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What are the recommendations of doctors on the use of Reduxine? How does Reduxine affect the human body? How much can I take without a break? Could it be harmful and why? What is the best way to take it correctly? Can I drink his coffee?
Sibutramine is not considered a drug - just a potent substance, the use of which requires mandatory medical supervision. It is prescribed exclusively to those who have not been helped by other measures of weight correction. It was assumed that he, like all drugs normalizing weight, will help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease among lovers of a "tight snack", and at first he even gave the desired result. However, with long-term use, its effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels turned out to be worse than atherosclerosis itself, which gave rise to the need to limit the use of Reduxine.
Operating principle
The work of the central nervous system is based on the generation and transmission of electrical impulses from one neuron to another through processes of different lengths and branching - dendrites and axons. Neurotransmitters — mediating substances that facilitate or inhibit the passage of a signal and also preserve for a while the path it has traveled — help transmit such impulses (so that the “response” of the cortex can arrive where the “question” came from). They accumulate in nerve cells in order to be released into the space between them during the passage of a signal in this area.
Temporary "bridges" marking the path of a particular signal are called synapses. A significant part of hormones, including serotonin and norepinephrine, belong to neurotransmitters. These two substances can be re-captured - first secreted to create a synapse with the tip of a nerve cell, which transmits a signal to its "neighbor", and then again absorbed into it. Sibutramine is an inhibitor of the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. It prevents their absorption into the process of the nerve cell after the neurotransmitters have already stood out from it and created a synaptic connection.
Release Forms
Sibutramine is part of not only Reduxine, but also:
- Meridia
- «Goldline»;
- "Obestat";
- The Green Bomb;
- Redusa;
- "Zhuidemena";
- Slimy.
Reduxin also has “intraspecific” variations - a common way to avoid over-the-counter sales restrictions imposed on the drug. The "official" version of it is called "Reduxine" and is sold in packs of ten capsules, in a dosage of 10 mg (blue capsules) or 15 mg (blue capsules). But besides her, there are also Reduxin Light and Reduxin Met.
- Reduxin Light. It is registered as a dietary supplement (not considered a medicine), does not contain sibutramine and is sold without a prescription. The similarity of its name with the anorexigen "Reduxin" is an advertising move of the manufacturer. The basis of "Reduxine Light" is one of the isomers of linoleic acid, which has an antitumor effect, but does not affect the gain / decrease in fat or muscle mass (it has been proved by a number of independent studies in the USA). And the positive reviews about Reduxine Light are explained either by the placebo effect, or by the same advertising.
- Reduxin Met. A mixed preparation, each package of which contains 30 capsules of sibutramine in a dosage of 15 mg and 60metformin tablets 850 mg each. Metformin is an antidiabetic drug - biguanide (a guanidine derivative - a component of goat's medicinal), which blocks the synthesis of glucose in the liver. It is used alone, in the stage of prediabetes and in diabetes mellitus, in combination with insulin compensation. Both components of the drug should be taken at the same time. Reduxin Met is nephro- and hepatotoxic due to the presence of metformin, therefore it is sold only by prescription.
Speaking about which Reduxin is more effective for weight loss, we can only summarize: Reduxin Light does not have any weight-reducing effect. And the use of Reduxine Met for weight loss is relevant if weight gain leads to an increase in insulin resistance and / or blood sugar level of the patient.
Sibutramine was designed from the very beginning as an antidepressant. Then he became one of many drugs refocused on the treatment of completely different diseases, including the “help” to the diet. Until 2008, Reduxin was prescribed from:
- bulimia - Overeating caused by psychogenic injuries, the opposite of anorexia;
- depression - which is often accompanied by a craving for overeating due to the presence of a strong reflex relationship between satiety and a sense of comfort, well-being;
- obesity - all its cases, including those that occur during a hormonal malfunction of a temporary nature (pregnancy, postpartum changes in the background in women, menopause in both sexes), as well as endocrine pathologies like diabetes;
- hypotension - a relatively rare disorder, which is expressed in low blood pressure instead of the typical high hypertension typical of most;
- cardiovascular disease - atherosclerosis and its complications in the form of hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke.
Sibutramine significantly interferes with the central nervous system. This property is its main harm in certain pathologies, accompanied by a set of extra pounds. Bulimia and depression, as mental pathologies with a physiological “continuation,” disappeared from the list of prescriptions of the drug among the first to go into contraindications. “Reduxin” turned out to be a bad antidepressant due to the pronounced “rollback” to insomnia, increased anxiety, suicidal thoughts after a period of serotonin euphoria caused by its intake.
Among the ways of obesity, in which its use is permissible, everything except for overeating “dropped out”.The increase in “Reduxin” speed of blood flow, vascular tone, heart rate and body temperature was initially perceived as a positive property, contributing to the absorption of glucose from food and weight loss. But it turned out that its long-term use also accelerates the wear of the cardiovascular system and the development of atherosclerosis, and brings closer complications. And an overdose of Reduxine can cause arrhythmia and cardiac arrest.
Such damage to the heart and blood vessels is comparable to the long-term effects of atherosclerosis, although initially stimulating their activity suggested a decrease in its rate. Currently, the use of "Reduxine" is contraindicated in the following conditions.
- With gallstone disease. Due to their increased tone and peristalsis of all CNS-controlled organs, including the gall bladder. The use of "Reduxin" in gallstones can provoke their displacement.
- With pathologies of the liver and kidneys. With their obesity, cirrhosis, hepatitis, urolithiasis, nephritis, renal failure. The breakdown and absorption of sibutramine, like other drugs, is carried out mainly by the liver, and its excretion - by the kidneys. The accumulation of its metabolites in the blood can lead to an inadequately strong "acceleration" of the central nervous system with an equally pronounced subsequent inhibition of it.
