Pitted prune jam in 4 variations and a classic recipe from raw raw materials

Disputes about the benefits of candied fruits and dried apricots do not subside for a second. But nobody is ready to dispute the value of prunes. This is the only dried fruit that is appreciated and loved in every corner of the globe. Doctors do not question its beneficial effect on the human body, and connoisseurs and gourmets are inspired to enjoy an unusual sour product with a smack of smoke. Don't know how to make a child eat a berry or two? Prepare prune jam for the winter: you won’t drag the crumbs from the outlet with the delicacy!

4 hours
10 servings
Medium difficulty
Pitted prune jam in 4 variations and a classic recipe from raw raw materials

People have been harvesting prunes since the 6th century AD. Initially, they began to do this in Asia. But to Russia, fruit tree seedlings reached much later - only in the XVII century. "Hungarian" - this is the name of the plum variety used to make prunes, among the people. In the 19th century, this fruit tree was the main one in Hungary. That's why it got such a "national" name. Hungarian plum gives elongated fruits. They are juicy, with a minimum of moisture. Due to the small water content during drying, the dried fruit remains sufficiently dense and fleshy, which no other plum can boast of.

In the old days, plums were not removed from the branches. Gardeners waited for the fruit to wither nature itself. Collected only pretty wrinkled under the sun's rays fruits that fell to the ground.

The use of berries "with a smoke"

Prunes have a number of contraindications. People with diabetes should not get carried away with dried fruit. It will not bring benefits to those who have excess weight. In 100 g of the product - 240 kcal. Prunes in large quantities are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers. It has a pronounced laxative property and can cause intestinal disorders in the newborn. The nutritional value of dried plums is shown in the table. The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is indicated per 100 g of product.

Table - Nutritional Information of Prunes

SubstancesContent, gEnergy value, kcal% Percentage

Prunes contain a large amount of ballast substances. They are probably heard by those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These substances help the stomach and intestines to cope with the functions entrusted to them, control and stimulate the activity of these organs and the system as a whole. The table will tell you about other health benefits of dried plums.

Table - Useful properties of prunes

Organ or system Act
Cardiovascular system- Normalizes pressure;
- prevents the formation of blood clots;
- provides vascular elasticity;
- participates in hematopoietic function
Oral cavity- Kills bacteria in the oral cavity;
- heals wounds in the tongue and palate
Organs of vision- It is a prophylactic against diseases of the organs of vision;
- normalizes intraocular pressure;
- contains a large amount of vitamin A necessary for the eyes
Nervous system- Increases resistance to stress;
- normalizes sleep;
- restores the proper level of performance
Leather- Provides elasticity to the skin;
- saturates with vitamins the largest organ of the body in area;
- normalizes skin color;
- returns blush;
- has anti-aging properties

For patients who suffer from flatulence and constipation, doctors recommend eating five to six berries of prunes and a couple of fruits of dates a day. This will help restore the health of the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the quality of digestion of food.

Due to the content of amino acids, prunes from a delicacy turn into a medicine for vitamin deficiency and a powerful natural stimulator of the immune system.

Prunes on a plate

Prune jam for the winter with seeds ...

Feature. The recipe for prune jam with pits allows you to cook a dish with a unique aroma reminiscent of fresh almonds. The jam smell owes a peculiar smell to the core of the fruit, which is not taken out, but left inside the fruit. True, in this whole story there is one significant “but”. Unhealthy substances may be contained inside the nucleoli. Having prepared prune jam with seeds, it is advisable to eat it within eight weeks from the time of canning. After about two months, the plum flesh will begin to absorb the contents of the kernel and it will no longer be possible to “separate the grains from the chaff”: eating fruits wrapped in syrup will have to be absorbed with harmful “baggage”.

Test purchase:

  • prunes - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.75 kg.

We are acting step by step

  1. We wash each berry individually under running water, put it on a clean kitchen towel, let it drain, and then wipe it dry with a cotton cloth.
  2. Using a toothpick, we make several holes in each berry so that the sugar penetrates into the fruit faster.
  3. We spread dried fruits in a wide aluminum bowl, we add sugar to it and leave it for three hours so that the products “get married”.
  4. Turn on the stove. We bring the contents of the container to a boil, increase the heat to the maximum and boil the ingredients for five minutes, constantly stirring so that the dried fruits do not stick to the bottom of the aluminum dishes, eliminating the foam from the surface of the future jam as necessary.
  5. We pack jam prepared without water in previously sterilized jars, cover with sterilized metal lids and roll it up using a special canning key.
From the specified number of products, you get about 2.5 liters of ready-made jam. Therefore, five cans with a volume of 0.5 liters each should be enough for packaging.

... and pitted

If you intend to store the workpiece for the whole winter, or maybe longer, the dried plum will have to be cleaned before cooking. For this, the product must be steamed with boiling water. According to the standards, pitted prune jam “lives” 24 months. But practice shows that at home, a fragrant delicacy in a glass jar under a tin lid sometimes lasts much longer.


