of the tablets;
  • patients with lactose intolerance, fructose.

The possibility of taking homeopathy during breastfeeding and during pregnancy must be discussed with your doctor. Remember that during these periods there is also responsibility for the health of the baby.

Selencin tablets do not interact with other drugs. Homeopathy can be used during the treatment of diseases and in the recovery period, accompanied by medication.

Cosmetic line. Silicin Against Hair Loss

In pharmacies, the cosmetic line "Selenzin" is on sale. It consists of shampoo, balm, mask and spray lotion. It is recommended to use funds to supplement the effect of tablets. Cosmetics can solve problems that granules cannot handle. For example, the remedies are effective for focal alopecia (characterized by the appearance of baldness, it is also called alopecia areata). There are reviews that the cosmetic line helps to overcome male pattern baldness in women.

The main task of Selenzin cosmetics is to fight hair loss, with their help you can solve many problems. When applying a cosmetic complex, the following is observed:

  • reduction in the amount of hair lost;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • enhanced growth of hair;
  • the disappearance of dandruff;
  • thickening of curls;
  • external transformation of hair (smoothness, silkiness, shine).

Cosmetics protect curls from harmful external influences. Shampoo can be used to prevent hair loss.Particularly preventative measures are important for vitamin deficiency, after illness and severe stress.

Teenagers after 14 years old can use the cosmetic line to solve hair problems that have arisen due to hormonal changes at this age. Preliminary consultation with a trichologist for adolescents is required.

What's in the composition

The high efficiency of the Selenzin cosmetics line is due to their innovative composition. Shampoo, balm, mask contains a huge amount of active substances, vitamins, plant components. Among the ingredients there are truly unique substances - Anageline and Seveov. The first is extracted from white sweet lupine, the second - from the tubers of Peruvian poppies. Thanks to its rich composition, it is possible to solve the problem of hair loss and a whole series of unpleasant moments. As a bonus - beautiful and well-groomed hair. Key components and their action are presented in the table.

Table - Active substances of cosmetics "Selencin" as in the photo and their effect

Anageline- Accelerates metabolic processes in the dermis of the head;
- promotes the flow of oxygen to the bulbs;
- stimulates growth;
- starts the healing process
Seveov- Provides protection from external influences by creating a barrier around the hairs;
- strengthens ringlets;
- responsible for the elasticity of the strands
Vitamin A- It is a building material;
- prevents damage to the hair structure;
- gives curls additional elasticity
Vitamin E- Provides nutrition;
- moisturizes;
- protects from ultraviolet radiation
Vitamin H- Fights brittleness;
- eliminates split ends;
- restores the structure of hairs
Caffeine- Prevents hair aging;
- stimulates the growth of curls
Panthenol- Heals wounds on the head;
- returns strands shine;
- restores elasticity
Keratin- "Glues" scales of hairs;
- restores damaged curls;
- cares for the skin of the head;
- regulates the sebaceous glands
Collagen hydrolyzate- Strengthens hair;
- makes curls elastic
Hot pepper extract- Enhances blood flow to the scalp;
- promotes the penetration of nutrients into the follicles;
- accelerates growth
Nettle extract- Takes care of the cut ends;
- makes dry damaged hair alive
Hops extractRegulates sebum production
Peppermint extract- It has a healing effect;
- stimulates the appearance of new hairs
Burdock extract- Nourishes the bulbs;
- strengthens locks;
- protects hair from external factors
Menthol- It cools;
- "responsible" for a pleasant aroma of funds
There are no contraindications to the use of cosmetics. However, if there is an increased sensitivity to any component of the shampoo or mask, then they should not be used. If an allergic reaction manifests itself after the procedure, it is not recommended to reuse the product.

Hair mask Selecin

4-step care program

The manufacturer of the Selenzin cosmetics line recommends using the products in combination. In order to solve the problem of hair loss once and for all, to restore damaged curls, you need to take care of the strands in four stages.

  1. Cleanse with shampoo.
  2. Restore with balm.
  3. Eat using a mask.
  4. Strengthen and enhance hair growth with a spray lotion.

What do trichologists think about this? Do we really need a four-stage program or is it a marketing move, and is it enough to use only one single tool from the line? Trichologists agree with the manufacturer: comprehensive hair care allows faster results. But if it is not possible to purchase the entire line, then they recommend choosing shampoo. It cleanses, “wakes up” the bulbs, strengthens curls - this is important in case of excessive hair loss.

