The classic recipe for Caesar sauce: simple, fashionable, delicious

Caesar salad is presented in the menu of trendy restaurants, it is considered one of the top dishes. The secret of popularity lies in an unusual dressing, which is important to prepare in accordance with an authentic recipe. Or as close as possible. The recipe for Caesar sauce was invented by an Italian in America, and in practice is not as complicated as it might seem.

5 minutes
1 serving
Very easy to cook
Classic Caesar Sauce Recipe: Simple, Fashionable, Delicious

This dressing with its delicate, barely perceptible, garlic smell and a beautiful yellowish color won many hearts. The sauce is so original that today it is served with almost any dish, and not just as a dressing for the salad of the same name. They do the same with the ingredients - they replace the unlovers with their loved ones, and those that are not in the refrigerator, with other suitable ones. If you learn to cook Caesar sauce correctly, then you will have a culinary recipe “for all occasions” in your arsenal, and it is very easy to do. Such a salad is suitable for those who adhere to paragraphs.

What you need to know about refueling in Caesar

In many countries, Caesar salad has the same meaning as Olivier in the former USSR. Not a single celebration is complete without it. Those who follow calorie content and nutrition quality love it. Properly prepared dressing is the key to the success of the dish. She gives sophistication to taste.

History of creation

Caesar Cardini completely unexpectedly prepared a salad and sauce for him from what was found in the refrigerator. He did not even think at that moment what his impromptu would lead to. It happened less than a century ago - in 1924. Everyone who tasted it liked the sauce so much that the cook patented it under the name “Cardini”. The familiar name for the sauce was acquired later.

It is noteworthy that there were no fish or meat components in the original recipe. It was later that there were variations with shrimp, chicken and others. The classic recipe for Caesar sauce has undergone changes from year to year. In different places, different chefs have their own versions of this gas station.

Caesar's brother Alex tried to make his own changes to the recipe, which the author did not like. Later, Alex Cardini began to prepare his salad with Caesar dressing, but already making amendments. Initially, the salad was eaten by hand, but along with the recipe, the presentation of the dish also changed.

About the benefits ...

For those who need to eat quality food, Caesar salad deserves special attention. If all the products are natural and properly cooked, then the dish will be worthy.

  • Lettuce. Enrich Caesar with folic acid, vitamins K and C, as well as carotene.
  • Lemon. It is useful in vitamin C. The product is not thermally processed, which means the substance is not destroyed.
  • Garlic. It has a positive effect on blood pressure, strengthens the immune system and lowers blood cholesterol.
  • Cheese. Provides a large amount of complete animal protein, as well as trace elements - this is phosphorus and calcium.
  • Olive oil. It contains vitamin E, which provides antioxidant protection, improves the condition of hair and nails, and prevents the development of cancer.
  • Hen. Or seafood is a protein with essential amino acids.
The total calorie content of the salad is not the smallest. On average, one serving enriches the diet by 500 kcal. But the matter is not so much in calorie content as in digestibility. All ingredients are easy to digest. This is a balanced meal option.

... and about the dangers

The use of sauce and salad can only be harmful in three cases.

  1. Allergy. On any ingredient. This is easily fixable - ask not to add it to the dish.
  2. Substandard products. They not only spoil the taste, but can also cause poisoning.
  3. Mustard and garlic. They can trigger an attack of pain or discomfort in people with digestive problems.

Recipe for Caesar Sauce: Original

Features. So, how to make Caesar dressing for Caesar salad? The sauce contains a simple composition of ingredients, including seasoning. All ingredients for Caesar sauce, including eggs, must be at room temperature. Therefore, take them out about an hour before cooking from the refrigerator. Eggs must be lightly welded in advance. To do this, pour a little water into a small saucepan or stewpan, salt and put on fire. Without bringing the water to a boil a little, you need to put eggs in it and immediately turn off the fire. Let the eggs lie in the water for exactly one minute and get it. Then you need to cool them and you can use them.


  • olive oil (preferably not the first extraction) - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice - one tablespoon;
  • Dijon mustard - two teaspoons;
  • eggs - four pieces;
  • garlic - one clove;
  • Worcester (aka Worcester or Worcestershire sauce) - two teaspoons;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ground pepper (preferably freshly ground) - on the tip of a knife;
  • Parmesan, grated, two tablespoons.

How to prepare a fill

  1. Grate the garlic (or chop in another way) in a deep bowl.
  2. Add the Worcester sauce to the garlic.
  3. There mustard, salt and pepper.
  4. Then parmesan (it is he who gives the cheese flavor to the sauce).
  5. Knead the eggs (or beat, if possible) in a separate bowl and add here.
  6. Add lemon juice in a bowl to the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Using a whisk (well, or whatever is convenient), stir everything to a homogeneous mass.
  8. A thin stream, without ceasing to whisk, add oil.
Playing a Caesar sauce recipe at home is pretty easy. Pour salad dressing before serving. For a serving of salad, 50 g of the finished sauce is used. Caesar sauce should be similar in density to mayonnaise. If it came out liquid, then the proportion of products is violated. In this case, try adding some more cheese.

Substitution of ingredients

In the pursuit of new tastes, the ingredients often change. Although, sometimes this happens spontaneously, for example, when there is no one of the components:

  • Dijon mustard - it is often replaced with grain or French mustard;
  • eggs cooked in a special way - replaced with hard-boiled yolks, or made without eggs;
  • Worcester sauce - soya is taken instead.

You can and even need to try different options in order to find for yourself exactly that recipe. As an option - sauce with anchovies. They are crushed into gruel and added to the rest of the ingredients.

One of the fastest recipes is to mix mayonnaise with Worcester sauce, garlic and lemon juice. There is a more dietary option - from sour cream with garlic, mustard and pickled cucumbers. Gourmet hint - capers sauce instead of cucumbers.

Quail eggs completely replace chicken ones. Natural yogurt can be an excellent substitute for sour cream or mayonnaise.

You can store the finished Caesar sauce in the refrigerator, but it is undesirable for it to stand for more than four days. After the sauce has stood for at least a couple of hours, it will become even tastier. Therefore, it is preferable to cook it in advance.

Some housewives, who consider waste of food waste, manage to freeze the sauce. After defrosting, the taste will change, so it is better to use it fresh. Do not be lazy to cook fresh dressing every time, especially since following the step-by-step recipe for Caesar sauce, it is very simple to do.

Reviews and recommendations

And I usually make the sauce for Caesar very simple - I mix only three ingredients - mayonnaise, mustard and soy sauce. It is very fast, affordable and easy. The most important thing is that soy sauce should be without any additives, otherwise it may not be what is expected to happen.


The sauce is very original and delicious. Not only Worcestersk was found. sauce. Used wine vinegar. I would never have guessed about anchovies, but they are really very appropriate there, I do not recommend excluding them. The sauce made in an ordinary combine harvester a special whisk for whipping mayonnaise and proteins. Of course, he was not like mayonnaise, but it turned out like sour cream.In my opinion, enough for salad dressing. Caesar was great.

un Soleil,

Other salad recipes

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