Delicious sea buckthorn jam🥣

This article details how to make delicious and delicious sea buckthorn jam with your own hands. Having carefully studied the recipe, you will find out in what proportions it is necessary to mix berries with sugar, so that as a result a non-fat, aromatic and very useful treat is obtained. Among other things, you will additionally get acquainted with a simple recipe for this treat, which does not require cooking ingredients.

50 min
160 kcal
10 servings
Medium difficulty
Delicious sea buckthorn jam🥣

Kitchen appliances and utensils

  • pan from 5 liters;
  • paper towels;
  • wooden spoon;
  • kitchen scales and other measuring accessories;
  • electric furnace;
  • sterilized jars with lids.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg
  • bottled water - 50 ml

Step cooking

  1. We carefully sort through 1 kg of sea buckthorn, removing leaves, twigs, as well as rotted, immature or overripe berries. Thoroughly rinse the selected product with cold tap water, and then dry it on paper towels. thoroughly wash sea buckthorn
  2. Pour sea buckthorn into a suitable pan, after which we add 1.5 kg of granulated sugar and 50 ml of bottled water. You can exclude the addition of water, then fill the berries with sugar, mix and leave in this form at room temperature for 2-3 hours. During this time, sea buckthorn will start up juice, and water will not be needed. we fill sea buckthorn with sugar
  3. We send the pan to the fire, where with active and constant stirring, bring the berry mass to a boil. put the pan on the fire
  4. From the moment of boiling, boil the jam on low heat for half an hour, periodically stirring it so that the sea buckthorn does not burn. During cooking, be sure to remove the white foam formed on the surface. If you cook sea buckthorn without using water, then boil the jam for no more than 20 minutes. remove the foam from the jam
  5. In the finished jam, sea buckthorn berries should become transparent, and the syrup - pronounced amber. We spread the prepared jam on pre-sterilized jars and tightly cork them with nylon or iron lids. pour jam into jars
  6. Wrap the jam in a warm blanket and allow it to cool completely, after which we transfer it to a cool place for long-term storage. sea ​​buckthorn jam
Did you know? There is another very simple way to make sea buckthorn jam without boiling. To do this, sort, rinse and dry the berries. Then pass the sea buckthorn through a meat grinder and mix with sugar, based on this calculation: for 1 kg of sea buckthorn, take 1.3-1.5 sugar. Arrange the resulting berry mass in sterilized jars and store this treat in the refrigerator.

Video recipe

The video provided covers from beginning to end the whole procedure for cooking sea buckthorn jam according to the above recipe.

Sea buckthorn jam made according to the described recipe is notable for its simplicity in preparation and the presence of a huge amount of substances useful for the body. Amazingly rich aroma, sophisticated unforgettable taste and indescribably appetizing, chic look of this treat will not leave indifferent any taster. Enjoy your meal!
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