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The raw material for obtaining funds is burdock large. In common people it is called a burdock, hence the name of the drug. Nothing is squeezed out of the grass itself. Production is carried out by insisting crushed burdock roots in vegetable oil - sunflower, oliveeven almond. The finished composition has healing properties, which we will talk about in detail.
Oil features
The main area of use of the product is hair care. But is the Burdock Oil for eyelashes and eyebrows worse in this respect? Reviews show no. The exposure features are completely identical. So the oil for strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows “Burdock” is rich in fatty acids (palmic and stearic), vitamins and mineral salts. It contains tannins, which are not found in any other eyelash care product. Also “exclusive” is inulin, which is contained in burdock oil for eyelashes and eyebrows.
Reviews of cosmetologists indicate that thanks to this component, the product qualitatively rid the skin of toxins, which, in turn, interfere with the growth of hairs. By cleansing the skin of everything superfluous, the oil additionally nourishes it, improves blood circulation, restores and stabilizes metabolic processes. And they provide high-quality nutrition to the hair follicles, stimulating their growth.
Does it make sense to smear eyelashes with oil and does burdock oil help for eyelash growth? Definitely helps. And it does it no worse than the more expensive peach oil or almond seed. But the tool also has the ability to influence not only the hair follicles, but also the structure of the hairs themselves. The tannins and minerals in it literally glue the cilia, prevent their fragility and delamination. As a result, they look denser, more saturated, have high elasticity. Using such a tool is a pleasure.
How to use burdock oil for eyelashes with maximum benefit and how much to keep? This is also nothing complicated.
- Pour burdock oil for eyelash growth in a separate container - it can be a glass cup or saucer. Since the product is usually delivered in large jars (250 ml each), it is not very convenient to use it for the care of cilia.
- Preheat the composition to a comfortable warm temperature. It is not necessary to do this in a water bath, you can use the microwave. For a minimum amount of funds, 5 seconds in a microwave oven is enough.
- Apply with a cotton swab or cotton pad, taking into account the liquid consistency of burdock oil for eyelashes. The method of application is as follows: distribute the composition from the middle of the hairs to their ends. It is not necessary to apply directly to the eyelids, since the oil itself spreads along the cilia.
- For the convenience of daily use, you can adapt the bottle from the old brasmatik. Thoroughly rinse it from the inside and fill it with syringe with oil for eyelashes “Burdock”. Reviews indicate that applying it with a brush is more accurate and eliminates accidental contact with the eyes. If this happens, be sure to remove it with a cotton pad to avoid inflammation or eye discomfort.
- Leave the product for 40 minutes. After - remove it with a napkin or cotton pad.Blot your eyelids thoroughly so as not to leave the product on them until the morning. In the latter case, the development of swelling is possible.
- The duration of the course is 30 days. It is important to perform the procedure daily, without gaps.
Combined formulations
Reviews of burdock oil for eyelash growth confirm its high effectiveness. The result is manifested within a month. But you can enhance this effect by combining the product with other natural ingredients.
- Vitamin composition. Add 3 drops of vitamins A and E (from capsules) to a tube with burdock oil (approximately 10 ml). Being natural antioxidants, they perfectly stimulate the activity of hair follicles.
- Healing balm. When the product is used to restore eyelashes after building, you can prepare an intensive complex of burdock and castor oils (in equal proportions). Add to them as many drops of vitamin E and freshly squeezed aloe juice. Stir the product and transfer to a glass dish. Apply it daily, avoiding contact with eyes.
Depending on the condition of your cilia, you can create other restorative balms based on burdock oil. Combine it with olive, which rejuvenates the skin of the eyelids, complement the almond, which tightens the structure of the hairs. You can add fish oil to it - an effective moisturizing and nourishing agent. As a result of a monthly course with such drugs, you will get an amazing effect of growth and healing of eyelashes!