Cosmetics from the line of "Selenzin" are designed in such a way as to enhance the effect of each other. The care program should last at least two months.

Cleansing: Shampoo

Shampoo was created specifically for the treatment and prevention of baldness. It provides deep cleansing curls and dermis. Due to this, the work of the sebaceous glands returns to normal, more oxygen comes to the bulbs, the roots get all the necessary substances, the strands become stronger. The result of these processes is a slowdown of loss, growth stimulation.

Shampoo "Selenzin" from hair loss is recommended to be used once or twice a week. It is possible more often if the doctor advised so. The tool can be used by owners of any type of hair. The shampoo is first applied to the roots, thoroughly triturated, and then distributed into strands. From the first application, the curls will look better, but a stunning effect can be obtained only after six weeks.

The first acquaintance with Selencin shampoo disappoints many. It does not foam well, after it the curls get fat at times faster, the loss increases - such reviews can be found on the forums. You will have to put up with the lack of foam. Where does it come from if it contains natural ingredients? All other cons will disappear after the third wash. Undesirable effects are due to the active renewal of the hair and epidermis of the head. Next will be work on the result.

Recovery: Balm

If the hair is damaged, then excessive loss cannot be avoided. It will be possible to solve the problem only after the restoration of curls. To do this, it is recommended to use the rinsing rinse "Selenzin". It nourishes the dermis with the necessary substances, improves the structure of damaged hairs. And also the product is responsible for the shine and silkiness of the hair.

The balm is applied to shampooed hair. Curls should be wet. Leave for five to seven minutes, and then rinse with warm water. The recovery procedure is done with every wash.

Balm will be a godsend for those who dream of a thick pile of hair. Thanks to him, the amount of hair on the head increases, and the hairs thicken. Naturally, this result is to be expected if you use it in addition to shampoo.

Nutrition: mask

The caring mask from the Selencin line strengthens the hair follicles, combats brittleness, due to which, the loss stops. Effective mask "Selenzin" for hair growth: curls grow faster.

A caring mask is used after washing the hair. If there is a balm, then first apply it, and then make a mask. The cosmetic composition is applied to the strands and distributed along the length. Hold the mask for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure is not recommended more than once a week.

After applying the mask, a slight burning sensation may appear. This is a normal reaction, because the composition contains an extract of hot pepper. If the burning sensation is strong, then the mask needs to be washed off urgently: most likely, this is an allergy to its components.

Strengthening and Revitalizing Growth: Spray Lotion

The finishing touch in the care program is spray lotion. The line includes two types of sprays: “Hair Therapy” - strengthening and “Active PRO” - simulating hair growth. In action, the strengthening Selencin spray lotion spray and stimulant spray are similar. They:

  • struggling with hair loss;
  • protect curls from external influences;
  • nourish the scalp;
  • prevent aging of hairs.

What is the difference then? She is minimal. The strengthening agent contains more components that work for the benefit of strengthening (hops, nettles), while the growth spray contains more biostimulants (biotin, collagen, retinol, keratin). “Hair Therapy” can be used for prophylaxis, “Active PRO” will help if baldness has begun.

Sprays are sprayed onto dry hair, rubbed into the roots with massage movements. Cosmetic formulations do not rinse off. It is advisable to apply the product overnight. But the first time is better to use during the day to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components. You can do a simple allergy test: apply on your wrist for five minutes.

Spray lotion is easy to apply. However, not everyone will like that it does not need to be washed off: the product leaves a sticky feeling on the hair. After a while you get used to it.

Beautiful brunette with curly hair

Where to buy, analogues

Selencin tablets and line-up products are sold at the pharmacy. You can order the drug online, but beware of fakes. The price depends on the form of release and on where you buy it: usually when ordering online it is cheaper than when buying in a pharmacy. Below is a table with estimated prices for "Selenzin".

Table - The cost of "Selenzin" depending on the form of release (data for November 2017)

Drug / remedyCost, rubles
Pills (60 pieces)450
Shampoo (200 ml)420
Rinsing Balm (200 ml)460
Spray Lotion (150 ml)534
Mask (150 ml)360

There are no direct analogues of Selencin in pharmacology. According to the effect on tablets "Selenzin" similar preparations for internal use "Volvit", "Pantovigar"," Fitoval "," Tsiproteron ". For external use, “Esvitsin”, “Alerana” are suitable. It is better to choose a replacement agent with the help of a trichologist, so as not to aggravate the process of hair loss.

