Rigevidon: who is suitable for this contraceptive, and what are the possible side effects

Rigevidon is one of the very first and cheapest oral contraceptives. It has its advantages and disadvantages, but its popularity does not decrease among doctors and women. Instructions for use "Rigevidon" fully discloses all the nuances of its use. What effect should be expected from a medicine and who should use a contraceptive?
Drawing of a blue rose on a box

If you are going to use Rigevidon as a contraceptive, before you start taking it, perhaps you should find out - is it suitable for you personally as a way of contraception? To analyze all the pros and cons of this drug, find out how it can affect your health, what diseases it cures, can you drink alcohol if you are taking Rigevidone, does it make sense to replace it with next-generation contraceptives, after what time should you stop taking Rigevidon?

Rigevidon belongs to the group of monophasic oral contraceptives. This means that each tablet contains the same amount of hormones - estrogen and gestagen - for all days of hormone therapy. But in addition to this, Rigevidon contains ferrous iron, which helps to avoid hemoglobin falling during heavy periods.

Drug features

Rigevidon includes the following hormones:

  • estrogen component - ethinyl estradiol in a dosage of 30 mcg;
  • progestogen component - levonorgestrel in a dosage of 150 mcg.
In the package "21 + 7" red tablets contain ferrous iron. Their reception allows you to make up for blood loss. This is especially true for women with heavy menstruation, for example, with endometrial hyperplasia or endometriosis, uterine fibroids. If the package contains only 21 tablets, there is no iron in the composition.

Operating principle

Rigevidon acts on the central nervous system and genital organs of a woman, like all other drugs from a series of hormonal contraceptives. Namely:

  • levonorgestrel - inhibits the growth and maturation of a new follicle, as a result of which ovulation cannot occur;
  • ethinyl estradiol - affects the cervical mucus, thickening it and thereby creating a mechanical obstacle to the movement of sperm.
Against the background of such hormonal transformations, the endometrium inside the uterine cavity is thinning. This prevents the implantation (attachment) of the fetal egg to the wall in case of fertilization (for example, if the schedule for taking the tablets is not respected). It also provides less abundant menstruation. Sometimes they are presented only spotting spotting for three to five days.


The main purpose of "Rigevidon" is contraception. But in parallel, it can have a therapeutic effect, so it is often prescribed after surgery, after abortion, to stabilize the hormonal background. "Rigevidon" has the following properties:

  • reduces the likelihood of re-ectopic pregnancy;
  • reduces the incidence of functional ovarian cysts;
  • to prevent stagnation of venous blood in the pelvis;
  • the drug has iron in the composition of dummy tablets.

Based on the principles of action of the drug, indications for the use of Rigevidon are established. Namely:

  • after surgery for an ectopic pregnancy;
  • with surgical removal of the ovarian cyst;
  • after successful conservative treatment of functional ovarian cysts;
  • with endometriosis as the main treatment;
  • for contraception;
  • after abortion, miscarriage, childbirth;
  • for the prevention of anemia with a tendency to heavy periods;
  • can be used to stop bleeding, especially in teenage girls.
After taking Rigevidon, menstruation is quickly restored, there is no excessive inhibition of the ovarian's own function. This is due to a break in taking pills, during which hormones are released by the ovaries and the pituitary gland of the brain.

Instructions for use "Rigevidon"

Rigevidon birth control pills should be taken according to generally accepted instructions for oral contraceptives. Cases of overdose on the drug are not written. The rules of admission are as follows:

  • from the first day of menstruation;
  • at the same strictly fixed time;
  • within 21 days with a seven-day break (or 28 without a break in the package "21 + 7").

Depending on the clinical situation, the Rigevidone regimen may vary slightly.

  • After similar drugs. If the girl decided to switch to the drug from other oral contraceptives, taking “Rigevidon” should begin immediately after the end of the old tablets.
  • After plasters, rings. If transdermal patches or a vaginal ring were previously used for contraception, Rigevidon should be taken on the day the previous method of protection is removed.
  • After pregnancy. If the interruption (for example, after an abortion or miscarriage) occurs early, the start of the drug should be on the same day or the next. If a woman decides to take Rigevidon after birth, this can be done already on day 28, taking into account the fact that lactation is not supported, since the drug actively penetrates into breast milk. After miscarriages over long periods (after 16 weeks), the first tablet should be started on day 28, if necessary earlier.
The drug is not used to terminate pregnancy, it only prevents the conception and implantation of the ovum, so it makes no sense to start taking it immediately after unprotected sex, not taking into account the day of the cycle.

If you violated the scheme

In case you missed taking one tablet, you need to determine how much time has passed. Further actions come from this:

  • up to 36 hours - in this case, you must take the missed tablet, and the next drink at the usual time;
  • more than 36 hours - in this case, taking the missed pill does not make sense, you need to drink only the next according to the schedule; but in the coming week should use additional methods of contraception, such as a condom.
To reduce the duration of the menstrual cycle and to delay the period, you can start the next pack without taking pacifiers. But it is recommended to do this no more often than two or three cycles in a row, otherwise the risk of breakthrough bleeding increases.

What could be the consequences

Side effects of "Rigevidon" are not bright, usually take place on the second or third packaging. Of the main ones, the following can be distinguished:

  • headache;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • nausea;
  • weight gain of 1-2 kg;
  • decreased sexual desire for a partner;
  • liver enzymes may increase in the analyzes;
  • sometimes there is dry genitalia, a tendency tothrush.

