The content of the article
Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease of the skin, characterized by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. Either excessive production of sebum occurs, or insufficient. The qualitative composition of fat is also changing: the level of linoleic acid, which is responsible for creating the antimicrobial barrier, is reduced. The protective functions of the dermis worsen, conditions for the active reproduction of microorganisms appear. The result is inflammatory processes, the development of infections. This can be observed both in women and in men. Most often against such a disease, medicines are purchased without a prescription in a pharmacy.
The disease causes a lot of discomfort: the dermis of the head itches, dandruff appears, the hair does not look the best, and over time, the hair falls out so actively that it is not far from baldness. Treatment must be started at the first signal. Seborrheic dermatitis "attacks" not only the dermis of the head. The disease can occur in any part of the body where there are many secretion glands. Usually the areas behind the ears, the nasolabial triangle, the chest, the area between the shoulder blades are affected.
Types and characteristic symptoms
Three types of seborrheic dermatitis are distinguished: dry serobeya of the scalp, oily, mixed. Such species can be viewed on the Internet from a photo and compared with their cause. Differentiation of types of disease is carried out by characteristic signs. Common manifestations in adults include itching, dandruff. Peeling differs in appearance depending on the type of disease. Symptoms of oily seborrhea of the scalp, signs of dry and mixed features are presented in the table below.
Table - Symptoms of dry, oily and mixed seborrhea
View | Features | Symptoms |
Dry seborrhea | Lack of sebum production | - A lot of dry dusty dandruff; - periodic itching of the head; - fragility of strands; - split ends; - “hair fall”; - the appearance of scales; - cracks in the dermis |
Fat Seborrhea | Hyperpreparation of sebum | - A lot of large dandruff ("flakes"); - fatty dermis; - glossy locks; - rapid contamination of hair; - severe itching |
Mixed seborrhea | Transitional form | Symptoms of the spirit of species |
Risk factors
The exact causes of seborrheic dermatitis have not been established. But there are risk factors that provoke the development of the disease.
- Genetics. Features of the protective function of the dermis can be inherited.Patients with dermatitis in the genus often have relatives with the same diagnosis. But not the fact that the "inheritance" will necessarily appear.
- Hormones. With hormonal imbalance, the sebaceous glands are disrupted, which provokes the development of the disease. Hormonal background explains oily seborrhea that occurs in puberty. In a teenager undergoing puberty, hormones "rage", which leads to active secretion.
- Fungus. Conditionally pathogenic fungus “lives” on any dermis. Under certain conditions, which lead to the creation of ideal microflora on the dermis (for example, allergies, weak immunity), it begins to multiply actively. As a result - dermatitis.
- The disease. Immunodeficiencies, diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, neurological ailments - all this leads to improper functioning of the glands.
- Weakened immunity. If the protective reactions of the body are reduced, a malfunction in the sebaceous glands may occur. This leads to the development of pathogenic microflora. Immunosuppression is observed after illness, with a lack of vitamins.
- Stress. Strong experiences weaken the body, provoke a violation of secretory function. Much more dangerous than “one-time” stresses is lingering depression.
- Unbalanced diet. A lean diet leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals. This affects the work of the whole organism and the state of the dermis as well.
- Environment. Temperature extremes are especially dangerous. Refusal of hats in the heat or in the cold can trigger the development of dermatitis.
What is the danger
Seborrheic dermatitis needs to be treated. The sooner you see a doctor, the better. The disease causes discomfort: the scalp itches, peels. The psycho-emotional state also suffers. Dandruff, crusts on the head, lifeless hair - seeing such a picture in the mirror, it is easy to lose self-confidence and become depressed. The disease is dangerous with complications. Most often, one of three.
- Baldness. An ailment leads to hair loss. Usually, hair falls out in the frontoparietal zone. If you react in time to the “hair fall” and begin treatment, then the curls will grow back. However, in advanced cases, the hair follicles die - the "bald spots" remain for life.