Feature. "Five-minute" is what the people call this dessert. Not because it cooks quickly, but because the products can be cooked several times in five minutes. This is one of the simplest dried prune jam recipes. If you act strictly according to the specified algorithm, you will end up with a thick and viscous product. This consistency of jam in this case is considered the most correct. According to a similar recipe, you can close jam from prunes for the winter. To do this, grind the mixture of syrup and fruits before extreme heat treatment, and the cooking process is slightly extended. This will increase the viscosity of the sweet mixture.

Test purchase:

  • dried seedless plum - 1 kg;
  • drinking water without gas - two and a half glasses;
  • granulated sugar - 1.25 kg.

We are acting step by step

  1. Pour water into an aluminum wide container and place it on a stove. Gradually pour granulated sugar into the water, constantly stir and turn the liquid contents into a thick sugar syrup.
  2. Filter the finished syrup through a fine sieve or large gauze and put it on the stove again to boil.
  3. We send dried fruits into it and make sure that they drown with a head in a viscous liquid. Remove the pelvis from the fire and forget about it for 180 minutes.
  4. After we put the container on the fire and boil it, stirring constantly, for about five minutes. Again, remove and forget about jam for three hours.
  5. After three hours, we repeat the five-minute cooking again, and after it again for 180 minutes we leave the container with the future delicacy alone.
  6. The last time we boil over high heat for five minutes.Intending to make jam, before this cooking we grind the berries in syrup using a food processor or blender.
  7. We pack in prepared sterilized jars and preserve in the traditional way.
Pre-sterilize jars using a water bath or oven. In the first case, each can of 0.5 l should be kept on steam for 12-15 minutes. In the second, the container must spend a similar period of time in an oven preheated to 200aboutC.

Plum jam in the jar


Feature. The role of chocolate in this recipe is played by cocoa powder. If you or your family love chocolate cakes, pastries and candy bars, treat your family and yourself to this unusual-tasting jam. In fact, this is a liquid version of the famous prunes in chocolate - sweets that have won the hearts of many sweet tooth of the country. The main ingredient, after removing the seeds, is crushed in a blender and already in crushed form is introduced into the composition of the future treat. Cooking jam is more convenient in a slow cooker. A non-stick multicooker bowl will prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom.

Test purchase:

  • peeled prunes - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • cocoa powder - 50 g;
  • butter - 100 g.

We are acting step by step

  1. Prune, turned into porridge using a blender, we fill in the indicated amount of sugar and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. We turn on the multicooker in the “Cooking” mode and, without closing the lid and constantly stirring, heat-treat the mixture of sugar and fruits for half an hour.
  3. We cut the butter into cubes and together with the cocoa powder we send it “to the common pot”. Mix the dish thoroughly and extend the cooking for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Turn off the electric assistant, lay out the dessert in sterilized jars and preserve with the key.
The temperature regime of storage depends on the amount of sugar in the composition of the dessert. If little sugar has been added, it is best to keep the jam in a refrigerator. If a lot, cans can be safely put on a shelf in the pantry: room temperature will not reduce the shelf life of the product prepared for the winter.


Feature. Prune jam with walnuts for the winter will not go unnoticed on the holiday table. Its highlight in a light almond-chocolate aroma. Moreover, neither almonds, nor chocolate are in the list of ingredients. The unusual smell of the dessert is due to cognac. Alcohol does not make food taboo for children. Its minimum content will not harm the children's body, but the taste of the dish will significantly improve.

Test purchase:

  • prunes cleared of nucleoli - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 750 g;
  • peeled walnuts - 100 g;
  • brandy or brandy - 20 ml.

We are acting step by step

  1. We divide the fruits into halves, cutting them along the axis, fill with sugar (use 375 g - half of the volume indicated in the recipe) and forget about them for 60 minutes.
  2. Using a knife, finely chop the kernels of walnuts, pour them with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes so that they are saturated with moisture and infused.
  3. We shift the prunes, covered with sugar into the dishes suitable for the preparation of the dessert, put on the fire and in medium mode, stirring constantly, boil the mixture for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. Add the remaining sugar, mix and, continuing to work with a spoon or spatula, cook for another half hour.
  5. Pour brandy (or cognac) into the container with the dessert, remove the dishes from the heat and proceed to packaging.
  6. We fill the sterilized jars with aromatic contents and preserve with a key.


Feature. Prune jam with pumpkin - the choice of fans of spicy desserts. This recipe contains the largest number of auxiliary ingredients and stands out from the rest with its oriental taste. From the amount of products indicated below, approximately 2 liters of dessert will be obtained. Experienced housewives advise filling the delicacy in miniature jars of 250-300 ml so that a portion of open jam does not stagnate in the refrigerator, but is eaten right away - with pancakes, pancakes or pancakes. Some housewives use pulp of zucchini as an alternative to pumpkin.Others take these products in a 1: 1 ratio (500 g pumpkin pulp and 500 g squash). If desired, you can add one or two finely chopped and peeled sweet and sour apples with a pumpkin, which will serve as a taste regulator.

