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Retinol (or retinoic) peeling is performed by a complex composition, which includes the active ingredient retinoic acid and its “helpers”: phytic, azelaic, kojic acid, vitamin C. This method of skin exposure is referred to synthetic chemical peels, unlike natural glycol peels and almond peeling. Its main advantage is surface treatment with a median result, that is, the action of the acid is directed to the upper layer of the epidermis and is slightly traumatic. And the result is manifested in the middle layer, which is responsible for the intensity of cell regeneration.
Features of exposure to retinolic acid
The main active ingredient of the composition has a pronounced yellow color, so the procedure is often called yellow peeling. In terms of its effect on the skin, retinoic acid is close to vitamin A, which awakens the cells and makes them actively divide. Retinoids enhance regenerative processes, stimulate collagen synthesis, improve subcutaneous blood circulation and cleanse the upper dermis from impurities. In this case, moisture is retained in the epidermis and the skin does not dry out.
The most important advantages this peeling:
- minimal trauma - which allows it to be used for patients with thin and sensitive skin;
- stimulating effect on cells, which has a healing and anti-aging effect;
- intensive elimination of pigmentation - as reviews on retinol peeling show, it is he who is the first means of solving this problem.
Indications for the procedure retinological peels are:
- hyperpigmentation;
- age-related changes and photoaging of the skin;
- senile keratomas, acne, post-acne.
The reasons why retinol peeling cannot be performed should be considered. contraindications include:
- periods of pregnancy and lactation,
- individual intolerance to the components of the composition,
- cold sores in the active phase,
- taking medications with retinoids,
- the presence of inflammation of the skin,
- renal failure.
Retinol peeling procedure. Difference before and after
Features of peeling with retinol and reviews about it depend on the type of procedure. There are 2 of its varieties.
- Classic - based on synthetic retinolic acid and has the maximum effectiveness of mid peeling. You can resort to it 2-3 times a year (3 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks), before which 10-day preparation is required.
- Gentle - based on natural retinol, has a soft surface effect and an extremely relative effect. You can do it at least every month and no preparation is needed.
We will talk about the classic retinol peeling procedure, since it has the pronounced restorative effect. It is carried out in 3 stages.
- Preparation - 10 days. Includes daily facial cleansing with formulations with a glycolic acid content of 4 to 20%. It is necessary to soften the skin and open the pores so that retinol acid can penetrate into it as deep as possible.
- Peeling - 30 minutes. Apply 1-10 layers of the active composition to the skin (determined individually), spread with a soft brush. The feeling during the procedure is comfortable: there is no intense burning sensation. Mild tingling may be observed.
- Post-peeling care - between treatments. 3-4 days, the skin will seem tightened, may peel off. To eliminate these effects, moisturizers and masks are recommended. After rejection of the old epidermis, the face will become velvety and tender. About retinol peeling reviews indicate that the result is visible after the first procedure.
Is it possible to perform the procedure at home
Gentle composition and mild effect allow retinol peeling at home. Ready-made products should be used, and before use, carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations. One of the most popular Russian-made products is the Arcadia peeling, which in addition to retinol includes beta-carotene, ascorbic acid and vitamin E.
The technique of the procedure at home differs little from the salon. The day before, it is necessary to treat the face with a solution of glycolic acid, then apply the active substance. After some time (from 30 minutes to 1 hour) you need to remove the composition with a neutralizer. About retinol peeling "Arcadia" reviews say that even after removing the product, the face remains orange (due to the content of beta-carotene): it is washed off with warm water after a few hours. Without appropriate post-peeling care, the skin may become cracked, so it is extremely important to moisturize it intensively and protect it from sun exposure.
However, when carrying out the procedure at home, the possibility of allergic reactions should be taken into account and strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. If you deviate from the requirements, you can get a burn, which can hardly be cured on your own. Look on the Internet for cosmetologists reviews about retinol peelings.
Video: retinol peeling