- Infections Through combed areas of the skin, infections enter the body. This is fraught with the appearance of ulcers. If the inflammatory process proceeds in the deep balls of the dermis, then from acne scars remain. Lymph nodes and vessels may be involved in infectious processes.
- Allergy. Seborrheic dermatitis leads to increased sensitivity of the skin. Against the background of the disease, an allergy to shampoos, synthetics can develop.
Diagnosis: which doctor to contact, which tests to take
An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. For problems with the scalp, consult a dermatologist. The doctor collects an anamnesis, examines the patient, assesses the presence of risk factors and identifies diseases, the concomitant manifestation of which may be seborrheic dermatitis. You will have to pass a number of tests, in addition, you may need to consult an endocrinologist, gynecologist, neuropathologist. Diagnostic methods that allow the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis are presented in the table.
Table - Studies to identify seborrheic dermatitis
Diagnostic method | Why spend |
General blood analysis | - Identification of allergies that provoke dermatitis; - assessment of the overall health of the patient |
Hormone blood test | - Determination of the level of hormones; - study of the concentration of sex hormones that affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands |
Glucose test | - Identification of diabetes; - without sugar adjustment, treatment is impossible effectively |
HIV test | With immunodeficiencies, the secretion function changes |
Immunogram | Immune System Assessment |
Examination of the dermis under a Wood lamp | Fungus detection |
Scraping | Pathogen Detection |
Thyroid ultrasound | To assess the condition of the thyroid gland |
When diagnosis is difficult, turn to a biopsy. To do this, take a small sample of the skin and examine the material under a microscope. A biopsy allows you to accurately determine the nature of skin damage, and conduct differential diagnosis (exclude or confirm another dermatological disease).
Conservative treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp
Effective treatment of the dermis of the head is possible only with an integrated approach to the problem. Therapy depends on the variety and stage of the disease, the presence of complications. A set of therapeutic measures can only be prescribed by a doctor, it is impossible to cope with the problem yourself. Treatment includes:
- therapy of diseases that provoked hyper- / hyposecretion;
- taking drugs that have an effect on the psycho-emotional state;
- physiotherapeutic procedures;
- the use of antifungal ointments;
- the use of therapeutic shampoos;
- taking vitamin complexes and drugs to increase immunity;
- a diet.
Drug therapy of seborrheic dermatitis is carried out comprehensively. Only a doctor should prescribe drugs: self-medication is prohibited, otherwise you can harm your body and aggravate the problem. The groups of drugs that a dermatologist usually prescribes and their effect are presented in the table.
Table - Drugs for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis
Group | Act | Drug Names |
Vitamin and Mineral Complexes | Replenishment of the lack of important substances | - “Revit”; - "Hexavit" |
Antifungal tablets | Elimination of pathogens | Diflucan |
Antihistamines | Itching | - “Claritin”; - "Tsetrin"; - "Tavegil"; - "Zodak" |
A medication regimen may be supplemented if there are complications. In an intensive inflammatory process, the use of systemic glucocorticosteroids is shown: Dexometasone, Diprospan, Prednisolone. If a bacterial infection has joined, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics ("Erythromycin", "Macropen").
Without eliminating the factors that triggered the development of dermatitis, effective treatment is impossible. The root cause makes its adjustments to the treatment plan. For example, if seborrheic dermatitis is caused by hormonal imbalance, then hormone pills are prescribed. If the development of the disease caused stress - sedatives.
Physiotherapeutic procedures
Physiotherapeutic procedures will help to achieve a result in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the head. Reviews of people suffering from the disease indicate the effectiveness of such treatment. Procedures are selected by the doctor individually.They are aimed at eliminating inflammation, normalizing the production of sebum. It can be applied:
- cryomassage;
- darsonvalization;
- ozone therapy;
- mesotherapy;
- MIL therapy.
Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is not possible without local therapy. Medical shampoos will help to fix the problem. Be sure to use antifungal pharmacy formulations. Options from the mass market, even the most advertised, are not able to overcome the problem: they have an exclusively cosmetic effect. If the manifestations of dermatitis are minor, then with the help of store shampoos you can remove dandruff, but the effect will be one-time. The problem will worsen if you do not use pharmacy products. Their composition is rich in active ingredients. Chemical compounds fight the fungus, normalize the gland.
Treatment shampoo for seborrhea of the scalp is recommended to be applied two to three times a week. The course is from a month to two, depending on the stage of the disease. The table will help to get acquainted with shampoos that are effective in the treatment of dermatological disease.
Table - Shampoos for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis
Title | Active component | Act | Cost, rubles (data for December 2017) |
Nizoral | Ketoconazole | - Leads to the death of the fungus; - eliminates the symptoms of dermatitis | 600 (60 ml) |
Sebiprox | Cyclopiroxolamine | - Does not allow the fungus to multiply; - affects bacteria | 550 (60 ml) |
Zinovit | - Climbazole; - zinc pyrithione | Fights fungus | 320 (150 ml) |
Sulsena | Sulfur | - Relieves inflammation; - eliminates dandruff of any kind; - normalizes glands | 330 (150 ml) |
Friderm Tar | Tar | - Fights against microorganisms; - relieves inflammation; - helps with itching | 600 (150 ml) |
Friderm Zinc | Zinc pyrithione | - Eliminates itching; - removes the inflammatory process; - relieves peeling; - strengthens ringlets | 600 (150 ml) |
Mycozoral | Ketoconazole | - Removes fungus; - eliminates an itch; - removes peeling; - fights against dandruff; - restores damaged hair | 350 (60 ml) |
Keto-plus | - Ketoconazole; - zinc pyrithione | - Eliminates dandruff; - fights against microorganisms | 780 (150 ml) |
With dry seborrhea, alkaline shampoos should not be used. They have a drying effect, which exacerbates the situation. To deal with the problem will help products with a neutral pH. With oily seborrhea, it is important to reduce the production of fat, so shampoos that suit the composition of acids are suitable. There are funds that can be used for any type of seborrhea, for example, Nizoral, Sulsena. At the end of treatment, hair restoration should be done: regularly make nourishing and moisturizing masks, undergo a course of grooming procedures in the salon. Therapeutic shampoos (especially with ketoconazole in the composition) dry the curls.
Supplement the action of shampoo with ointment for seborrheic dermatitis. The tool relieves the symptoms of the disease. Ointments soften the “crusts”, relieve irritation, and heal. But they should be used only after consulting a specialist, so as not to aggravate the problem. The list of available effective ointments is presented in the table.
Table - Ointments for seborrheic dermatitis
Type of seborrhea | Ointment | Application |
Greasy | Zinc ointment | - Apply to affected areas; - After an hour, rinse with warm water; - apply 2 times a week for a month |
Salicylic ointment | - Apply with rubbing movements to the dry dermis of the head; - leave for 30 minutes; - rinse off using preventive shampoo |
Dry | Sulfuric ointment | - Rub into the scalp; - keep 5 minutes; - rinse with warm water; - repeat the procedure daily for a week; - taking a break for a day, repeat the course |
Mixed | Tea tree ointment and tar | - Apply to affected areas; - hold for 10 minutes; - rinse off without shampoo; - apply once a week; - course - 3 months |
Home methods
There are many alternative treatments for seborrheic dermatitis. They really work, but if you include them in the overall treatment regimen. It is impossible to get rid of dermatitis only with the help of handmade products, especially if the disease progresses. But folk wisdom will help reduce the manifestations of the disease. Before using prescriptions, it is important to consult your doctor.
You need to choose folk methods correctly - with an eye on the appearance of seborrhea. Otherwise, the situation may worsen. For the treatment of dry seborrheic dermatitis, different oils are used - castor, fir, olivesunflower flaxseed. They moisturize and nourish the scalp, help get rid of peeling, and trigger regenerative processes in the skin. With oily seborrhea, it is important to stop the excessive production of fat. Acetic acid, lemon, and soda do a good job of this. Find a suitable recipe will help the table.