You can get an effect similar to the result after applying the Selencin cosmetics using phytochemicals: infusion daisies, decoctions of a series and nettles, Burr oil. True, they are designed more for the prevention of baldness and for the cosmetic effect, rather than for treatment.

“Selencin” for hair can be a real salvation, say trichologists. But the results may not be impressive, they warn. "Selencin", although produced without a prescription, but it is better to buy any product from the line on the recommendation of a doctor. Much depends on the characteristics of the problem, the factors that caused the “hair fall” and, of course, the integrated approach to treatment. The maximum result can be obtained if the problem is eliminated simultaneously from the inside and the outside: take pills and strengthen their action with a four-stage care program.

Feedback and Results

And the trichologist doctor prescribed the drug Selencin - 1 course, this is 2 months, they really helped me a lot. Gradually, the hair stopped falling out in shreds, after a month and a half I already totaled 6-7 pcs. When washing, when combing in general several hairs. Two months later, my fresh roots (3 cm, I measured), and the roots were visible, because I did not dye them during treatment, the roots were completely different: stronger, more evenly, small hairs appeared on the temples where the hair begins to grow, above the forehead, where the bangs are. I saw the result. These pills are not very expensive, in comparison, for example, with vitamins. And they act precisely on the result, and not just on the overall strengthening there. After the course, I began to eat balanced food, cottage cheese with sour cream just really needed to eat for this, stopped painting, let my hair rest and be natural, and not often, 2 times a week - not more often. I use good shampoos, conditioners, this is at my discretion, because that suits someone. In general, I began to monitor hair specifically.

Kristinovna, https://www.triholog.ru/forum/forum8/topic424/

Do not worry, my hair began to fall out even worse at the beginning of taking selencin. In a rage I began to call their hotline, well, I think our drug, domestic, was thrown again, put on a low price, but the mean one pays twice. They began to reassure that all homeopathy is like this: first it strengthens, then eliminates. I had to continue. By the way, it was not in vain that she continued. after two months, the hair stopped falling out. Vobschem cool thing Selenzin.

Kama88, http://www.woman.ru/beauty/hair/thread/4152329/

I drank the course of Selenzin in March, the first month my hair also got even stronger, it was very scary. But by the end of the second month, the hair just stopped falling out. Now I continue to use shampoo, because I basically like him with a mask. The hair is in place and seems to fit well)))

Helena, http://www.woman.ru/beauty/hair/thread/4152329/

What can I say about the results ... I don’t know who helped from what, I, in addition to these pills, also took a course of Duovit vitamins. As I read, they do not prohibit the use of the vitamin complex at the same time, so I expected that it would be even better. So what? Nothing. After taking this drug, by the way, I still did not complete the entire course.I used 2 packs, maybe, of course, I really had to give a chance and wait, but I can’t pay 500 rubles per pack (this is the price at the last moment of purchase, and this is in the aperture somewhere) for what happened to mine hair and head. By the way, the entire course consists of 3 packs. In general, what am I for. As I said, I had problems with my hair. They began to climb twice as much! I started reading at the office. The site reviews and questions, they write that this is normal at the end of the month and over time it passes. I probably started this from the middle of the first month and lasted all the remaining time of applying the 2nd pack! Then, everyone noticed that I had dandruff (and by the way, which I still have not overcome), I don’t know if this is due to the drug or not, but it appeared. Although I do not blame him as a whole, because I read a lot and they write there that the loss could also come from dandruff and dandruff from general weakness, but it’s still insulting.

Anestea, http://irecommend.ru/content/mozhet-komu-i-pomog-no-tochno-ne-mne-volosy-tak-i-vypadayut-dazhe-silnee

Shampoo as indicated by the manufacturer is suitable for frequent use. I wash my head every other day, sometimes after two, one bottle is enough for a long time. For the first time I used at least 2 months to restore my hair to the maximum, and I want to say that the funds from the Selenzin series cope perfectly well with this task. I really stopped hair loss, and there was another nice bonus, growing hair below my shoulders (and this after 15 years of wearing a short haircut). It is clear that this took some time, but the result is pleasing. I now use funds from this line periodically, so to speak, to maintain the result.

Olga Max, http://otzovik.com/review_3928063.html

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