- With organic obesity. For example, provoked by diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism (a decrease in the production of thyroxine and triiodothyronine by the thyroid gland).
- With neurological disorders. With Tourette’s syndrome, tics, neurasthenia.
- In combination with mental illness. For example, with paranoia, manic-depressive psychosis.
- With epilepsy and schizophrenia. By origin, they are closer to neurological disorders, but directly affect the psyche, and therefore are studied in more detail in psychiatry. In the practice of Reduxin therapy, one case was recorded when it led to the development of psychosis in a patient with schizoaffective disorder.
- With developed atherosclerosis. Symptoms of which are hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke and myocardial infarction.
- With pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. With heart defects, arrhythmias, varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis. "Reduxin" constricts blood vessels and can lead to a violation of the heart rhythm, therefore, its reception in the presence of blood clots may result in clogging of vessels of various diameters.
- With glaucoma. Due to increased arterial and capillary pressure during treatment with sibutramine.
- With prostate adenoma. And also with precancer, cancer, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and fibromyoma. The activation of blood circulation provoked by the drug in such neoplasms can activate their growth and malignancy (turning into cancer).
- During pregnancy. And breastfeeding. Weight loss when planning pregnancy, in general, is a dubious undertaking. To conceive and successfully bear a child, a woman needs a stable estrogen background, and the accumulation and metabolism of female sex hormones occurs in the fat cells of the body. This means that before conceiving, it is wiser for a woman to gain a few extra pounds than throw them off.
Reduxine is also not recommended for children and adolescents, the elderly, especially those suffering from senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease. It is not suitable for the prevention of obesity or other diseases, and is strictly prohibited for use in alcoholism and / or drug addiction. The simultaneous use of sibutramine with alcohol does not affect the dynamics of intoxication or a hangover. But this incompatibility applies to all antidepressants, antipsychotics, and drugs that regulate the central nervous system.
Side effects
The list of side effects of Reduxine is no less than the list of its contraindications. The drug can provoke:
- sleep disorders
- dry mouth
- headaches;
- unreasonable anxiety, nervousness;
- Depression
- suicidal thoughts;
- Dizziness
- leg cramps;
- changes in taste perception;
- back pain;
- increased sweating and hot flashes;
- tachycardia;
- hypertension, up to a crisis;
- acceleration of the pulse and contractions of the heart;
- loss of appetite, up to anorexia;
- acute constipation;
- nausea and vomiting
- increased hemorrhoidal bleeding.
Instructions for use "Reduxin"
To drink "Reduxin" for weight loss should be once a day, before meals or after. Taking any drugs after eating is preferable because of their irritating effect on the digestive tract and the risk of developing gastritis when used on an empty stomach. The daily dosage of Reduxin tablets is individual and can be adjusted in accordance with the response of the body to therapy. The treatment regimens for obesity are as follows.
- Standard. Most often, patients are prescribed 10 g of sibutramine per day.
- Poor tolerance. In case of side effects or a general deterioration in well-being, the dosage can be reduced to 5 g per day, and the patient should be transferred to the drug only after eating.
- Poor performance. If the patient loses on Reduxine less than 5% of the current weight per month, the dose is increased to 15 mg per day. Officially, this is the limit of the allowable daily dose of the drug. And if the rate of weight loss still leaves much to be desired, it is more reasonable to cancel it than to increase the dosage further.
The use of Reduxine should also be discontinued if, after a period of weight loss, the patient began to gain it (that is, with continued use of the drug).
Reduxin has few safer analogues. Among the “candidates” with an understandable composition and principle of action, the following funds can be distinguished.
- Orlistat. The active substance in the composition of "Orsotena"With the same low efficiency as that of Reduxin (5% of the total body weight per month is a bit). Orlistat blocks the digestion and absorption of vegetable and animal fats from food. It can be an effective means of controlling diet and weight among fat lovers, especially foods rich in hybrid fats - made on the basis of spread or margarine (shortbread cookies, puffs, other factory-made buns).
- Metformin. The same as in the Reduxine Met. It is sold separately under the names Siofor,Glucophage". The effect of it during weight loss is significantly higher than that of sibutramine or orlistat, due to its inhibition of glucose synthesis in the liver. It helps diabetics to control blood sugar, and those who lose weight can help control the amount of carbohydrates absorbed by the body from food. Its only drawback is a side effect on several organs of the digestive tract, including the liver, which rarely disappears after its cancellation.
- Non-digestible fillers. Fiber or a remedy called Porziola.Plant fiber is not digested and is not absorbed - because the intestines and seeks to remove it as soon as possible, which leads to the normalization of stool. When taken with food, it occupies part of the volume of the stomach and intestines, accelerating saturation with its own zero calorie content. Her intake is prohibited for gastritis, duodenitis and peptic ulcer due to high irritating properties. And "Porziola" consists of the same non-digestible gelling agent - carbomer of polyacrylic acid. The principle of its action is similar to fiber. Reception "Porziola" allows not overeating and does not irritate the foci of inflammation / ulceration, if any. But this drug also has laxative properties, causes increased gas formation and dysbiosis with prolonged use. Although both side effects are reversible immediately after the withdrawal of the drug.
The shortage in the market of licensed and effective means for losing weight is explained by the fact that such drugs do not exist without side effects. And they are all created for cases where the benefits of their direct action exceed the potential harm. The desire to improve your figure and weight indicators, if they are not catastrophic, are not of this number. The best method in such situations is to align the calorie content of the daily diet with the consumption of incoming carbohydrates. And to take for this purpose Reduxin diet pills or any medicine with a similar effect is considered reckless by medicine.