Table - Folk remedies for seborrheic dermatitis
Type of seborrhea | Means | Composition | Preparation / use |
Greasy | Onion solution | - A tablespoon of onion juice; - 2 times more boiled water | - Mix the ingredients; - rub the solution before washing; - continue the course for 4 months |
Calendula infusion | - A tablespoon of dried marigold flowers; - 2 cups boiling water | - Pour flowers with hot water; - leave for 30 minutes; - rub daily for a month |
Nettle infusion | - 100 g of nettle leaves; a teaspoon of vinegar (6%); - 500 ml of boiling water | - Pour boiling water over the leaves; - withstand about 2 hours; - add vinegar; - treat the head with infusion at night |
Oak bark decoction | - 3 tablespoons of oak bark; - a glass of boiling water | - Pour boiling water over the natural ingredient; -Cook for 20 minutes; - strain the composition; - wash your hair with broth every 3 days |
Mask with tar soap | - 20 g of grated tar soap; - a glass of low-fat sour cream; - a tablespoon of honey | - Mix the ingredients; - rub; - hold for 15 minutes; - rinse thoroughly |
Rubbing Soda | - A teaspoon of soda; - glass of water | - Mix the components; - treat the dermis 30 minutes before washing |
Dry | Mask of yolk | - Yolk; - a tablespoon of castor oil | - Mix the ingredients; - apply to the root zone; - wrap your head (polyethylene + towel); - hold for 30 minutes; - repeat once a week |
Rubbing Burdock Oil | Burdock oil (pharmaceutical) | - Rub a small amount of the substance; - wrap up; - hold for 2 hours; - rinse with shampoo; - repeat twice a week; - continue the course for a month |
Tincture of calendula | - A tablespoon of tincture of calendula (pharmacy); - the same amount of castor oil | - Mix the components; - rub in a day |
Walnut leaf decoction | - 5 tablespoons of leaves; - 500 ml of boiling water | - Pour boiling water over the leaves; - boil for 20 minutes; - strain; - wrap gauze soaked in broth around your head; - create a thermal effect; - rinse after 20 minutes |
Parsley oil infusion | - A tablespoon of parsley root; - 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil | - Pour root oil; - heat the composition in a water bath; - pass through cheesecloth; - rub the product warm; - frequency - every other day; - course - 15 procedures |
Henna Cream | - Henna powder; - water; - good nourishing cream | - Mix the ingredients (1: 2: 7); - in a week to do 2 rubbing procedures; - course - 10 procedures |
Burdock Ointment | - 2 tablespoons of chopped burdock root; - 300 ml of boiling water; - 50 g of lard | - Pour boiling water into the root; - cook at a minimum, until the volume is halved; - strain; - add lard (melt first); - languish in a water bath for 1.5 hours; - rub the ointment 2 times a week; - course - 3 months |
To overcome seborrheic dermatitis, you need to establish nutrition. It must be balanced. There is no single diet for seborrheic dermatitis, but general rules must be followed.
- Dairy products. They normalize digestion. This is an important condition for restoring the normal functioning of the secretory function.
- Vegetables and fruits. They are rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on the digestive tract. Fruits and vegetables in the diet are needed to make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals. This is an aid to immunity.
- Sources of vitamins B2, A, E. Foods containing these vitamins are especially important for dry seborrhea. Vitamins provide the regeneration of the epidermis, are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and curls. The menu must include liver, broccoli, sea fish, spinach, carrots, oatmeal.
- "Harmfulness." Spicy, salty, fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. It is recommended to significantly reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates: control how many sweets and rolls you eat per day. Fast food, coffee, smoked meats, carbonated drinks, alcohol are taboo.
8 rules of prevention
Curing seborrheic dermatitis is not easy. But if you pay attention to prevention, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing the disease. Remember eight simple rules, and the problem will bypass.
- Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Seborrheic dermatitis is not contagious, but using someone else's hairbrush or headgear can turn into trouble. So you can transfer the fungus. For a long time, it may not manifest itself, but when the body fails, it begins to actively multiply.
- Take care of your hair. Frequent staining with aggressive compounds, ignoring the means of protecting curls, curling weakened strands - all this affects the hair follicles. With weakening of the follicles, the secretion of the scalp can change, which leads to the appearance of dandruff.
- Wear a hat in the cold. As soon as it gets colder outside, wear a hat. Under the influence of low temperatures, the process of producing sebum changes and even the qualitative component of the secret can change.
- Do not rule out ultraviolet light. The rays of the sun are the worst enemies of hair. This axiom is known to all beauties. Ultraviolet drains curls, makes them lifeless. But you can’t completely abandon the sun. Moderate sunbathing is good for the scalp. Under ultraviolet light, the fungus cannot activate and multiply.
- Avoid stress. Experiences do not have the best effect on the condition of the hair and dermis. As a result of shocks, the sebaceous glands can even change. Try to be less nervous and there will be no problems with hair.
- Eat right. Diet affects health and appearance. Good nutrition, only healthy food - and you can forget about dermatological problems. If the menu provides a complex of vitamins and minerals, the body will work “like a clock”. Including the sebaceous glands will return to normal. As a bonus - shine of hair, fast hair growth, lack of fragility.
- Go in for sports. Moderate physical activity is necessary to strengthen immunity.With high protective functions, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms cannot actively multiply and provoke inflammatory processes. Physical education positively affects the work of all organs and systems, improves blood circulation and metabolism.
- Undergo routine inspections annually. Regular visits to the doctor are the guarantee that diseases that can trigger seborrheic dermatitis will be detected and eliminated on time. A physical examination should be done annually.
Treatment of seborrhea of the scalp is a long process. A simple massage will help speed it up. Do massaging circular movements with your fingertips each time when applying the ointment, using shampoo or a therapeutic hand-made product. Massage improves blood circulation, so that the work of the sebaceous glands returns to normal, hair growth is activated.
Reviews: “The main thing is not to be nervous”
A couple of years ago, my mom helped Keto Plus shampoo very much get rid of seborrhea. moreover, we noticed the effect almost through a couple of applications with this shammun. it is both antifungal and relieves symptoms. complex effect, noticeable almost from the first application)
I also suffer from this nonsense (along the hairline on the forehead and on the temples, and sometimes on the eyebrows) for 15 years already for sure. It was the same with my dad, so that's true about genetics. During periods of exacerbation, this itching and flakes flying from the head ... I feel like some kind of leper.
To keep the situation under control, do not change shampoos; I do not abuse everyday washing; periodically I drink a course of absorbents, which helps very well; if I’m completely unbearable, I put tea tree oil on the foci (though I’m not entirely sure whether it is possible, they say it is toxic, but this is extremely rare). And most importantly - do not be nervous - during periods of sessions and lack of sleep, this thing is greatly activated.Albika, % 8B% D0% B9-% D0% B4% D0% B5% D1% 80% D0% BC% D0% B0% D1% 82% D0% B8% D1% 82 /
And I have had diabetes on my scalp for about 10 years, my hair has noticeably thinned. Moreover, even young hairs fall out. I started using System 4. 2.5 weeks ago. There is a mask, shampoo and serum. Itching, dandruff immediately passed, a lot of new hair sticks out tiny. like it yet. I'll see how it will be further) from nizoral, sebozol and etc. just scratched it even more (
Bestiya13, % 8B% D0% B9-% D0% B4% D0% B5% D1% 80% D0% BC% D0% B0% D1% 82% D0% B8% D1% 82 /? Page = 2
At the expense of "folk remedies": here I tried to do onion masks. They still have an impression, they burn like a scalp was removed from you, just hellishly. Then the entire scalp is red and inflamed. BUT really becomes much smaller than this rubbish, at times.