Pike - a festive delicacy
In Russia, the pike of the housewives was not surprising. The river predator was present on the tables not only of the rich, but also of the poor. Ear was cooked from it, fried and baked. And few triumphs in the royal mansions did without stuffed pike, in the thick skin of which they stuffed fish juicy meat with onions and eggs.
Today, the fish is not so popular, because the prices for it bite no worse than pike teeth. Most often it appears on the tables of fishermen. Or used as a festive delicacy, such as carp, baked in the oven, or real Kerch herring. Therefore, if the pike is still at your culinary disposal, do not miss the opportunity to cook it deliciously! And for this, remember a few basic rules of "work" with fish.
How to cook pike
The taste of fish depends on its age, time of catch and habitat, so read our tips.
- Do not use a copy weighing more than 4 kg for cooking. Usually these are old individuals, the meat of which strongly gives away mud. But if nevertheless your husband caught a 7-pound whopper, 3-4 hours before cooking, gut it and put a couple of cut lemons inside. They will remove the unpleasant odor. You can also withstand the carcass in salted or spicy brine.
- Discard the fish caught in a small, silted pond. Its "amber" is almost impossible to remove.
- The perfect taste will give you a pike caught in late autumn. During this period, individuals feed a maximum supply of fat, and their meat is especially juicy.
- There are many recipes for making pike.: fried, baked, boiled, stuffed ... The fish will be tasty even in the absence of special culinary experience, if you use lemon and onions in combination with it.
- Before cooking, it is necessary to clean the carcass of scales, remove the fins, tail, head (if you do not plan to bake it whole). In large fish, the ridge and large bones must also be removed. They and their heads can be left for cooking fish soup, and fins with a tail to use for fish soup is undesirable.
Delicious recipes for fried pike
The easiest way to cook a pike is to fry it! We offer you 3 simple recipes that will appeal to your loved ones.
Fried pike in sour cream
You will need:
- pike weighing 1-2 kg,
- 3 onions,
- 300 ml sour cream
- half a lemon
- salt and spices
- vegetable oil.
- Cut and mill fish. Cut the fillet into pieces 5 cm wide.
- Sprinkle the fillet with lemon juice, grate with salt, pepper and spices (a mixture of herbs is suitable for pickling fish). Leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
- Peel and chop the onion rings. The lemon whose juice you used also cut into rings.
- Heat vegetable oil in a pan and fry the fish over high heat. Spread the pieces skin down and hold until golden brown.
- Turn the slices over and lay onion rings and lemon on top of them. After 5 minutes, pour sour cream into the pan (if it is liquid, dilute it with water or milk).
- Close the lid tightly, bring the mass to a boil, reduce the heat. Stew the fish for 30 minutes.
Fried pike in batter
You will need:
- pike weighing 1-2 kg,
- 2 tablespoons of flour and mayonnaise,
- 2 eggs,
- salt pepper.
- Cut and wash the pike, cut into portions (4-5 cm wide).
- Sprinkle them with salt and pepper, leave to soak for 15-20 minutes.
- Prepare the batter: mix the eggs and mayonnaise, add the flour.
- Heat a pan with vegetable oil.Dip the pieces in batter and fry over medium heat until golden brown. The fish will be ready if you hold each side in the pan for 3-4 minutes.
Fried pike with onions
There are many recipes for cooking fried pike with onions. Someone recommends to cook separately fish and onions, and arrange them already in a plate. Someone thinks that a slightly fried fish will be ideal, on which you need to pour a raw onion and bake for 10-15 minutes in the oven. And we offer the most delicious, in our opinion, dish in which the tastes of pike and onion are combined to a greater extent.
So you will need:
- pike weighing 1-2 kg,
- onion - 2 times less than the weight of pike,
- 3-4 tablespoons of flour
- salt pepper.
- Butcher and rinse the fish. Dry, mix with salt and pepper, leave to soak for 15 minutes.
- Peel and finely chop the onion.
- Heat the vegetable oil and fry the onion until golden brown.
- Heat the oil in another pan. Roll the slices of pike in flour (it is convenient to do this in a plastic bag) and place in a pan. When one side is gold-plated, turn the fish over and lay the fried onions on top. Bring the pike to readiness for 3-4 minutes.
How and with what to give pike
A delicious fried pike, the recipes of which you just learned, will be appropriate on a casual and festive table. Serve it hot, immediately after cooking. And if you stewed it in sour cream or fried with onions, be sure to cover the pieces of fish with the resulting sauce. Fresh or boiled vegetables (for example, in the form of mashed potatoes), as well as all types of cereals: buckwheat, rice, wheat, are suitable as a side dish.
You see, the main river predator is not so scary! Try to fry it and appreciate the original taste of delicious fish.
Video recipes: fried pike