If a woman decides to take Rigevidon without interruption for several years, it is necessary to regularly monitor the indicators of general and biochemical blood tests to prevent serious complications.

To whom reception is forbidden

Rigevidon is not an absolutely safe drug. He has a list of contraindications. The main ones are as follows:

  • disruption of the liver and biliary tract;
  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • with ever recorded migraine attacks;
  • with jaundice, itching of pregnant women with a history of a woman;
  • with epilepsy and mental illness;
  • with thrombosis and thrombophlebitis in a woman and even her close relatives.
Reception after 40 years, and especially during menopause, when smoking, with unspecified bleeding from the vagina.It is not a drug of choice in adolescents with an unsteady menstrual cycle.

What will be the monthly and when to wait for them

Not always after taking Rigevidon, your periods come on time and there are no malfunctions. The body needs time in order to get used to the intake of sex hormones from the outside in a constant amount. After all, usually they stand out in a pulsed mode and the readings differ significantly even during the day.

The next menstrual-like discharge should normally appear after the abolition of the active tablets, while taking dummies. But this does not always happen, and this is allowed. Most often, various disorders occur in the first two to three months of taking oral contraceptives. The following deviations are possible.

  • The beginning of menstruation is still on active tablets. In this case, it is necessary to continue taking until the end of the package or, with the beginning of spotting, make a seven-day break with dummies.
  • Delay after the whole package. Sometimes in the first two to three months during the administration of dummies there may be no bloody discharge, there is nothing pathological in this, but for monitoring, you should undergo a medical examination and be sure to exclude pregnancy (especially if there is nausea, engorgement of the mammary glands).
  • Spotting throughout the cycle. Until the body gets used to the new regime, brownish, mild discharge may periodically appear.
  • Instead of menses, scanty discharge. Very often, while taking hormonal drugs, menstruation becomes very scarce and sometimes only daubs are presented, this is normal.
  • Bleeding on any day of the cycle. In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to prescribe treatment or discontinue the drug, in parallel, you can take any hemostatic drugs (Etamzilat, Ditsinon, "Vikasol"," Ascorutin ","Tranexam»).

The reviews of practicing doctors confirm that all undesirable symptoms pass on the second package, and sometimes they are completely absent.

Imported Miranova Pills


There are complete analogues of the drug in terms of hormonal composition and dose of active substances, but all the options are without adding iron to dummy tablets, for example, Mikroginon.

Of the common drugs with a similar composition, but a different dose, the following can be distinguished:

  • Miranova;
  • "Three-regol";
  • Trikvilar;
  • Triziston.

"Rigevidon" refers to monophasic, low-dose oral contraceptives. It is suitable for young girls with no obvious signs. premenstrual syndrome. Reviews about "Rigevidone" confirm its good tolerance and effectiveness when used according to indications and according to the hormonal status of a woman.

Feedback and Results

I drank it 2 times (with a break). Good dear doctors told me that although he is quite “old”, he is quite good. The feelings on me are quite decent (I tried a lot of others - it didn’t fit). But 2 months ago, my gynecologist prescribed Claira to me. For comparison: rigevidone is somewhere around 100 r. for a month, Klaira - 1000. And now, after 2 months of taking this Klaira, I realized that I’ve got better and better than rigevidone — I used to have a swollen stomach, now there is no swelling at all, I notice that I lost somewhere 2 kg that were accumulated on rigevidone (for me this is not a problem, I'm thin, you can + a couple of kg).

a guest, http://www.woman.ru/health/medley7/thread/4383567/

I have been taking Regivedon for about 10 years, interrupted only for the period of pregnancy and lactation (four years ago), and once a year for a couple of months I take a break. Now on it again. In addition to the fact that the chest hurts and increases during the period of withdrawal (a month and a half), there were no side effects. At the very beginning, when I consulted with a gynecologist, the doctor advised me to “check” the liver and quit smoking once every six months or a year, since there is a big load on the heart together with OK. And that's it .. I’ve been examined every three years - no problems have been identified.But, as I read the comments about Rigevidon, my hair stands on end, and everywhere - what am I taking? !!!)))))) It’s possible that everything is individual, but I consider it (as an experienced “user” “Rigevidon”))) that most of them are overweight, health problems associated with a lifestyle obscene for a person, etc., are attributed to “Rigevidon” - it’s easier for them to justify themselves, justify their own laziness, hence all the “horrors” about side effects.

Lisa 01, http://www.woman.ru/health/medley7/thread/4383567/

I was prescribed when they found a cyst. She took 2 months, as she weighed her 44-45 kg with 166 growth, and I weigh. Like side effects: acne on the cheeks, first on one, then on the other skin and hair are salted. I had acne before one or two before menstruation, and my skin is thin and dry. In a 7-day break between Rigevidon's courses, the face is completely cleansed by itself. But my periods are much easier: I used to ride from the wild pains on the floor, a pack pentalgin ate. Now 2 tablets (one for the first day), monthly 3 days, not a week and as if from a bucket, as before. I even live calmly in the first days of menstruation: I went to university, ate, walked. and usually lay a vegetable, did not eat (toxicosis) ...

Severus Snape, http://www.woman.ru/health/medley7/thread/4383567/

I accept 6 years, before that I tried Novinet and Lindinet 20, there were no side effects: nausea and lack of libido. Regividone personally does not cause any side effects for me, the price is very comfortable. Nothing has changed with the figure. Although I try to still support her, without much effort. Although doctors say that it is too strong for me, I decided to listen to the body.

a guest, http://www.woman.ru/health/medley7/thread/4383567/

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