Test purchase:

  • pumpkin pulp - 1 kg;
  • raw prunes - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g;
  • nutmeg - 1 g;
  • cinnamon powder - 1 g;
  • vanillin - 2 g.

We are acting step by step

  1. The pumpkin pulp, peeled, cut into medium-sized cubes. Approximate size - 1 cm.
  2. We clean the dried plum from the nucleoli and cut into thin longitudinal strips.
  3. Mix pumpkin pulp and prunes in one bowl, add granulated sugar and forget about their existence for 180 minutes.
  4. Three hours later, put the container with the future dessert on the fire, bring to a boil and do not remove from the stove for ten minutes.
  5. We remove the dishes from the fire, allow to cool and go about our business for another eight hours.
  6. After that, we bring the dessert to a boil again and for ten minutes we heat-treat the sugar-fruit mixture.
  7. Remove from heat, add spices and vanilla, mix thoroughly and cover the jam with gauze or a thin cotton towel, leave it for another 60 minutes.
  8. After an hour, boil for five minutes and pack on prepared glass containers.
It is convenient to cook prune jam in a bread machine. Such kitchen units are equipped with a special mode for cooking canned desserts, which greatly simplifies the culinary process. You can vitaminize the already useful composition of the dish by adding hawthorn to the main ingredient. A handful or two. But small children should not be offered such a treat, as the small berries of the prickly shrub contain hard bones inside.

Grapes are often added to plum jam. But in a dessert made from prunes, translucent berries look out of place. However, this does not mean that giving the dish a fresh taste will fail. Pitted five-minute prune jam for the winter can be supplemented with zest. It is enough to scroll the orange through a meat grinder and introduce it into the dessert at the stage of the last cooking a couple of minutes before turning off the stove. Any other recipe can be improved in the same way - an orange fruit will not only improve the taste of the dessert, but also extend its shelf life, partially taking on the function of a preservative.

Prunes and Fresh Plums

Reviews: "Thick and fragrant"

I found this recipe in the magazine "Preparations for the winter." There, this jam is made from plums. But I like prunes more, that's why I made of it. The taste of cocoa is not very bright, just right. And the smell of vanilla is very out of place. I cooked for 1 kg for the sample, so much of everything I did. 4 kg of prunes; 2 kg of sugar (you don’t need to add sugar anymore, it turns out sweet); 10 tbsp cocoa; 3 sachets of vanilla sugar. Sprinkle prunes (or plums) without seeds with half sugar, leave for a day. Add 1 kg of sugar, 10 tbsp of cocoa, after boiling, cook for 1 hour over low heat, stirring occasionally. At the end of cooking, add vanilla sugar. Arrange hot on the banks, roll up.

Naktasha, https://gotovim-doma.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18577

Good day to all. In order for the jam to be not liquid, try not to pour out all the sugar at once, but to add some part during cooking then it will definitely not be liquid. Yesterday I cooked jam according to this principle from peaches (they were hard) without water, so the thick jam turned out.

Helena, http://foto-recepti.ru/konservirovanie/recepty-varenja/197-varene-iz-slivy.html

I cooked prune jam before with water, and recently I tried it according to the first recipe, which, with stones, without water, turned out to be much tastier. The jam seems to be with pectin, so thick and fragrant! And whole slices of plums, not boiled! Thanks for the recipe!

Jam lover http://foto-recepti.ru/konservirovanie/recepty-varenja/197-varene-iz-slivy.html

But butter confuses me a little, I just can’t imagine its taste in jam. But I already bought a plum. I'll try to do it by reducing the ingredients in half. For trial. In general, I always do this when I prepare some kind of preservation for the first time. So if you don’t like it, it was not a pity to throw it away.

Berezka, https://www.chef.com.ua/recepty/konservatsiya/izumitelnoe-varene-chernosliv-v-shokolade-1964.html#.WoGz0ejFJPY

And for prunes in chocolate I chose this recipe: for 5 kg ripe plums: 2.5 kg of sugar, 3 tbsp. l cocoa, dark chocolate bar and 2 packets of vanilla sugar. about half a glass of warm boiled water (see how much juice the drain gives.) Wash the plum, separate from the seeds and let stand for about 1 hour. after that, the whole mass is punched well with a blender or twisted in a meat grinder. add sugar, mix and let stand for another hour, so that more sugar dissolves. if it is very cool, add water. pour in cocoa and stir well. bring to a boil, but do not boil.! allow to cool completely and bring to a boil again. and boil for 15 minutes. Cool slightly and add broken chocolate and vanilla sugar. mix well and boil again on fire for 15 minutes and immediately pour over the jars and cork. under a fur coat before cooling!

svetamamapp, https://www.asienda.ru/post/22449/

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